How to make this gnuplot diagram - gnuplot

This is my gnuplot digram. My digram is this:
I want to create this one:
From each point on the line. create a line to X and Y:
Change the color of the points to another thing than red.
This is my plot script:
set terminal png size 900,600 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
set output 'All recived Packet in the network per second.png'
set grid
set xlabel "Transmision Range"
set ylabel "All of recived Packet in the network per second"
set title "Recive Packet pre second"
plot "NumOfRcvPkt.dat" using 2:3 title 'Transmision Range' with linespoints
Also here is the content of NumOfRcvPkt.dat file:
0 15 124
1 20 105
2 25 82

This is achieved as follows:
xmin=14 ; ymin=80
set xrange [xmin:*] ; set yrange [ymin:*]
plot "data" u 2:3 w l lc rgb "red", \
"" u 2:3 w p pt 7 lc rgb "blue", \
"" u (xmin):3:($2-xmin):(0) w vectors nohead lt 2 lc rgb "black", \
"" u 2:(ymin):(0):($3-ymin) w vectors nohead lt 2 lc rgb "black"
The first two lines set the ranges. This is important because you need to know where the edges lie in order to draw your black dashed lines.
Then, for the plot command, the first line plots the data with red lines, the second plots the data with blue circles, the third one plots horizontal black dashed lines and the fourth one plot vertical dashed lines. In order for your terminal to accept dashed styles (selected with lt 2) you need to add dashed, e.g. set term png dashed.
This is the result:


Gnuplot: "Complementary" dashed lines

I would like to plot "complementary" dashed lines. What I mean is the following: I have three curves that are identical in a certain range of x values but different outside this range. Of course, if I simply plot solid lines on top of each other, I will only see the topmost one (in the range where they are identical). So, I would like to plot them as dashed lines:
1st line: dash-space-space-dash-space-space...
2nd line: space-dash-space-space-dash-space...
3rd line: space-space-dash-space-space-dash...
Plotting them on top of each other should produce a solid lines with alternating colors (of the three line types).
The most obvious way to achieve this is with the new dashtypes, for example:
plot x dt "- ",x dt " - ",x dt " -"
However, the leading blank is ignored. Also, a definition such as (20,20) does not work because the order of values is always "solid length,emptyspace length". If there were a way to invert this order, the problem could be solved easily.
(By the way, in the case of only two curves, the solution is simple: plot the first as solid and the second as dashed.)
Any ideas?
You are probably looking for something like this:
### different shifted dashed lines
reset session
plot x, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "red" dt (20,40) notitle, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "web-green" dt (0,20,20,20) notitle, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "blue" dt (0,40,20,0) notitle
### end of code
with the following code the result should be the same (or let's say similar) in wxt, qt, postscript, pngcairo (cannot test x11). Well, the dash length is different depending on the terminal (see
### different shifted dashed lines
reset session
# set term wxt
# set term qt
set term pngcairo
set output "DashedLines.png"
# set term postscript color
# set output "DashedLines.eps"
plot x, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "blue" dt 1 notitle, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "web-green" dt (40,20) notitle, \
0 w l lw 3 lc rgb "red" dt (20,40) notitle
set output
### end of code

GNUplot - plot data file (simple X and Y columns) - setting suitable color and scale on a figure

I have a simple file with two columns:
1 0.005467
2 0.005333
3 0.005467
4 0.005467
5 0.005600
6 0.005600
7 0.005467
8 0.005467
In the first column I have the x-axis values, while on the second column I have y-axis values. I would like to plot a figure of this data. I wrote a gnuplot script for this:
set xlabel "test"
set ylabel "value"
set grid ytics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
set grid xtics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
set autoscale
set terminal postscript portrait enhanced mono dashed lw 1 'Helvetica' 14
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3 pt 3 linecolor rgb "red"
set output 'out.eps'
plot 'data.txt' using 2:1 w points title "tests"
And, the output:
But of course, as a newbie in gnuplot, I have some troubles:
How to change the crosses on the fingure into dots?
How to change the color of the dots, to let's say, red? ( my command in my gnuplotscript seems not to work at all ...)
For the first test the adequate, accurate, exact value is 0.005467 but on my figure it doesnt look like so... I would like to place the dot on my figure for the first, second, third, (so on) test on the exact place, where is appropriate value.
How to add a grid to my figure? - SOLVED
How to get rid of the ugly text: 'data.txt' using 1:2 and replace it with a legend? - SOLVED
plot 'data.txt' using 1:2 w points title "tests"
set grid ytics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
set grid xtics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#bbbbbb"
You should read a bit in the documentation about all your commands!
Several remarks:
If you want colored points, you shouldn't use the mono (i.e. the monochrome) option, but rather color.
Your definition of the line style is correct, but in order to use it you must use linestyle 1 when plotting. Otherwise the linetype 1 is used. Compare:
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 3 pt 3 linecolor rgb "red"
plot x, 2*x linestyle 1
In order to see all the dots of a terminal, use the test command:
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color dashed lw 1 'Helvetica' 14
set output 'test.eps'
set output
You see, that for filled dots you must use pt 7.
I'm sure, that the points are shown at the correct values. Use
set ytics add (0.005467)
to see this.

Add a single point at an existing plot

I am using the following script to fit a function on a plot. In the output plot I would like to add a single value with etiquette on the fitting curve lets say the point f(3.25). I have read that for gnuplot is very tricky to add one single point on a plot particularly when this plot is a fitting function plot.
Has someone has an idea how to add this single point on the existing plot?
set xlabel "1000/T (K^-^1)" font "Helvetica,20"
#set ylabel "-log(tau_c)" font "Helvetica,20"
set ylabel "-log{/Symbol t}_c (ns)" font "Helvetica,20"
set title "$system $type $method" font "Helvetica,24"
set xtics font "Helvetica Bold, 18"
set ytics font "Helvetica Bold, 18"
#set xrange[0:4]
set border linewidth 3
set xtic auto # set xtics automatically
set ytic auto # set ytics automatically
#set key on bottom box lw 3 width 8 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set key box lw 3 width 4 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set yrange[-5:]
set xrange[1.5:8]
A=1 ;B=-227 ; C=245
fit f(x) "$plot1" u (1000/\$1):(-log10(\$2)) via A,B,C
plot [1.5:8] f(x) ti "VFT" lw 4, "$plot1" u (1000/\$1):(-log10(\$2)) ti "$system $type" lw 10
#set key on bottom box lw 3 width 8 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set terminal postscript eps color dl 2 lw 1 enhanced # font "Helvetica,20"
set output "KWW.eps"
There are several possiblities to set a point/dot:
1. set object
If you have simple points, like a circle, circle wedge or a square, you can use set object, which must be define before the respective plot command:
set object circle at first -5,5 radius char 0.5 \
fillstyle empty border lc rgb '#aa1100' lw 2
set object circle at graph 0.5,0.9 radius char 1 arc [0:-90] \
fillcolor rgb 'red' fillstyle solid noborder
set object rectangle at screen 0.6, 0.2 size char 1, char 0.6 \
fillcolor rgb 'blue' fillstyle solid border lt 2 lw 2
plot x
To add a label, you need to use set label.
This may be cumbersome, but has the advantage that you can use different line and fill colors, and you can use different coordinate systems (first, graph, screen etc).
The result with 4.6.4 is:
2. Set an empty label with point option
The set label command has a point option, which can be used to set a point using the existing point types at a certain coordinate:
set label at xPos, yPos, zPos "" point pointtype 7 pointsize 2
3. plot with '+'
The last possibility is to use the special filename +, which generates a set of coordinates, which are then filtered, and plotted using the labels plotting style (or points if no label is requested:
f(x) = x**2
x1 = 2
set xrange[-5:5]
set style line 1 pointtype 7 linecolor rgb '#22aa22' pointsize 2
plot f(x), \
'+' using ($0 == 0 ? x1 : NaN):(f(x1)):(sprintf('f(%.1f)', x1)) \
with labels offset char 1,-0.2 left textcolor rgb 'blue' \
point linestyle 1 notitle
$0, or equivalently column(0), is the coordinate index. In the using statement only the first one is taken as valid, all other ones are skipped (using NaN).
Note, that using + requires setting a fixed xrange.
This has the advantages (or disadvantages?):
You can use the usual pointtype.
You can only use the axis values as coordinates (like first or second for the objects above).
It may become more difficult to place different point types.
It is more involved using different border and fill colors.
The result is:
Adding to Christoph's excellent answers :
4. use stdin to pipe in the one point
replot "-" using 1:(f($1))
and use the method in 3rd answer to label it.
5. bake a named datablock
(version > 5.0) that contains the one point, then you can replot without resupplying it every time:
$point << EOD
replot $point using 1:(f($1)):(sprintf("%.2f",f($1))) with labels
6. A solution using a dummy array of length one:
array point[1]
pl [-5:5] x**2, point us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
7. Or through a shell command (see help piped-data):
pl [-5:5] x**2, "<echo e" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
pl [-5:5] x**2, "<echo 2 3" pt 7 lc 3
8. Special filename '+'
pl [-5:5] x**2, "+" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
It seems to be the shortest solution. But note that while it looks like a single point, these are like 500 points (see show samples) plotted on the same position.
To have only one point the sampling needs to be temporarily adjusted (see help plot sampling)
pl [-5:5] x**2, [0:0:1] "+" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
9. Function with zero sampling range length
Shortest to type, but plotting as many points on top of each other as many specified with samples
pl [-5:5] x**2, [2:2] 3 w p pt 7 lc 3

gnuplot draw two plots on the same graph with single column data

There are two data files, say data1.txt:
I want to draw the two plots on the same graph, how can I use gnuplot to realize that? Thank yu very much.
You could get two plots on the same graph in one plot command with two datafile arguments, separated by a comma. For instance
plot [-1:5] 'data1.txt' with points, 'data2.txt' with points
would get you something like this:
This works for me :
set term pngcairo
set output 'wall.png'
set xlabel "Length (meter)"
set ylabel "error (meter)"
set style line 1 lt 1 linecolor rgb "yellow" lw 10 pt 1
set style line 2 lt 1 linecolor rgb "green" lw 10 pt 1
set style line 3 lt 1 linecolor rgb "blue" lw 10 pt 1
set datafile separator ","
set key
set auto x
set xtics 1, 2, 9
set yrange [2:7]
set grid
set label "(Disabled)" at -.8, 1.8
plot "file1.csv" using 1:2 ls 1 title "one" with lines ,\
"file2.csv" using 1:2 ls 2 title "two" with lines ,\
"file3.csv" using 1:2 ls 3 title "three" with lines
set output

setting multiple labels at the top of the x-axis

After the answer got in my earlier post drawing vertical lines in between bezier curves, I have been trying to label the segments separated by the dotted lines. I used x2label but found out that if I use it multiple times then the data gets replaced though they are positioned in different places. Below is the script:
set term x11 persist
set title "Animation curves"
set xlabel "Time (secs.)"
set ylabel "Parameter"
set x2label "Phoneme1" offset -35
set pointsize 2
set key off
set style line 2 lt 0 lc 1 lw 2
plot [0.04:0.15] "curve.dat" u 1:2 smooth csplines ls 1, "" u 1:($2-0.2):(0):(0.3) w vectors nohead ls 2, \
"curve.dat" u 1:2 with points
The output is the following.
I want to label Phoneme1, Phoneme2...and so on.. on top of each segment. How would I do it? Also as I was suggested in my earlier post to play with the line "" u 1:($2-0.2):(0):(0.3) w vectors nohead ls 2 to get a top to bottom vertical lines. But that also did not work. How do I get the lines from top margin to bottom? Thank you.
The horizontal lines
The horizontal lines can be accomplished with setting the yrange to an explicit value. Otherwise gnuplot would try to get some space between the lines and the axis. You could choose the values
set yrange [0.3:1.2]
Then you simply modify the vector using directions like so:
"" u 1:(0.3):(0):(1.2) w vectors nohead ls 2
(see below for the complete script)
The labeling of the sections
A quick way of doing this with your set of data would be this:
set key off
set style line 2 lt 0 lc 1 lw 2
set yrange [0.3:1.2]
plot [0.04:0.15] "Data.csv" u 1:2 smooth csplines ls 1, \
"" u 1:(0.3):(0):(1.2) w vectors nohead ls 2, \
"" u ($1+0.005):(1):(sprintf("P %d", $0)) w labels
However, this will probably not look the way you want it to look. You could think of modifying your data file to also include some information about the labeling like:
#x-value y-value x-label y-label label
0.06 0.694821399177 0.65 0.1 Phoneme1
0.07 0.543022222222 0.75 0.1 Phoneme2
Then the labels line would simply look like:
"" u 3:4:5 w labels
The complete plot then looks like this:
