Text wrapping inconsistent in Firefox 3 on PC only - text

This is a recurring problem I have in Firefox 3.0. It seems when I keep refreshing sometimes it wraps, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't wrap, I can adjust the window size and the sIFR'd element will snap to its correct size. I need my elements to wrap on load, based on the width of it's container.
I have the most current 'nightly build' of sIFR 3.0.
I want to sIFR a h2 tag. The h2 tag is enclosed in a div, and both have set widths.
<div class="recipe-title">
<h2>This is a recipe title</h2>
In my sifr.js file, I have the following parameters set:
forceWidth = true;
fitExactly = true;
preventWrap = false;
My .sifr.CSS file looks like this:
#media screen {
.sIFR-active .recipe-title h2 { width:455px; font-size:16px; text-transform:uppercase; }
And my normal CSS file looks like this:
.recipe-title, .recipe-title h2 { width:400px; }
Everything else seems to work in all other browsers except for FF3 on PC only. Is this a known bug?

sIFR may be initializing too early. Easiest fix is to set sIFR.useDomLoaded = false; before sIFR.activate(), which will wait until page load before replacing the elements.
You can also look into using sIFR.useStyleCheck = true; which needs a bit more CSS but will wait until the CSS has loaded.

I'm pretty sure it's text-transform:uppercase enlarging the word width after the flash width has been set
I've been trying to figure a solution to this for some time

For the common user... make sure that you set your width and height of the div container for your object or image. Firefox will wrap any text following if these values are not set.

A possibility is that you might need to specify a height on the element. IE7 can have a similar problem.

Is sIFR.activate() located in the sifr.js file or the sifr-addons.js file?

Per Mark's advice, uncommenting sIFR.useStyleCheck = true; just before sIFR.activate() worked for me.
Robert, sIFR.activate() is found in sifr.js.


Weird rendering of the album-art-image in custom receiver

I've developed a custom receiver which works very nicely, however the rendering of the graphic on the album art image looks weird. I've also tried the "styled media receiver", just to be sure that I haven't screwed anything up - same result.
Anyone else seen this (check the image below)? The channel logo is a transparent PNG.
Screenshot of bug
let shadowRootElement = document.querySelector( 'cast-media-player' ).shadowRoot;
let style = document.createElement( 'style' );
style.innerHTML = '#castMetadataImage { background-image: none !important; }';
shadowRootElement.appendChild( style )
Run this right after the player has been initizied and it should fix the issue.
Please share your code. It's difficult to know without any code to review. Did you follow the official guide on https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/caf_receiver/customize_ui for receivers applications? Also you need to check your sender application.
The issue seems to be related to the cssText property - removing this, fixes the rendering issue:
var fixDoubleLogoBug = function(){
try {
.querySelector("#castMetadataImage").style.cssText = "";
console.warn("Could not remove logo");

Leaflet geojson layer with customized divIcon for each feature

I'm trying to set a different divIcon for each point on a leaflet geoJson layer. I have tried everything under the sun but it just doesn't work for me. This is what I'm doing
geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(null, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
var smallIcon = L.DivIcon.extend({
options: {
iconSize: [27, 27],
html: "<div>" + feature.properties.FEATURE_STYLE.SVG_ELEMENT + "</div>"
return L.marker(latlng, {icon: new smallIcon()});
style: getLayerStyle,
onEachFeature: setFeatureProperties,
feature.properties.FEATURE_STYLE.SVG_ELEMENT is an html <svg> containing the icon.
The icons are displayed ok, but every feature display the same icon.
I've also tried doing the following:
using L.Icon with different .png in iconUrl for each feature
using L.circleMarker with different colors for each feature
They both works as expected (different color / icon per feature). But I can't seem to get the divIcon to display differently for each feature.
Anyone have idea why this is the case?
Thanks in advance.
This is what feature.properties.FEATURE_STYLE.SVG_ELEMENT looks like
Your code to instantiate a new L.divIcon is more complicated than really necessary, but it works, not considering the SVG part:
That being said, please note that:
style option is used for vector layers. Therefore in the case of Point features that are rendered as L.divIcon's, it is not used.
onEachFeature option is applied after the pointToLayer one, because the latter is needed to create the layer that is fed to onEachFeature. Therefore if you build the feature.properties.FEATURE_STYLE.SVG_ELEMENT in there (as the name of your function setFeatureProperties suggests), it is too late.
If you need further help, you would very probably need to share more code, e.g. the style and onEachFeature options, and some sample data, in particular with feature.properties.FEATURE_STYLE.SVG_ELEMENT.

jspdf and addHTML / blurry font

I generate pdf file from a HTML-page via jspdf plugin addHTML.
It works but the rendered text / font is really blurry, the original HTML page is not. Rendered images are fine, only text is the problem (see attached images).
original_image: http://111900.test-my-website.de/stackoverflow/orig.jpg
blurry_image: http://111900.test-my-website.de/stackoverflow/blurry.jpg
I read all google results the last three days - maybe I am the only person in the world I have exact this problem?!?! :/
I added the following scripts in my code:
pdf generation code:
pdf.addHTML(document.getElementById("container"),10,15,function() {
var string = pdf.save(filename);
Is there a quality option in jspdf I missed?
How can I render the font?
Thanks for reply,
I found that when creating a PDF and the text was blurred when using addHtml this was because of the width of the web page. Try using it with the browser not maximised as a test.
My solution was to add some styles to adjust the width before calling addHTML with a width parameter that matches the styles I added. I then remove the additional styles in the function that runs after addHTML.
I had the same problem and I resolved it.
Actually, the main issue here is to specify the 'dpi' to avoid having a blurred image. In addition to that, try to avoid any 'smoothening' features beacuse it may make it worse. I have taken a look around the API and other discussion about it and I came back with the following solution:
1- update your version of html2canvas : many blurring issues have been fixed after the 1.0.0-alpha release.
2- use the following properties :
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.scale(2, 2);
context['dpi'] = 144;
context['imageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['mozImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['oImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['webkitImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;
context['msImageSmoothingEnabled'] = false;

IE 6 PNG problem

Having trouble getting the top left background suitable in IE 6, this is the JS im using, it works for everything else on the page but not this :(
DD_belatedPNG.fix('#navigation, .logo, #contenttop, #content, #contentbottom, #flowerbottom, body');
IE6 breaks for transparent PNG. Maybe try this one ...
Can you try giving the body an id
<body id="page_body">
and use that ID in the list:
DD_belatedPNG.fix('#navigation, .logo, #contenttop, #content, #contentbottom, #flowerbottom, #page_body');

Flash trace output in firefox, linux

I'm developing an applications which I've got running on a server on my linux desktop. Due to the shortcomings of Flash on Linux (read: too hard) I'm developing the (small) flash portion of the app in Windows, which means there's a lot of frustrating back and forth. Now I'm trying to capture the output of the flash portion using flash tracer and that is proving very difficult also. Is there any other way I could monitor the output of trace on linux? Thanks...
Hope this helps too (for the sake of google search i came from):
In order to do trace, you need the debugger version of Flash Player from
http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html (look for "debugger" version specifically - they are hard to spot on first look)
Then an mm.cfg file in your home containing
ErrorReportingEnable=1 TraceOutputFileEnable=1 MaxWarnings=50
And then you are good to go - restart the browser. When traces start to fill in, you will find the log file in
Something like
tail ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/Logs/flashlog.txt -f
Should suffice to follow the trace.
A different and mind-bogglingly simple workaround that I've used for years is to simply create an output module directly within the swf. All this means is a keyboard shortcut that attaches a MovieClip with a textfield. All my traces go to this textfield instead of (or in addition to) the output window. Over the years I've refined it of course, making the window draggable, resizable, etc. But I've never needed any other approach for simple logging, and it's 100% reliable and reusable across all platforms.
[EDIT - response to comment]
There's no alert quite like javascript's alert() function. But using an internal textfield is just this simple:
(See notes at bottom)
/* import ExternalInterface package */
import flash.external.*;
/* Create a movieclip for the alert. Set an arbitrary (but very high) number for the depth
* since we want the alert in front of everything else.
var alert = this.createEmptyMovieClip("alert", 32000);
/* Create the alert textfield */
var output_txt = alert.createTextField("output_txt", 1, 0, 0, 300, 200);
output_txt.background = true;
output_txt.backgroundColor = 0xEFEFEF;
output_txt.selectable = false;
/* Set up drag behaviour */
alert.onPress = function()
alert.onMouseUp = function()
/* I was using a button to text EI. You don't need to. */
testEI_btn.onPress = function()
output_txt.text = (ExternalInterface.available);
Notes: This works fine for AS1, and will translate well into AS2 (best to use strong data-typing if doing so, but not strictly required). It should work in Flash Players 8-10. ExternalInterface was added in Flash 8, so it won't work in previous player versions.
var output_txt:TextField = new TextField();
output_txt.text = (String(ExternalInterface.available));
If you want to beef it out a bit:
var alert:Sprite = new Sprite();
var output_txt:TextField = new TextField();
output_txt.background = true;
output_txt.backgroundColor = 0xEFEFEF;
output_txt.selectable = false;
output_txt.width = 300;
output_txt.height = 300;
alert.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
alert.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopdrag);
output_txt.text = (String(ExternalInterface.available));
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
var alert:Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
function stopdrag(e:MouseEvent):void
var alert:Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
If you only need the trace output at runtime, you can use Firebug in Firefox and then use Flash.external.ExternalInterface to call the console.log() Javascript method provided by Firebug.
I've used that strategy multiple times to a large degree of success.
Thunderbolt is a great logging framework with built-in firebug support.
I use the flex compiler on linux to build actionscript files, [embed(source="file")] for all my assets including images and fonts, I find actionscript development on linux very developer friendly.
Then again, I'm most interested in that flash has become Unix Friendly as aposed to the other way around :)
To implement FlashTracer, head to the following address and be sure you have the latest file. http://www.sephiroth.it/firefox/flashtracer/ . Install it and restart the browser.
Head over to adobe and get the latest flash debugger. Download and install the firefox version as FlashTracer is a firefox addition.
Now that firefox has the latest flash debugger and flash tracer we need to locate mm.cfg
Location on PC: C:\Documents and Settings\username
Inside of mm.cfg should be:
MaxWarnings=100 //Change to your own liking.
Once that is saved, open firefox, head to the flash tracer window by heading to tools > flash tracer. In the panel that pops up there is two icons in the bottom right corner, click the wrench and make sure the path is set to where your log file is being saved. Also check to see that flash tracer is turned on, there is a play/pause button at the bottom.
I currently use this implementation and hope that it works for you. Flash Tracer is a little old, but works with the newest versions of FireFox. I am using it with FireFox 3.0.10.
