Cannot access websites on apache from outside the server - linux

I have a debian 7.5 based Ubuntu server, apache 2.2.22.
It's a rather vanilla installed XAMP used as a basic web server.
It used to work fine and I have no idea why it stopped working suddenly (there was some maintenance today but it worked when I left it - I changed partition sizes with Gparted).
When I try to access a website from the server (tried with w3m) all is working OK, including PHP and MySQL access.
When I try to access the same host (using a domain) from the outside, the browser keeps loading for a long while, eventually (after few minutes) saying the page could not be loaded.
I made sure that ports are open and accessible with outside scanner.
So I'm sure the Apache is available (working from inside the network, websites loading from SSH using w3M and pinging)
I'm sure the server is connected to the web (I can use putty to SSH)
the host is resolving to the correct IP (but won't ping from outside, only inside)
The ports seems to be opened (scanned and got OK for port 80)
I'm not a professional IT, so If there is info I can add that could help just ask away.
would really appreciate any idea or direction.

I still suspect the UFW/iptables firewall is blocking all incoming connections... Please go through this article and double check
If you're sure that the firewall config is OK, please try packet capturing with Wireshark to see what's going on underneath. How to install

Thanks for the help,
Oddly enough - It just started working again after 12 hours of not working.
A friend of mine, an IT person just called to try and help, and he simply connected (5 mins after I tried) and said it's all working for him.
I tried, and it's working for me also.
Have no idea why it stopped working, and why it is working now.
I think it might be an ISP problem or a router issue... The server is in our offices so I guess it could be both. I just don't understand why SSH would work and HTTP wouldn't.


How to troubleshoot angular app hosted in WSL2

I am very new to development, so I apologize in advance if I am not being clear enough. I appreciate any feedback on the question and how to better pose it.
I'm currently working on an angular app hosted in WSL2. To get it to run locally, this is what I do:
Launch solution in VS Code
From terminal, run npm start
Then, I click on Run and Debug
Once I get the Now listening on: ..... message, I move on to Chrome to start debugging my app
Since this morning, I keep getting a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in the browser, and I'm currently waiting on IT to step in as there could have been some security changes placed that are blocking the requests. Also, I'm not using the VPN.
In the meantime, is there a way to know for sure (or get as close as possible to) what is causing the connection to be refused in my particular scenario? I'm curious about it, but I don't know how to even search the topic properly due to lack of proper terms.
What should one do to at least obtain more details about the issue on their own (perhaps, to help expedite help by collecting important info upfront)? Where my apps are hosted in WSL2, I get very confused between the ip address originating the request and that of the server.
I appreciate any guidance anyone could provide.
It turned out there was a VPN software running where the firewall was ON, even though I was not in the VPN (it went on after I connected to the VPN the previous day). I guess there was nothing else I could have done anyway.

Method to find DNS hijack?

I'm getting worried. For one specific computer where I run win10 and chrome i maybe once every 30-60 days get a different web page compared to the url I manually type in.
I have tested kaspersky and avast, but none of them found anything on my computer.
I suspect that some service on my computer injects itself every now and then between chrome and the DNS server to give me the wrong ip address for the site that I'm looking for.
I have a ubiquity edge router and can not see any odd setting in it.
I have tried to run wireshark, but since it happens so rarely I have not managed to have wireshare running while this happens.
The pages that I get to instead of where I want to get is online gambling sites.
I have searched the web after instructions on how to trouble shoot this and tried many without any success.
What is the best working instruction to sort this out? Grateful for any help or direction.

Collectd server not writing down received client data

I have pretty strange problem with Collectd. I'm not new to Collectd, was using it for a long time on CentOS based boxes, but now we have Ubuntu TLS 12.04 boxes, and I have really strange issue.
So, using version 5.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS. Two boxes residing on Rackspace (maybe important, but I'm not sure). Network plugin configured using two local IPs, without any firewall in between and without any security (just to try to set simple client server scenario).
On both servers collectd writes in configured folders as it should write, but on server machine it doesn't write data received from client.
Troubleshooted with tcpdump, and I can clearly see UDP traffic and collectd data, including hostname and plugin names from my client machine, received on server, but they are not flushed to appropriate folder (configured by collectd) ever. Also running everything as root user, to avoid troubleshooting permissions.
Anyone has any idea or similar experience with this? Or maybe some idea what could I do for troubleshooting this beside trying to crawl internet (I think I clicked on every sensible link Google gave me in last two days) and checking network layer (which looks fine)?
And just small note: exactly the same happened with official 4.10.2 version from Ubuntu's repo. After trying to troubleshoot it for hours moved to upgrade to version five.
I'd suggest trying out the quite generic troubleshooting procedure based on the csv and logfile plugins, as described in this answer. As everything seems to be fine locally, follow this procedure on the server, activating only the network plugin (in addition to logfile, csv and possibly rrdtool).
So after no way of fixing this, I upgraded my Ubuntu to 12.04.2 LTS (3.2.0-24-virtual) and this just started working fine, without any intervention.

Configuring Apache Tomcat to run PHP

I would like to start out by apologizing. I have very little knowledge in the areas of Linux and Servers. I have been asked at work to set up a Linux box running Apache Tomcat. The Server needs to be enabled to allow websockets. I managed to get Debian installed. During the installation it gave me the option to make it a web server, which I did. There are now some different folders and files that are named "apache" in the files system, so my guess is that I am in fact running Apache, but to be honest I'm not 100% sure, and if it is, I don't know if its Tomcat. I fumbled around a bit and figured out the IP address of the computer I installed on and tried going to that IP from another computer in the network and it worked. I was able to see the html file that I put in the /var/www folder on the host machine. I then went out and found a nice piece of code, someone was kind enough to share, that is suppose to test websockets capability but I cant seem to get it working. My thinking is that my server isn't allowing PHP to run. I came to this conclusion by testing. I took a web page from my other server, its written in PHP, that when opened will send a text to my phone. Its just a small piece of code that I used for testing. When I tried running it from the Linux server it wont run, meaning it wont send the text to my phone. So here I am. I realize I'm asking for a simple solution to a complex problem, but I'm under the gun so to speak. I have about a week to get this going, so I just don't have the time to really immerse my self in this stuff the way I would like to. My question in its simplest form is"How do I configure my server to run PHP?" Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your time and patience.
Have you tried running a simple PHP script like echo 'Hello World';??
If not then try, if it works then your PHP is up, but sockets are just not configured to use.
If it doesn't work then install Ubuntu, a simple newbie friendly interface for Linux, and then install LAMP, here its how to do it.
And don't panic.

FTP suddenly refuses connection after multiple & sporadic file transfers

I have an issue that my idiot web host support team cannot solve, so here it is:
When I'm working on a site, and I'm uploading many files here and there (small files, most of them a few dozen lines at most, php and js files mostly, with some png and jpg files), after multiple uploads in a very short timeframe, the FTP chokes on me. It cuts me off with a "refused connection" error from the server end as if I am brute-force attacking the server, or trying to overload it. And then after 30 minutes or so it seems to work again.
I have a dedicated server with inmotion hosting (which I do NOT recommend, but that's another story - I have too many accounts to switch over), so I have access to all logs etc. if you want me to look.
Here's what I have as settings so far:
I have my own IP on the whitelist in the firewall.
FTP settings have maximum 2000 connections at a time (Which I am
nowhere near close to hitting - most of the accounts I manage
myself, without client access allowed)
Broken Compatibility ON
Idle time 15 mins
On regular port 21
regular FTP (not SFTP)
access to a sub-domain of a major domain
Anyhow this is very frustrating because I have to pause my web development work in the middle of an update. Restarting FTP on WHM doesn't seem to resolve it right away either - I just have to wait. However when I try to access the website directly through the browser, or use ping/traceroute commands to see if I can reach it, there's no problem - just the FTP is cut off.
The ftp server is configured for such a behavior. If you cannot change its configuration (or switch to another ftp server program on the server), you can't avoid that.
For example vsftpd has many such configuration switches.
Going to something else like scp or ssh should help
(I'm not sure that calling idiot your web support team can help you)
