I'm trying to define a functino that finds the minimum distance between to neighbor numbers on a list
something like this:
minNeighborsDistance [2,3,6,2,0,1,9,8] => 1
My code looks like this:
minNeighborsDistance [] = []
minNeighborsDistance (x:xs) = minimum[minNeighborsDistance xs ++ [subtract x (head xs)]]
Although this seems to run, once I enter a list I receive an Exception error.
I'm new to Haskell I would appreciate any help in this matter.
If you pass a singleton list to minNeighborsDistance then
It'll fail to match [] in the first line, then
it'll successfully match (x:xs) assigning the single value to x and the empty like to xs, then
it'll throw an error when you try to access the head of an empty list.
Further, since you call minNeighborsDistance recursively then you'll always eventually call it on a singleton list excepting when you pass it an empty list.
Here's what I came up with:
minDistance l = minimum . map abs . zipWith (-) l $ tail l
Try this:
minDistance list = minimum (distance list)
distance list = map abs $ zipWith (-) list (tail list)
distance calculates the absolute value of the list being subtracted with itself shifted by 1 position:
[2,3,6,2,0,1,9,8] -- the 8 is skipped but it does not make a difference
- [3,6,2,0,1,9,8]
= [1,3,4,2,1,8,1]
minDistance now just gets the smallest element of the resulting list.
Your question is a bit unclear (a type signature would really help here), but if you're wanting to calculate the difference between adjacent elements of the list, then find the minimum of those numbers, I would say the most clear way is to use some extra pattern matching:
-- Is this type you want the function to have?
minNeighborsDistance :: [Int] -> Int
minNeighborsDistance list = minimum $ go list
go (x:y:rest) = (x - y) : go (y:rest)
go anythingElse = [] -- Or just go _ = []
However, this won't quite give you the answer you want, because the actual minimum for your example list would be -4 when you go from 6 to 2. But this is an easy fix, just apply abs:
minNeighborsDistance :: [Int] -> Int
minNeighborsDistance list = minimum $ go list
go (x:y:rest) = abs (x - y) : go (y:rest)
go anythingElse = []
I've used a helper function to calculate the differences from element to element, then the top-level definition calls minimum on that result to get the final answer.
There is an easier way, though, if you exploit a few functions in Prelude, namely zipWith, map, and drop:
minNeighborsDistance :: [Int] -> Int
minNeighborsDistance list
= minimum -- Calculates the minimum of all the distances
$ (maxBound:) -- Ensures we have at least 1 number to pass to
-- minimum by consing the maximum possible Int
$ map abs -- Ensure all differences are non-negative
-- Compute the difference between each element. I use "drop 1"
-- instead of tail because it won't error on an empty list
$ zipWith (-) list (drop 1 list)
So combined into one line without comments:
minNeighborsDistance list = minimum $ (maxBound:) $ map abs $ zipWith (-) list $ drop 1 list
I am fairly new at Haskell and have been trying to solve this.
I have been trying to take a list of pairs and condense it down to a single list
For example if I had the pairs:
The list should return
The idea is that the first element of the pair is the value and the second value is the index.
Here is what I have tried so far:
finalList :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Int]
finalList ((x,y): xs) = replicate y 0 ++ [x] ++ finalList xs
finalList _ = []
However with this issue I am not getting the desired padding of 0s that I would like to have . I am instead getting something like:
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I will provide a hint. I will also assume that the indices in the input list are in increasing order.
A possible approach is to first define an auxiliary function that takes one more argument, an "index" counting how many elements we have produces so far. Here is a sketch of a part of the code you might use.
f :: [(Int,Int)] -> Int -> [Int]
f [] _ = ... -- base case
f ((value, pos):xs) ix
| ix == pos = value : ... -- here we recurse
| otherwise = 0 : ... -- here we recurse too
Roughly put, the logic above is: keep track of the current position ix: if the position is the wanted one pos, emit value. Otherwise emit 0 as a filler.
In both cases we recurse, and we need to increment the current position ix. The current position is will be initially set to zero as follows:
finalList :: [(Int,Int)] -> [Int]
finalList xs = f xs 0
Note that when we recurse, we also need to understand what to do with the input list. I will leave that to you.
I just started learning Haskell and I'm trying to define the "Get n'th element of list" (with the !! operator) in a function which uses foldl. I now defined it without foldl, just making use of recursion. I wondered if anybody could tell me how to change the code I have to a function with foldl, and could describe what is happening. Thanks in advance!
get 1 (x:_) = x
get i (_:xs) = elementAt'' (i - 1) xs
A couple of notes:
First note that you want get 1 to return the first element in your list, that's not the common choice in many languages including Haskell ([2, 3, 5] !! 1 = 3).
Second, although elementAt is a recursive function over lists, it can be defined more efficiently in the old fashion recursive way. fold functions are not good choices here, because fold goes through every element of the list. But we want elementAt recursion to stop the moment that we find the element.
Given this, here is how you can implement elementAt recursively:
elementAt :: Int -> [a] -> a
elementAt i (x:xs) = if i == 1 then x else elementAt (i-1) xs
And here's the implementation using foldl:
elementAt' :: Int -> [a] -> a
elementAt' i (x:xs) =
snd $
(\(j, a) b ->
if j < 1 then (j-1, a) else (j-1, b))
(i-1, x)
The seed value of foldl is a tuple: (i-1, x) where x is the head of the list.
Note that the return result of fold functions must be of the same type of their seed. Hence here foldl returns a tuple: (j-1, a) where a is the final result, if the index is found; otherwise (j-1, b) where b is the current element of the list.
You can see how foldl goes through every element of the list even after it found the element at index that we were looking for (it keeps returning the previous result a that will be the final result).
PS. These elementAt functions are not handling the case for empty lists or when i is greater than the length of the list; hence they're not exhaustive.
I can see the following, a bit cryptic way of using foldl for your purpose (it is using zero-based indexing, but can be changed easily to 1-based):
get i lst=
snd $
foldl (\p (j, y) -> if j == i then (j,y) else p ) (0, 0) (zip [0,1..] lst)
The foldl part is working with tuples (index, element), whose list is generated by zipping the given list with indices list. The function passed to foldl as first argument is comparing the index of the desired element with the index with currently passed, and returning the current element if the index is matching, or the previous element otherwise. Then, in the end by using snd only the element part of the tuple is returned.
let's say i have a list like this:
["Questions", "that", "may", "already", "have", "your", "correct", "answer"]
and want to have this:
can this be done ? or is it a bad Haskell practice ?
For a simple method (that fails for a odd number of elements) you can use
combine :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
combine (x1:x2:xs) = (x1,x2):combine xs
combine (_:_) = error "Odd number of elements"
combine [] = []
Live demo
Or you could use some complex method like in an other answer that I don't really want to understand.
More generic:
map2 :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map2 f (x1:x2:xs) = (f x1 x2) : map2 f xs
map2 _ (_:_) = error "Odd number of elements"
map2 _ [] = []
Here is one way to do it, with the help of a helper function that lets you drop every second element from your target list, and then just use zip. This may not have your desired behavior when the list is of odd length since that's not yet defined in the question.
-- This is just from ghci
let my_list = ["Questions", "that", "may", "already", "have", "your", "correct", "answer"]
let dropEvery [] _ = []
let dropEvery list count = (take (count-1) list) ++ dropEvery (drop count list) count
zip (dropEvery my_list 2) $ dropEvery (tail my_list) 2
The helper function is taken from question #6 from 99 Questions., where there are many other implementations of the same idea, probably many with better recursion optimization properties.
To understand dropEvery, it's good to remember what take and drop each do. take k some_list takes the first k entries of some_list. Meanwhile drop k some_list drops the first k entries.
If we want to drop every Nth element, it means we want to keep each run of (N-1) elements, then drop one, then do the same thing again until we are done.
The first part of dropEvery does this: it takes the first count-1 entries, which it will then concatenate to whatever it gets from the rest of the list.
After that, it says drop count (forget about the N-1 you kept, and also the 1 (in the Nth spot) that you had wanted to drop all along) -- and after these are dropped, you can just recursively apply the same logic to whatever is leftover.
Using ++ in this manner can be quite expensive in Haskell, so from a performance point of view this is not so great, but it was one of the shorter implementations available at that 99 questions page.
Here's a function to do it all in one shot, which is maybe a bit more readable:
byTwos :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
byTwos [] = []
byTwos xs = zip firsts seconds
where enumerated = zip xs [1..]
firsts = [fst x | x <- enumerated, odd $ snd x]
seconds = [fst x | x <- enumerated, even $ snd x]
In this case, I started out by saying this problem will be easy to solve with zip if I just already had the list of odd-indexed elements and the list of even-indexed elements. So let me just write that down, and then worry about getting them in some where clause.
In the where clause, I say first zip xs [1..] which will make [("Questions", 1), ("that", 2), ...] and so on.
Side note: recall that fst takes the first element of a tuple, and snd takes the second element.
Then firsts says take the first element of all these values if the second element is odd -- these will serve as "firsts" in the final output tuples from zip.
seconds says do the same thing, but only if the second element is even -- these will serve as "seconds" in the final output tuples from zip.
In case the list has odd length, firsts will be one element longer than seconds and so the final zip means that the final element of the list will simply be dropped, and the result will be the same as though you called the function on the front of the list (all but final element).
A simple pattern matching could do the trick :
f [] = []
f (x:y:xs) = (x,y):f(xs)
It means that an empty list gives an empty list, and that a list of a least two elements returns you a list with a couple of these two elements and then application of the same reasoning with what follows...
Using chunk from Data.List.Split you can get the desired result of pairing every two consecutive items in a list, namely for the given list named by xs,
import Data.List.Split
map (\ys -> (ys!!0, ys!!1)) $ chunk 2 xs
This solution assumes the given list has an even number of items.
I want to convert [1,2,3,4] to [[1 2] [2 3] [3 4]] or [(1 2) (2 3) (3 4)]. In clojure I have (partition 2 1 [1,2,3,4]). How can I do it in haskell? I suspect there is such function in standard api but I can't find it.
The standard trick for this is to zip the list with it's own tail:
> let xs = [1,2,3,4] in zip xs (tail xs)
To see why this works, line up the list and its tail visually.
xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : []
tail xs = 2 : 3 : 4 : []
and note that zip is making a tuple out of each column.
There are two more subtle reasons why this always does the right thing:
zip stops when either list runs out of elements. That makes sense here since we can't have an "incomplete pair" at the end and it also ensures that we get no pairs from a single element list.
When xs is empty, one might expect tail xs to throw an exception. However, because zip
checks its first argument first, when it sees that it's the empty list, the second argument
is never evaluated.
Everything above also holds true for zipWith, so you can use the same method whenever you need to apply a function pairwise to adjacent elements.
For a generic solution like Clojure's partition, there is nothing in the standard libraries. However, you can try something like this:
partition' :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
partition' size offset
| size <= 0 = error "partition': size must be positive"
| offset <= 0 = error "partition': offset must be positive"
| otherwise = loop
loop :: [a] -> [[a]]
loop xs = case splitAt size xs of
-- If the second part is empty, we're at the end. But we might
-- have gotten less than we asked for, hence the check.
(ys, []) -> if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _ ) -> ys : loop (drop offset xs)
Just to throw another answer out there using a different approach:
For n=2 you want to simply zip the list with its tail. For n=3 you want to zip the list with its tail and with the tail of its tail. This pattern continues further, so all we have to do is generalise it:
partition n = sequence . take n . iterate tail
But this only works for an offset of 1. To generalise the offsets we just have to look at the genrated list. It will always have the form:
So all left to do is select every offsetth element and we should be fine. I shamelessy stole this version from #ertes from this question:
everyNth :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
everyNth n = map head . takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (drop n)
The entire function now becomes:
partition size offset = everyNth offset . sequence . take size . iterate tail
Sometimes is best to roll your own. Recursive functions are what gives LisP its power and appeal. Haskell tries to discourage them but too often a solution is best achieved with a recursive function. They are often quite simple as is this one to produce pairs.
Haskell pattern matching reduces code. This could easily be changed by changing only the pattern to (x:y:yys) to produce (a,b), (c,d), (e,f).
> prs (x:yys#(y:_)) = (x,y):prs yys
> prs "abcdefg"
I am new to Haskell and I have the following problem. I have to create a list of numbers [f1, f2, f3...] where fi x = x ^ i. Then I have to create a function that applies the fi to a list of numbers. For example if I have a list lis = [4,5,6,7..] the output would be [4^1, 5^2,6^3, 7^4...]. This is what I have written so far :
powers x= [x^y |y<-[1,2,3,4]]
list = [1,2,3,4]
match :: (x -> xs) -> [x] -> [xs]
match f [] = []
match f (x:xs) = (f x) : ( match f xs )
So if I put the list = [1,2,3] the output is [1,1,1,1][2,4,8,16],[3,9,27,81] instead of [1,4,27]
Can you please tell me what is wrong and point me to the right direction?
The first issue is that powers is of type Int -> [Int]. What you really want, I think, is something of type [Int -> Int] -- a list of Int -> Int functions instead of a function that takes an Int and returns a list of Int. If you define powers like so:
powers = [(^y) | y <- [1..4]]
you can use zipWith to apply each power to its corresponding element in the list, like so:
zipWith ($) powers [1,2,3] -- returns [1,4,27]
The ($) applies its left (first) argument to its right (second) argument.
Note that using powers as defined here will limit the length of the returned list to 4. If you want to be able to use arbitrary length lists, you want to make powers an infinite list, like so:
powers = [(^y) | y <- [1..]]
Of course, as dave4420 points out, a simpler technique is to simply use
zipWith (^) [1,2,3] [1..] -- returns [1,4,27]
Your match is the standard function map by another name. You need to use zipWith instead (which you can think of as mapping over two lists side-by-side).
Is this homework?
You are currently creating a list for every input value.
What you need to do is recursively compute the appropriate
power for each input value, like this:
match f [] = []
match f (x:xs) y = (f x y) : (match f xs y+1)
Then, you can call this as match pow [1, 2, 3] 1.
This is equivalent to using zipWith and providing the desired function (pow), your input list ([1, 2, 3]) and the exponent list (a lazy one to infinity list) as arguments.