Node JS 8.12.0 unable to install on windows 64 bit. - node.js

node-v8.12.0-x64.msi Using this file downloaded from the website, I am installing Node js on my windows 64 bit. Home Personal computer.
I do have Java installed.
UNable to install node js as there is some missing DLL which I am not understanding.
Kindly please help.
node js win64 installation error missing dll

According to similar problems encountered on the web, this error may come from different reasons:
Windows is not updated.
Not full access to the folder: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ or C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp.
Please ensure those two points are ok...


Aptana 3 (3.6.1) Will Not Load on my Windows 10 Laptop

I know you all heard similar complaints, yet no response has worked for me through browsing these questions and answers. Please forgive me if you believe this to overly repetitive.
Loaded Node.js (4.2.2) first tried 32bit, and later tried 64bit installer.
Attempted to load Aptana studio 3 (3.6.1) but got an error.
"Failed to acquire installer_nodejs_windows.msi file: CRC error."
I have tried updating environmental variables, and loading the 64bit instead. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, rebooted, etc. I like this application on my school computer, and really want to give it a try at home. Can someone please help me?
I am also using windows 10 and encountered same error. Download and Install the file manually and then run aptana installer. It will work.
Same error. Install Node js
Install Node JS:

Node Js npm install error

Im new to node js, im about to install a package via 'npm install', as you can see its 'ursa'.
So for now im stuck with this error C1083.
I use a 64bit maschine, OpenSSL is installed. Path of OpenSLL is
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
It seems your C++ compiler has problems finding the OpenSSL header files.
The Ursa GitHub page contains multiple issue topics about it not finding openSSL. There is a solution for ubuntu, but there is no general solution for Windows yet. I'd suggest asking for help there

Node.js installation error

I tried to install node.js on a Windows 8 machine, but I got the following error:
The cabinet file '' required for this installation
is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an
error reading from the the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
I downloaded the installation file from the node.js website at
How I can solve this problem.
My system specifications are OS : Windows8 32bit, RAM : 4GB, CPU :
Intel Pentium P6200, 2.13Gz, Dual Core
I was experiencing the same error message trying to install on Windows 7.
I was able to fix this issue and successfully install by:
changing the directory for installation.
Instead of installing within my "Program Files (X86)" folder, I installed into my "Program Files" folder
My suggestion is to try installing to a different directory as this solved the problem for me.
For anyone stumbling here, my problem (on win 7) was I accidentally downloaded the 32-bit version by mistake. Getting the 64-bit version was the solution.
Actually above none of answers ara not worked for me. I'm using windows 8.1 x64 . So i'm trying install nodejs.msi. Actually i can not install it. So i have used Chocolatey package manager. This is the command that i used for install nodejs. choco install nodejs.install Thats all it worked :)

"The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package...". Is it possible to install Node.js (v0.10.15) on Windows XP?

I want to use Node.js under Windows XP. I've downloaded the node-v0.10.15-x86.msi installer but when I try to install Node.js I always get this error at the middle of the process:
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code
is 2908.
Here is a screenshot:
Is it possible to install Node.js on Windows? I cannot find any installation instructions on their site. I have AMD Athlon XP 1833 MHz processor. It is quite old processor. May this be the reason?
So, I figured out how to install it :)
I did a double click on node-v0.10.15-x86.msi file in order to install Node. And that caused an error.
.msi files shouldn't be installed that way. I found a solution on this page
So my steps in Windows command line. I pointed a directory where to unpack node-v0.10.15-x86.msi to:
C:\>msiexec /a "C:\Downloads\Programs\Node.js\node-v0.10.15-x86.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files\nodejs"
And now it works. It unpacked Node.js and all its dependencies to C:\Program Files\nodejs. I just added the directory to PATH.
I'm glad I can use Node on Windows. Working under Ubuntu is a pain.
I had the same problem. For resolve this problem you need to remove this key from registry
Founded here
For me the S-1-5-21 was different, I renamed it to _del

node.js + azure sql database

i'm struggling with the microsoft's node.js sql client.
I've installed it, without any errors using the guide at the github page, and everything works perfect locally. but when i use git to push it to azure, i get the error:
Native sqlserver module not found. Did you remember to run node-gyp configure build?
Application has thrown an uncaught exception and is terminated:
Error: Unable to load shared library C:\DWASFiles\Sites\bid110\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\sqlserver.node
I've also looked at this guide, even though some parts is outdated. I've also cheked that all the files are uploaded to the server. the node_modules/msnodesql and node_modules\msnodesql\build\Release\ folders with all its subfolders are there as well.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?
Please check if your msnodesql is x86 or x64. If your local machine was x64 with x64 Python, and you installed msnodesql through npm install msnodesql then you should get a x64 version. But on Windows Azure Web Site your application will be running in x86, so you might need to a x86 version of msnodesql. You can install through NPM from a x86 machine, or you can download the compiled version at
I also have a blog post about this hope that helps.
