imagemagick -morph: increase file number but not consecutive - linux

I've been using imagemagick for a few days. My objective is that I want to merge several screenshots into a video and I want to make a nice transition between frames. So I've found the -morph option, for example
convert original/*.jpg -morph 10 new/img%03d.jpg
which will create a total of 12 images, from img001.jpg to img012.jpg.
Is there a way that the images in the output be like, for example, one every X number? for example img00X.jpg img00(x+x).jpg and so on?

If I understand well your requirements, you want to obtain:
img002.jpg img004.jpg img006.jpg ... img024.jpg
instead of:
img001.jpg img002.jpg img003.jpg ... img012.jpg
I'm not sure you can do it directly with imageMagick, however you can go to your new directory and type:
for i in `ls -r`;do mv $i `printf "img%03d.jpg" $(($(expr ${i:3:3} + 0)*2))`;done
(I assume that there are no other files in this directory)

actually it is possible yet without leading zeroes. for example morph every png with 5 transitions steps and increments output counter by 3
im *.png -morph 5 -set filename:a %[fx:t*3] "output-%[filename:a].jpg"


grouping input files with incremental names to divide a computation into smaller ones

I created a script to run a function that takes a specific file and compares it to several others. The files that I have to scan for the matches are more than 900 and incrementally named like this:
A001-abc.txt A001-efg.txt [..] A002-efg.txt A002-hjk.txt [..] A120-xwz.txt (no whitespaces)
The script looks like this:
for f in *.txt; do
bedtools function /mydir/myfile.txt *.txt> output.txt
Now, the computation is extremely intensive and can't be completed. How can I group the files according to their incremental name and perform the computation on files A001-abc A001-def then go to A002-abc, A002-def.., to A123-xyz and so on?
I was thinking that by finding a way to specify the name with an incremental variable and then grouping them, I could divide the computation in many smaller ones. Is it reasonable and doable?
Many thanks!
The problem might be that you're not using $f. Try using this line in the for-loop instead. Also, use >> so the output appends instead of overwriting the output file.
bedtools function /mydir/myfile.txt "$f" >> output.txt
But if you still want to break it up, you might try a double loop like this:
for n in $(seq --format="%03.f" 1 120); do
for f in "A$n"*; do
bedtools function /mydir/myfile.txt "$f" >> "${n}output.txt"
The values of $n from the output of the seq command is 001 002 .. 120.
So the inner loop loops through A001* A002* .. A120*.

Best way to identify similar text inside strings?

I've a list of phrases, actually it's an Excel file, but I can extract each single line if needed.
I need to find the line that is quite similar, for example one line can be:
ANTIBRATING SSPIRING JOINT (type 2) mod. GA160 (temp.max60°)
and some line after I can have the same line or this one:
ANTIBRATING SSPIRING JOINT (type 2) mod. GA200 (temp.max60°)
Like you can see these two lines are pretty the same, not equal in this case but at 98%
The main problem is that I've to process about 45k lines, for this reason I'm searching a way to do that in a quick and maybe visual way.
The first thing that came in my mind was to compare the very 1st line to the 2nd then the 3rd till the end, and so on with the 2nd one and the 3rd one till latest-1 and make a kind of score, for example the 1st line is 100% with line 42, 99% with line 522 ... 21% with line 22142 etc etc...
But is only one idea, maybe not the best.
Maybe out there's already a good program/script/online services/program, I searched but I can't find it, so at the end I asked here.
Anyone knows a good way (if this is possible) or script or one online services to achieve this?
One thing you can do is write a script, which does as follows:
Extract data from csv file
Define a regex which can conclude a similarity, a python example can be:
Or such, refer the documentation.
The problem you have is that you are not looking for an exact match, but a like.
This is a problem even databases have never solved and results in a full table scan.
So we're unlikely to solve it.
However, I'd like to propose that you consider alternatives:
You could decide to limit the differences to specific character sets.
In the above example, you were ignoring numbers, but respected letters.
If we can assume that this rule will always hold true, then we can perform a text replace on the string.
ANTIBRATING SSPIRING JOINT (type 2) mod. GA160 (temp.max60°) ==> ANTIBRATING SSPIRING JOINT (type _) mod. GA_ (temp.max_°)
Now, we can deal with this problem by performing an exact string comparison. This can be done by hashing. The easiest way is to feed a hashmap/hashset or a database with a hash index on the column where you will store this adjusted text.
You could decide to trade time for space.
For example, you can feed the strings to a service which will build lots of different variations of indexes on your string. For example, feed elasticsearch with your data, and then perform analytic queries on it.
Fuzzy searches is the key.
I found several projects and ideas, but the one I used is tree-agrep, I know that is quite old but in this case works for me, I created this little script to help me to create a list of differences, so I can manually check it with my file
########## CONFIGURATIONS ##########
t_agrep_bin="$(command -v tre-agrep)"
########## CONFIGURATIONS ##########
lines=$(grep "" -c "$original_file")
if [[ -s "$destination_file" ]]; then
rm -rf "$destination_file"
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "Checking line $start/$lines"
lista=$($t_agrep_bin -$distance -B --colour -s -n -i "$line" $original_file)
echo "$lista" | awk -F ':' '{print $1}' ORS=' ' >> "$destination_file"
echo >> "$destination_file"
done < "$original_file"

Move non-sequential files to new directory

I have no previous programming experience. I know this question has been asked before or the answer is out there but I, for the life of me, cannot find it. I have searched google for hours trying to figure this out. I am working on a Red Hat Linux computer and it is in bash.
I have a directory of files 0-500 in /directory/.
They are named as such,
/directory/filename_001, /directory/filename_002, and so forth.
After running my analysis for my research, I have a listofnumbers.txt (txt file, with each row being a new number) of the numbers that I am interested in. For example,
A) Run a command from the list of files the files from the list of numbers? Our code looks like this:
g09slurm filename_001.log
Is there a way to write something like:
find value (row1 of listofnumbers.txt) then g09slurm filename_row1value.log
find value (row2 of listofnumbers.txt) then g09slurm filename_row2value.log
find value (row3 of listofnumbers.txt) then g09slurm filename_row2value.log
etc etc
B) Move the selected files from the list to a new directory, so I can rename them sequentially, then run a sequential number command?
First, read the list of files into an array:
readarray myarray < /path/to/filename.txt
Next, we'll get all the filenames based on those numbers, and move them
cd /path/to/directory
mv -t /path/to/new_directory "${myarray[#]/#/filename_}"
After this... honestly, I got bored. Stack Overflow is about helping people who make a good start at a problem, and you've done zero work toward figuring this out (other than writing "I promise I tried google").
I don't even understand what
Run a command from the list of files the files from the list of numbers
To rename them sequentially (once you've moved them), you'll want to do something based on this code:
for i in $(ls); do
*your stuff here*
You should be able to research and figure stuff out. You might have to do some bash tutorials, here's a reasonable starting place

better way to avoid use of ls inside of variable

not sure about how to correctly title this, please change it if you prefer
given that my code actually works, I'd like to have a peer review to increase the quality of it.
I have a folder full of .zip files. Theese files are streams of data (identifiable by their stream name) daily offloaded. There could be more than one daily file per stream, so I need to grab the last one in order of time. I can't rely on posix timestamp for this, so files expose timestamp on their name.
Filename example:
Last two fields are timestamps, and I'm interested in the second-last.
other fields are useless (now)
I've previously stored the stream name (in this case XYZ_05_AB00C901_T001 in the variable $stream
I have this line of code:
match=$(ls "$streamPath"/*.zip|grep "$stream"|rev|cut -d'_' -f2|rev|sort|tail -1)
And what it does is to search the given path for files matching the stream, cutting out the timestamp and sorting them. So now that I know what is the last timestamp for this stream, I can ls again, this time grepping for $streamand $match togegher, and I'm done:
streamFile=$(ls "$streamPath"/.zip|grep "$stream.*$match\|$match.*$stream")
Question time:
Is there a better way to achieve my goal ? Probably more than one, I'll prefer one-liner solution, tough.
ShellChecks advices me that it would be better to use a for loop or a while cycle instead of ls, to be able to handle particular filenames (which I'm not facing ATM, but who knows), but I'm not so sure about it (seems more complicated to me).
Thanks to the page suggested by Cyrus I chose to go with this solution:
echo "$file"|grep "$stream"|rev|cut -d'_' -f2|rev|sort|tail -1
done < <(find "$streamPath" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.zip' -print0)

Filename manipulation in cygwin

I am running cygwin on Windows 7. I am using a signal processing tool and basically performing alignments. I had about 1200 input files. Each file is of the format given below.
input_file_ format = ""
The first step required building some kind of indexes for all the input files, this was done with the tool's build-index command and now each file had 6 indexes associated with it. Therefore now I have about 1200*6 = 7200 index files. The indexes are of the form given below.
indexes_format = "",
Now, I need to use these indexes to perform the alignment. All the 6 indexes of each file are called together and the final operation is done as follows.
signal-processing-tool ..\path-to-indexes\ ..\Query file
Where is the index associated with that particular index file. All 6 index files are called with ***.
My problem is that I need to use only the first 14 characters of the index file names for the final operation.
When I use the code below, the alignment is not executed.
for file in indexes/*; do ./tool $file|cut -b1-14 Project/query_file; done
I'd appreciate help with this!
First of all, keep in mind that $file will always start with "indexes/", so trimming first 14 characters would always include that folder name in the beginning.
To use first 14 characters in a variable, use ${file:0:14}, where 0 is the starting string index, and 14 is the length of the desired substring.
Alternatively, if you want to use cut, you need to run it in a subshell: for file in indexes/*; do ./tool $(echo $file|cut -c 1-14) Project/query_file; done I changed the arg for cut to -c for characters instead of bytes
