Can two non-functors compose to a functor? - haskell

We can have two types f, g :: * -> * such that they're not monads, but their composition is. For example for an arbitrary fixed s:
f a := s -> a
g a := (s, a)
g a isn't a monad (unless we restrict s to a monoid), but f (g a) is the state monad s -> (s, a). (Unlike functors and applicative functors, even if both f and g were monads, their composition might not be.)
Is there a similar example for functors or applicative functors? That is that the composition of f and g is a a functor (or an applicative functor), even though
one of f and g isn't an (applicative) functor and the other is, or
neither of them is an (applicative) functor,

This is not a (covariant) functor
f x = x -> r
but f . f is the "continuation" functor (also a monad):
f (f x) = (x -> r) -> r
This is probably not the best example because f is a contravariant functor.

Let g :: *->*. Then Const A . g is a functor for any A, in fact isomorphic to Const A.


Can `Fix` and `(,)` be seen as functors in some sense?

I've been wondering what a complete, all-encompassing context for instance Functor (f :.: g) would be. The immediate thought that pops into my head is:
newtype (f :.: g) a = Comp (f (g a))
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :.: g) where
fmap f (Comp x) = Comp (fmap (fmap f) x)
But then, two contravariant functors would also compose to be covariant, like so:
instance (Contravariant f, Contravariant g) => Functor (f :.: g) where
fmap f (Comp x) = Comp (contramap (contramap f) x)
Already not a promising beginning. However, I've also noticed that technically, f and g don't even have to have kind * -> * -- the only requirement for f :.: g :: * -> * is that f :: k -> * and g :: * -> k for some k. This means that non-functor types could compose to be functors, e.g.
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
instance Functor (Fix :.: (,)) where
fmap f (Comp x) = Comp (go x) where
go (Fix (x,xs)) = Fix (f x,go xs)
Fix :.: (,) is isomorphic to the Stream type:
data Stream a = a :> Stream a
so this does seem to be a non-trivial issue. This got me thinking -- if Haskell's Functor typeclass represents categorical functors from Hask to Hask, does that mean types like Fix and (,) could be functors working on some other categories? What would those categories be?
Yes, and we can read off exactly what sense that is from the shape of the constructor. Let's look at (,) first.
The (,) Functor
(,) :: * -> * -> *
This takes two types and produces a type. Up to isomorphism, this is equivalent to
(,) :: (*, *) -> *
i.e. we might as well uncurry the function and take both arguments at once. So (,) can be viewed as a functor for Hask × Hask to Hask, where Hask × Hask is the product category. We have a word for a functor whose domain is the product of two categories. We call it a bifunctor, and it's actually in base Haskell. Specifically, a bifunctor p is capable of turning maps from (a, b) to (a', b') in the product category into maps from p a b to p a' b'. Haskell's typeclass writes this in a slightly different but equivalent way
bimap :: Bifunctor p => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
Having a map a -> b and a map c -> d is exactly equivalent to having a map (a, c) -> (b, d) in the product category. (What I mean by that is: the maps (a, c) -> (b, d) in the product category are defined to be products of maps a -> b and c -> d).
The Fix Functor
We can deal with Fix the same way.
newtype Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
Its shape is
Fix :: (* -> *) -> *
It takes a one-argument type constructor and produces a type.
Now, in Haskell, the * -> * part can be any one-argument type constructor, but categorically it's much nicer to work with functors. So I'm going to make the slightly stronger constraint (which it turns out we'll need in a minute) that the * -> * argument to Fix is a Functor, i.e. a functor from Hask to Hask.
In that case, Fix has the right shape to be a functor from the functor category Hask ^ Hask to the category Hask. A functor, categorically, takes objects to objects and arrows to arrows. So let's take that one step at a time.
The object part is easy, we've already defined it. Specifically, Fix takes the functor f (functors are the objects of a functor category; read that again if it doesn't make sense yet) and maps it to the type Fix f that we just defined.
Now, the arrows of a functor category are natural transformations. Given two functors f, g :: C -> D, a natural transformation α from f to g is a mapping from the objects of C to the arrows of D. Specifically, for every object x in the category C, α x should be an arrow in D going from f x to g x, with the following coherence condition:
For every arrow h : x -> y in C, we must have (g h) . (α x) === (α y) . (f h)
(Using notation such as function composition very loosely, in true category theory spirit)
Drawn as a commutative diagram, the following must commute,
Haskell doesn't really have a built-in type for natural transformations. With Rank-N types, we can write the correct shape
(forall a. f a -> g a)
This is the shape of a natural transformation, but of course we haven't verified the coherence property. So we'll just have to trust that it satisfies that property.
With all of this abstract nonsense in mind, if Fix is going to be a functor from Hask ^ Hask to Hask, it should take a natural transformation to an ordinary Haskell function, and it should have the following shape.
fixmap :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Fix f -> Fix g
Once we have this type, we can write the implementation fairly easily.
fixmap h (Fix inner) = Fix (h . fmap (fixmap h) $ inner)
or, equivalently (by the rules of natural transformations),
fixmap h (Fix inner) = Fix (fmap (fixmap h) . h $ inner)
I'm not aware of an idiomatic name for this shape of functor, nor am I aware of a typeclass that encompasses it, but of course nothing stops you from making it yourself.

How to define apply in terms of bind?

In Haskell Applicatives are considered stronger than Functor that means we can define Functor using Applicative like
-- Functor
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f fa = pure f <*> fa
and Monads are considered stronger than Applicatives & Functors that means.
-- Functor
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f fa = fa >>= return . f
-- Applicative
pure :: a -> f a
pure = return
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) = ??? -- Can we define this in terms return & bind? without using "ap"
I have read that Monads are for sequencing actions. But I feel like the only thing a Monad can do is Join or Flatten and the rest of its capabilities comes from Applicatives.
join :: m (m a) -> m a
-- & where is the sequencing in this part? I don't get it.
If Monad is really for sequencing actions then How come we can define Applicatives (which are not considered to strictly operate in sequence, some kind of parallel computing)?
As monads are Monoids in the Category of endofunctors. There are Commutative monoids as well, which necessarily need not work in order. That means the Monad instances for Commutative Monoids also need an ordering?
I found an excellent page
If Monad is really for sequencing actions then How come we can define Applicatives (which are not considered to strictly operate in sequence, some kind of parallel computing)?
Not quite. All monads are applicatives, but only some applicatives are monads. So given a monad you can always define an applicative instance in terms of bind and return, but if all you have is the applicative instance then you cannot define a monad without more information.
The applicative instance for a monad would look like this:
instance (Monad m) => Applicative m where
pure = return
f <*> v = do
f' <- f
v' <- v
return $ f' v'
Of course this evaluates f and v in sequence, because its a monad and that is what monads do. If this applicative does not do things in a sequence then it isn't a monad.
Modern Haskell, of course, defines this the other way around: the Applicative typeclass is a subset of Functor so if you have a Functor and you can define (<*>) then you can create an Applicative instance. Monad is in turn defined as a subset of Applicative, so if you have an Applicative instance and you can define (>>=) then you can create a Monad instance. But you can't define (>>=) in terms of (<*>).
See the Typeclassopedia for more details.
We can copy the definition of ap and desugar it:
ap f a = do
xf <- f
xa <- a
return (xf xa)
f <*> a = f >>= (\xf -> a >>= (\xa -> return (xf xa)))
(A few redundant parentheses added for clarity.)
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<*>) = ??? -- Can we define this in terms return & bind? without using "ap"
Recall that <*> has the type signature of f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, and >>= has m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. So how can we infer m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b from m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b?
To define f <*> x with >>=, the first parameter of >>= should be f obviously, so we can write the first transformation:
f <*> x = f >>= k -- k to be defined
where the function k takes as a parameter a function with the type of a -> b, and returns a result of m b such that the whole definition aligns with the type signature of bind >>=. For k, we can write:
k :: (a -> b) -> m b
k = \xf -> h x
Note that the function h should use x from f <*> x since x is related to the result of m b in some way like the function xf of a -> b.
For h x, it's easy to get:
h :: m a -> m b
h x = x >>= return . xf
Put the above three definations together, and we get:
f <*> x = f >>= \xf -> x >>= return . xf
So even though you don't know the defination of ap, you can still get the final result as shown by #chi according to the type signature.

Every monad is an applicative functor — generalizing to other categories

I can readily enough define general Functor and Monad classes in Haskell:
class (Category s, Category t) => Functor s t f where
map :: s a b -> t (f a) (f b)
class Functor s s m => Monad s m where
pure :: s a (m a)
join :: s (m (m a)) (m a)
join = bind id
bind :: s a (m b) -> s (m a) (m b)
bind f = join . map f
I'm reading this post which explains an applicative functor is a lax (closed or monoidal) functor. It does so in terms of a (exponential or monoidal) bifunctor. I know in the Haskell category, every Monad is Applicative; how can we generalize? How should we choose the (exponential or monoidal) functor in terms of which to define Applicative? What confuses me is our Monad class seems to have no notion whatsoever of the (closed or monoidal) structure.
Edit: A commenter says it is not generally possible, so now part of my question is where it is possible.
What confuses me is our Monad class seems to have no notion whatsoever of the (closed or monoidal) structure.
If I understood your question correctly, that would be provided via the tensorial strength of the monad. The Monad class doesn't have it because it is intrinsic to the Hask category. More concretely, it is assumed to be:
t :: Monad m => (a, m b) -> m (a,b)
t (x, my) = my >>= \y -> return (x,y)
Essentially, all the monoidal stuff involved in the methods of a monoidal functor happens on the target category. It can be formalised thus†:
class (Category s, Category t) => Functor s t f where
map :: s a b -> t (f a) (f b)
class Functor s t f => Monoidal s t f where
pureUnit :: t () (f ())
fzip :: t (f a,f b) (f (a,b))
s-morphisms only come in if you consider the laws of a monoidal functor, which roughly say that the monoidal structure of s should be mapped into this monoidal structure of t by the functor.
Perhaps more insightful is to factor an fmap into the class methods, so it's clear what the “func-”-part of the functor does:
class Functor s t f => Monoidal s t f where
puref :: s () y -> t () (f y)
puref f = map f . pureUnit
fzipWith :: s (a,b) c -> t (f a,f b) (f c)
fzipWith f = map f . fzip
From Monoidal, we can get back our good old Hask-Applicative thus:
pure :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => a -> f a
pure a = puref (const a) ()
(<*>) :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => f (a->b) -> f a -> f b
fs <*> xs = fzipWith (uncurry ($)) (fs, xs)
liftA2 :: Monoidal (->) (->) f => (a->b->c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f xs ys = fzipWith (uncurry f) (xs,ys)
Perhaps more interesting in this context is the other direction, because that shows us up the connection to monads in the generalised case:
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (->) (->) f where
pureUnit = pure
fzip = \(xs,ys) -> liftA2 (,) xs ys
= \(xs,ys) -> join $ map (\x -> map (x,) ys) xs
That lambdas and tuple sections aren't available in a general category, however they can be translated to cartesian closed categories.
†I'm using (,) as the product in both monoidal categories, with identity element (). More generally you might write data I_s and data I_t and type family (⊗) x y and type family (∙) x y for the products and their respective identity elements.

What does it mean to compose two Functors?

Exercise 5 of the Haskell Typeclassopedia Section 3.2 asks for a proof or counterexample on the statement
The composition of two Functors is also a Functor.
I thought at first that this was talking about composing the fmap methods defined by two separate instances of a Functor, but that doesn't really make sense, since the types wouldn't match up as far as I can tell. For two types f and f', the types of fmap would be fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b and fmap :: (a -> b) -> f' a -> f' b, and that doesn't really seem composable. So what does it mean to compose two Functors?
A Functor gives two mappings: one on the type level mapping types to types (this is the x in instance Functor x where), and one on the computation level mapping functions to functions (this is the x in fmap = x). You are thinking about composing the computation-level mapping, but should be thinking about composing the type-level mapping; e.g., given
newtype Compose f g x = Compose (f (g x))
can you write
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g)
? If not, why not?
What this is talking about is the composition of type constructors like [] and Maybe, not the composition of functions like fmap. So for example, there are two ways of composing [] and Maybe:
newtype ListOfMabye a = ListOfMaybe [Maybe a]
newtype MaybeOfList a = MaybeOfList (Maybe [a])
The statement that the composition of two Functors is a Functor means that there is a formulaic way of writing a Functor instance for these types:
instance Functor ListOfMaybe where
fmap f (ListOfMaybe x) = ListOfMaybe (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance Functor MaybeOfList where
fmap f (MaybeOfList x) = MaybeOfList (fmap (fmap f) x)
In fact, the Haskell Platform comes with the module Data.Functor.Compose that gives you a Compose type that does this "for free":
import Data.Functor.Compose
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
fmap f (Compose x) = Compose (fmap (fmap f) x)
Compose is particularly useful with the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype ListOfMaybe a = ListOfMaybe (Compose [] Maybe a)
-- Now we can derive Functor and Applicative instances based on those of Compose
deriving (Functor, Applicative)
Note that the composition of two Applicatives is also an Applicative. Therefore, since [] and Maybe are Applicatives, so is Compose [] Maybe and ListOfMaybe. Composing Applicatives is a really neat technique that's slowly becoming more common these days, as an alternative to monad transformers for cases when you don't need the full power of monads.
The composition of two functions is when you put one function inside another function, such as
round (sqrt 23)
This is the composition of the two functions round and sqrt. Similarly, the composition of two functors is when you put one functor inside another functor, such as
Just [3, 5, 6, 2]
List is a functor, and so is Maybe. You can get some intuition for why their composition also is a functor if you try to figure out what fmap should do to the above value. Of course it should map over the contents of the inner functor!
It really helps to think about the categorical interpretation here, a functor F: C -> D takes objects (values) and morphisms (functions) to objects and morphisms from a category C to objects and morphisms in a category D.
For a second functor G : D -> E the composition of functors G . F : C -> E is just taking the codomain of F fmap transformation to be the domain of the G fmap transformation. In Haskell this is accomplished with a little newtype unwrapping.
import Data.Functor
newtype Comp f g a = Comp { unComp :: f (g a) }
compose :: f (g a) -> Comp f g a
compose = Comp
decompose :: Comp f g a -> f (g a)
decompose = unComp
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Comp f g) where
fmap foo = compose . fmap (fmap foo) . decompose

What are the adjoint functor pairs corresponding to common monads in Haskell?

In category theory, a monad can be constructed from two adjoint functors. In particular, if C and D are categories and F : C --> D and G : D --> C are adjoint functors, in the sense that there is a bijection
hom(FX,Y) = hom(X,GY)
for each X in C and Y in D then the composition G o F : C --> C is a monad.
One such pair of adjoint functors can be given by fixing a type b and taking F and G to be
data F b a = F (a,b)
data G b a = G (b -> a)
instance Functor (F b) where
fmap f (F (a,b)) = F (f a, b)
instance Functor (G b) where
fmap f (G g) = G (f . g)
and the bijection between hom-sets is given (modulo constructors) by currying:
iso1 :: (F b a -> c) -> a -> G b c
iso1 f = \a -> G $ \b -> f (F (a,b))
iso2 :: (a -> G b c) -> F b a -> c
iso2 g = \(F (a,b)) -> let (G g') = g a in g' b
in which case the corresponding monad is
data M b a = M { unM :: b -> (a,b) }
instance Monad (M b) where
return a = M (\b -> (a,b))
(M f) >>= g = M (\r -> let (a,r') = f r in unM (g r') a)
I don't know what the name for this monad should be, except that it seems to be something like a reader monad that carries around a piece of over-writeable information (edit: dbaupp points out in the comments that this is the State monad.)
So the State monad can be "decomposed" as the pair of adjoint functors F and G, and we could write
State = G . F
So far, so good.
I'm now trying to figure out how to decompose other common monads into pairs of adjoint functors - for example Maybe, [], Reader, Writer, Cont - but I can't figure out what the pairs of adjoint functors that we can "decompose" them into are.
The only simple case seems to be the Identity monad, which can be decomposed into any pair of functors F and G such that F is inverse to G (in particularly, you could just take F = Identity and G = Identity).
Can anyone shed some light?
What you're looking for is Kleisli category. It was originally developed to show that every monad can be constructed from two adjoint functors.
The problem is that Haskell Functor is not a generic functor, it's an endo-functor in the Haskell category. So we need something different (AFAIK) to represent functors between other categories:
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, KindSignatures #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category hiding ((.))
import qualified Control.Category as C
import Control.Monad
class (Category c, Category d) => CFunctor f c d | f -> c d where
cfmap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)
Notice that if we take -> for both c and d we get an endo-functor of the Haskell category, which is just the type of fmap:
cfmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
Now we have explicit type class that represents functors between two given categories c and d and we can express the two adjoint functors for a given monad. The left one maps an object a to just a and maps a morphism f to (return .) f:
-- m is phantom, hence the explicit kind is required
newtype LeftAdj (m :: * -> *) a = LeftAdj { unLeftAdj :: a }
instance Monad m => CFunctor (LeftAdj m) (->) (Kleisli m) where
cfmap f = Kleisli $ liftM LeftAdj . return . f . unLeftAdj
-- we could also express it as liftM LeftAdj . (return .) f . unLeftAdj
The right one maps an object a to object m a and maps a morphism g to join . liftM g, or equivalently to (=<<) g:
newtype RightAdj m a = RightAdj { unRightAdj :: m a }
instance Monad m => CFunctor (RightAdj m) (Kleisli m) (->) where
cfmap (Kleisli g) = RightAdj . join . liftM g . unRightAdj
-- this can be shortened as RightAdj . (=<<) g . unRightAdj
(If anybody know a better way how to express this in Haskell, please let me know.)
Maybe comes from the free functor into the category of pointed sets and the forgetful functor back
[] comes from the free functor into the category of monoids and the forgetful functor back
But neither of these categories are subcategories of Hask.
As you observe, every pair of adjoint functors gives rise to a monad. The converse holds too: every monad arises in that way. In fact, it does so in two canonical ways. One is the Kleisli construction Petr describes; the other is the Eilenberg-Moore construction. Indeed, Kleisli is the initial such way and E-M the terminal one, in a suitable category of pairs of adjoint functors. They were discovered independently in 1965. If you want the details, I highly recommend the Catsters videos.
