Vim interrupted after shell command - vim

I don't get why when I type something like :
:! bash -ic 'p4 diff %:p'
My Vim get interrupted and I get
[3]+ Stopped vim ~/.vimrc
as a consequence I have to put that job in foreground to see the effect of the command.
Do you know how can I solve this annoying issue ?

You are telling Vim to run an interactive command so it has no choice but to suspend itself to allow you to do what you want.
It's hard to be sure without more information about your setup but this command:
:!p4 diff %:p
should be enough to run p4 diff on the the current file without side-effects.


Cygwin terminal input disappearing after quitting vim

Using Cygwin, I tried creating and editing a file in Vim:
touch test | vim
This is obviously a mistake; something like vim "$(touch test)" has a better chance of actually working. Nevertheless, this command throws the error:
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal.
And after this, Vim opens and I exit the program with :q. Any subsequent commands I enter into the terminal are hidden from view until I restart Cygwin.
Why is this?
You don't understand what does a pipe | do in shell.
Pipe will take the pervious command's stdout as stdin to next command, in a subshell.
Your touch foo doesn't generate any output, what do you expect to happen? same for vim "$(touch test)".
If you want to create a file and open it in vim in one shot, you can try:
touch foo && vim foo
If you want to edit it with vim anyway, actually, you can simply just:
vim foo
then save the buffer after your editing.

vimdiff immediately becomes stopped job, crashes terminal when I try to fg it, but works with GUI

SOLVED: the problem was this line in my .vimrc:
set shell=/bin/bash\ -li
UPDATE: it appears the problem is due to my .vimrc (renaming the .vimrc to 'hide' it fixed the problem), so it probably has nothing to do with Mint.
I'm running Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon. When I run vim -d file otherversion in the terminal, I get a blank screen with
"otherversion" 18L, 218C
[1]+ Stopped vim -d file otherversion
user#machine:~/path/to/directory$ ;2R
If I do fg 1 that terminal window just closes. Also, there's no blinking cursor, though I am able to type. Same with vimdiff instead of vim -d. I've tried multiple distributions of vim, some that include the GUI, some that don't.
However, with versions that do include the GUI, if I run vim -d -g file otherversion, it works as expected.
I'd rather not depend on gvim to use vimdiff.
Any advice?
If you need an interactive bash shell (to get your bash aliases for instance), use this code in your .vimrc instead of removing the option:
if &diff == 'nodiff'
set shellcmdflag=-ic
This will only enable the interactive bash shell when not running vimdiff, so that you will have you bash aliases when running vim.
After removing the following line from my .vimrc, the problem went away:
set shell=/bin/bash\ -li
Thanks to comment from #FDinoff, the same problem at my end got solved.
The problem was "bash" command in my ~/.cshrc.
I had put that to avoid entering into bash every time after login. It was working fine until this issue started coming whenever I used to open vimdiff.
Removing ~/.vimrc didn't help me either. Then I read comment from FDinoff. There, he suggested that it could be related to shell, if "less" and "man" have also stopped working. I observed the same issue in my case, that helped me rule out the corruption in .vimrc.
After removing "bash" from my ~/.cshrc, the problem went away completely.

Vim + zshell, "zsh suspended" after running a Vim external command

Vim newbie here (has worked with zsh for a few months now). I think I install too many dotfiles or have a wrong configuration because whenever I attempt an external command (even thing such as :!rm TEST, Vim exits with a message zsh: suspended (tty output) vim .. How do I fix this?
The dotfiles: (I got them from someone else).
Try to comment this out:
set shellcmdflag=-ci
If this doesn't work for you look at the following.
From the manual:
Commands are first read from /etc/zshenv; this cannot be overridden.
Commands are then read from $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv. If the shell is a
login shell, commands are read from /etc/zprofile and then
$ZDOTDIR/.zprofile. Then, if the shell is interactive,
commands are read from /etc/zshrc and then $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc. Finally,
if the shell is a login shell, /etc/zlogin and $ZDOTDIR/.zlogin are
From what I understand,
set shell=zsh\ -i
should work.
if u want back to the vim by suspended,u could use fg,just like this:
fg %vim\ [u viming file]
this title maybe help u:

How to check if it's still in Vim shell mode

In vim, type :sh will switch to shell, and exit can exit the shell and get back to vim. Is there any command to check if it's in vim shell mode? So that I won't accidentally vim to open the same file again. I want to avoid below scenario:
vim myfile > :sh > exit > vim myfile // get warning of another vim instance is editing the same file
These are the normal scenario:
vim myfile > :sh > exit // keep editing
vim myfile > :wq > vim myfile // keep editing
In addition to #a3nm answer, what you can do is
use pstree -h: it will output process tree with current branch highligted and all you need to check is whether there is vim in the highlight.
Another possibility is ps t: it will show all processes using the current terminal and should show vim in a list when you are inside :sh. ps -oargs t may be more useful in case you want to know arguments you ran vim with.
These methods are more reliable because VIMRUNTIME, VIM and MYVIMRC environment variables may be overrided by you in order to do some customizations (BTW, they are defined by vim for use in vimscripts, not by :sh). They also work for other processes that allow you to run a subshell, but do not define any environment variables.
I would also suggest to consider using <C-z> in normal mode or :suspend/:stop in Ex because these use shell vim was launched from instead of creating new. This behavior gives you access to history of commands you typed before running vim and also makes you able to write more complex and time-consuming shell configuration without needing to wait every time.
In case you use <C-z> both methods still work, but first method won’t highlight vim because it will be at the same level (has the same parent) as pstree itself, likely just below or above pstree in graph. This also enables third method: jobs shell builtin.
In order to restore from <C-z> you should use fg (a single % in zsh and bash also works) which is less to type then exit (but more then <C-d>).
The :sh command in vim seems to define the VIMRUNTIME, VIM and MYVIMRC environment variables, so you can just check if they are defined. To do so, you can run echo $VIM, for instance, which should return an empty line in a normal shell and something like /usr/share/vim in a shell run from vim.

Is there a way to configure Vim grepprg option to avoid waiting until the external tool has finished searching?

I am a long time Vimmer. However, I keep switching to shell to make searches. This avoids me to use the quickfix functionality.
The main reason for switching to shell is that when I use grep from inside Vim (with :grep), I cannot follow progress.
Because the code base I search is usually wide, I really appreciate immediate feedback.
It gives me a chance to find out that my search expression is wrong before the full results have been displayed.
This allow me to cancel the search, refine the expression then relaunch the search.
Any hint how to reproduce this pattern inside Vim would be appreciated.
I don't see the same vim behaviour as you. When I run :grep, I still see the results in vim (not in the quickfix) before the search completes (but I cannot do anything until the search is done).
I even tried using no vim settings or plugins:
gvim -u NONE -U NONE
If that's not your behaviour, check your grepprg. Mine is the default:
:verbose set grepprg
grepprg=grep -n $* /dev/null
When I use run grep -e "score" -R /etc I see this output in vim:
:!grep -n -e "score" -R /etc /dev/null 2>&1| tee /tmp/voLcaNS/232
It's possible that your system is missing tee or your vim doesn't use it (I'm using Vim 7.2 on Ubuntu 10.10). tee takes the text passed to it and writes it to a file and to stdout.
If you're looking for a way to have the quickfix get updated with your search results and have vim not block while you're searching, then you could write a script that:
searches with grep as a background process and redirects to a file
every second until grep completes, have vim load the file in quickfix (cgetfile) (you can tell vim to do something from another process with --remote-expr)
You can try my AsyncCommand plugin to get your code started. It does the above, except that it only loads the file when the search is complete.
Are you familiar with ack.vim at all? It doesn't use the quickfix window, but uses a separate buffer in a split. However, it's rather faster results come right back to the vim frame.
This may be due to buffering between grep and tee, not vim itself. To test this theory, run grep from the command-line and pipe the output through tee (i.e. grep <pattern> <files> | tee temp.out). If it behaves the same as you observe within vim, then buffering is occurring.
To work around, install expect (sudo apt-get install expect-dev on Ubuntu 10.10) and grepprg to unbuffer grep -n $* /dev/null. (See Turn off buffering in pipe).
Take a look at :vimgrep in the online documentation. It displays the file name being searched and updates as it goes.
There are three ways to do a search in entire projects.
System command grep(fast, but not working well with Ouickfix list)
=>$ grep -n Example *
Vim internal grep(slow, but have a strong pattern support)
:vim[grep] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ...
System plugin ack(perfect)
1 install ack
brew install ack
2 add below configs to your .vimrc
:set grepprg=ack\ --nongroup\ --column\ $*
:set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m
3 then you can use grep to call ack in vim like
:grep "object\." app/**/*.rb
