Node Js npm install error - node.js

Im new to node js, im about to install a package via 'npm install', as you can see its 'ursa'.
So for now im stuck with this error C1083.
I use a 64bit maschine, OpenSSL is installed. Path of OpenSLL is
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

It seems your C++ compiler has problems finding the OpenSSL header files.
The Ursa GitHub page contains multiple issue topics about it not finding openSSL. There is a solution for ubuntu, but there is no general solution for Windows yet. I'd suggest asking for help there


In the linked question, what does the op talk about regarding installing node.js in the working directory?

I am a complete newbie to all this.
I tried to install node.js 4 times and then again uninstalled it every time trying different things, thinking one of them would work.
The link to the question is-Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js
After I typed $node --version in powershell terminal in VSCode (after installing node.js in C drive, defaulting to all recommended options in the setup) I get an error. I have uploaded the image of the error.
the error
Please tell me how to get node.js working with VSCode.
To get the version of Node, just type node --version in the terminal without the "$".

Electron build for windows shows sqlite3 error. But same build for Ubuntu Works

Packed using: Electron-Packager
Database: sqlite
The app uses Knex as a driver to query to mysqlite.
The module which it says that it cannot find is already present! But then too the error shows up.
I tried to navigate to the resource/app and then use commands like
npm run rebuild
tried installing python, node and then tried but seems like it required some CL.exe file so had to dowload Visual Studio C++ packages too but unfortunately it didn't have that file in my case.
Also tried
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source
but got error
Can anyone help me with the exact steps to take? I also need help in knowing do i have to take this steps on the package that is already build or before i build it?
The best possible fix i got is the build the system in windows and then deploy it for windows. You need to google at every step where it breaks and then fix it. There are many possibilities and hence i cannot describe it here.

Node JS 8.12.0 unable to install on windows 64 bit.

node-v8.12.0-x64.msi Using this file downloaded from the website, I am installing Node js on my windows 64 bit. Home Personal computer.
I do have Java installed.
UNable to install node js as there is some missing DLL which I am not understanding.
Kindly please help.
node js win64 installation error missing dll
According to similar problems encountered on the web, this error may come from different reasons:
Windows is not updated.
Not full access to the folder: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ or C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp.
Please ensure those two points are ok...

Fatal error C1083 installing ursa

I got the following error installing URSA on node.js (I'm using windows 7).
c:\users\napoleon\node_modules\ursa\src\ursaNative.h(10): fatal error C1083: Ca
nnot open include file: 'openssl/rsa.h': No such file or directory [C:\Users\Na
gyp ERR! build error
I have tried (reading on the internet it seems the problem has to do with SDK or OpenSSL):
Reinstalling Windows SDK 7
Upgraded to the newer version 7.1.
Reinstalled OpenSSl 1.0.1h 64.
Removed the previous and installed OpenSSl 1.0.0 m (I have no idea what the m, h mean).
I have a few different versions of the redistributable Microsoft visual C++.
No idea what to try, any help is appreciated.
Edit: I checked the path and indeed it seems there isn't a file there. However it's supposed to be intalled BY ursa as far as I see, so the problem is probably ursa failing to install this.
Edit 2: I watched the folder while trying to install, a URSA folder appears and disappears with the error, so it's definitely a problem installing the file, anyone what can cause that.
After you install the openSSL library, VC++ needs to know how to find the include files when building stuff. That's not set up by default.
VC++ uses the INCLUDE environment variable as part of it's include file search path. So before you run the npm install, do this from the command line:
Basically whatever the parent directory of openssl/rsa.h is, put that in the include path.

nodejs: node-gyp rebuild - Access is denied

I am trying to install nodetime module to profile my nodejs app..
When i run > npm install nodetime
the files are downloaded. but when node-gyp rebuild runs.
I get the following error.
Command failed: CreateProcessW: Access is denied
The same thing happens, when i try to download v8-profiler.
Nodejs ver: 0.8.15
node-gyp: 0.7.1
I have tried this on both my dev machine that runs window 7 and on windows server 2008 where this app will be hosted..
Any help is appreciated. Please let me know if more explanation is required
Sorry I had ignored this post for a while.. Had a chat with someone I assume is the author of nodetime and here are the things required for nodetime to run on Windows.
Python version 2.7
If on windows the PATH environment variable for python should include python.exe Eg: C:\Python27\Python.exe
It requires CPP compilers that come with Visual C++ Express edition and Windows 7 64-bit SDK (SDK compiler is required for 64-bit version of nodejs).
Hope this helps.
Try just set PATH=C:\Python27;%PATH%
DO NOT set PYTHON variable (check that its not set on your machine).
I had incorrectly set the PYTHON variable some time ago - which then caused me this headache for ages until I managed to figure out what was wrong.
