Allocation FRONTEND_Tuners on REDHAWK 1.10 - redhawksdr

I'm using RedHawk 1.10.0 on CentOS 6.5_x64.
I installed UHD in order to try to employ USRP, B100 0r USRP1, both linked by usb connection, on this fantastic framework!
I built new node using GPP and USRP_UHD device and everything seems going well(GPP and USRP_UHD status are STARTED).
Therefore I tried to allocate FrontEnd Tuner from DeviceManager>USRP_UHD>FrontEnd Tuner>Allocate.
After I filled every fields and I pushed Finish.
Every parameter referred to USRP is correct, except for Your Allocation ID in which I have some doubts.
I got this message on my screen:
'The allocation request was not accepted because resources matching all aspects of the request were not available'
and I got this message on the console(level of console debug:TRACE):
2014-09-05 17:10:39 TRACE FrontendTunerDevice:369 - CORBA::Boolean frontend::FrontendTunerDevice<TunerStatusStructType>::allocateCapacity(const CF::Properties&) [with TunerStatusStructType = frontend_tuner_status_struct_struct]
2014-09-05 17:10:39 INFO FrontendTunerDevice:502 - allocateCapacity: NO AVAILABLE TUNER. Make sure that the device has an initialized frontend_tuner_status
2014-09-05 17:10:39 TRACE FrontendTunerDevice:578 - void frontend::FrontendTunerDevice<TunerStatusStructType>::deallocateCapacity(const CF::Properties&) [with TunerStatusStructType = frontend_tuner_status_struct_struct]
2014-09-05 17:10:39 DEBUG FrontendTunerDevice:603 - ALLOCATION_ID NOT FOUND: [dspcola:f096df16-0179-478a-a539-6605a96c17b9]
2014-09-05 17:10:39 DEBUG FrontendTunerDevice:637 - ERROR WHEN DEALLOCATING. SKIPPING...
Can some good man help me?


Fail of multicoring host in SimGrid

There is a multicoring host declared in platform.xml
<host id="Host" speed="1Gf" core="280" state_file="Failures/Failure/h_0" >
When I rum simulation SimGrid gives me:
[0.000000] /simgrid-master/src/simix/smx_environment.cpp:43: [xbt/CRITICAL] Error while loading /home/Platform/platform.xml: FIXME: add state change code also for constraint_core[i]
How to set state failures properly?
The feature you ask for (applying trace to a multicore host) is not implemented yet, hence the "FIXME" is the error message, which should be a "TODO" or more explicit about the "UNIMPLEMENTED" character of this feature.

frontend_tuner_status doesn't work in Python FEI

I'm using the Redhawk IDE 2.0.1 in Centos 6.5.
If I generate a Python based FEI, install, run, allocate, and then try to change the center_frequency via the Properties tab in the IDE I get the error:
Failed to update device property: Center Frequency
Error while executing callable. Caused by org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: Server-side Exception: null vmcid: 0x41540000 minor code: 99 completed: No
Server-side Exception: null
I've tried to totally different systems and I get the same behavior.
If I do the same thing with the C++ project it works fine. Seems to me the auto generated Python code in 2.0.1 is broken like maybe it's not registering the listener? Any ideas are appreciated as this app will be much easier to implement in Python for me. Thanks
The error org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: Server-side Exception is a CORBA exception indicating that the FEI device does not implement the setTunerCenterFrequency method, despite the FEI device having a DigitalTuner port. The DigitalTuner IDL inherits from the AnalogTuner IDL, which provides the setTunerCenterFrequency method. There must be a bug in the implementation of the FEI DigitalTuner port. In ${OSSIEHOME}/lib/python/frontend/, InDigitalTunerPort does not inherit from the InAnalogTunerPort, which is where the setCenterFrequency method lives. Changing it to the following should fix this issue:
class InDigitalTunerPort(FRONTEND__POA.DigitalTuner, InAnalogTunerPort):
def __init__(self, name, parent=digital_tuner_delegation()):
InAnalogTunerPort.__init__(self, name, parent)
There's a second issue as well. The generated base class instantiates the DigitalTuner port without passing in a reference to itself, the parent. The generated base class of your FEI Device should change from this:
self.port_DigitalTuner_in = frontend.InDigitalTunerPort("DigitalTuner_in")
to this:
self.port_DigitalTuner_in = frontend.InDigitalTunerPort("DigitalTuner_in", self)

REDHAWK - Failed to configure component

I have a waveform used to demodulate a signal received on an RTL device. Someone else created the waveform using REDHAWK 1.8.3 and it works fine for him. I am running REDHAWK 1.9 in a CentOS 6.3 virtual machine. I have reconfigured and rebuilt everything. When that did not work, I regenerated everything for 1.9 and rebuilt again and had the same result. I am able start the domain manager and device manager without error. When I try to instantiate an instance of the waveform, I get the following:
WARNING: Unable to set bandwidth.
INFO:RTLRDC_i - Allocated [FRONTEND::tuner_allocation] RX_DIGITIZER_CHANNELIZER, 0 to MC_Frontend
ERROR:PropertySet_impl - Setting property control failed. Cause: Unable to set value
ERROR:ApplicationFactory_impl - Failed to 'configure' component: 'MultiDemod' with component id: 'MultiDemod_1:MCWaveform_1 assigned to device: 'DCE:539804f4-37cc-426f-8dd0-3128d866981e' in waveform 'MCWaveform_1';InvalidConfiguration with this info: <No matching properties found> for these invalid properties: (control,Kind: 21) error occurred near line:3251 in file:ApplicationFactory_impl.cpp;
INFO:RTLRDC_i - Deallocated [FRONTEND::tuner_allocation] RX_DIGITIZER_CHANNELIZER, 0 for MC_Frontend
ERROR:ApplicationFactory_impl - Error in application creation; Configure of component failed (unclear where in the process this occurred)
The 'control' property does exist on the component. Does anyone have any thoughts on what the issue could be?
The control property is a struct. One of the fields in the struct did not have an initial value set. This was not an issue for REDHAWK 1.8.3 but caused the above error for REDHAWK 1.9. The solution was to make sure that all parameters for the struct had an initial value.

Component unable to allocate device that is not Executable Device

I am using Redhawk 1.9. I create a Redhawk Device, Component, Node, and Waveform with default settings. I use C++ implementation on all the above. The problem is that the device can't be allocated since it is not an executable device. In the implementation tab in the code section the "type" variable is set to "Executable" (default value). If this is incorrect then what should it be?
Note: When I make an Device derived from executable device then the problem goes away.
I was able to reproduce the problem with dummy device and component as shown below:
I update the Component so that it will use the device.
<usesdevice id="dummy_device_2" type="usesdevice">
<propertyref refid="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d" value="dummy_device_kind_1"/>
I update the device properties:
<simple id="DCE:cdc5ee18-7ceb-4ae6-bf4c-31f983179b4d" mode="readonly" name="device_kind" type="string">
<description>This specifies the device kind</description>
<kind kindtype="configure"/>
<kind kindtype="allocation"/>
<action type="eq"/>
I add the Dummy device created here into the dummy node created here.
I add the Dummy Component to the Dummy Waveform.
I launched the Dummy node that only contains the dummy device
I launched the Dummy waveform that only contains the above dummy device.
I get the following error message:
Failed to create application:
DeviceOnlyTestWaveform_343_114533234 The
following CORBA exception occurred: InvalidCapacity while creating the
application IDL:CF/ApplicationFactory/CreateApplicationError:1.0*
The Domain Manager (run with Trace logging) shows the following:
DEBUG:ApplicationFactory_impl - Trying to find the device
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Searching for a place to deploy component amongst 1 devices
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Checking Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1 is loadable
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device DummyNode:DeviceOnlyTesTDevice_1 is not loadable
TRACE:ApplicationFactory_impl - Done checking all the devices
DEBUG:ApplicationFactory_impl - Device Allocation Failed.. need to clean up
In ApplicationFactory_impl the code appear to show that the allocation fails since the device is not derived from Executable Device. The code section has "type" to Executable (default setting). If this is not correct then what should it be?
// Check that the device meet's the needs of this component
// - Validate the type of device meets the requirements in the 'code' section of the implementation
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Checking Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier);
if (deviceNodeIter->device->usageState() == CF::Device::BUSY)
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Ignoring Device " <<deviceNodeIter->label << " is BUSY");
if ((implementation->getCodeType() == CF::LoadableDevice::EXECUTABLE) ||
(implementation->getCodeType() == CF::LoadableDevice::SHARED_LIBRARY)) {
// Does this device provide LoadableDevice?
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is loadable");
CF::LoadableDevice_var loaddev;
loaddev = ossie::corba::_narrowSafe<CF::LoadableDevice> (deviceNodeIter->device);
if(CORBA::is_nil(loaddev)) {
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is not loadable");
if (implementation->getEntryPoint().size() != 0) {
// Does this device provide ExecutableDevice?
LOG_TRACE(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is executable");
CF::ExecutableDevice_var execdev;
execdev = ossie::corba::_narrowSafe<CF::ExecutableDevice> (deviceNodeIter->device);
if(CORBA::is_nil(execdev)) {
LOG_INFO(ApplicationFactory_impl, "Device " << deviceNodeIter->identifier << " is not executable");
Although your device is capable of satisfying the usesdevice allocation, without a GPP or other ExecutableDevice, there is no place to run your component. There are two ways that allocation is performed when launching components:
Satisfying usesdevice relationships
Deciding on which device to deploy the executable
Each implementation in the component's SPD has a list of dependencies that must be satisfied to run the entry point. Typically, for a C++ component, this will include the OS and processor type. Additional requirements can be defined based on the processing requirements of the component, such as memory or load average; these must be allocation properties known to the target device, just like with usesdevice. There is also an implicit requirement that the device selected for deployment should support the ExecutableDevice interface (there is slightly more nuance to it, but that's by far the most common case).
When launching a waveform, the ApplicationFactory tries to allocate all required devices and select an implementation for each component in sequence. Each possible implementation is checked against all of the devices in the domain to see if there is a device that meets its dependencies. If so, the entry point for that implementation will be loaded onto the device and executed, and the ApplicationFactory moves on to the next component. If no suitable device can be found, it throws a CreateApplicationError, as you are seeing.
For most cases, you can use the GPP device included with REDHAWK to support the execution of your components. You would usually only write your own ExecutableDevice if you have a specific type of hardware that does not work with GPP, like an FPGA. If you have installed from RPM, there should be a node tailored to your local system (e.g., processor type, Java and Python versions) in your $SDRROOT/dev/nodes directory. Otherwise you can create it yourself with the '' script included with the GPP project; see the Ubuntu installation guide for an example (admittedly, somewhat buried in the REDHAWK Manual, Appendix E, Section 5).
I believe the problem is that you don't have a GPP in the node with your Dummy Device. Because your original Device was not Executable, it was unable to execute the Component's code, which is what the GPP would do for you.
To add the GPP in the IDE, simply open up the DeviceManager.dcd.xml file of your Node, navigate to the Devices tab, and click the Add button. If everything is installed correctly, you should be able to select the GPP, then click Finish. Finally, save the Node and drag it to Target SDR and try launching it with nodeBooter again.
Also, the type "Executable" in the *.spd.xml file isn't specific to Devices. If you look at the implementation section for a Component, you'll notice there is a Type drop down under the Code section as well. The reason for this is because it isn't describing the type of Device/Component, but how the output of the build process should be interpreted.

HeadlessException using docx4j xhtmlrenderer on RedHat server

I'm getting a java.awt.HeadlessException when using a Docx4jReplacedElementFactory on a RedHat server. Does anyone know of a workaround for this? (other than running Xvfb)
I've drilled in to the stack trace and the source of the problem is java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(), which throws the exception when running in a headless environment. This is as documented: "throws: HeadlessException - if isHeadless() returns true" (see comment on java.awt.HeadlessException thrown from HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice).
Given getDefaultScreenDevice is working as specified, is there another approach when using docx4j that avoids going there?
Looking at the source of, we see:
private static GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration() {
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
-> GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice();
GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration();
return gc;
Stack trace:
Cause details:
at sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(
You could apply this recent upstream patch
