Set bean value on click of selectbooleancheckbox - jsf

I have a bean class and a selectBooleanCheckbox in xhtml page. I want that on the click of the box the value should be set in the backing bean.
Here is code:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="provisioningTargetCollector"
Bean Class:
public boolean isProvisioningTargetCollector() {
return _provisioningTargetCollector;
public void setProvisioningTargetCollector(boolean provisioningTargetCollector) {
_provisioningTargetCollector = provisioningTargetCollector;
But the getter and setter are called only on page load. How can I set the value in bean method on click of checkbox.

The model with be filled with form data only when submit button will be pressed. If you want to do partial update to the server you need to send an AJAX request. Luckily, starting from JSF 2 it has been quite simple with the introduction of <f:ajax> tag. It adds ajax capabilities to UIComponent instances that implement the ClientBehaviorHolder interface, i.e. components that are capable of triggering ajax requests.
To do partial update of compenets you need to specify their client ids in execute attribute of <f:ajax> tag. As the default value of execute attribute evaluates to #this, or the component to which the tag is attached it. As soon as you want to update only the given <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> you can do it as simple as nesting a pure <f:ajax /> tag within you checkbox, i.e.:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="provisioningTargetCollector" value="#{targetSource.provisioningTargetCollector}">
<f:ajax />


Primefaces commandButton not updating datatable. Is update attribute required

I changed my <h:commandButton> tag to a PrimeFaces <p:commandButton> tag on a search page and my datatable stopped displaying the results. After adding an update attribute things worked again. I'm just trying to understand whether it is how I implemented the overall functionality (viewscope, action vs actionListener, etc) or is the update attribute really required?
<h:form id="search_form">
<p:inputText id="search" value="#{searchBean.searchString}" />
<p:commandButton update="search_form" value="Search" action="#{searchBean.searchByString}" >
<p:dataTable id="output" var="res" value="#{searchBean.results}" emptyMessage="No results found with given criteria">
public class SearchBean {
private SearchRepository searchRepository;
private List<Results> res;
private String searchString;
public SearchBean() {
public String searchByString()
One of the differences between h:commandButton and p:commandButton is that the second one performs an ajax request by default, while the first executes a plain POST request.
In an ajax request, you must specify what you want to process when form is sent and what to update when response happens. The p:commandButton updates nothing by default, that's why your table is not being properly filled.
See also:
Prime Faces Command Button vs. Default Command Button
Primefaces commandButton

Setting Managed Bean attribute's value from JSF page and using it in bean's methods

I have a ViewScoped Managed Bean. In my .xhtml page I want to set bean's attribute's value and use it in methods in the same bean.
I managed to set the value from jsf page, but when i want to use it in some method the value of an attribute is not the value i have set before.
Description (xhtml):
In this form there is a command link which sets the value of an attribute. And it is working fine. Also, as command link is clicked, second form is being showed.
<h:commandLink value="Set" >
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.attribute}" value="true" />
<f:ajax execute="#this" />
This form executes method that uses attribute's value set before, but the value is not true, its false.
<h:commandButton id="submit" value="Execute" action="#{bean.execute}" />
public void execute(){
---do something---
The question is: Why execute() is not reading attribute's value right?
When I use one form, it's working fine. But I need them to be in separated forms.
The scope of your bean is incorrect. ViewScoped means that the minute the view is changed, the bean is discarded and re-created for the next view. So, in your case, the original data you had for the first view is lost.
I'm going to refer you to BalusC's blog:
which states:
A #ViewScoped bean will live as long as you're submitting the form to the same view again and again. In other words, as long as when the action method(s) returns null or even void, the bean will be there in the next request. Once you navigate to a different view, then the bean will be trashed
I can't determine of you stay on the same page with both requests. If you do, viewScope should work even in two different forms. If you are navigating from 1 view to another, another viewScope will be created and you will loose the current one.
You could set the value in the sessionScope with java or by annotating the backingNean. But then everything in your backingBean becomes sessionScoped and that might not be needed.
You could also use a spring-like flow scope.
Example to do it with java:
public void callThisAfterFirstClick() {
Faces.setSessionAttribute(attribute, true)
public void callThisAfterSecondClick() {

Data in <h:inputText readonly="true"> disappears when command button is clicked

I am using JSF 1.1. I have a JSF page with a request scoped bean and a readonly input field.
<h:inputText id="dt" value="#{bean.sdate}" readonly="#{bean.disable}" />
<a onclick="cal('dt');"><img src="fr.gif" border="0"></a>
When I set the input value using JavaScript and click on command button, then the data in input field disappears.
How is this caused and how can I solve it.
That's because the property is set to readonly. If this evaluates true, then JSF won't process the submitted value and hence the model won't be updated. If you want to set it to readonly on rendering the view and have JSF to process the submitted value, then you'd need to make it to evaluate true on render response phase only. You can use FacesContext#getRenderResponse() for this. You'd need to do this in your isDisable() method.
public boolean isDisable() { // TODO: rename to isReadonly().
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse();
Note: in JSF2 you could access FacesContext#getCurrentInstance() by #{facesContext} in the view as well, this saves some boilerplate in the model:
<h:inputText ... readonly="#{facesContext.renderResponse}" />
Also note that when you're using JSF2 <f:viewParam>, then this approach won't work on GET requests anymore. See also Make a p:calendar readonly for the explanation and workaround.

h:commandButton not working inside h:dataTable

I am trying to execute an action through commandButton inside a dataTable, but the action is not invoked when the commandButton is placed inside the datatable as shown below
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.list}" var="item">
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{bean.submit}" />
When I move the commandButton out of dataTable, the action is successfully executed. What is the problem when commandButton is inside datatable? The commandLink has the same problem.
This problem can happen when the list behind #{bean.list} is not exactly the same during the HTTP request of processing the form submit as it was during the request of displaying the form. JSF will namely re-iterate over the list to locate the button pressed and invoke its action.
If the bean is request scoped and the list is not repopulated during bean's (post)construction, or the list's population depends on a request scoped variable which was lost during the form submit, then JSF will retrieve an empty or a completely different list while processing the form submit and thus won't be able to locate the button pressed and won't invoke any action.
The best fix is to put the bean in the view scope and ensuring that you're loading the data model the proper way.
public class Bean implements Serializable {
private List<Item> list;
private ItemService service;
public void init() {
list = service.list();
// ...
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 4
Benefits and pitfalls of #ViewScoped

JSF: rendered attribute

I have a panelGroup with a rendered attribute. Why is it that the component values in the panelGroup are even called if the rendered attribute is set to false? Do I missunderstand the rendered attribute here?
What I want to do is: I have a selectManyCheckbox before the panelGroup and everything in the panelGroup should only be executed if the user has chosen values in the selectManyCheckbox and hit a button. This won't work like this because the components in the panelGroup depend on the values the user has to choose in the selectManyCheckbox.
<h:selectManyCheckbox /> // for the user to choose
<h:commandButton /> // to render the panelGroup
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{someBean.render}">
<h:dataTable value="#{someOtherBean.loadSomething(someObject)}" var="item">
// ...
The rendered attribute simply states if the following component should be rendered on the client side DOM. These components will still follow the JSF lifecycle events and will maintain the value of a managed bean.
EDIT: In response to a request for a workaround:
The simplest way I can see to workaround this, if you do not want the value attribute to invoke the bean method then simply wrap the logic in your bean method with an if check on the render condition.
public void loadSomething(Object someObject) {
if (render()) {
//Do loadSomething logic
