out bound virtual ip for azure virtual machine - azure

i can see that virtual ip for a service can be fixed, but it has nothing about the outbound ip and port . in other words -- When i send something like a response from my virtual machines do they have the same source ip and port or have different ips based to the virtual machines.

Your VMs will be presented to the internet using the VIP you reserve. The VIP is on the wrapping Cloud Service which also provides load balancing for the inbound ports. See here for more information: http://blog.kloud.com.au/2014/07/18/static-dip-request-vip-reservation-on-microsoft-azure/


Azure VM shows different IPs

I have Windows Azure VM and public IP ( assigned to it. However when I execute ipconfig /all command inside VM, it shows me different IP address. I'm wondering why?
When you launch a VM in Azure you do not have a public IP Address attached directly to the Nic.
With a v1 (classic) VM you either connect through the Cloud Service IP, or through a Public IP attached to the VM.
In a v2 VM, all VMs need to exist within a virtual network, to which you attach a Network Interface. That interface will have an IP Address that is local to the virtual network it is a member of. Optionally you can attach a Public IP to that interface.
In both cases the external IP address is mapped to the internal address of your VM through whatever firewalling you have configured.
This is the reason that your VM does not have the same IP as the external IP.

Azure Reserved IP Address Inconsistency

I had a need to add additional public IP addresses to an Azure VM and found a working solution here:
Azure VM: More than one Public IP
Essentially this creates a reserved IP in Azure and then adds the reserved IP to a cloud service. Once it's bound to a cloud service it can be mapped to a VM endpoint.
This all works great but there is one bit I don't understand - The IP address of the reserved IP and the resultant VM endpoint don't match. I have to set up DNS to point to the IP address of the endpoint to make this work. Is there something I am not doing right, or is this just the way reserved VMs work?
It looks like this unanswered question is the same issue:
azure reserved IP for VM is diffrent than the given
The "Azure Cloud Service" is a container that provides internet connectivity to "Azure VMs". Thus, you assign the Internet facing Public IP to the Cloud Service. This article is relatively good at explaining the relationship: Azure Cloud Services
From above link:
Here’s a definition of an Azure IaaS cloud service that will make it easy for you to understand what it is in the context of Azure Infrastructure Services:
A cloud service is a network container where you can place virtual machines.
All virtual machines in that container can communicate with each other directly through Azure (and therefore don’t have to go out to the Internet to communicate with each other).
This container is also assigned a DNS name that is reachable from the Internet.
A rudimentary DNS server is created and can provide name resolution for all virtual machines within the same cloud service container (note that name resolution provided by the DNS server is only available to the virtual machines that are located within the cloud service).
One or more Virtual IP Addresses (VIPs) are assigned to the container and these IP addresses can be used to allow inbound connections from the Internet to the virtual machines.
Certain services (like FTP) may require your vm have a public IP: Azure VM Public IP
(IaaS v1) An Azure cloud service comes with a permanent DNS name - something.cloudapp.net - and has a single VIP allocated whenever there are VMs deployed in it OR whenever a reserved IP address is associated with it. Traffic is either load balanced or NATted (port forwarded) to the VM from the Azure Load Balancer sitting on the VIP. You can also associate a public instance-level IP address (PIP) with a VM, which gives it an additional IP address. The VIP always has a DNS name (something.cloudapp.net) while the PIP has one only if you specifically add it, I did a post which goes into these differences.
(IaaS v2) VMs are not deployed into cloud services and only have a public IP address if one is specifically added - either by configuring a PIP on the NIC of the VM (and optionally giving it a cloudapp.azure.com DNS name) or by configuring a load balancer and either load balancing or NATting traffic to it. This load balancer is configured with a public IP address and can optionally have a cloudapp.azure.com DNS name associated with it. (Ignoring internal load balancers in this discussion.)

azure multiple public ip for a vm

I want to have three public ip addresses for my VM in azure. I got one when I created the VM and now I want to assign two reserved ip addresses to my VM. I was able to create the reserved ip address but not sure how to assign them to existing VM or assign multiple to a new VM. Any suggestions on how to do this?
In Azure, a Load Balancer is required in order to direct traffic from multiple VIP addresses to a single (or multiple) VMs.
If, for example, you want a single VM to host multiple websites, all of which need to be accessible externally via port 443, you'd need three VIP addresses assigned to the Load Balancer, with a NAT on each at least two of the VIPs; i.e.
Site a: Incoming 443-443 to VM
Site b: Incoming 443-444 to VM
Site c: Incoming 443-445 to VM
All the traffic from the Load Balancer could then be routed to one VM, where you'd direct traffic on each incoming port to the required website based. This MS article explains it really well: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/load-balancer-multivip/
Reserved IP addresses are a way of ensuring that your VIP is no longer dynamic, which they are by default. The following article explains it well, including how to take an existing Cloud Service's currently-running dynamic VIP and making it static (Reserved): https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-reserved-public-ip/
An Azure VM can have two public IP addresses - one is the VIP of the cloud service containing the VM (as long as there are endpoints configured for the VM) and the other is the PIP (or public instance IP address) associated with the VM. A reserved IP address is an orthogonal concept to VIPs and PIPs and its use is documented here. I did a post on VIPs, DIPs and PIPs that you may find helpful.

Azure Web Role can't see VM's internal IP (but VM can see web role)

I have a web role (WR) and a virtual machine (VM) hosted on Azure, both are within the same Virtual Network (VNet), and on the same subnet.
If I look at the azure portal and go to the VNet page, the dashboard shows both my VM and my WR are on the network with internal IP addresses as I expect:
I can Remote Desktop to both machines, from the VM, I can ping and get a response, from the WR, if I ping all I ever get is a Timeout.
I've been following the instructions from: http://michaelwasham.com/2012/08/06/connecting-web-or-worker-roles-to-a-simple-virtual-network-in-windows-azure/ and there is no mention of any additional settings I need to do to either machine - but is there something I'm missing?
Do I need to open up the VM to be contactable?
Extra information:
At the moment, the VM has an Http and Https end point available publicly, but I aim to turn those off and only use the WR for that (hence wanting to connect using the internal IP).
I don't want to use the public IP unless there is absolutely no way around it, and from what I've read that doesn't seem to be the case.
For completeness, moving my comment to an answer: While the virtual network is allowing traffic in both directions, you'll need to enable ICMP via the firewall, which will then let your pings work properly.

Azure VM: More than one Public IP

Can anyone confirm if Azure VM allows more than one Public IP? We want to host multiple website on single VM and hence want to have different IP for each website. I know we can host more VM, but that will greatly increase our expense too. So, I just want more than 1 Public IP on VM.
You can add multiple IP addresses for a cloud service. Since the VM's are "inside" the cloud service, this gives you in a way multiple public IP addresses for a virtual machine. The procedure is documented at [1]. Additional addresses currently cost about $3/month.
Here's the steps to add a new reserved IP address to a cloud service.
First create a new reserved IP address:
New-AzureReservedIP –ReservedIPName "MyIPAddress" –Location "West Europe"
Associate the IP address with cloud service:
Add-AzureVirtualIP -VirtualIPName MyIPAddress -ServiceName MyCloudService
Create endpoint that maps the IP address to a virtual machines. If you have multiple vm's and want load balancer, repeat this for each vm. In order to run multiple web sites, you would put each website to different port (the localport). The endpoint listens for connections on the public port and forwards them to the virtual machine's localport.
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName MyCloudService -Name myserver `
| Add-AzureEndpoint -Name QuvastoMail -Protocol tcp `
-LocalPort 8002 -PublicPort 80 -VirtualIPName MyIPAddress `
| Update-AzureVM
[1] http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/load-balancer-multivip/
It appears you can now have multiple public IPs for a load balanced cloud service:
Now you can assign more than one load-balanced public IP address to a
set of virtual machines, enabling high-availability and high-scale
scenarios. You can host multiple secure websites in a cloud service or
allow multiple SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group listeners to
access the same set of virtual machines.
For more information, please vistit the Load Balancer page. There is
no additional charge for this feature.
You would need a different Cloud Service (either Web Role or Virtual Machine) to have different IP addresses. Yes, this will increase overall cost.
The VIP (public IP) for Windows Azure Web Roles and VMs is assigned at the Cloud Service level. Think of a Cloud Service as a logical container - it can contain web/worker roles or VMs (not both currently).
Very possible, very easy actually.
Have your apps listening at your Azure Resource Managed VM, let's say ports 3001, 3002, 3003..
Then create an Load Balancer (just search it).
Create a Public IP Address.
Add it at your Load Balancer's Front-end Pool
Add your VM to your Load Balancer's Back-end Pool
at Inbound NAT rules of your Load Balancer, click "Add"
Select your frontend IP, your VM's network IP configuration, protocol, port and mapped port (click "Custom") to set a custom port.
- You want your newly created public ip "" to route to your vm's port 3001.
- On config that will be port 80 tcp, then port 3001 on mapped port.
- No need to enable "Floating IP (direct server return)" in case you see it.
On linux VM's you might have to "Optimize Your Network Kernel Parameters"..
Check here (scroll at bottom): http://docs.fluentd.org/v0.12/articles/before-install
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
Add these entries:
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10240 65535
Note the spaces, crucial.
Save it.
sudo sysctl -p
On the above steps you might have to also take care of CORS (Just google it)
Also, Another alternative I forgot to mention is to add NIC's / Network Interfaces to ya VM's. That won't be a viable option though because of azure max-nic-per-vm limits.
In addition to the earlier answer about Cloud Services, it is now possible to have multiple IP addresses on an Azure VM. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-multiple-ip-addresses-portal
You can only have one public IP address per deployment. So if you had 3 VMs in a single deployment, they'd share IP address. You can then choose to load-balance traffic across the instances or direct traffic to a particular VM (or role in cloud services) for a specific port number.
You can use host headers and support multiple websites in a single VM.
We are also having similar problems. We wanted to have multiple SSL certificates applied to multiple sites hosted withing Virtual Machine.
but it seems its not possible at all. Waiting for MS to release this feature.
Comparatively Godaddy and other hosting providers give free 2-3 IP addressed as well if you need more you can request additional Ip Address easily.
as well to get hold of support is too much difficult.
MZ azure really sucks. :(
