Barclay (EPDQ) backoffice URL - payment

It seems that there are two URLs available for barclaycard implementation.
Which one should I use?
Any other articles on the differences between these two?
I received email that mentioned
"Problem with online post-sale http request"

There are two addresses, one is for the test environment and one is for the production environment.
Test -
Production -

To solve
** Merchant email from EPDQ:
**************************************** Process Error :
Problem with online post-sale http request
**************************************** Post-sale request result :
**************************************** **
You have to modify your "Mod_Security" module in your server. ( Speak to your host and whitelist the domain).
For details :


Stripe webhook test error 302

I am trying to test a stripe webhook for subscription trial ending. When I go to send the test even to my webhook receiving route I get error 302. I am using a middleware called stripe-webhook-middleware. My route looks like this:'/stripe/events',
I know that route goes against what they docs say but I did get it directly from the package creator. So it should work, then I have the stripe-events.js from the package. I am just adding in a console.log to the route to find the correct data I need.
I tried different webhooks and all give the same error, it has to be in how I have it set up. I hope anyways.
Edit **
I have also done a new route that is just a basic post route with a console.log and still getting the 302 error. What could possible causes be? I can't post a github because of a credential I accidentally leaked.
I am/was using as my development environment and had my test site as private. That was causing stripe to need to login in order to do anything. I made it public and now it works. I had completely forgotten I had to login to see the site because I always was logged in to cloud 9 when I accessed the site. If you are getting a 302 error, make sure you don't need to log in to get to that route.
Just in case anyone sees this 302 error with Codeigniter 3, my webhook route was pointing to a Subscription controller that always exits the constructor if a user isn't logged in and authorised - so I moved the method to my Home controller (used for registration, login etc) thus:
$route['webhook']['post'] = 'home/webhook';
and the 302 error went away. I hope this helps a tired CI dev down the road.
Just in case someone receives this error with dJango, my webhook route was pointing to a language redirection. You can investigate it with curl -IvL http://localhost:8000/webhooks/stripe as #duck suggested above.
Here was my output:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
* Issue another request to this URL: 'http://localhost:8000/en/webhooks/stripe/'
You can see the redirected URL in the output.
So, when I let Stripe CLI listen to that URL, it works:
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8000/en/webhooks/stripe/

"There was an error connecting to https://localhost:3443/users/login."

I'm attempting the final assignment for my course but not getting anywhere due to Oauth2 authentication difficulties. I'm having a great deal of difficulty resolving this! I think it may be due to the fact I'm using a work laptop which is SOE'd and pretty locked down.
I just don't know where to look to resolve this. Any suggestions?
Steps to replicate
1. I've set my Oauth2 application up in Facebook and with Site URL setting as https://localhost:3443/users/facebook/callback
2. When I attempt ANY method (get, post, put etc) on this url, I get the below.
I've tried:
1. bypassing my company's firewall and hotspotting my phone; note that this a workaround I use to install NPM packages as my company seems to block NPM
2. my course's forum\Stack exchange. It seems that I'm the only person in the galaxy that this has affected.
3. F12 in CHrome - there are no messages in the console
4. inserting debug clues in the user route, viz;
router.get('/facebook', passport.authenticate('facebook'),
function(req, res){
router.get('/facebook/callback', function(req,res,next){
In Chrome
This site can’t be reached
In Postman:
Could not get any response
There was an error connecting to https://localhost:3443/users/login.
Why this might have happened:
The server couldn't send a response: Ensure that the backend is working properly
Self-signed SSL certificates are being blocked: Fix this by turning off 'SSL certificate verification' in Settings > General
Client certificates are required for this server: Fix this by adding client certificates in Settings > Certificates
Proxy configured incorrectly Ensure that proxy is configured correctly in Settings > Proxy
Request timeout: Change request timeout in Settings > General

ENOTFOUND - soap into rest with loopback

Few days ago I was looking for a way to consume SOAP Webservices with nodesjs. So after some researches, I've found loopback-connector-soap, it looks very amazing tool with a lot of possibilities.
So I "get started" here
everything seems to be ok except two things :
1/ I have a ENOTFOUND when I launch the weather-rest server with an http link to the wsdl.
So I copy/paste the wsdl in a file and called it with 'path'
2/ now it's working but when I try the link :
I have this page :
testing soap connector rest
it's the same ENOTFOUND I had in 1/
So what could be the problem ?
Thanks for your help (and sorry for my english...)

Incontext Paypal Integration- without moving away from site [Nodejs, Expressjs]

I am using nodejs and expressjs and using "paypal-ec" node package to do incontext paypal integration.
This is invoked with the following piece of code:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
var dg = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlow(
trigger: 'paypal_submit',
expType: 'instant'
What I have achieved with this
I am able to make payment in the Paypal Sandbox environment but it shows me older payment screen where in user needs to fill in the details of address etc (I am not able to attach screenshot because of credits)
What I want to achieve
I am trying to make payment with the screens where in user doesn't need to prefill any data also it gives better UI.
Some experience like provided in this plukr link
The problem with the given piece of code in plunk is that it doesn't expose what is there in the action method and how can I provide amount to it (or any other details if any).
Any kind of help is appreciated.
I get it but don't claim to be a node dev - yet :) so this is "conceptual":
At the end of the day, the server-side call (SetExpressCheckout) where you send your trnx details (items, price, return/cancel urls, etc.) to Paypal and obtain a token is unchanged (with the documented limitations and ignored params that is).
The change is in the front-end where:
the in-context js script<script async src="//"></script>
new redirect url :[the token you obtained]
are in play
The linked sample's server-side SetExpressCheckout process is the:
You can see the returnurl and cancelurl set (but it could have been done server side as well). This will obtain the token which is needed for the subsequent steps.
If you can inspect the traffic, you'll see the response where the redirect (that is "caught" in the front end and displayed "in-context"):
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 16:00:48 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
This sample is probably more detailed and "less magical" (shows more of what's going on) and is what helped me implement:

Nest Javascript Thermostat sample not working - 400 Bad Request

I've built the sample app from here:
I've created a Client configuration on the developer site with the callback url http://localhost:8080.
The app loads and brings you to the Nest login screen. After entering details it should redirect back but instead the URL fails with a 400 Bad Request and the response:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"missing user credentials"}
Has anyone got this sample working lately? I believe it's failing in the server.js file at this line (but I'm no Node expert unfortunately):
app.get('/auth/nest', passport.authenticate('nest'));
I've replaced the firebase.js file with the version from the Nest site. Could this be a bug in a recent version of Express or the Nest Passport library?
Tried on OSX, Linux and Windows and getting the same issue.
The OAuth Redirect URI in your client for this example should be http://localhost:8080/auth/nest/callback and be sure that your permissions are set for Thermostat read/write.
