Build CMS in SharePoint - sharepoint

I am an (C#) developer and have been developing CMS systems for quite a while and now I need to develop a CMS in SharePoint.
Can you please suggest me steps, methods or tutorials or step by step procedures (free links) for developing a CMS in SharePoint?

Someone has asked a similar question and got an excellent response here.


Building an App in SharePoint Online

I have a client that wanted an easier way for his team members to build/update pages on their site, their site is heavily customized with a lot of JavaScript. The issues is that when a team member wanted to add a new section to the page they had consult a dev person to hard code in the desired features. So we decided to create customizable web parts of those features making the site more self-serviceable.
When I first started I found some documentation that said to use visual studios to build the web part using sandbox code, upload it to the site and then they would just need to activate it to deploy it on the site. Buuut unbeknownst to me code based sandbox solutions are no longer supported in Sharepoint and therefore the web parts we built could not be deployed. I was then told that I needed to build it as an Add-in, but as I started building the add-ins I found that the customizable field properties (i.e. ability to change background color, text style/color and banner color) that I want are not implementable as a add-ins.
So now I’m back at square one and I don’t know if it’s even possible to build a web part as a add-in or do I need to go a different route?
Any thoughts or links to sources you can provide would be HUGELY appreciated!
In SharePoint 2016 things have changed a lot from the traditional model which was the classic way of building web parts. The way you worked before is called "classic", the new way is called "modern", and the way to get your dev environment is the following (brace yourself, it is a long answer):
1) In SP2016/Online you will need to configure your dev machine with the following environment, installing the following:
NodeJS Long Term Support version
Yeoman (which will be used to create web parts)
GULP (which will play the role of virtual web server)
Once the three components above are installed, you will install the Yeoman SharePoint Generator to create the SharePoint Web Parts, Yeoman simplifies the process of creating things by delivering templates ready to use and making all the configurations standard, you gonna love this guy!
To configure your machine see the following link:
2) In SP2016/SP Online, you will develop for SPFx (SharePoint Framework), Microsoft has made significant efforts to address the changes and help developers to embark on this new journey by publishing training and educational material at GitHub, YouTube, and on its official website (I will add link below), but for the purpose of helping you, please follow this tutorial, it helped me to learn how to develop Modern Web Parts for SP 2016/Online:
3) From the tutorial above, you will get a fully functional Modern Web Part that can be deployed to SP2016/Online, you will see the new modern architecture allows you that old experience of "sandboxing" web parts in a faster way without, thus solving your problem of constant updating/refactoring components in a live production environment. This way now allows you to constantly update the code and see the results in real-time , you will be able to see results on your dev environment by calling: https://localhost:4321/temp/workbench.html and at same time on your SP environment. for example:
YouTube "SharePoint Framework Tutorials" - it is the step by step tutorial video showing the whole process of creating a web part:
GitHub repository with the full documentation, samples and extras for the SPFx and PnP (this is another story for another time):
I hope it helps you!

OAuth2 and C# Web Forms

I am trying to get some Calendar Information from Office 365 into a web app. Are there any examples on how to do this using c# web forms? I came across some examples but they were written in MVC. I am not 100% familiar with that language structure yet.
The following blog samples are using an ASP.Net web application as a base sample for exploring the Office 365 Exchange REST interface.
Hopefully might point you in the right direction.
(Just starting on this journey myself at the moment!)
Email and Calendaring links as a walk-through
(Edit: Apologies this does use the MVC structure inside a Web app.
However there are "basic MVC tutorials" via Bing on YouTube (18mins), W3schools and ASP.Net so you can understand the 3 pieces).

Is Liferay suitable for an API Documentation Site?

I've been tasked with creating a documentation website for some services that we expose externally. Part of my task is to find out what the best base software would be to build this site. One of my specific objectives is to determine whether or not the Liferay Portal software or its plugins are suitable for building what is primarily functioning as an API documentation website. It seems like Liferay is meant for more content-driving applications, such as news, wikis, blogs, etc.
If Liferay is suitable for this task, are there any pointers on what the general layout should be for the site?
Liferay itself is proving to be rather complicated to learn, so I figured that it'd be better to figure out if I'm wasting my time or not before really diving into learning how to use it.
At the same time, are there any better, non-commercial alternatives?
I am creating web portal using Liferay and I implemented a simple document browsing page. I was using amazon java libraries to accomplish that and it was quite easy(just download all of the jars, include them in your portlet library folder and AWS(AmazonS3) is ready to use). On the other, the programmatic part of creating this portals with Liferay is quite a lot. I suggest you if you don't like programming to chose another software :)
I hope this was helpful! Its just an advice not a concrete answer.
Good luck with developing your website :)

compare sharepoint with java world

I am a good java web developer having knowledge of numbers of technical issues in java industry.
I heard lot about SharePoint. I don't able to understand it because I don't have idea of workings in Microsoft world.
Can someone tell about SharePoint by taking a scenario from java world.
Central repository for what? Not really. No offence but you really need to do a bit more reading first. Try
What is Sharepoint
Microsoft SharePoint - Wikipedia
SharePoint product information page
Can someone tell about SharePoint by taking a scenario from java world.
There isn't a direct correlation to Java. SharePoint is an application, Java is a programming language. It's like asking someone to describe Microsoft Excel in terms of the PHP world - doesn't really make sense as a question.
However, Alfresco is an OSS project is similar to SharePoint and written in Java.
How does it differ from Mircosoft Visual Studio Software
VisualStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), like Eclipse.

sharepoint cms development

i am an (C#) developer and have been devloping cms for quite a while now
now i need to develop cms in sharepoint...can u plz suggest me steps , methods or tutorials or step by step procedure (free links) for developing cms in sharepoint
Plz help
You don't have to develop a CMS in SharePoint.. it comes with one out of the box!
That said, try Andrew Connells website. He's also written a book about doing CMS stuff with MOSS.
