How to install ReviewBoard as a non-root user on Redhat Linux? - linux

The official installation guide ( requires the user login as root or is using sudo. I don't have them and want to install a local copy under my home directory. How can I do that?

I don't think you can install it without permissions. I have checked the link you posted and the packages mentioned there will need root's permission to install them.


Command is not found when ran with sudo

I am trying to change the version of nodejs using cmd n installed globally by yarn. Neither yarn is detected by sudo nor n.
Please help me to fix this:
When running the n command to change node version, it shows permission is denied by many files to be written by n
Two approaches to avoid permission issues without requiring use of sudo when running n:
install and run Node.js from your home folder using N_PREFIX and PATH (see also n-install which automates this)
if it is your personal computer, take ownership of the folders used with default install location of /usr/local
See the project README for more:
(Disclaimer: I am the maintainer of n.)

How to install node and npm on macOS without admin rights?

I work in a big organisation as UX designer. I have basic programming knowledge. I've been trying for ways to install node / npm on macOS without admin rights with no luck.
I've tried all the methods described here
but all of them require using sudo or make which I cannot use
I've also downloaded the installer from and, unpack the file with pkgutil but when I run tar on the payloads they are copied to usr/local/bin/includes/node then I try to change the path in the host file but I need admin password to save.
I thought that this would be as easy as doing it on a Windows machine but it's not.

while installing node.js getting permission denied error

I downloaded the file for version 8.9.2 of node js and I am using lubuntu. I extracted the tar.xz file of nodejs I downloaded into a folder I made, and then in my command line entered
cd /usr/src
But then this shows up.
--2017-12-07 22:08:56--
Resolving ( 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:172e, 2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:162e,, ...
Connecting to (|2400:cb00:2048:1::6814:172e|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 31109143 (30M) [application/gzip]
node-v8.9.2.tar.gz: Permission denied
Cannot write to ‘node-v8.9.2.tar.gz’ (Permission denied).
So how do I install it properly?
As Kishor Pawar already mentionet:
The folder /usr/src belongs to the user root and your current user does not have write access (you can see that by using ls -al /usr/src)
In order to install it you have multiple Options:
use linux package-manager.
Install it via sudo apt-get install package=version (example)
use a wrapper like nvm (
installing it manually: the user that uses npm needs to have write access to all folder that are used by npm. So in case you want to install it to /usr/src your user needs to be a sudoer. Else install it into your homefolder(i am not sure if this is sufficient)
Option 2 is my preferred option for a developing machine. You can easily install specific version and have them in parallel and switch versions as you need. Easy to use and easy to upgrade. No hassle on access privileges, as it puts all dependencies to the users home folder.
You will have to be root or have use sudo before command provided you are added to sudoers group.

What is the 'correct' way of using homebrew to enable successful homebrew node installation

I'm setting up a developer environment on OSX and want to use homebrew to manage installs. I am going on the premise that my regular dev account should not be an admin account and then I have setup an additional admin account for the purposes of performing homebrew installs. I think this is the safest way to use homebrew and to avoid sudo as per the recommendation.
I am now having problems installing node/npm and am wary and hesitant of the changes I need to make to fix it.
(for the purposes of this question, dev account=kramer, admin account=admin).
I installed homebrew using as my admin account.
If I ls my /usr/local/Cellar directory I see:
drwxr-xr-x 2 Kramer admin 68 26 Jul 12:47 /usr/local/Cellar
which shows that only the owner Kramer has write permissions to it.
Then if I ls my /usr/local directory is see:
drwxrwxr-x 18 admin admin 612 26 Jul 12:47 /usr/local
which shows that its owned by admin (and in the admin group).
If I try to install node as Kramer using brew install node:
Error: Permission denied - /usr/local/Library/Locks/node.brewing
If I try to install node as admin (su admin, not sudo) using the same command I get:
Error: Cannot write to /usr/local/Cellar
I want to do this the right way, and not implement hacks. I thought I should be ok to use my admin account any time that I want to install anything with homebrew, and then revert back to my regular account Kramer for everyday coding. Am I wrong about this? Which account should be the owner of /usr/local/Cellar and /usr/local for me to achieve this?
Should /usr/local/Cellar owner be changed to admin (assuming I do installs with the admin account)?
You can totally use one account for dev and homebrew. You don't need sudo for homebrew installation or for further software installation like node or php.
Specifically for node.js you can use It installs node binary in /usr/local/bin and it's pretty easy to control/update node.js version with it.

Docker install in user home

I have access to Grid5000 and would like to use Docker containers on it. Tutorial says, that users should install the tools in the user home. And add the user home to Path environment parameter.
How can I install it without use of ap-get command? My user isn't in sudoers group also.
As far as I know there's no way to install the docker daemon without root permissions. You can have your user added to the docker group to control the docker daemon once it's installed without having to be root.
You can also have docker-machine installed in your user home to control a docker daemon on a different machine without being root.
You should download ot and add necessary permissions like above:
curl -sSL -O > /home/docker && chmod +x /home/docker
After that you should add your home folder to PATH variable.
