How to create tar file with only certain extensions but omitting server generated files with similar extension? - linux

I have a folder of files and they will be in a pattern similar to this:
I want to ONLY select the original file (original.jpg, filetwo.jpg, imagethree.jpg) and omit the server generated files. I'm trying to create a tar file of just those original files and not the dynamically generated copies.

tar -tf file.tar --wildcards '*.jpg' --exclude '*.*.jpg'
Just change -t to -x to extract instead.
To create the archive:
tar -cf file.tar *.jpg --wildcards --exclude '*.*.jpg'


How to list the folders/files of a file.tar.gz file inside a file.tar

I need to list the folder/files inside a certs.tar.gz which is inside file.tar without extracting them.
[root#git test]# tar -tf file.tar
[root#git test]#
You may want to use and condition:
tar -xf abc.tar "abc.tar.gz" && tar -ztvf abc.tar.gz
For listing of files we use
If file is of type tar.gz:
tar -ztvf file.tar.gz
If file is of type tar:
tar -tvf file.tar
If file is of type tar.bz2:
tar -jtvf file.tar.bz2
You can also search for files in any of the above commands. e.g:
tar -tvf file.tar.bz2 '*.txt'
For extracting files we use
tar -xf file.tar
In these commands,
t: List the contents of an archive.
v: Verbosely list files processed (display detailed information).
z: Filter the archive through gzip so that we can open compressed
(decompress) .gz tar file.
j: Filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files.
f filename: Use archive file called filename.
x: Extract all files from given tar, but when passed with a filename
will extract only matching files

Archive all the files from source directory into a xyz.gz file and move that to target directory using UNIX shell script

Requirement: Archive files using UNIX shell script into .gz format without directory structure
I am using below command
tar -C source_dir -zcvf target_dir/xyz.gz source_dir
tar -C /home/log -zcvf /home/archive/xyz.gz /home/log
here xyz.gz contains /home/log
It's creating xyz.gz file maintaining the directory structure. I want only files to be archive without directory structure.
You can try the following command:
$ cd /home/log
$ tar zcvf /home/archive/xyz.gz *
You can use the --transform option to strip leading path components from the archived file names using a sed espression:
tar -C /home/log -zcvf /home/archive/xyz.gz --transform 's_.*/__' /home/log
This however will also write an entry for each encountered directory. If you don't want that, you can use find to find only regular files and pass them to tar on stdin like this:
cd /home/log
find -type f -print0 | tar -zcvf /home/archive/xyz.gz --transform 's_.*/__' --verbatim-files-from --null -T -
Note that this may create multiple entries with the same name in the tar archive, if files with the same name exist in different subdirectories. Also you should probably use the conventional .tar.gz or .tgz extension for the compressed tar archive.

tar/gzip excluding certain files

I have a directory with many sub-directories. In some of those sub-directories I have files with *.asc extension and some with *.xdr.
I want to create a SINGLE tarball/gzip file which maintains the directory structure but excludes all files with the *.xdr extension.
How can I do this?
I did something like find . -depth -name *.asc -exec gzip -r9 {} + but this gzips every *.asc file individually which is not what I want to do.
You need to use the --exclude option:
tar -zc -f test.tar.gz --exclude='*.xdr' *
gzip will always handle files individually. If you want a bundled archive you will have to tar the files first and then gzip the result, hence you will end up with a .tar.gz file or .tgz for short.
To get a better control over what you are doing, you can first find the files using the command you already posted (with -print instead of the gzip command) and put them into a file, then use this file (=filelist.txt) to instruct tar with what to archive
tar -T filelist.txt -c -v -f myarchive.tar

How do I tar a directory without retaining the directory structure?

I'm working on a backup script and want to tar up a file directory:
tar czf ~/backup.tgz /home/username/drupal/sites/default/files
This tars it up, but when I untar the resulting file, it includes the full file structure: the files are in home/username/drupal/sites/default/files.
Is there a way to exclude the parent directories, so that the resulting tar just knows about the last directory (files)?
Use the --directory option:
tar czf ~/backup.tgz --directory=/home/username/drupal/sites/default files
Hi I've a better solution when enter in the specified directory it's impossible (Makefiles,etc)
tar -cjvf files.tar.bz2 -C directory/contents/to/be/compressed .
Do not forget the dot (.) at the end !!
cd /home/username/drupal/sites/default/files
tar czf ~/backup.tgz *
Create a tar archive
tar czf $sourcedir/$backup_dir.tar --directory=$sourcedir WEB-INF en
Un-tar files on a local machine
tar -xvf $deploydir/med365/$backup_dir.tar -C $deploydir/med365/
Upload to a server
scp -r -i $privatekey $sourcedir/$backup_dir.tar $server:$deploydir/med365/
echo "File uploaded.. deployment folders"
Un-tar on server
ssh -i $privatekey $server tar -xvf $deploydir/med365/$backup_dir.tar -C $deploydir/med365/
To gunzip all txt (*.txt) files from /home/myuser/workspace/zip_from/
to /home/myuser/workspace/zip_to/ without directory structure of source files use following command:
tar -P -cvzf /home/myuser/workspace/zip_to/mydoc.tar.gz --directory="/home/myuser/workspace/zip_from/" *.txt
If you want to tar files while keeping the structure but ignore it partially or completely when extracting, use the --strip-components argument when extracting.
In this case, where the full path is /home/username/drupal/sites/default/files, the following command would extract the tar.gz content without the full parent directory structure, keeping only the last directory of the path (e.g. files/file1).
tar -xzv --strip-components=5 -f backup.tgz
I've found this tip on
To build on nbt's and MaikoID's solutions:
tar -czf destination.tar.gz -C source/directory $(ls source/directory)
This solution:
Includes all files and folders in the directory
Does not include any of the directory structure (or .) in the final product
Does not require you to change directories.
However, it requires the directory to be given twice, so it may be most useful in another script. It may also be less efficient if there are a lot of files/folders in source/directory. Adjust the subcommand as necessary.
So for instance for the following structure:
|- source
| |- one
| `- two
`- working
the following command:
working$ tar -czf destination.tar.gz -C ../source $(ls ../source)
will produce destination.tar.gz where both one and two (and sub-files/-folders) are the first items.
This worked for me:
gzip -dc "<your_file>.tgz" | tar x -C <location>
For me -C or --directory did not work, I use this
cd source/directory/or/file
tar -cvzf destination/packaged-app.tgz *.jar
# this will put your current directory to what it previously was
cd -
Kindly use the below command to generate tar file without directory structure
tar -C <directoryPath> -cvzf <Path of the tar.gz file> filename1 filename2... filename N
tar -C /home/project/files -cvzf /home/project/files/test.tar.gz text1.txt text2.txt
tar -Cczf ~/backup.tgz /home/username/drupal/sites/default/files
-C does the cd for you

Updating a single file in a compressed tar

Given a compressed archive file such as application.tar.gz which has a folder application/x/y/z.jar among others, I'd like to be able to take my most recent version of z.jar and update/refresh the archive with it.
Is there a way to do this other than something like the following?
tar -xzf application.tar.gz
cp ~/myupdatedfolder/z.jar application/x/y
tar -czf application application.tar.gz
I understand the -u switch in tar may be of use to avoid having to untar the whole thing, but I'm unsure how to use it exactly.
Well, I found the answer.
You can't use tar -u with a zipped archive. So the solution I used was the following. Note that I moved the z.jar file to a folder I created in the current directory called application/x/y for this purpose.
gzip -d application.tar.gz
tar -uf application.tar application/x/y/z.jar
gzip application.tar
When I did a tar -tf application.tar (after the update, before the gzip) it showed up properly.
If the file you want to update is text file. Then you can use vim editor directly to open the tarball that contains the file and open it, just like open folder using vim editor. Then modify the file and save it and quit.
However, if the file is a binary. I have no idea about the solution.
in my case, I had to delete the file and then add the new file with the following steps:
my tar file
└── foo.json
└── bar.json
└── dir
└── zoo.json
and I wanted only to modify/update foo.json file without extracting and re-creating the whole tar file file.tar, Here are the commands:
tar -x -f file.tar foo.json # extract only foo.json file to my current location
# now modify the file foo.json as you want ...
tar --delete -f file.tar foo.json # delete the foo.json file from the file.tar
tar -uf file.tar foo.json # add the specific file foo.json to file.tar
compressed file:
if it is compressed file, like file.tar.gz, you will need to extract the tar file from the compressed file (in this example gzip) by using gunzip file.tar.gz which will create for you the tar file file.tar. then you will be able to do the above steps.
at the end you should compress the tar file again by using gzip file.tar which will create for you compressed file with the name file.tar.gz
sub directories:
in order to handle sub dirs you will have to keep the same structure also in the file system:
tar -x -f file.tar dir/zoo.json
# now modify the file dir/zoo.json as you want ...
tar --delete -f file.tar dir/zoo.json
tar -uf file.tar dir/zoo.json
view the file structure:
by using the less command, you can view the structure of the file:
less file.tar
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2020-10-18 11:43 foo.json
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2020-10-18 11:43 bar.json
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2020-10-18 11:43 dir/zoo.json
