Getting Message from all resource files in different locale from a key - jsf

I have different locale file for messages to user in JSF based Project.
i want to retrieve messages from all locale available in my project using Key
I am using in managed bean
String message=ResourceBundle.getBundle("",
new Locale(loggedInUser.getLanguage())).getString("");
Instead of one String i want all messages as a array or list assosiated with this key in all resource bundles like, etc.

As you've already figured how to get a locale-specific bundle and then get its message by key and that part thus doesn't need to be answered, your sole question basically boils down to:
How can I get all supported locales of my JSF application?
You can get all supported locales by Application#getSupportedLocales().
Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
Iterator<Locale> supportedLocales = application.getSupportedLocales();
while (supportedLocales.hasNext()) {
Locale supportedLocale =;
// ...


How do I set the applicaiton insights operationID to my custom correlationID?

I have a .net6 worker service and I need the Request Telemetry OperationID set to a custom value. This value is my CorrelationID that is read from a message queue, and it's format is a guid with dashes.
TelemetryClient.StartOperation has an overload that takes an operationId, but it only works with a specific format. It will not work with my guid.
I have tried the code below, which appears to work in the debugger. However, the value that shows up in applicaiton insights is not what I set it to.
var client = new TelemetryClient();
client.Context.Operation.Id = internalId;
I have tried creating an ITelemetryInitializer. If I set the operationID in the initialize method will work. The problem here is getting the correlationID to the initializer in the correct dependency injection scope.
It seems as though this is a common scenario. I have seen where others ask the question but I have not found a suitable solution.
Has anyone solved this problem?
The problem is that since .Net 5 the default Id format is set to W3C standard instead of the Hierarchical Id format, see the docs:
Parent-Child relationships between Activities in the distributed trace tree are established using unique IDs. .NET's implementation of distributed tracing supports two ID schemes: the W3C standard TraceContext, which is the default in .NET 5+, and an older .NET convention called 'Hierarchical' that's available for backwards compatibility. Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID scheme is used. In the W3C TraceContext standard, every trace is assigned a globally unique 16-byte trace-id (Activity.TraceId), and every Activity within the trace is assigned a unique 8-byte span-id (Activity.SpanId). Each Activity records the trace-id, its own span-id, and the span-id of its parent (Activity.ParentSpanId). Because distributed traces can track work across process boundaries, parent and child Activities may not be in the same process. The combination of a trace-id and parent span-id can uniquely identify the parent Activity globally, regardless of what process it resides in.
Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID format is used for starting new traces, but by default adding a new Activity to an existing trace uses whatever format the parent Activity is using. Setting Activity.ForceDefaultIdFormat to true overrides this behavior and creates all new Activities with the DefaultIdFormat, even when the parent uses a different ID format.
When you set the Activity.DefaultIdFormat to ActivityIdFormat.Hierarchical you can specify any string as an operation Id as it does not have to conform to the W3C standard.
So the following code works like a charm:
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
Activity.DefaultIdFormat = ActivityIdFormat.Hierarchical;
int index = 0;
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
using var operation = _telemetryClient.StartOperation<RequestTelemetry>($"op{index}", $"a-b-c-{index}");
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);
but it might break the distributed trace flow for your api controllers if you want to trace the end-to-end flow between multiple seperate applications.
Another way is to just include your own correlation Id as a custom propery:
operation.Telemetry.Properties["MessageCorrelationId"] = "xxx";

Placeholder in resource bundles

I need some placeholders with automatic filling in my resource bundle.
An user of my application has two possible configuration, for example "1" and "2". Depending on this configuration, an entry should returned with the correct value.
I know, that conditions are possible:
currentConfig=The configuration is currently the {0,choice,0#first|1#second}
In my faces-config.xml the resource bundle is configured for access in JSF.
Now, I want to get this value in JSF without specifying parameters:
<h:outputText value="#{res.currentConfig}"/>
If the user has configured "1", the first value should be returned, otherwise the second value.
with configuration "1": The configuration is currently the first.
with configuration "2": The configuration is currently the second.
Can this be implemented independently of the JSF pages ?
You can implement get text from resource bundle in your own way. For instance you could create such a method in some managedbean :
public String getCongiurationText() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Locale locale = context.getViewRoot().getLocale();
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale);
String msg = bundle.getString("currentConfig");
Integer value = 1;
return MessageFormat.format(msg, getConfiguration());
Then in your outputText :
<h:outputText value="#{someUtilBean.getCongiurationText()}" />
With that approach you get message independently of JSF pages. So in every page you specify the same method, but depending on configuration it display different text. Configuration can be obtained of course in different way, but it depends how you would like to handle it.

Properties files to control form inputs based on roles

The requirements of the application that I'm building demands that user roles are to be dynamic, they will be stored in the database, and they will also be mapped to functionalities (forms) of the application, also stored in the database.
Restricting a role from accessing a specific page won't be difficult, but the requirements also states that form inputs must be customized based on roles, which means, an input can be mandatory or not, visible or not, read-only or not based on the role.
My approach to control these restrictions is based on creating a property file for each role, which will store all the inputs of all the forms in the application, as keys, and a long string as value in which we define the state of the input, like the following:
# form.input=mandatory:visibility
And then do some magic Java code, whenever a form is accessed, read its inputs properties from the file of the specific user role, and parse the values so I could provide the right value for the rendered="" and required="" attribute of an <h:inputText/>.
This could be a solution, but the inputs of the application are much more than a book name and category, means I will be putting lots of required and rendered attributes which will make JSF pages look ugly with huge amount of variables in the managed bean.
Is there a better approach/framework/solution to my issue?
I think that you are in the right way, and i will continue using your approach which consists of creating multiple property files, one for each user, except that we will not use a any "huge amount of variables
in the managed bean".
So, the first step consists on managing multiple resource properties using a single resource bundle prefix ( the <var></var> in <resource-bundle>), in the second step we will see how to switch between those files, and in the last step we will read from property file using JSTL.
Managing multiple property files:
We start by defining our ResourceBundle in the faces-config file:
UserMessages is a ResourceBundle where we will implement the logic that allow us to switch between our property files (assuming that yourpackage.user-inputs is the fully qualified name of your
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
public class UserMessages extends ResourceBundle {
public UserMessages() {
// we are loading as the default properties file
setParent(getBundle("yourpackage.user-inputs", FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
// we could just return parent.getObject(key) but we want to respect JSF recommandations
try {
return parent.getObject(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return "???" + key + "???";
public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
return parent.getKeys();
// this is the method that will allow us to switch between our .properties
public void setResourceBundle(String basename) {
setParent(getBundle(basename, FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
Switching between property files:
In order to switch from a property file to another we will need to use the method setResourceBundle(String basename) that we just declared in our class above, So in the managed bean where you are declaring your business logic and where you are intending to switch files depending on the user's role, you need to inject the bundle, like:
//don't forget adding getters and setters or you end with NullPointerException
private UserMessages userMesssages;
Then, to switch to another file (, just use it like this:
//yourpackage.admin-inputs is the fully qualified name
NB: You can inject the bundle in that way (above) only in request scoped beans, to use it in broader scopes please see: Read i18n variables from properties file in a Bean
Now, as we can switch easily from the user-inputs to the admin-inputs, the last step is the easiest one.
Parsing the property file:
The bad news, is that when using this approach you will need to add rendered="" and required="" attribute to every input you are willing to manage (but don't forget that the good ones was that you will not need to manage variables in managed beans ;) ).
First, you need to add JSTL namespaces declaration on the top of your xhtml file:
you can find more about JSTL functions in the javadocs, regarding the function substringAfter:
Returns a subset of a string following a specific substring.
P.O. Box: ${fn:substringAfter(zip, "-")}
The function substringBefore:
Returns a subset of a string before a specific substring.
Zip (without P.O. Box): ${fn:substringBefore(zip, "-")}
Second, as the first part of your String represents the required attribute:
//Returns the substring of msgs['searchBooks.authorName'] before the first occurrence of the separator ':'
required="${fn:substringBefore(msgs['searchBooks.authorName'], ':')}"
and the second part:
//Returns the substring of msgs['searchBooks.authorName'] after the first occurrence of the separator ':'.
rendered="${fn:substringAfter(msgs['searchBooks.authorName'], ':')}"
See also:
JSF Internationalization f:loadbundle or through faces-config:
Performance point
Difference between by Application#getResourceBundle() and ResourceBundle#getBundle() in JSF 2.0
How to remove the surrounding ??? when message is not found in
Context Sensitive Resource Bundle entries in JavaServer Faces
applications – going beyond plain language, region & variant

Hibernate validator programmatic constraints declaration and JSF

I Have a JSF-2.2 web app on a WildFly 8.1 app server shiping Hibernate-validator 5.1
I want to set some constrainst programmaticaly using the fluent API, because they depends on the case for example a min and max of a #Size constraint could vary or a field could be #NotNull or not...
so I try to programmaticaly configure constraints such as describe here :
I do somthing like that to try (in a EJB #Singleton #Startup):
HibernateValidatorConfiguration configuration = Validation
.byProvider( HibernateValidator.class )
ConstraintMapping constraintMapping = configuration.createConstraintMapping();
.type( Car.class )
.property( "manufacturer", FIELD )
.constraint( new NotNullDef() )
.property( "licensePlate", FIELD )
.constraint( new NotNullDef() )
.constraint( new SizeDef().min( 2 ).max( 14 ) );
Validator validator = configuration.addMapping( constraintMapping )
But then JSF don't use this new constraints mapping.
I can submit forms without problem even if I break the constraints programmaticaly set
I don't know how to configure the Validator or ValidatorFactory JSF is using or how to provide to JSF an other Validator or ValidatorFactory...
Or may be It's more about configuring WildFly server, something to do in a config file or JNDI, I don't have a clue...
I try to bind new Validator and validator factory in JNDI
But I can't because "Naming context is read-only"
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
jndiProperties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
Context context = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
context.bind("java:comp/Validator", factory.getValidator());
context.bind("java:comp/ValidatorFactory", factory);
Thank you Hardy
As you proposed I post Hibenate Validator improvement
There is no way atm to do what you are after. Hibernate Validator has indeed the programmatic mapping, but it is a Hibernate Validator specific feature. There is no way to bootstrap this functionality in a Bean Validation way. I am saying this, since the only way to customize your ValidatorFactory and hence Validator instance within the container is via validation.xml. And there is no mechanism for the fluent API in this configuration file.
Your JNDI idea is in principal good, but as you say, it is only read only.
validation.xml allows for vendor specific properties though. One could imagine a property like org.hibernate.validator.config_factory=acme.MyConfig. The value of the property would point to a fully specified class which would contain some sort of factory method which returns the programmatic mapping to be added to the configuration. Unfortunately, such a property does not yet exist. You could open an issue here though ;-)

Implementing a Locale provider that works in JSF and JAX-RS

I've been joyfully using omnifaces' Faces.getLocale() to aquire the locale used by the currently logged in user (which in turn gets this from a <f:view> definition). I really like the fallback approach from view to client to system default locale as it fits the requirements for locale selection in my application:
If a user is logged in, use his language preference (obtained from the backend entity)
If no user preference can be found, use the highest ranking language from the Accept-Languages HTTP header
If no locale has been selected by now, use the system default.
Now I've started using JAX-RS (resteasy implementation) and find it quite difficult to write a service that will provide my backend code with the current user's locale.
I can't use Faces.getLocale(), since that requires a FacesContext which isn't present during JAX-RS request processing.
I can't use the #Context SecurityContext annotation in a #Provider (which would give me the user preferred locale) or #Context HttpHeaders (access to the client locale) since JAX-RS only injects those when it uses the provider itself, not when my backend code instantiates the class.
And I don't want to litter my method signatures with Locale parameters, since virtually everything requires a locale to be present.
To have a concrete example: I have a vcard generator that generates little NOTE fields depending on the user's preferred locale. I can both call the vcard generating method via JSF/EL:
<h:commandLink action="#{vcfGenerator.forPerson(person)}"
value="Go" target="_blank" />
And via a REST service:
#GET #Path('person/{id:[1-9][0-9]*}/vcard')
String exportVcard(#PathParam('id') Long personId, #Context HttpHeaders headers) {
VcfGenerator exporter = Component.getInstance(VcfGenerator) as VcfGenerator
Person person = entityManager.find(Person, personId)
if (! person)
return Response.noContent().build()
def locale = headers.acceptableLanguages[0] ?: Locale.ROOT
return exporter.generateVCF(person, locale).toString()
This works (VcfGenerator has a set of JSF-only methods that use Faces.getLocale()), but is a pain to maintain. So instead of passing the Locale object, I'd like to say:
Vcard generateVCF(Person person) {
Locale activeLocale = LocaleProvider.instance().getContext(VcfGenerator.class)
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", activeLocale, new MyControl())
// use bundle to construct the vcard
Has anyone done similar work and can share insights?
I know this has been posted a while ago, but as it has not been marked as resolved, here is how I got a workaround working for this specific case:
First I got a custom ResourceBundle working, as #BalusC described here:
Then I updated the constructor in order to detect if a FacesContext is currently being in use, from this :
public Text() {
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale(), UTF8_CONTROL));
To This:
public Text() {
FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ctx != null ? ctx.getViewRoot().getLocale() : Locale.ENGLISH, UTF8_CONTROL));
This now works both in JSF and JAX-RS context.
Hope this help,
