Best folder for uploading files in IIS - iis

What is the best / recommended folder to use as staging area for file uploads in IIS? I know there is App_Data but that is supposed to be for databases or xml files, but I never saw a firm recommendation where to put uploaded files.
EDIT - Telerik puts files under App_Data. I looks like the best place.


Few Files missing/Not uploaded after Sharepoint upload of entire folder structure

We tried to migrate 5GB of files from SVN to Sharepoint which has many nested folder structures. To perform this we have downloaded files from SVN and used sharepoint web portal to upload as "Folder". I have selected the root folder where it has 5GB of files. It was processed for few hours and ended without any errors. Or I dont know where I am supposed to look for errors. After folder upload when I perform random validation, found that many folders are incomplete and did not find expected files in those folders.
I have searched in internet found that below tool is available for local sharepoint to Microsoft 365. Is there any other tool or the steps to upload local files to sharepoint.
What we tried - We selected an entire root folder of 5 GB size which had many subfolders and files inside it to upload it to sharepoint through upload folder option.
Expected Result - All the subfolders and files inside the root folder should get uploaded on sharepoint
Actual Result - We found that some of the files and subfolders from the root folder did not get uploaded on sharepoint and the job had completed without any error being thrown or maybe I don't know where am I supposed to look for errors.
You can try File shares to Migrate your on-premises file share content to Microsoft 365.
Go to SharePoint admin center-->Migration-->File shares.
For more information, please refer to:

Xamarin ios - Include Files in IPA

I want to include some images within my ipa-File, that need to be placed into the app's documents folder. A similar request was here: Preloading Documents into iOS App. But I'm not familiar with Objective-C. I think I can do it some way in Xamarion.iOS, but the problem in my opinion is the quite large number of files (around 300MB). When I include the files within the AppRessources and copy them on startup, they exist twice on the disk. So there is no real saving...
Any other ideas, how i can include files without being stored twice?
Files that you include in studio goes into your bundle. You can only read them from your application. Modifications and removing is not possible. File that you copy from bundle into your Documents folder, can be modified or removed in Document folder. So there is no way to removing files from a bundle, even if you copy them into Document folder.
You can use on demand resources to download them later intro your app:

Copy external linked file to a root of a web site

In Visual Studio 2012
I have three web sites that all use the same set of database connection strings.
I keep database connections strings in a connectionStrings.config file which is in a common solution folder (external to all three web sites).
I included this file as a link (configured as Content and Copy Always) - which copies connectionString.config file to each web site's bin folder when I compile/run web site.
I would like to copy that file to the root of each web site instead. Is there an easy way to accomplish that?
One way to do this is to use xcopy in post-build step of the project.
The other solution would be to modify .csproj file (or a separate, external .target file) to copy linked file to the root (instead of to $(OutputDir))
I used a Post-Build event. It has macro's for the place you want the file to end up.
Just use the $(Macro) tags with a few "..", and you can "massage" the files to where you want them.
copy $(ProjectDir)..\connectionStrings.config $(TargetDir)connectionStrings.config

Folder permissions in Azure web sites

Just getting my head around the new Azure web sites feature and hitting my first obstacle. I'm deploying a PHP site which writes cache data to the file system, but the app is throwing an error because the folder it wants to write to does not have write permission. Is it possible to set permissions on folders or is this a no-no?
I can probably work round this but would like to know if it's possible.
Folder permissions cannot be set/customized. This means whatever location your app writes to should be under your site root.
Your site can only write to locations under C:\DWASFiles\Sites\[siteName]\VirtualDirectory0 and to the %TEMP% folder.
Two caveats here:
Stuff can't be written directly under VirtualDirectory0, you have to create a subfolder under there and place your files in that subfolder
The %TEMP% folder really is temporary! If your site instance goes down for any reason and is brought back up somewhere else then everything in your %TEMP% folder will be gone. Use it only for files that really are temporary.
Is the folder that the app is trying to write to under the site's folder?
It's my understanding that folder permissions cannot be set/changed. But I haven't seen anything from Microsoft that definitively says "yes" or "no" to that.
It should be possible using webdeploy.
However I don't think there is a way do it without manually setting up the webdeploy package - as described in the post

Force sharepoint to save files in directory

I'd like to force sharepoint to save files in directory. Is there a way to do that?
I think about this scenario: users upload files to some list / library in sharepoint and automatically or by pushing "publish" the files are copied to some local server's directory.
In other words i would like to connect sharepoint library with physical directory in server that runs IIS, so that files uploaded to library were seen in that folder.
I'm new to sharepoint.
Are you talking about Remote BLOB Storage? I have not tried this and assume that RBS can be enabled for a Site level only and not for individual document libraries. If you want this for a particular doc library, you can write an event handler to save the uploaded documents to file system and then remove the uploaded file.
Most likely you don't want to do this. If you're doing it in order to access the files from other applications, or having them show up in a users home directory or something, you can just map the document library as a network drive/web folder.
