Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: sessionInjectorProvider - node.js

I am new to angular js, loopback and nodejs,
While implementing the authentication in the angular app, I am getting the below mentioned error
Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: sessionInjectorProvider <- sessionInjector <- $http <- $compile
I was going through this document, but no help.
This error came when I added the below lines for sessionInjector
angular.module('myApp', []).factory('sessionInjectorProvider', ['SessionService', function(SessionService) {
var sessionInjector = {
request: function(config) {
if (!SessionService.isAnonymus) {
config.headers['x-session-token'] = SessionService.token;
return config;
return sessionInjector;
angular.module('myApp', []).config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {

There are for sure at least two errors in your code:
angular.module('myApp', []) creates a module, whereas angular.module('myApp') calls the module. This means that at the end of your code you're creating again the module and hence losing what you had written before.
There are different ways to format this code, one that would solve the problem would be:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.factory('sessionInjectorProvider', ['SessionService', function(SessionService) {
var sessionInjector = {
request: function(config) {
if (!SessionService.isAnonymus) {
config.headers['x-session-token'] = SessionService.token;
return config;
return sessionInjector;
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
Also, as mentioned already, you're mixing 'sessionInjectorProvider' and 'sessionInjector' - your interceptor should use 'sessionInjectorProvider' as shown in the code I posted above.


#azure/msal-browser TypeError: this.startPerformanceMeasurement is not a function

Because there is no build in Auth library for nuxt 3 yet, I am trying to create my own composable called useAuth.
The Problem
I am getting a startPerformanceMeasurement error when i try to call the loginRedirect or loginPopup method.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: this.startPerformanceMeasurement is not a function
at PerformanceClient2.startMeasurement (PerformanceClient.ts:100:45)
at BrowserPerformanceClient2.startMeasurement (BrowserPerformanceClient.ts:46:55)
at RedirectClient2.<anonymous> (StandardInteractionClient.ts:204:64)
at step (_tslib.js:87:23)
at Object.next (_tslib.js:68:53)
at _tslib.js:61:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (_tslib.js:57:12)
at StandardInteractionClient2.getDiscoveredAuthority (StandardInteractionClient.ts:202:115)
at RedirectClient2.<anonymous> (StandardInteractionClient.ts:142:48)
import * as msal from '#azure/msal-browser'
let state = {
authService: null,
export const useAuth = () => {
// use public configuration from nuxt
var config = useAppConfig();
//create authentication instance
state.authService = new msal.PublicClientApplication(config.msalConfig);
//return signIn method
return {
const signIn = async () => {
const tokenRequest = {
scopes: [
const response = await state.authService
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
console.log(err) //TypeError: this.startPerformanceMeasurement is not a function
<script setup>
if(process.client) {
const auth = useAuth()
Apparently this is a bug in the MSAL library.
As mentioned in this issue on Github, they're currently working on a fix.
As a temporary solution, you could downgrade to a previous version. Downgrading might be as simple as just removing the caret character (^) when referring to the version in your package.json.
Edit: They've released a fix as part of msal-common v9.1.1.
I tested by downgrading multiple releases and the first one working was #azure/msal-browser#2.31.0
Faced this issue too. It is caused due to a bug from Microsoft. The versions that work fine are:
"#azure/msal-browser": "2.32.0",
"#azure/msal-common": "9.0.1",
"#azure/msal-react": "1.5.0",
Please ensure to remove the ^ in the number to keep it pinned.
Watch https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/issues/5569 for updates from MS.

Typescript with node.js giving "is not a constructor" error

I have a node.js application with two typescript files.
matchmanager.ts is defined as -
namespace LobbyService
export class MatchManager
constructor() { /*code*/ }
and main.ts which is defined as
namespace LobbyService
let matchManager: MatchManager = new MatchManager() ;
/* code */
I setup visual studio to output the files into a single JS file called lobbyservice.js
However, when i type
node lobbyservice.js
I get the following error -
TypeError: LobbyService.MatchManager is not a constructor
The generated file has this output -
var LobbyService;
(function (LobbyService) {
var matchManager = new LobbyService.MatchManager();
})(LobbyService || (LobbyService = {}));
var LobbyService;
(function (LobbyService) {
var MatchManager = (function () {
function MatchManager() {
return MatchManager;
LobbyService.MatchManager = MatchManager;
})(LobbyService || (LobbyService = {}));
This was working before, but for some odd reason it isn't now. Any thoughts?
Update - I managed to get a version of the lobbyservice.js that works. For some odd reason, Visual studio transforms one version of the file into the one above, and one into this -
var LobbyService;
(function (LobbyService) {
var MatchManager = (function () {
function MatchManager() {
return MatchManager;
LobbyService.MatchManager = MatchManager;
})(LobbyService || (LobbyService = {}));
var LobbyService;
(function (LobbyService) {
var matchManager = new LobbyService.MatchManager();
})(LobbyService || (LobbyService = {}));
//# sourceMappingURL=lobby.js.map
No clue as to why i'm getting two different outputs like that for the same source code. Both projects have the same module property of "none"
So user Elliott highlighted that indeed it's a know typescript compile quirk where the order of the output javascript file creates an issue.
to fix that, i had to add
/// <reference path="matchmanager.ts"/>
On my typescript files that used MatchManager class, even though they were on the same namespace and compiled ok. This forced the typescript compiler to create a workable javascript output.

JHipster generator: addMavenDependency is not defined

I'm trying to create a JHipster generator to setup Axon2 for the generated project.
In order to add a java library to the project I'using the function
addMavenDependency in the index.js,
try {
addMavenDependency('org.axonframework', 'axon-integration', '2.4.6','');
}catch (e) {
but I receive the following error:
Problem when adding the new libraries in your pom.xml
You need to add manually:
"org.axonframework:axon-integration": "2.4.6",
ReferenceError: addMavenDependency is not defined
Any help will be really appreciated.
You need to extend the BaseGenerator and call this.addMavenDependency().
Unless you are composing with another generator, then you can pass an object to be populated with the variables and functions being used by the generator like so:
const jhipsterVar = { moduleName: 'your-module' };
const jhipsterFunc = {};
module.exports = generator.extend({
initializing: {
compose() {
{ jhipsterVar, jhipsterFunc },
this.options.testmode ? { local: require.resolve('generator-jhipster/generators/modules') } : null
writing: {
jhipsterFunc.addMavenDependency('com.test', 'test', '1.0.0');

Defining modules in UI5

I am trying to keep my code separated in modules. When I defined my first module I extended sap.ui.base.Object and it worked. My question is: Is it a must to extend sap.ui.base.Object when defining my own module? According to the API documentation I tried following example:
sap.ui.define([], function() {
// create a new class
var SomeClass = function();
// add methods to its prototype
SomeClass.prototype.foo = function() {
return "Foo";
// return the class as module value
return SomeClass;
I required this module inside my Component.js as dependency like this:
], function (SomeClass) {
"use strict";
//var test = new SomeClass();
I always receive a syntax error:
failed to load '[...]/Component.js' from ./Component.js: Error: failed to load '[...]/module/SomeClass.js' from ./module/Service.js: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;
Does anyone have an idea why this happens? Thanks!
We group code in modules like this for example:
our.namespace.iscool.util.Navigation = {
to: function (pageId, context) {
// code here
// etc.
and call the function of the module like this in a controller
sap.ui.controller("our.namespace.iscool.Detail", {
// somewhere in this file comes this
handleNavButtonPress: function (evt) {
Stupid mistake - missing curly brackets in the docs.
var someclass = function() {} ;

How to access multiple models from a controller

I have a Locations model and a Recorders model. I want to be able to pass all of the data for both data sets to my view model. How can I access them though because I think they're not in scope since I'm getting undefined errors because I'm calling 'all'
var Main = function () {
this.index = function (req, resp, params) {
var self = this;
var data = {};
geddy.model.Locations.all(function(err, locations) {
data.locations = locations;
geddy.model.Recorders.all(function(err, recorders) {
data.recorders = recorders;
self.respond({params: params, data: data}, {
format: 'html'
, template: 'app/views/locations/index'
exports.Main = Main;
Error snippet:
if (!process.listeners('uncaughtException').length) throw e;
TypeError: Cannot call method 'all' of undefined
at index (G:\code\PeopleTracker\app\controllers\main.js:23:24)
at controller.BaseController._handleAction.callback (C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\geddy\lib\base_
So it looks like you're initializing the data variable to 'undefined'. Try data = {} instead. If that doesn't fix it, I'll do some troubleshooting with you.
If that doesn't do it for you, try installing geddy again:
npm uninstall -g geddy && npm install -g geddy
If that doesn't do it, make sure that your DB is actually running, make sure that the models are defined (try geddy console to check your models), and make sure that you're on the latest stable version of node.
Very late to the party, but I believe you can just call
geddy.model.Locations.all(function(err, locations) {
geddy.model.Recorders.all(function(err, recorders) {
var data = {};
data.locations = locations;
data.recorders = recorders;
self.respond({params: params, data: data}, {
format: 'html'
, template: 'app/views/locations/index'
You could also have the respond say
self.respond({params: params, locations: locations, recorders: recorders});
but if you want all of that data available from the data literal you need it defined in the lowest scope callback. The callbacks can read above their scope but they cannot write above it.
