OAuth2 and C# Web Forms - ms-office

I am trying to get some Calendar Information from Office 365 into a web app. Are there any examples on how to do this using c# web forms? I came across some examples but they were written in MVC. I am not 100% familiar with that language structure yet.

The following blog samples are using an ASP.Net web application as a base sample for exploring the Office 365 Exchange REST interface.
Hopefully might point you in the right direction.
(Just starting on this journey myself at the moment!)
Email and Calendaring links as a walk-through
(Edit: Apologies this does use the MVC structure inside a Web app.
However there are "basic MVC tutorials" via Bing on YouTube (18mins), W3schools and ASP.Net so you can understand the 3 pieces).


DocuSign in COM based environments

Do you have coding examples integrating to Docusign using a COM based platform. I have access to SOAP, so any examples in a COM based environment would be helpful.
As Kim has mentioned the DocuSign Developer Center has a section devoted to the SOAP API:
On that page you'll see one of the first links guide you to the DocuSign-SOAP-SDK which is up on GitHub:
Inside the SOAP SDK there are 5 sample projects written in different technology stacks: Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, and Salesforce. Not only are there working sample apps but there's also code snippet folders you can review.

Excel VBA to Quickbooks Online Link?

Is there any way I can write an Excel VBA program to interface with Quickbooks online? I work for a company that uses quickbooks for accounting, and I'd like to write a simple program that I can run from one of our common excel files to take data from that file and dump into in a Quickbooks bill.
The problem Im running in to is that I dont know where to start. The quickbooks online API online seems suitable for other web apps, and any integration with Excel is online with quickbooks desktop. Are there any good resources? Is this even possible?
You can definitely use the QuickBooks Online API to do what you're looking to do.
The API is usable to both web apps and desktop apps.
If you follow the linked text above there's tons of documentation.
The basic process if you're building a desktop app would be to:
get your OAuth tokens from Intuit's OAuth playground
find an OAuth library for your language of choice
parse the Excel sheet
send OAuth signed REST requests to Intuit's API to send the data to QBO
If you're building a web app instead, you'd be better off implementing the entire OAuth signup process instead of using the playground tool.
You probably don't want to do this from directly within Excel because there's a lot of OAuth signing and other crazy stuff that likely won't be easy/available within Excel directly. But you should be able to use Intuit's .NET DevKit to do what you're trying to do.
I researched this last month. From what I can tell the API is only for creating apps for their app store. The apps have to comply with their standards for navigation, security etc... so the answer to your question from what I can tell is that it's not possible. (I could be wrong but I was asking myself the same question a few weeks ago.)
Probably not the answer you were hoping for but I came to accept it. After talking with my business partner who is a Pro Adviser he said that it was easy enough for him to just upload a csv file if the information was correct and the file was documented.
QuickBooks Online API Diagnostics.php ERROR However, from the looks of this post one might have a reason to believe otherwise.
EDIT The API has been updated. Keith Palmer's answer is correct.
Last week this sample was posted:
I have been using a modified oAuth part of this. I found it was easier to build out the transaction than use the SDK for the API. I have a wrapper class, exposed to com that is working in VBA.
Attending the Intuit's Friday Developer Google Hangout was very helpful in my Intuit Magical Mystery Tour.

Hybrid Mobile App using Icenium

We are working on a Hybrid Mobile app using Icenium.
How do I start using SeriviceStack to develop backend services? Any direction is highly appreciated.
Thank you
Here from ServiceStack Wiki
Create your first webservice
For self hosting
Here all the ServiceStack Wiki
and the knowledge base in StackOverflow under the tag ServiceStack
and the Google Groups
there is also a training course (with payment) from
PluralSight- An MVC4, iOS And Android App With ServiceStack, Xamarin and C#
I don't know if it is useful.
this is not real answer, only to point you the wiki.
Others can edit to make it better.

Is there a yet fairly complete example projects servicestack that uses the new API?

I got the week off from work to learn servicestack and I am in awe of its simplicity, power, and speed.
I am a pluralsight subscriber and I am going through the Jon Somnez course which is great and as far as I can tell is using the new service stack api.
However, the examples in the pluralsight course are extremely simple and as such I am looking for a working example THAT USES the new API. I see that the wiki is up to date and that is very helpful...but I was hoping to find a working implementation that uses the new API and it seems that all of the examples I have downloaded or browsed are using the old API.
IS there a new working example/implementation (vs solution and projects.) that uses the new API yet?
If I can sneak in another question. Is there a recommendation (hopefully in the example project you can point me to) that explains a best practice for structuring your servicestack API project. (DTOs in a folder, services in a folder, response objects in a folder ??)
Update: ServiceStack Live Demo's and Examples are now being published on LiveDemos GitHub Project.
Most of the examples in ServiceStack.Examples has switched over to use the New API and are mostly available to demo on the servicestack.net homepage.
ServiceStack.UseCases contain a number of small single-purposed applications that are focused on how to enable specific features for different use-cases.
The SocialBootstrap API deployed at bootstrapapi.apphb.com is an example of an MVC and ServiceStack website together making with all the available authentication options together.
The Razor Rockstars is an example of a stand-alone ServiceStack application that demonstrates its website and HTML capabilities showing how you can add razor and markdown views to existing services to create a website that enhances existing services. There are 3 versions of Razor Rockstars available:
A Stand-alone Self-hosted using HttpListener
A Windows Service
Another website that's similar in spirit to Razor Rockstars is the Nortwind Database editor which demonstrates how you can enable a full-featured server-side HTML website to enhance your existing services. It includes a full-writeup of how he developed it and its capabilities on the accompanying blog post.

Build CMS in SharePoint

I am an asp.net (C#) developer and have been developing CMS systems for quite a while and now I need to develop a CMS in SharePoint.
Can you please suggest me steps, methods or tutorials or step by step procedures (free links) for developing a CMS in SharePoint?
Someone has asked a similar question and got an excellent response here.
