Sharepoint 2013 search result in table - search

I tried finding information on customizing the display result view without success.
I need to display the search result in a table in place of the list.
in my column of the result, I need the library and some common information between the different library.

Look at this template. Don't worry about "People Directory".

did you try creating a display template. That should let you customize the search results into any shape or form including tabular


Basic Search Question - Searching a list and applying a filter

I have a custom list of a few thousand names of people and a few columns.
For example: FirstName, LastLast and Yes/No Column called Active.
What i am hoping to create is a custom view that by default shows no items in the columns, with a simple search box above that where someone could search for a LastName, and when they click search have the view populate with results that contain the given LastName + Only Active = Yes. I want to avoid having to teach users to use the filter option after they search.
In SharePoint 2013, are there out of the box web parts that i can add to a blank web part page or list view that can achieve this? If so, can you step me through that? Thanks!
There are several ways to approach customized search results in SharePoint.
It sounds like you most likely need to use the Content Search Web Part. The content Search Web Part allows you to append custom query text to a user's search phrase and to target specific scopes for your search. Please see this step-by-step guide to configuring this web part to search only a single list.

Search Display Template in Tabular Form with specified columns

What is the starting point to create a search display template in a table format and be able to specify which columns you want to display. Presently, the default format only shows the title, description, and link in a 3 row list. I would like to change this to have title, description, link in 3 columns (table format) and be able to add or remove more columns.
What I have managed till now is create a search page for Tasks, that only searches for files of that specific content type. Now I want to be able to decide which columns are shown in the resulting view and if possible show them in a tabular format.
I was thinking about finding a similar template and try edit the HTML to make it look as I want it. Is there a similar template? Or perhaps a ready template which I missed?
There was indeed a similar template, very similar to what I needed:
Displaying SharePoint 2013 Search Results in a Table
The table template html files are also provided for under an MIT License.

SharePoint Content Query Webpart, display results in two columns

Is there any good reference to change Content Query Webpart formatting. I would like to display results in two columns for a specific CQWP without changing the XSL file.
You will have to change XSLT.
see e.g.:
Please check the below link
Other option is you ca use Dataview webpart to show the list details from one site to other site
I resolved the issue by using SPServices, JQuery.

Retrieving a sharepoint list in Infopath only shows first 100 records

I am retrieving a list of values from a sharepoint list, which works well but my problem is that it only retrieves the first 100 records. there are currently 500 records that should be available.
Scenario: I have two comboboxes on an infopath form:
A List of Locations
A list of areas within the locations
the list of locations will filter the list of areas but as infopath seems to only retrieve the first 100 records so most of the locations do not show any areas as there is nothing to filter.
By design, the query will only return the first page of results from the default view for the list. Change the item limit for the default view in SharePoint, and you'll change the returned values for InfoPath.
EDIT (links from my comments, here for greater readability):
Here are sources describing this fix in MSDN forum (scroll to the bottom), a blog comment that describes the SharePoint setting step-by-step, one with a screen cap of the somewhat counter-intuitive interface, and another describing performance implications on the server side.
Hope this helps.
Just documenting what I have discovered trying to resolve the problem. I have not been able to change the default view as yet as I dont have the permission to. That should change though.
One possible workaround I have found is that you can export the list to Excel which contains all the data that I was looking for. the file that sharepoint produces is an Excel Query file like "export.iqy". You can save and open the file in notepad. which will look something like the following
RootFolder=/Lists/My list
You can take the third line which is -
And use that to retrieve the complete list. I added an new receive data connection, selected an xml document and added the above URL.
It is not formated particullary nice but it will return all the data that I was expecting.
I think that Argalatyr solution is much simpler at this point, but it depends on if i am able to get the default view changed.
there is yet one workaround of this without such hardcoding. If you open Query editor, then you have there available ribbon with menu items. Open "Home" -> "Select top rows" and enter there some realy high number (I have in my list 596 rows, so I entered there as limit of top rows 20000 and I got whole list).
Sorry, I don't have available English version of Excel, so I cannot add screenshots.
enter image description here

Sharepoint : Is there a webpart filter that supports wildcards?

I have a document library with a custom column named "compound" which is just text.
I want to put a filter (input text box) on that document library page so the view shows only the items where the compound column contains my typed-in text. Optimally, wildcards such as * or ? or full regular expressions could be supported... but for now, I just need a "contains".
The out-of-the-box text filter seems to only support an exact match.
The result output would be identical to what I would see if I created a new view, and added a filter with a "contains" clause.
Third party solutions are acceptable.
KWizCom has a filter web part that looks like it might do what you want:
KWizCom SharePoint List Filter Plus
Another option to try is using a SharePoint Designer Data View Web Part. I believe you can write the filter with a "contains" from SPD.
I know you can set up this kind of filter more easily if you add the normal List View to a page, and the edit it with SharePoint Designer. In SPD, you can set up a "begins with" filter. Here's a discussion where someone suggested the same thing.
