jspdf and addHTML / blurry font - text

I generate pdf file from a HTML-page via jspdf plugin addHTML.
It works but the rendered text / font is really blurry, the original HTML page is not. Rendered images are fine, only text is the problem (see attached images).
original_image: http://111900.test-my-website.de/stackoverflow/orig.jpg
blurry_image: http://111900.test-my-website.de/stackoverflow/blurry.jpg
I read all google results the last three days - maybe I am the only person in the world I have exact this problem?!?! :/
I added the following scripts in my code:
pdf generation code:
pdf.addHTML(document.getElementById("container"),10,15,function() {
var string = pdf.save(filename);
Is there a quality option in jspdf I missed?
How can I render the font?
Thanks for reply,

I found that when creating a PDF and the text was blurred when using addHtml this was because of the width of the web page. Try using it with the browser not maximised as a test.
My solution was to add some styles to adjust the width before calling addHTML with a width parameter that matches the styles I added. I then remove the additional styles in the function that runs after addHTML.

I had the same problem and I resolved it.
Actually, the main issue here is to specify the 'dpi' to avoid having a blurred image. In addition to that, try to avoid any 'smoothening' features beacuse it may make it worse. I have taken a look around the API and other discussion about it and I came back with the following solution:
1- update your version of html2canvas : many blurring issues have been fixed after the 1.0.0-alpha release.
2- use the following properties :
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.scale(2, 2);
context['dpi'] = 144;
context['imageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['mozImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['oImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['webkitImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['msImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;


Use of custom filters in Fabric JS - getting the original back

I have been playing with custom filters in Fabric JS. But I just don't know how to undo anything done. Seems the pixels get overwritten by the process, which is fine, but how do I go back to the orginal? The code project starter is here:
So, in the custom filter, the results are placed into the canvas as follows:
imageDataArray.forEach( function( data ) {
cacheCtx.putImageData( data.data, 0, data.blocks );
} );
That shows the processed image in the render. But I don't understand how to "get back" the original. I have tried this before the processing:
var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
var originalSource = obj._originalElement.currentSrc; // restore the original since filters trash the canvas
obj.filters[index] = filter;
But it does not "get it back". I really don't wish to reload the image each time as they can be large at times. Any help appreciated.
As you noted obj._originalElement is the ORIGINAL element of the image you first loaded. No reason to reload it at all, you have it there. Ready to be smashed on canvas.
So just do obj.element = obj._originalElement and you are back to original after a canvas.renderAll();

Example to show how mobify works

I have been looking at the mobify.js website for a while now, but I fail to understand the benefits of using it. (I am stumped to see why would one replace all the images on the page by GrumpyCat image?).
Could you kindly point me to a clear and lucid example, wherein, I can see that depending on the browser resolution my image size changes.
I have done the following tasks till now:
0. Included mobify.js header information
1. Used the mountains.jpg and forest.jpg image in my hosted website (The page contains only these two images)
2. Request the page from a desktop machine, from a tablet (Samsung Galaxy 10 inch), from an android mobile phone.
3. In all the three cases, I see the same image getting downloaded, the size of the image stays the same in all the cases.
I understand that the magic of size reduction can't happen on the fly, but how do I achieve this?
I realize that the Grumpy Cat example is a bit cheeky, but the same concept applies to solve your problem. Instead of replacing the images with Grumpy Cat images, you could write some logic to replace the images with lower-resolution images (i.e. mountains-320.jpg and forest-320.jpg).
With Mobify.js, you need to write the adaptations in the JavaScript snippet that you added to your site. So, to load smaller images for mobile, you could define the path to the lower resolution image in your original HTML like this:
<img src="mountain.jpg" data-mobile-src="mountain-320.jpg" />
<img src="forest.jpg" data-mobile-src="forest-320.jpg" />
Then, in the JavaScript snippet, you could modify it to grab the image in the data-mobile-src attribute instead like this:
if (capturing) {
// Grab reference to a newly created document
// Grab reference to the captured document in progres
var capturedDoc = capture.capturedDoc;
var imgs = capturedDoc.getElementsByTagName("img[data-mobile-src]");
for(var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
var img = imgs[i];
var ogImage = img.getAttribute("x-src");
var mobileImage = img.getAttribute("data-mobile-src");
img.setAttribute("x-src", mobileImage);
img.setAttribute("old-src", ogImage);
// Render source DOM to document
Then, you'll see that the mobile site will download and render mountain-320.jpg or forest-320.jpg, but it will not download mountain.jpg or forest.jpg.
Just out of curiousity, what site are you wanting to use Mobify.js on?

Optimal way to define the correct size of a SVG image

When creating a SVG image you have to set width,height and position otherwise it will not be rendered.
How do I read them from the original image?
Using Dart I first load the html image and after it's loaded I get the size and then define the SVG image and use the info I got before. This is a bit cumbersome and I wondered if there is another way.
The dart code looks like this:
ImageElement img = new ImageElement(src:'2.jpg'); //401x600
img.onLoad.listen((e) {
svg.ImageElement image = new svg.ImageElement();
image.setAttribute('x', '0');
image.setAttribute('y', '0');
image.setAttribute('width', img.width.toString());
image.setAttribute('height', img.height.toString());
image.getNamespacedAttributes('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink')['href'] = '2.jpg';
There seems not to be a more convenient method (also not in JavaScript except when you use jQuery or another framework that includes methods for this).
Just create a method yourself and reuse that method for each image you load.

raphael text() not working in ie9

Why is the following example not working in ie9?
It spits out a console error:
"Unexpected call to method or property access."
I found it pretty quickly. You created the element, but did not put it anywhere. Once it is added to the document body, everything seems to be fine.
this._bgSvgContainer = document.createElement("div");
//NOTE: add the created div to the body of the document so that it is displayed
var bgCanvas = Raphael(this._bgSvgContainer, this._width, this._height);
this._bgCanvas = bgCanvas;
var num = this._bgCanvas.text(this._width-10,this._height-10,"1");
It's really hard to tell with such a tiny code-fragment (doesn't run on any browser for me), but it's probably a scope issue this in IE during events is completely different to this using the W3C event model. See: quirksmode-Event order-Problems of the Microsoft model

Text wrapping inconsistent in Firefox 3 on PC only

This is a recurring problem I have in Firefox 3.0. It seems when I keep refreshing sometimes it wraps, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't wrap, I can adjust the window size and the sIFR'd element will snap to its correct size. I need my elements to wrap on load, based on the width of it's container.
I have the most current 'nightly build' of sIFR 3.0.
I want to sIFR a h2 tag. The h2 tag is enclosed in a div, and both have set widths.
<div class="recipe-title">
<h2>This is a recipe title</h2>
In my sifr.js file, I have the following parameters set:
forceWidth = true;
fitExactly = true;
preventWrap = false;
My .sifr.CSS file looks like this:
#media screen {
.sIFR-active .recipe-title h2 { width:455px; font-size:16px; text-transform:uppercase; }
And my normal CSS file looks like this:
.recipe-title, .recipe-title h2 { width:400px; }
Everything else seems to work in all other browsers except for FF3 on PC only. Is this a known bug?
sIFR may be initializing too early. Easiest fix is to set sIFR.useDomLoaded = false; before sIFR.activate(), which will wait until page load before replacing the elements.
You can also look into using sIFR.useStyleCheck = true; which needs a bit more CSS but will wait until the CSS has loaded.
I'm pretty sure it's text-transform:uppercase enlarging the word width after the flash width has been set
I've been trying to figure a solution to this for some time
For the common user... make sure that you set your width and height of the div container for your object or image. Firefox will wrap any text following if these values are not set.
A possibility is that you might need to specify a height on the element. IE7 can have a similar problem.
Is sIFR.activate() located in the sifr.js file or the sifr-addons.js file?
Per Mark's advice, uncommenting sIFR.useStyleCheck = true; just before sIFR.activate() worked for me.
Robert, sIFR.activate() is found in sifr.js.
