I am developing a web app, where people can record videos. I have been able to send chunks of audio n video to server successfully, where I am trying to combine them and return as single proper file.
my problem is if the recording is for one hour, after merging the chunks
video length : 1:00:00 , audio length : 00:59:30,
now, this is not a issue of audio not getting recorded( I have checked that), the problem is, somehow, when i merge the chunks of audio, it shrinks,
I find that it is progressive sync issue where it gets worse and worse as time increases.
I have searched the net for the solution, most places say async, I have tried using it, but to no avail, is the below usage correct?
ffmpeg -i audio.wav -async 1 -i video.webm -y -strict -2 v.mp4
(v.mp4 is the final file that I provide to the users.)
found a solution(or a temp fix, depends of how you look at it),
it involves combination of ffmpeg and ffprobe ... i have done audio streching( ratio<1)
ffprobe -i a.mp3 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -print_format json
ffprobe -i v.mp4 -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -print_format json
ffmpeg -i a.mp3 -filter:a atempo="0.9194791304347826" aSync.mp3 // audio is being stretched.
ffmpeg -i aSync.mp3 -i v.mp4 final.mp4
I am using FFmpeg to join a bunch of videos in a folder
All are videos of same type
I have using
ffmpeg -f concat -i file_list.txt -codec copy out.mp4
and also tried to reencode
ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c:v libx264 -c:a libvorbis out.mp4
and also this
ffmpeg -f concat safe 0 -i file_list.txt -c copy out.mp4
All of them are resulting in the same issue video getting stuck at the joint for about 1 min for each clip and the audio keeps playing on,
I have downloaded the videos from Reddit using youtube-dl and changed the aspect ratio to be 16:9
ffmpeg -i $f -lavfi '[0:v]scale=ih*16/9:-1,boxblur=luma_radius=min(h\,w)/20:luma_power=1:chroma_radius=min(cw\,ch)/20:chroma_power=1[bg];[bg][0:v]overlay=(W-w)/2:(H-h)/2,crop=h=iw*9/16' -vb 800k fix/$f;
I have noticed the videos have a different bit-rate
I still don't know what's wrong I don't have much experience with FFmpeg so please if someone can help me
I am using Mac M1 Air
I am trying to merge multiple audio files into a single file but instead of concatenating which I can do using the following command:
ffmpeg -v debug -i file1.wav -i file2.wav -i file3.wav -filter_complex [0:0]concat=n=3:v=0:a=1[out] -map [out] output.wav
Though this command works fine for concatenating, I want to overlap let's say the last 100ms of the end of the first file and 100ms of the start of the next file.
I am now trying to use 'acrossfade' filter that ffmpeg provides but I am not having any success with it.
ffmpeg -v debug -i file1.wav -i file2.wav -i file3.wav -filter_complex [0:a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp,[1:a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp,[2:a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp
This is what I have come up till now, but does not work as it throws 'Buffer is too short (n=0) for frame_length=1' error.
The documentation is not very helpful, does anyone have any idea what can be done?
Thanks in advance!
acrossfade is meant to create a transition between two inputs. So, each pair of inputs has to have acrossfade applied with the result being used as an input for the next acrossfade.
ffmpeg -v debug -i file1.wav -i file2.wav -i file3.wav -filter_complex "[0:a][1:a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp[a01];[a01][2:a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp" out.wav
Edit: your inputs are 16000 Hz, and your crossfade duration is 0.1s (!), which is less than 2 audio frames at the input sampling rate. Default frame size is 1024 samples. So, frame size needs to be lowered.
ffmpeg -v debug -i file1.wav -i file2.wav -i file3.wav -filter_complex "[0:a]asetnsamples=256[0a];[1:a]asetnsamples=256[1a];[2:a]asetnsamples=256[2a];[0a][1a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp[a01];[a01][2a]acrossfade=d=0.100:c1=exp:c2=exp" out.wav
I have an mp4 file and I want to take two sequential sections of the video out and render them as individual files, later recombining them back into the original video. For instance, with my video video.mp4, I can run
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 56 -t 4 out1.mp4
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 60 -t 4 out2.mp4
creating out1.mp4 which contains 00:00:56 to 00:01:00 of video.mp4, and out2.mp4 which contains 00:01:00 to 00:01:04. However, later I want to be able to recombine them again quickly (i.e., without reencoding), so I use the concat demuxer,
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i files.txt -c copy concat.mp4
where files.txt contains
file out1.mp4
file out2.mp4
which theoretically should give me back 00:00:56 to 00:01:04 of video.mp4, however there are always dropped audio frames where the concatenation occurs, creating a very unpleasant sound artifact, an audio blip, if you will.
I have tried using async and -af apad on initially creating the two sections of the video but I am still faced with the same problem, and have not found the solution elsewhere. I have experienced this issue in multiple different use cases, so hopefully this simple example will shed some light on the real problem.
I suggest you export segments to MOV with PCM audio, then concat those but with re-encoding audio.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c:a pcm_s16le -ss 56 -t 4 out1.mov
and then
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i files.txt -c:v copy concat.mp4
I am trying to take a video extract the frames and the audio.Then i do some compression on the frames and then i want to combine the image frames with the audio to create the video.
1.Create frames from video based on fps (lossless)
ffmpeg -i big_buck_bunny_480p_surround-fix.avi -q:v 1 ./vidtest/out%d.jpg
The problem here is that the quality of the image is 94 based on graphicsmagick , how can i extract the frames at original quality.
2.Getting the audio
ffmpeg -i big_buck_bunny_480p_surround-fix.avi -vn -acodec copy big_buck_bunny_480p_surround-fix.ac3
3.How do i combine the audio with the image sequences
It seems like you already understand how to extract the audio stream from a video, so we'll skip that step.
Let's assume you have a video file named video.mp4 and an audio file named audio.mp3. You want to take stills from the video and create a slideshow with audio.mp3 as the audio track.
First we'll extract the stills. fps=1/10 means that frames will be extracted every tenth second. -ss 00:00:5 means that we'll begin five seconds from the start. The first bit of a video is often a fade-in containing mostly black, so it might be desirable to skip that.
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:5 -i video.mp4 -vf fps=1/10 image%03d.png
Next we'll count how many images that resulted in. This will be handy to know when we're specifying the frame rate of the slideshow.
imgcount=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "image*" | wc -l)
echo $imgcount
The duration of the audio track would also be nice to know. With MP3 and similar formats, especially when encoded with a variable bit rate, estimation of duration can be fraught. To get around this the audio file can be converted into a WAV file, f.ex, and then the duration estimated.
adur=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a:0 -show_entries stream=duration \
-of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 audio.mp3)
echo $adur
Now we'll recombine the images into a slideshow. $imgcount/$adur specifies the display rate of the stills so the duration matches that of the audio file reasonably well. -r 25 specifies the actual frame-rate of the video. Not all formats and video players accept unusual frame-rates.
ffmpeg -framerate $imgcount/$adur -i image%03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 25 \
-pix_fmt yuv422p slideshow.mp4
This will mux the audio file and the slideshow file and trim to the duration of the shortest of the two. This works if the container format supports the codec of the audio file, if not either the audio file has to be re-converted, or another container format chosen. I find Matroska (.mkv) very useful. In the case of .avi and .ac3 or .mp4 and .mp3 there should be no problem.
ffmpeg -i slideshow.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -codec copy -shortest slideshow-sound.mp4
I am trying to cut a video in 2 parts then reassembling with ffmpeg but the final output has a small audio glitch right where the segments meet. I am using the following command to split the video 1.mp4 in 2 parts:
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:02 -async 1 1-1.mp4
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 00:00:02 -t 00:00:02 -async 1 1-2.mp4
Once I have the 2 parts I am concatening them back together with:
ffmpeg -f concat -i files.txt -c copy output.mp4
files.txt is correctly listing both files. Can anyone point me to where the problem might be?
The glitch is likely due to the audio priming sample showing up in between.
Since you're re-encoding the segments, you can do this in one command:
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -filter_complex
-map "[v]" -map "[a]" output.mp4
I had the same problem for about 3 weeks.
just merge the mp3 files using sox
sox in1.mp3 in2.mp3 in3.mp3 out.mp3
When I used concat with FFMPEG it made 12.5ms (I saw them on using Audacity) audio gaps. (I don't know why)
Maybe for your case it'll be better to extract the audio and video to two separate files using ffmpeg, merge them (video using FFMPEG and audio using sox) then put the files together into one container (mp4) file