Authentication Required Popup box for vTiger CMS - iis

I'm using vTiger CRM 5.4.0
It was working fine but i have changed and updated my server and simply copy paste and upload previous back from old server along with DB...
but it always shows me Popup box for "Authentication Required" on each page.

this message is most probably due to the use of HTTP Basic Authentication on the server side.
This has nothing to do with Vtiger and it's something you (or the person in charge of managing your server) needs to set on the web server side (may be Apache, IIS, or others).
If your interest is to disable the request of username and password, you should edit the server configuration. In case of IIS, this is a good starting point. In case of Apache web server, see this link.
Otherwise, you should check with the manager of your server for your username and password. The popup should not come up once the right combination has been entered.

I think the problem is Plesk. Plesk automaticaly creates a virtual directory named "test". This directory holds the Vtiger logo. Loading the logo causes the permission issue.
Solution: rename or delete the virual directy "test" in Plesk.


Using Umbraco with Subfolders

I have built an Umbraco project (7.2.2) on my local machine and it all works well. I now want to copy it to our test server running IIS 7.5.
I have created a Virtual Folder in IIS under the default web site and copied the project across. The url I am using is I can access the content ok but if I try to login to edit the content I get a blank page (umbraco#/login/false) and shortly afterwards it returns to the login page with Session timed out.
If I Inspect the page I can see that some resources have failed to load with Error 404. It is looking for and not
Is there a configuration setting I need to change to make this work properly?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
You need to update the umbracoPath setting in the web.config

Error in non existent global.asa

I have a user's website giving an error in a global.asa file but it does not exist in their web root. It looks like the account has been hacked as it's giving an error about not connecting to a server, and at the same time I see the firewall block outbound connection requests.
msxml3.dll error '80072efd'
A connection with the server could not be established
/LM/W3SVC/6510/ROOT/global.asa, line 66
I've deleted the IIS instance and had the control panel recreate it, but the issue still exists. I've even created a dummy asp file which only displays some text and it happens.
I'm at a loss where this could be being picked up and looking for suggestions. Where might this be set?
I've had the same problem on a w2k3 server (iis6) with many sites, where just one had the fake global.asa;
I've not still found cause but a workaround solution, for me, has been:
open MMC Console (IIS manager)
stop IIS
double click on Web Sites (confirm reload offline configuration)
under every site delete "ghost" global.asa (that you don't find under phisical websites folder)
start IIS

iFrame display content from another server

I had created a simple portal site for our internal users, just a CSS menu with our internal web services which then displayed in an iFrame. Worked well so far.
Our helpdesk software was GLPI running on APACHE on the same server and had no issues. We recently upgraded to the latest version and in the meantime I moved it to our new web apps server and switched to IIS. The 'portal' is still hosted on the old server.
When I updated the javascript for the iFrame to point to the new address, it looked like it worked, I could get the login screen for GLPI. After logging in however I just get stuck at a white screen. If I try it in IE I get the message:
This content cannot be displayed in a frame
To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be
displayed in a frame.
What you can try:
Open this content in a new window
It doesn't seem to be the iFrame itself as I can get the login page.
My question is, can anyone give me some ideas on where to look at this issue? I've checked the IIS logs on both sides and see no errors, GLPI reports no errors, neither does PHP.
GLPI is on IIS 8 on Server 2012
The 'portal' is on IIS 6 on server 2003
GLPI running on PHP 5.3.0
EDIT: I've looked into the X-FRAME issue and I'm pretty sure this is not it, servers are on the same domain and I am able to get to the login screen of the second server through the iFrame, just no content after that. If it was an issue with the frame or permissions I would expect to not get to the site at all?
The only header response currently in IIS is 'X-Powered-By --> ASP.NET' am I looking in the wrong spot?
The server is returning an X-Frame-Options header used to prevent ClickJacking. That header must be removed (or updated with an Allow-From directive that lists the framing page's origin) in order for the target page to be rendered as a subframe.

Create user friendly alias for a sharepoint site

I have a test Sharepoint server running on a Windows 7 machine. The url is http://liu-t500-01 and i want to create a user friendly alias http://temp for it. i have added temp
to my hosts file (an A/host entry) and i have also created an alternate access mapping in Central Administration
http://liu-t500-01 Default http://liu-t500-01
http://temp Intranet http://temp
However when i try http://temp in the browser the sharepoint site does not come up. This is probably a simple problem but has me scratching my head...what did i do wrong?
Changing the IIS binding only will cause errors. You need to modify the alternate access mappings in SharePoint. There are tons of good articles our there that tell what to do in detail.
Here is just one:
Try adding a host header in IIS
In IIS click on your site
choose the Bindings action
Click Add
In the Host Name field enter "temp"
click OK

Modx Unable to login to manager area

I've just transferred a modx site for a client over to fasthosts - got the site setup working fine but when logging into the backend I'm getting Incorrect Username / Password.
I know that the credentials are correct.
Any ideas?
Using 1.0.4
I've heard of similar issues before when people migrate a site to a shared host. Does this solution help?
I've fixed it!
It seems to create all site content including paths and sessions within files on server... So obviously I'd ftp from old host to new host, put live expected to work which front end did because it doesn't use session data but then the backend had it's knickers in a twist
I setup a new installation with a db prefix test_ - once site was installed changed db parameters then cleared site cache, uploaded new template files etc.
