MKS how to display all Revisions of a member - mks

I want to have a list of all revisions of a member.
Also for branches.
I know how to do for subprojects, but didn't find a solution for Members

I would go with the si rlog command, as you can change the layout quite easy.
The following example shows just the revision numbers
si rlog --format="{revision}\n" --noHeaderFormat --noTrailerFormat member
The same result gives
si viewhistory --fields=revision member
Review also the usage page for both commands.
And of course the above commands imply that you are working in the correct sandbox. Otherwise you'd need to specify the project.

si rlog --format="{revision}\n" --project=%Path% --noHeaderFormat --noTrailerFormat member
- this way should work


2sxc Content App - Locations - How to convert to Canadian and US Addresses with region/state

I am using the latest versions on 2sxc (11.05) and the Content App on DNN 9.06. The Content-Type for Locations does not have a field for Region (or State). Is there already something in place to account for that to get Canadian or US addresses to output normally? I realize I can add the field and then maybe use the Dropdown from Query to hook it up to DNN's list of Regions, and then modify the Views accordingly...
But that seems like a lot of work for something that might already be built in (and I just don't see it?). Or is there another easy way to tackle this?
Truth be told - we never needed that so far, so it doesn't exist.
Is this necessary for maps to work, or just another field which a standard us-address needs? I'm curious because neither outlook nor SharePoint seem to require such a field, so I never really thought about it.
BUT: if you do implement it, please do share it back with us, so we can publish it.
Note that if this is important, a possibly nicer solution would be to use a public api somewhere which provides this information, as it's most certainly more complete & up to date for this purpose. If this is the case, ping me and I'll implement a string-dropdown-from-json or something like that :)

Bitrix24 CRM fields and sections

We have renamed section in Bitrix as below.
Deals -> Projects, Companies -> Deals, Contacts -> Companies, Leads -> Contacts, However, while we open any of above, still require some renaming.
Top of the page it shows Company where it should be Deals
Products comes with empty.
Please advice.
your host name / bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=en&site=s1& you can changes in this file for your tab label name and save it. I am find out it from search option.
You should not rename interface in such way because it confuses users!
It's not just names, they imply a lot of business logic.
Try to explain the reasons why you want to do this (what kind of business problem you are solving) and I will try to help to implement them in the right way.
But if you really want to rename items try to use localization module to translate interface strings (copy En locale and change some strings as you want).
I think it is the best option in your case.
You can find L10n module in admin interface:

Find Shelveset of Another User

When I follow instructions to find a shelveset, I'm given a list of all my personal shelvesets. But what I want is to view and unshelve from another user's selection. Other developers can simply change the user to whoever they want. No such option exists for me.
I've told my TFS admin about this issue. The response I got was that "We haven’t locked anything down, you should be able to view others' shelvesets." Nevertheless, I can't see others' shelvesets.
What could be causing this? What specific issue or permission(s) should the TFS admin check to confirm "we havn't locked anything down?"
I also had this issue, and typing in other names didn't yield any results.
Instead I found that if I search for * then I can see all shelfsets and their name, and I can hover over the name to see the owner.
You should be able to simply type in a different user name in the Find Shelvesets window and hit Enter (if that's not working whats the error message):
There is a UserVoice idea for improvements to the Visual Studio Find Shelvesets Search box UI. Suggest you up vote that idea and add a comment regarding your specific issue. That might get some action from Microsoft.
In my current project environment (VS2015/TFS2013) you have to provide an exact user/AD account name. If you try a partial name you get an error msg
Could not retrieve shelvesets: TF14045: The identity calvert is not a recognized identity.
A wildcard character * works but generates too many results and you can't filter them.
The wildcard does not work when ot combined with a fragment; "calvert*" gives an error msg
Could not retrieve shelvesets: TF10131: The shelveset name calvert* contains more than 64 characters, contains one of the following characters: "/:<>\|*?; or ends with a space. Type a valid name and try again.
All in all a poor experience.

MFC ID_ vs IDM_ prefixes and their range

I have been working on cleaning an old project's resource.h.
In the project I am working on, I have some IDs which are in the form:
IDM_XXXX 32771
but are referred in code in ON_COMMAND and ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI statements.
So am I right in thinking that they are following the command architecture and ideally should be named as ID_XXX instead of IDM_XXXX?
I have read through TN022: Standard Commands Implementation and see that Microsoft says:
We recommend you use the standard "IDM_" prefix for menu items which
do not follow the command architecture and need menu-specific code to
enable and disable them.
I am not sure what is meant by menu-specific code here.
How are IDM_XXXX resources normally handled? Also what is the valid range range for IDM_XXXX? I have gone through TN020: ID Naming and Numbering Conventions but am confused.
ID_ and IDM_ are interchangeable because commands are accessible via command bars, menus or maybe ribbons. I never use IDM_, I only use ID_
Reserved by the MFC is 0xE000->0xEFFF and 0x7000->0x7FFF.
TN020 says that menu/command IDs must be in the range of 0x8000 and greater, but I found no reason why to do this. In the tooltip handling and command routing of the dialogs of the 16bit MFC version and AFAIK an old MFC4.x version, there was a specific code that looks for commands being greater than 0x8000.
By accident I had cases were an ID <0x8000 was created, but it worked.
I would resist not following the recommendations in the technical note. Microsoft does have undocumented messages that may interfere with your code if you violate their recommendations. And, debugging such an issue would be difficult. Additionally, following the recommendation allows you the extra benefit of...
following the MFC command architecture not only makes command handlers
more powerful (since they will work with toolbars) but makes the
command handler code reusable
This means MFC will use the same code to handle any menu and toolbar interactions that are linked together.

MOSS 2007 - Parent Folder Column

I use a flat document list for certain document types and I want to give my users a possiblity to jump to the parent folder of this document.
Is there a column that contains this information? I couldn't find one.
No, there isn't a column or UI affordance for the parent folder in either a document library or the document library web part, nor is there a way to create a calculated field (without creating a totally custom field in code) - MSFT intended people to use the breadcrumbs I suppose. There are plenty of third party web parts out there for sale that provide this functionality (sort of) -but I haven't found one yet that I would recommend.
Is it something like this you are looking for?
As I couldn't find an easy solution for my problem, I just coded that field type myself.
Indeed, there is nothing OOTB that provides this information. At best, you can 'guess' the parent folder by getting the second-to-last segment of the FileRef column (the file's own URL):
▼ this one
Of course, that only works when you can have a reasonable expectation the file will actually be at least one folder deep. We have some limited cases where this works.
