Change Touch Menu Items in Compass Sample - google-gdk

Just getting the Google Glass GDK (19) running with Eclipse Java and its all up and running fine. ADB etc all good.
And now experimenting with the Compass Sample code. One thing I would like to try and pin down is basically customising whats there - a simple thing being the Touch Menu text which is "Show A Compass".
Can that be changed? That's all I want to do! However, strings.xml alters app_name only and the XML Trigger def of SHOW_A_COMPASS seems locked down somewhere. I guess that's what I am trying to discover.
Any pointers appreciated.

You specify the trigger command in an XML file in your resources. In compass this is res/xml/compass_show.xml. In there, you will see a <trigger> tag, which you should change to one of the constants in VoiceTriggers.Command. So if you wanted to use the voice command "Find a product" you could use something like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<trigger command="FIND_A_PRODUCT" />
You can use your own voice commands... but only for testing purposes. Glassware that is reviewed and distributed through MyGlass must use a defined command. (You can, however, request a voice command be included in a future Glass update. If you plan to do this, you should request it as early as possible.)
See for the full details.


Flutter : Project Files Missing From IDE

I'm having this issue across all my Flutter projects, thinking it was something wrong I did I opened the Flutter Gallery project but it turns out this problem is present on that project as well. I can't figure out what's wrong because the files for all the projects are there on my File Explorer yet do not display on my IDE. How do I go about correcting this because I do not have an idea at the moment. I've attached images for some visuals
On another post I saw that you need to change this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
But then this happens
And this
Something to note is that changing the UTF from 8 to 16 is inconsistent across projects. For my one project it worked but for this particular one it didn't because not only is it displaying the wrong class in my main.dart it also only shows half of that entire class. The HomePage is unreadable. Some very weird behavior. Because of these inconsistencies I found that this 'solution' isn't the best hence I'm looking for an alternative.

IntelliJ IDEA Scratch File: JSF xmlns URI not registered

From the Intellij website:
Scratch Files, a very handy feature that helps you experiment and prototype. With this feature you can sketch something really quick right in the editor, without modifying your project or creating any files.
You can open an infinite number of Scratch Files and easily switch between them. IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget.
However, when I create a facelet scratch file the "URI is not registered" error appears, none of the tags are recognized, and tab-completion of tags as I type does not happen.
I create the new facelet scratch file as follows:
Tools -> New Scratch -> XHTML file
When the mouse hovers over one of the red-highlighted xmlns lines a balloon pops up: URI is not registered (Settings | Project Settings | Schemas and DTDs). When the mouse hovers over the h:outputLabel tag a balloon pops up: Cannot resolve symbol: 'h:outputLabel'. However, in my project there are no such errors in any of my Facelet files.
According to Jetbrains, "IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget." Is this just a broken feature or is there a way to resolve this problem? It's completely not useful to have a XHTML scratch file that does not provide coding assistance.
Changing to namespace does not resolve the issue:
I've fixed this issue on IntelliJ. In "settings > plugins", install "Jakarta EE:Server Faces(JSF)" or enable it

Why does my Sharepoint WebPart deploy (nominally), but is still not available for adding to a page/form?

I've created and "deployed" my latest Web Part (Visual Studio grins from ear-to-ear, and tells me, "Deploy succeeded").
But when I go to our Sharepoint site, and my "sandbox" page, and Edit it, I do not see the WebPart. As the Elements file shows, it should be available from the "Financial Affairs Forms" category:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="" >
<Module Name="PostTravelExpenseWebPart" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp">
<File Path="PostTravelExpenseWebPart\PostTravelExpenseWebPart.webpart" Url="PostTravelExpenseWebPart.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary" >
<Property Name="Group" Value="Financial Affairs Forms" />
However, that category is devoid of the "PostTravelExpenseWebPart" I expect (or at least hope) to see there:
What might I be omitting?
I even went so far as to, while in Edit mode on the Web Page, expand the "Upload a Web Part" section below "Categories" after selecting one of the "Add a Web Part" links. I didn't know exactly what to upload (when browsing for a file, the File Dialog doesn't clue you in on what file extension it expects), so I, on a flayer, tried uploading PostTravelExpense.ascx
It accepted it without balking, but I do not see it anywhere (nor do I know why just the *.ascx file would be enough, but again, which file does it expect?) It doesn't allow me to upload the entire project folder.
In response to the comment below, note that The project's Assembly Deployment Target" property is set to GlobalAssembyCache
By comparing a working project with this one, I was finally able to get it to deploy without the "A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe." add-time error msg.
What I had to do was check every place in the working project where the primary namespace was referenced, and make sure that the corresponding namespace in the previously-unworking project was referenced in those same places
This required not only changing some of the files visible in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer treeview, but also two that I only was able to load into the editor by searching for strings they contained, specifically:
The ***.spdata** file, which I loaded up by searching for "SafeControl"
**Assembly.Info**, which I loaded up by searching for "AssemblyTitle"
That sure was a lot of hand-wringing and head-banging and pitiful whin[g]ing for something that one would think would automatically be taken care of by the IDE - when a namespace changes, make all the necessary changes, or at least notify the coder and offer to do so! Or, barring that, at the very least give him a better clue than "A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe." when the WebPart to be plopped onto the page proves unploppable.

Tumblr new audio player in custom theme

I'm trying to help my daughter-in-law with her Tumblr blog. When she tries to add an audio link she gets the following...
You are using a custom theme that doesn't include the code for Tumblr's new audio player.
You can either switch to a preset theme or add the new audio code to your custom theme's HTML (for advanced users).
I have created a blog with a preset theme and and compared the code to hers and see that it is very much different. So much so that I am not sure what to change.
I was able to get the above message to go away by replacing the block:Audio block in the div class="post" div with the following...
<section class="top audio">
There is a lot of other audio references in the preset theme, but I am not sure where to put it or what is needed.
Is there more I need to do. I am waiting for her to test it, but in the mean time can someone point me to instructions of the proper way to do this, or help me out otherwise?
I was able to to test it and it works fine.
For anyone with the same problem, you can simply copy the block:audio code in my question and replace the block:audio code in your custom themed blog.

Iphone route-me application issue

I am using route-me MapView for displaying offline map. It works well in the sample. I followed the Embedding guides and added the MapView.XCodeProj to my Xcode project it compiles successfully. But in my viewcontroller if i add RMMapView view as a subview to main view. It gives an error as "RMMapView refrence not found"
Need a bit more information, the exact error output would be helpful, but it sounds like you are missing the libraries. Make sure that libMapView.a has been added to Target->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries.
You might want to double check every step of the embedding guides.
-- Randy
