Most efficient way to get digit count of arbitrarily big number - haskell

What is the most efficient way to get the digits of a number?
Lets begin with an example:
Imagine the Fibonacci sequence. Now lets say we want to know which Fibonacci number is the first to have 1000 digits (in base 10 representation). Up to 308 digits (1476th Fibonacci number) we can easily do this by using logBase 10 <number>. If the number is greater than the 1476th Fibonacci number, logBase will return Infinity and the calculation will fail. The problem is that 308 is somewhat far away from 1000, which was our initial goal.
A possible solution is to convert the number we want to know the number of digits of to a string and use it's length to determine the digit count. This is a little bit inefficient for my purposes because trying this with 10000 takes its sweet time.
The most efficient method shown in other questions is hardcoding all possible cases which I really do not want to do, especially because the number of digits exceeds 10 as needed in the proposed solutions.
So to come back to my question: What is the best (most efficient) way to determine a base 10 numbers digit count? Is it really converting it to a string and using its length or are there any "hacker" tricks like 0x5f3759df?
Note: I appreciate solutions in any language, even if this is tagged "haskell".

Why not use div until it's no longer greater than 10?
digitCount :: Integer -> Int
digitCount = go 1 . abs
go ds n = if n >= 10 then go (ds + 1) (n `div` 10) else ds
This is O(n) complexity, where n is the number of digits, and you could speed it up easily by checking against 1000, then 100, then 10, but this will probably be sufficient for most uses.
For reference, on my not-so-great laptop running it only in GHCi and using the horribly inaccurate :set +s statistics flag:
> let x = 10 ^ 10000 :: Integer
> :force x
<prints out 10 ^ 10000>
> digitCount x
it :: Int
(0.06 secs, 23759220 bytes)
So it seems pretty quick, it can churn through a 10001 digit number in less than a 10th of a second without optimizations.
If you really wanted the O(log(n)) complexity, I would recommend writing your own version where you divide by 2 each time, but that one is a little more involved and trickier than dividing by 10. For your purposes this version will easily compute the number of digits up to about 20000 digits without problems.

If you just want to find the first number with at least digitCount digits in a list, you could test each number in O(1) by checking if fibBeingTested >= 10digitCount - 1. This works since 10digitCount - 1 is the lowest number with at least digitCount digits:
import Data.List (find)
fibs :: [Integer]
-- ...
findFib :: Int -> Integer
findFib digitCount =
let Just solution = find (>= tenPower) fibs
tenPower = 10 ^ (digitCount - 1)
We use digitCount - 1 because 10^1, for instance, is 10 which has two digits.
As a result of the O(1) complexity that this comparison has, you can find Fibonacci numbers very quickly. On my machine:
λ> :set +s
λ> findFib 10000
[... the first Fibonacci number with at least 10,000 digits ...]
(0.23 secs, 121255512 bytes)
If the list of fibs has already been computed up to the 10,000th digit Fibonacci (for example, if you run findFib 10000 twice) it's even faster, which shows that more computation is taking place in calculating each Fibonacci number than in finding the one you're looking for:
λ> findFib 10000 -- Second run of findFib 10000
[... the first Fibonacci number with at least 10,000 digits ...]
(0.04 secs, 9922000 bytes)

For just getting up to a Fibonacci number that has more than 1000 digits, length . show (on Integer) suffices.
GHCi> let fibs = Data.Function.fix $ (0:) . scanl (+) 1
GHCi> let digits = length . (show :: Integer -> String)
GHCi> :set +t +s
GHCi> fst . head . dropWhile ((1000>) . digits . snd) $ zip [0..] fibs
it :: Integer
(0.10 secs, 149103264 bytes)
For floating point numbers (so you can use logBase) outside the range of Double look to the numbers package. They are down-right slow, but you do have to pay something for that type of accuracy.

You could always try binary search to find the number of digits of n: first find a k such that 10^2^k ≥ n, and then divide n succesively by 10^2^(k-1), 10^2^(k-2), ..., 10^2^0:
numDigits n = fst $ foldr step (1,n) tenToPow2s
pow2s = iterate (*2) 1
tenToPow2s = zip pow2s . takeWhile (<=n) . iterate (^2) $ 10
step (k,t) (d,n) = if n>=t then (d+k, n `div` t) else (d,n)
For the specific case of Fibonacci numbers you could also just try math: the n-th Fibonacci number F(n) is between (φ^n-1)/√5 and (φⁿ+1)/√5 so for the base 10 logarithm we have:
log(F(n)) - n log(φ) + log(√5) ∈ [log(1 - 1/φⁿ), log(1 + 1/φⁿ)]
That interval gets tiny right away.


How to make this Haskell program run faster

So I've been trying to learn Haskell by solving some problems on Codeforce.
And I am getting a lot of TLE (Time Limit Exceed) even though I think my time complexity is optimal.
My question is: is the way I wrote this program that makes it slow?
For example, here is the problem.
Basically the answer is to find an for a given n , where
an = 2*an-1 + D(n) and D(n) = the difference of the number of divisors between n and n-1.
(update: the top limit for n is 106).
Below is my program.
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
main = do t <- read <$> getLine
putStrLn . show $ solve t
solve :: Integer -> Integer
solve 0 = 1
solve 1 = 1
solve n = (2*(solve (n-1)) + (fact n) - (fact (n-1))) `mod` 998244353
where fact n = foldl (\s -> \t -> s*(snd t + 1)) 1 (Map.toList . factorization $ n)
--the number of divisors of a number
--copied from Internet,infinite prime list
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2: 3: sieve (tail primes) [5,7..]
sieve (p:ps) xs = h ++ sieve ps [x | x <- t, x `rem` p /= 0]
where (h,~(_:t)) = span (< p*p) xs
--make factorization of a number
factorization :: Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer
factorization 1 = Map.fromList []
factorization x = Map.insertWith (+) factor 1 (factorization (x `div` factor))
where factor = head $ filter (\s -> (x `mod` s) == 0) ls
ls = primes
This program failed to solve in the time limit.
So could anyone point me out where did I do wrong and how to fix it?
Or it just impossible to solve this problem using Haskell in time limit?
There are many ways in which your time complexity is not optimal. The most obvious one is a prime finder using trial division instead of, e.g., a sieve. Maybe it's fine because you only compute the primes once, but it does not inspire confidence.
factorization also has at least one glaring problem. Consider factoring a number like 78893012641, whose prime factorization is 280879^2. You will search each prime number up to 280879: expensive, but pretty much unavoidable. However, at this point you divide by 280879 and then try to factorize 280879, starting from 2 and scanning all the small primes again even though you just found out none of them are a factor!
As Li-yao Xia says in a comment, I would also be suspicious of the multiplication of very large Integers before taking their modulus, instead of taking a modulus after each multiplication.
You haven't copied the right piece of code from the "Internet". You should've instead copied primesTMWE for the primes list, but more importantly, primeFactors for the factorization algorithm.
Your foldl based calculation of the number of divisors from a number's factorization is perfectly fine, except perhaps foldl' should be used instead.
Notice that both solve n and solve (n-1) calculate fact (n-1), so better precalculate all of them..... perhaps a better algorithm exists to find the numbers of divisors for all numbers from 1 to n than calculating it for each number separately.
I suspect even with the right algorithms (which I link above) it's going to be tough, time-wise, if you're going to factorize each number independently (O(n) numbers, O(n1/2)) time to factorize each... each prime, at least).
Perhaps the thing to try here is the smallest-factor sieve which can be built in O(n log log n) time as usual with the sieve of Eratosthenes, and once it's built it lets you find the factorization of each number in O(log log n) time (it's the average number of prime factors for a number). It will have to be built up to n though (you can special-case the evens to halve the space requirements of course; or 6-coprimes to save another 1/6th). Probably as an STUArray (that link is an example; better codes can be found here on SO).
The smallest-factor sieve is just like the sieve of Eratosthenes, except it uses the smallest factor, not just a Boolean, as a mark.
To find a number's factorization then we just repeatedly delete by a number's smallest factor, n / sf(n) =: n1, repeating for n1 / sf(n1) =: n2, then n2, etc. until we hit a prime (which is any number which has itself as the smallest factor).
Since you only use those factors to calculate the number's total number of divisors, you can fuse the two calculations together into one joined loop, for extra efficiency.

Digit Counter Fibonacci List Haskell trouble

So, for problem 25 in Project Euler, I have to find the position of the first number in the Fibonacci sequence with a thousand digits.
-- Lazily generates an infinite Fibonacci series
fib :: [Int]
fib = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
-- Checks if given number has a thousand digits.
checkDigits :: Int -> Bool
checkDigits number = length (show number) == 1000
-- Checks if position in Fibonacci series has a thousand digits.
checkFibDigits :: Int -> Bool
checkFibDigits pos = checkDigits (fib !! (pos - 1))
p25 = head (filter (\x -> checkFibDigits x == True) ([1..]))
For some reason, this approach seems to hang indefinitely. If I replace 1000 with 10, it spits out 45, which is the position of the first number with 10 digits.
Either my approach is crazy inefficient, or Haskell's doing something weird with big numbers. A similar approach in Python worked pretty flawlessly.
Thank you for your help!
Your immediate problem is using Int rather than Integer in the type of fib, which limits the values to never go above around 231, but beyond that, yes, the way you’re doing it is pretty inefficient. Namely, it’s O(n2) when it really ought to be O(n). The way you’re generating the Fibonacci sequence is fine, but when trying to find the first value that’s a thousand digits, you go:
Is the first element of the Fibonacci sequence greater than 1000 digits? No, move on…
Is the second element [which, oh wait, I need to get from this linked list, so I better follow the ‘next’ pointer some number of times] greater than 1000 digits? No, move on…
Is the 50th element [better start at the beginning of the linked list, follow the next pointer, follow the next pointer, follow the next pointer, …, and fetch the value at this element] greater than 1000 digits? No, move on…
Basically, you’re re-traversing the linked list each and every single time. A different approach might be to zip together the index and corresponding Fibonacci result:
ghci> take 10 $ zip [1..] fib
Then you drop elements until the Fibonacci value is at least 1000 digits, and take the index of the first one left:
ghci> fst $ head $ dropWhile ((< 1000) . length . show . snd) $ zip [1..] fib
Just change Int to Integer for fib and checkDigits, you will notice that the answer will appear instantaneously:
fib :: [Integer]
fib = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
checkDigits :: Integer -> Bool
checkDigits number = length (show number) == 1000
That's because Int has limited size whereas Integer has an arbitrary precision which is limited by your system memory.

Using non-deterministic list monad to find long Collatz sequences

I wrote the following code to solve Project Euler's No. 14:
The following iterative (Collatz) sequence is defined for the set of positive integers:
n → n/2 (n is even)
n → 3n + 1 (n is odd)
Q: Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest chain?
And my code:
collatz :: Integer -> [Integer]
collatz 1 = [1]
collatz n =
filter (< 1000000) prev >>= poss
where prev = collatz (n - 1)
poss :: Integer -> [Integer]
poss prev
| even prev && prev `mod` 3 == 1 && (prev - 1) `div` 3 > 1 = [2 * prev, (prev - 1) `div` 3]
| otherwise = [2 * prev]
Where collatz n returns a list of numbers that will generate a Collatz chain of length n. The problem is, I can only either not restrict the result or restrict the whole chain, instead of only the seed number, to be under 1000,000. Is it possible to use this model to solve the problem at all?
I think that this approach - while interesting - is fundamentally doomed. Suppose I discover that all the seeds which result in a chain of length 500 are above 2,000,000. How can I know that I won't find that in three more steps there's a seed under 1,000,000 that gets me there? I see no way to know when you're done.
The only viable approach I see to this problem is to compute the collatz length for every number from 1 to 999,999 and then do something like:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let collatzMax = maximumBy (compare `on` collatzLength) [1..999999]
print collatzMax
On the other hand, this provides a great opportunity to learn about CAFs since the function collatzLength could be naively defined as:
collatzLength 1 = 1
collatzLength n | n `mod` 2 == 0 = 1 + collatzLength (n `div` 2)
collatzLength n = 1 + collatzLength (3 * n + 1)
And that kind of recursion screams out for a CAF.
Sure, there are memoization modules that will go and build the CAF for you, but building one yourself is a useful exercise. It's a whole little mini-course in lazy infinitely-recursive data structures.
If that defeats you, you can glance at this spoiler of how to use a CAF and then rewrite it using a different data structure. (what about a 10-way tree instead of a binary tree? What about traversing the tree in a different order? Can you remove the call to showIntAtBase?)
Your idea is interesting, although not the most efficient one. It could be worth trying, although it'll be probably memory intensive. Some thoughts:
As some chains can go over 1000000, so you can't just filter out everything less in collatz. You need to keep all the numbers in each pass.
Calling collatz this way is inefficient, as it computes the sets all over again. Making it an infinite list that shares values would be more efficient:
collatz :: [[Integer]]
collatz = [1] : map (>>= poss) collatz
You need to figure out when you're done. For this you'd need to go through the number lists generated by collatz and count how many of them are below 1000000. When you have seen all the numbers below the limit, the last list will contain the numbers with the longest chain.
That said, I'm afraid this approach isn't computationally feasible. In particular, you'll generate exponentially many numbers and exponentially large ones. For example, if the longest chain would be 500, the result of collatz in that step would contain numbers up to 2^500. And as mentioned, there is no way to tell which of these huge numbers might be the one leading to the solution, so you can't just discard them.

Converting Integer into list of digits without 'mod' and 'div'

I currently have the Haskell function below which converts an integer into a list of digits taken from the original integer. My question is thus: Is there a way to do this without using mod and div? For example, if I wanted to do the same thing with a string I could create a function utilising other functions such as head and tail etc.
I struggled with this problem for a while before finally come to SO and finding the answer in another post. What got me asking this question is the fact that I would have never thought of using mod and div myself!
toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigits n
| n < 1 = []
| otherwise = toDigits (n `div` 10) ++ [n `mod` 10]
You mentioned that you could do the same thing on strings with list operations. Indeed, that would be another way. You could convert the integer to a string and then convert each character to an integer:
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
toDigits :: Int -> [Int]
toDigits = map digitToInt . show
Here I used Int rather than Integer, but you can use Integer if you really want with a little more trouble:
toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigits = map (fromIntegral . digitToInt) . show
#icktoofay's answer uses show, a generic way to convert some value to a String (in other words, get its string representation). A value should be of a type that is an instance of a typeclass Show. For example, Int is an instance of Show (enter :i Int in ghci and seek for a string instance Show Int -- Defined in `GHC.Show'). But a function isn't an instance of Show, so let f n = n in f will throw an error, because how would you convert a function to a string? (See also: If functions as instances of the Show typeclass). Anyway, using show function is idiomatic, so you can stick to it.
There is however a way to extract a digit from a number using logarithms, powers and integer divisions. Remember that you can remove digits from the left by finding a remainder, and remove digits from the right by integer division. In both cases, the right operand is some power of 10. For example:
*Main> 123 `mod` 10
*Main> 123 `div` 100
But how do you know, which power of 10 you should use to divide by? By finding a logarithm base 10: #digits of N = log10N + 1, e.g. log1012345 = 4. Unfortunately you can't use logBase, because it uses floating point arithmetic, which is inaccurate. For example:
*Main> logBase 10 1000
You can use custom function iLogBase for integers—copy the code from the link into your source code. This way to find a first digit of a number I use the following code:
firstDigit :: (Integral a) => a -> a
firstDigit n = n `div` (10^log)
where log = fst $ iLogBase 10 n
Creating a more general function of finding an arbitrary digit of a number and converting a number into a list of digits is left to you as an exercise :).
Also, the code in your question is inefficient. List concatenation (++) operation has the complexity of O(n), that is, every time you want to append an element to and end of list, it has to add the left list to the right list one by one, until you have a resulting list. Check out the source for (++), basically [1,2,3] ++ [4] becomes 1 : 2 : 3 : [4], which is terribly inefficient, as it takes 3 cons (:) operations just to add a list. And as you append numbers to the end multiple times, it has to repeat the same process each time, therefore overall complexity of your function is O(n^2).
On the other hand (:) is instant, that is, has complexity of O(1). No matter how long is your list, prepending an element to the beginning is cheap. So instead of adding an element to the end, I would recommend, adding it to the beginning and an the end simply reversing the list once (for information, Lisp people call this push/nreverse idiom):
reverse $ (n `mod` 10) : toDigits (n `div` 10)

My solution for Euler Project #3 is too slow

I'm new to Haskell and tinkering around with the Euler Project problems. My solution for problem #3 is far too slow. At first I tried this:
-- Problem 3
-- The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
-- What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
problem3 = max [ x | x <- [1..n], (mod n x) == 0, n /= x]
where n = 600851475143
Then I changed it to return all x and not just the largest one.
problem3 = [ x | x <- [1..n], (mod n x) == 0, n /= x]
where n = 600851475143
After 30 minutes, the list is still being processed and the output looks like this
Why is it so slow? Am I doing something terribly wrong or is it normal for this sort of task?
With your solution, there are about 600 billion possible numbers. As noted by delnan, making every check of the number quicker is not going to make much difference, we must limit the number of candidates.
Your solution does not seem to be correct either. 59569 = 71 * 839 isn't it? The question
only asks for prime factors. Notice that 71 and 839 is in your list so you are
doing something right. In fact, you are trying to find all factors.
I think the most dramatic effect you get simply by dividing away the factor before continuing.
euler3 = go 2 600851475143
go cand num
| cand == num = [num]
| cand `isFactorOf` num = cand : go cand (num `div` cand)
| otherwise = go (cand + 1) num
isFactorOf a b = b `mod` a == 0
This may seem like an obvious optimization but it relies on the fact that if both a and b divides c and a is coprime to b then a divides c/b.
If you want to do more, the common "Only check until the square root" trick has been
mentioned here. The same trick can be applied to this problem, but the performance gain does not show, unfortunately, on this instance:
euler3 = go 2 600851475143
go cand num
| cand*cand > num = [num]
| cand `isFactorOf` num = cand : go cand (num `div` cand)
| otherwise = go (cand + 1) num
isFactorOf a b = b `mod` a == 0
Here, when a candidate is larger than the square root of the remaining number (num), we know that num must be a prime and therefore a prime factor of the original
number (600851475143).
It is possible to remove even more candidates by only considering prime numbers,
but this is slightly more advanced because you need to make a reasonably performant
way of generating primes. See this page for ways of doing that.
It's doing a lot of work! (It's also going to give you the wrong answer, but that's a separate issue!)
There are a few very quick ways you could speed it up by thinking about the problem a little first:
You are applying your function over all numbers 1..n, and checking each one of them to ensure it isn't n. Instead, you could just go over all numbers 1..n-1 and skip out n different checks (small though they are).
The answer is odd, so you can very quickly filter out any even numbers by going from 1..(n-1)/2 and checking for 2x instead of x.
If you think about it, all factors occur in pairs, so you can in fact just search from 1..sqrt(n) (or 1..sqrt(n)/2 if you ignore even numbers) and output pairs of numbers in each step.
Not related to the performance of this function, but it's worth noting that what you've implemented here will find all of the factors of a number, whereas what you want is only the largest prime factor. So either you have to test each of your divisors for primality (which is going to be slow, again) or you can implement the two in one step. You probably want to look at 'sieves', the most simple being the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and how you can implement them.
A complete factorization of a number can take a long time for big numbers. For Project Euler problems, a brute force solution (which this is) is usually not enough to find the answer in your lifetime.
Hint: you do not need to find all prime factors, just the biggest one.
TL;DR: The two things you were doing non-optimally, are: not stopping at the square root, and not dividing out each smallest factor, as they are found.
Here's a little derivation of the (2nd) factorization code shown in the answer by HaskellElephant. We start with your code:
f1 n = [ x | x <- [2..n], rem n x == 0]
n3 = 600851475143
Prelude> f1 n3
So it doesn't finish in any reasonable amount of time, and some of the numbers it produces are not prime... But instead of adding primality check to the list comprehension, let's notice that 71 is prime. The first number produced by f1 n is the smallest divisor of n, and thus it is prime. If it weren't, we'd find its smallest divisor first - a contradiction.
So, we can divide it out, and continue searching for the prime factors of newly reduced number:
f2 n = tail $ iterate (\(_,m)-> (\f->(f, quot m f)) . head $ f1 m) (1,n)
Prelude> f2 n3
[(71,8462696833),(839,10086647),(1471,6857),(6857,1),(*** Exception: Prelude.hea
d: empty list
(the error, because f1 1 == []). We're done! (6857 is the answer, here...). Let's wrap it up:
takeUntil p xs = foldr (\x r -> if p x then [x] else x:r) [] xs
pfactors1 n = map fst . takeUntil ((==1).snd) . f2 $ n -- prime factors of n
Trying out our newly minted solution,
Prelude> map pfactors1 [n3..]
suddenly we hit a new inefficiency wall, on numbers without small divisors. But if n = a*b and 1 < a <= b, then a*a <= a*b == n and so it is enough to test only until the square root of a number, to find its smallest divisor.
f12 n = [ x | x <- takeWhile ((<= n).(^2)) [2..n], rem n x == 0] ++ [n]
f22 n = tail $ iterate (\(_,m)-> (\f->(f, quot m f)) . head $ f12 m) (1,n)
pfactors2 n = map fst . takeUntil ((==1).snd) . f22 $ n
What couldn't finish in half an hour now finishes in under one second (on a typical performant box):
Prelude> f12 n3
All the divisors above sqrt n3 were not needed at all. We unconditionally add n itself as the last divisor in f12 so it is able to handle prime numbers:
Prelude> f12 (n3+6)
Since n3 / sqrt n3 = sqrt n3 ~= 775146, your original attempt at f1 n3 should have taken about a week to finish. That's how important this optimization is, of stopping at the square root.
Prelude> f22 n3
We've apparently traded the "Prelude.head: empty list" error for a non-terminating - but productive - behavior.
Lastly, we break f22 up in two parts and fuse them each into the other functions, for a somewhat simplified code. Also, we won't start over anew, as f12 does, searching for the smallest divisor from 2 all the time, anymore:
-- smallest factor of n, starting from d. directly jump from sqrt n to n.
smf (d,n) = head $ [ (x, quot n x) | x <- takeWhile ((<=n).(^2)) [d..]
, rem n x == 0] ++ [(n,1)]
pfactors n = map fst . takeUntil ((==1).snd) . tail . iterate smf $ (2,n)
This expresses guarded (co)recursion through a higher-order function iterate, and is functionally equivalent to that code mentioned above. The following now runs smoothly, and we're even able to find a pair of twin primes as a bonus there:
Prelude Saga> map pfactors [n3..]
Here is my solution for Euler Project #3. It takes only 1.22 sec on my Macbook Air.
First we should find all factors of the given number. But we know, that even numbers can't be prime numbers (except number 2). So, to solve Euler Project #3 we need not all, but only odd factors:
getOddFactors num = [ x | x <- [3,5..num], num `rem` x == 0 ]
But we can optimize this function. If we plan to find a factor of num greater than sqrt num, we should have another factor which is less than sqrt num - and these possible factors we have found already. Hence, we can limit our list of possible factors by sqrt num:
getOddFactors num = [ x | x <- [3, 5..(floor.sqrt.fromIntegral) num],
num `rem` x == 0 ]
Next we want to know which of our odd factors of num are prime numbers:
isPrime number = [ x | x <- [3..(floor.sqrt.fromIntegral) number],
number `rem` x == 0] == []
Next we can filter odd factors of num with the function isPrime to find all prime factors of num. But to use laziness of Haskell to optimize our solution, we apply function filter isPrime to the reversed list of odd factors of the num. As soon as our function finds the first value which is prime number, Haskell stops computations and returns solution:
largestPrimeFactor = head . filter isPrime . reverse . getOddDivisors
Hence, the solution is:
ghci> largestPrimeFactor 600851475143
(1.22 secs, 110646064 bytes)
