Keeping X11 window on top of another window - linux

I have two x11 windows which need to maintain a certain stacking order between each other, namely one window needs to stay above the other. I don't care about other windows outside the application. Normally, I would use a parent/child for this, but since X11 clips the child window to the parent, I have to fake it. I've tried various methods to keep and/or adjust the window stack to maintain the proper order. However, the WM is ignoring pretty much everything except for XRaiseWindow() which is too brute force and causes problems for other windows.
So the question is how do I set the stacking between two windows, or is there a way to set a parent/child that doesn't result in the parent clipping the child?

Yes, you can use the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR Window property to make the (transient) parent appear behind the child without clipping it. Qt uses it internally, you can grep its sources for an example usage.
See also this answer by cap.


Determining and restoring Window state in Linux

I use xlib. I want to remember window position and restore it to that position the next time it starts. This will help the user as he won't need to move/size the window to the desired position at every start.
It works more or less Ok, except one case. When the window is maximized, I cannot find the way to determine its true (non-maximized) size and position. Perhaps someone knows how to do it?
There isn't as far as I know a standard way to do this. If you read the source to Metacity for example you can see it keeps this unmaximized size in the MetaWindow object but I don't think it gets stored in a property, and I don't see a property for this in the EWMH or ICCCM specs.
It's possible that some specific window managers might store it in a nonstandard property.
When a window is maximized you could get a property change event with the maximization flag (libwnck is an old library to track this sort of thing, maybe there's a newer one I don't know). However I doubt it's defined whether the resizing happens before or after setting the flag. You could perhaps heuristically assume that a resize covering most of the screen within 1 second of setting the maximize flag was a maximize, or some similar hack.
All that said, I suspect the easiest way to get this feature is to implement it as a window manager extension or plugin, which many WMs support in some way.
There is an old spec for this (X session management protocol) unfortunately the spec is ridiculously broken, unclear and essentially impossible to implement. A core issue that was never addressed - and probably needs app cooperation to address - is how to recognize "the same" window across restarts in order to restore its size.
There are only flawed heuristics for that.
(I wrote metacity and worked on a couple session managers long ago so once I could have told you a lot more, but I've forgotten many details.)

Make current OpenGL context on Linux

On Windows I do
HGLRC glContext = wglGetCurrentContext();
HDC deviceGLContext = wglGetCurrentDC();
wglMakeCurrent(glContext, deviceGLContext);
On Linux there are analogous functions for getting current GL context and current device context, glXGetCurrentContext and glXGetCurrentDisplay, respectively. But I am stuck with
Bool glXMakeCurrent( Display *dpy,
GLXDrawable drawable,
GLXContext ctx )
I don't know how to deal with the second parameter. I use Qt for GUI, but I still need several Windows API function, among which are the three ones mentioned above.
How to make the invoke glXMakeCurrent in the same fashion described at the beginning of the post? The problem is that I don't know how to get GLXDrawable.
I need to get a GLXContext, then create another one to share Display lists, and make it current in another thread, add it to OpenCL context attributes. The point is that I need to be able to make it current.
That 'GLXDrawable' is the X11 window for which you have got the context.
If you are using qt, I would have assumed it would have provided a 'myWindow.makeCurrent()' function, or something to the effect.
You can make a window using XCreateWindow (there is also a function for making a basic window with less options). Before this, you will need to have got a connection to the display using XOpenDisplay.
I have been very short on the details here, as there is a lot steps for getting an OpenGL Context in an X11 window, and whilst not hard, does involve a lot of error checking. I suggest you make use of a library that handles this for you.
Contrary to Windows, in X11 you are dealing with a client server model. The "display" represents the connection to the X11 server. In X11 there are Drawables, which can be used interchangably. One kind of Drawable are Windows.
You might want to have a look at
for an example on how to create OpenGL window with a transparent background using plain X11/GLX, that can be used in compositing.
I need to get a GLXContext, then create another one to share Display lists, and make it current in another thread, add it to OpenCL context attributes. The point is that I need to be able to make it current.
Familiar problem. My solution to this is to treat a QGLWidget as if it was a context. In your other thread create another QGLWidget, that will never be shown and pass the visible QGLWidget instance into the sharing parameter of the constructor. Then you can use the QGLWidget as if it were a context. It's dirty, not really to the point, but Qt's internal OpenGL system is that way.

Draw from a separate thread with NSOpenGLLayer

I'm working on an app which needs to draw with OpengGL at a refresh rate at least equal to the refresh rate of the monitor. And I need to perform the drawing in a separate thread so that drawing is never locked by intense UI actions.
Actually I'm using a NSOpenGLView in combination with CVDisplayLink and I'm able to achive 60-80FPS without any problem.
Since I need also to display some cocoa controls on top of this view I tried to subclass NSOpenGLView and make it layer-backed, following LayerBackedOpenGLView Apple example.
The result isn't satisfactory and I get a lot of artifacts.
Therefore I've solved the problem using a separate NSWindow to host the cocoa controls and adding this window as a child window of the main window containing the NSOpenGLView.
It works fine and I'm able to get quite the same FPS as the initial implementation.
Since I consider this solution quite like a dirty hack, I'm looking for an alternative and more clean way of achiving what I need.
Few days ago I came across NSOpenGLLayer and I thought that it could be used as a viable solution for my problem.
So finally, after all this preamble, here comes my question:
is it possible to draw to a NSOpenGLLayer from a separate thread using CVDisplayLink callback?.
So far I've tried to implement this but I'm not able to draw from the CVDisplayLink callback. I can only -setNeedsDisplay:TRUE on the NSOpenGLLayer from the CVDisplayLink callback and then perform the drawing in -drawInOpenGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime: when it gets automatically called by cocoa. But I suppose that this way I'm drawing from the main thread, isn't it?
After googling for this I've even found this post in which the user claims that under Lion drawing can occur only inside -drawInOpenGLContext:pixelFormat:forLayerTime:displayTime:.
I'm on Snow Leopard at the moment but the app should run flawlessly even on Lion.
Am I missing something?
Yes, it is possible, though not recommend. Call display on the layer from within your CVDisplayLink. This will cause canDrawInContext:... to be called and if it returns YES, drawInContext:... will be called and all this on whatever thread called display. To make the rendered image visible on screen, you have to call [CATransaction flush]. This method has been suggested on the Apple mailing list, though it is not completely problem free (the display method of other view may get called on your background thread as well and not all views support rendering from a background thread).
The recommend way is to make the layer asynchronous and render the OpenGL context on main thread. If you cannot achieve a good framerate that way, since your main thread is busy elsewhere, it is recommend to rather move everything else (pretty much your whole application logic) to other threads (e.g. using Grand Central Dispatch) and only keep user input and drawing code on the main thread. If your window is very big, you may still not get anything better than 30 FPS (one frame ever two screen refreshes), yet that comes from the fact, that CALayer composition seems a rather expensive process and it has been optimized for more or less static layers (e.g. layers containing a picture) and not for layers updating themselves 60 FPS.
E.g. if you are writing a 3D game, you are advised not to mix CALayers with OpenGL content at all. If you need Cocoa UI elements, either keep them separated from your OpenGL content (e.g. split the window horizontally into a part that displays only OpenGL and a part that only displays controls) or draw all controls yourself (which is pretty common for games).
Last but not least, the two window approach is not as exotic as you may think, that's how VLC (the video player) draws its controls over the video image (which is also rendered by OpenGL on Mac).

Coding a GTK+ application without window manager?

I want to code sth. that basically works like TiVo. Switch it on, you only see the menu or an output, so no underlying OS or anything else is directly visible to the user.
So I want to use Linux as base. Can you suggest a good base distribution?
Can I code a frontend without having a window-manager up and running?
If yes, is that possible with java-gnome or what language/gui-framework combination would you suggest?
If no, what's the minimal window manager that can handle fancy menus, etc?
What does it take to create video-overlays over a HD-stream? Are there some libraries I should take a look at?
Yes. If you only have one window you don't need a window manager. Using X you can start some application and set it's position and size from the commandline (making it fullscreen). You might want to take a look at xinit if this is what you want. This is likely the easiest why to get something working. But another option is skip X and use DirectFB. If you want to display several windows, on the other hand, you need some sort of window manager to manage them.
As long as you run X there is no problem using java-gnome as framework if that's what you are confortable with. I guess you didn't mean to run the stock gnome applications, but code everything visible to the user yourself.
This very much depends on what you mean with fancy menus. If you mean transparancy and such you need a composite manager (if you don't just render everything yourself inside your application window). I'm not sure about this but I think you can run a composite manager independent from a window manager if you find that suitable. Again, this is if you run X. Using DirectFB transparency and such are done in a more simple way.
If you intend to write your own media player you should take a look at GStreamer. It can stream, decode and display video and also add video-overlays (among other things) and is extremly easy to use.
Minimalistic tiling window manages like Awesome, Ratpoison or XMonad may be useful as a base, otherwise you'll have to manage focus and window sizing yourself. It is normally fairly easy to make these invisible to the user.
I wouldn't count on Gnome itself working without a window manager. Other than that... language doesn't matter.
Window managers only do window management. Menus and the like are the job of the widget toolkit. Anyways, Metacity.
... This one I have no clue about.

How can I make a single PyQt code to work in Windows and Linux?

PyQt experts: I developed the GUI in Windows and used setGeometry to position the widgets. When I tried to run the same code in Linux it looks cluttered.
And added to that in Windows the font size of 8 seems good. But in Linux, especially in Ubuntu, it doesn't appear well since the font size is 10 by default. Some among the differences are the border of the group box doesn't appear in Linux while it is visible in Windows..
Is there a way that I can make the same code to get the same look and feel in Windows and Linux irrespective of the font and size changes and other differences?
In future if I port my application to Mac will the same code work there too? Or should I have to maintain the separate code for each by checking with platform.system() equal to "windows" or "linux"?
The answer is simple: don't use setGeometry directly (to position your widgets).
Consider the following: what if the user wants to resize your application window?
Compose the user interface (you could do this from Designer or from code) within QSplitters (if you want a resize handle between two components) and/or within QVBoxLayouts / QHBoxLayouts (note that these can be nested).
This will make your UI components behave consistently.
I agree with #ChristopheD. Using setGeometry is bad. It's like designing a webpage with fixed pixel geometry and then wondering why it looks bad on another device.
Qt has a lot of wonderful layout code. Let it do it's job.
Qt by default will paint a widget according to instructions contained in the QStyle. You can test how badly you break your layout in different styles easily enough... run your program with different style options. Like so: -style motif
Also try -style platinum or -style windows. Even different versions of Windows will probably break your layout.
If you really want to see how bad pixel-based layouts are, try running your program with the -reverse parameter... that's how your program will look to someone running it who speaks a Right-To-Left language, like Hebrew or Farsi.
The problem that you have with widgets not drawing where you want them to can be solved by creating custom painting code for your widget. See the PyQt QPainter docs or better yet, the original Qt QPainter docs..
While I hope my answer is useful, it probably means your program needs to be partially rewritten. In the long term, however, it means that you'll have code that is portable between styles and operating systems, and will even work translated (assuming you care about that).
