SharePoint Content Query Webpart, display results in two columns - sharepoint

Is there any good reference to change Content Query Webpart formatting. I would like to display results in two columns for a specific CQWP without changing the XSL file.

You will have to change XSLT.
see e.g.:
Please check the below link
Other option is you ca use Dataview webpart to show the list details from one site to other site

I resolved the issue by using SPServices, JQuery.


Sharepoint 2013 search result in table

I tried finding information on customizing the display result view without success.
I need to display the search result in a table in place of the list.
in my column of the result, I need the library and some common information between the different library.
Look at this template. Don't worry about "People Directory".
did you try creating a display template. That should let you customize the search results into any shape or form including tabular

content query webpart in sharepoint 2013 fetches only Title

The content query webpart in sharepoint 2013 fetches only Title. I am pointing to a Content type using it. Even though it contains many columns still Content Query displays only Title.
How can I customize it to point to some columns in that content type?
Also is there any other alternative to get data of columns of a particular content type?
Yes. You need to modify the itemstyle.xsl in the style library, and add a new template that can pull through the columns of your items.

How to filter a MOSS2007 Content Query Web Part using a custom column?

I am trying to setup a content query web part in MOSS that will display documents on a page based on a choice column that I created. I have created a "Page" column and added it as a core document column for my site. What I would like the CQWP to do is filter the document list that is displayed based on this Page column. However, this column does not show up as a filter in the CQWP on the page. I tried following the instructions in this question: Content Query WebPart - Grouping by custom column? to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can accomplish this?
Have you tried CommonViewFields as suggested in the second answer from that other question? You can edit the property in SharePoint Designer or by exporting the web part, changing the CommonViewFields in Notepad, and then re-importing the web part. If CommonViewFields doesn't work, you can always modify the filter property directly in either SPD or using export-Notepad-import. Be sure you are pointing to a Content Type that includes your custom field.

InfoPath 2007 drop down populates from MOSS07 list, but doesn't Alphabetize

We have an InfoPath 2007 form that populates a drop down from a SharePoint 2007 list of Employees. However, when opening the form in the browser (like it is designed to do) it does not alphabetize the drop down. But if i open the form on my computer, it does. Anyone else come across this issue and have a solution to it? I am wondering if it has to do with the indexing of the list, where if opened in the browser, if it sorts by the ID number that is assigned, where when on the computer it sorts by value.
Instead of adding the List as a Data Source, add the Data View XML of the list as the data source.
You can locate the Data View XML of the list by using this URL:
<Site URL>/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd=Display&List={<GUID of the List>}&XMLDATA=TRUE&SortField=<Internal name of the Field that you want to Sort>&SortDir=Asc
Use this XML file as the data source in your InfoPath form, the dropdowns will be sorted according to the field you have specified.
Looks like View-based sorting is not supported in browser-enabled form templates because it requires manual hand editing of the view XSL file Refer
Options you have are
Hand edit the xsl
Write custom code on the load event and sort it
For more tricks refer to this link
One good example that works like charm is here

Sharepoint : Is there a webpart filter that supports wildcards?

I have a document library with a custom column named "compound" which is just text.
I want to put a filter (input text box) on that document library page so the view shows only the items where the compound column contains my typed-in text. Optimally, wildcards such as * or ? or full regular expressions could be supported... but for now, I just need a "contains".
The out-of-the-box text filter seems to only support an exact match.
The result output would be identical to what I would see if I created a new view, and added a filter with a "contains" clause.
Third party solutions are acceptable.
KWizCom has a filter web part that looks like it might do what you want:
KWizCom SharePoint List Filter Plus
Another option to try is using a SharePoint Designer Data View Web Part. I believe you can write the filter with a "contains" from SPD.
I know you can set up this kind of filter more easily if you add the normal List View to a page, and the edit it with SharePoint Designer. In SPD, you can set up a "begins with" filter. Here's a discussion where someone suggested the same thing.
