Sed error "sed: unmatched '/'" - linux

I have a file containing data with the following format:
{"parameter":"toto.tata.titi", "value":"0/2", "notif":"1"}
I make a change on the file with sed:
sed -i "/\<$param\>/s/.*/$line/" myfile
which line variable is
{"parameter":"toto.tata.titi", "value":"0/2", "notif":"3"}
and param variable is toto.tata.titi
The above sed command return error:
sed: unmatched '/'
Because the line variable is containing / ==> "0/2"
How to update my sed command to make it work even if the line variable is containing /?

Your $param or $line may contain / on it which causes sed to have a syntax error. Consider using other delimiters like | or #.
sed -i "/\<$param\>/s|.*|$line|" myfile
But that may not be enough. You can also quote your slashes when they expand:
sed -i "/\<${param//\//\\/}\>/s|.*|$line|" myfile
Other safer characters can be used too:
d=$'\xFF' ## Or d=$(printf '\xFF') which is compatible in many shells.
sed -i "/\<${param//\//\\/}\>/s${d}.*${d}${line}${d}" myfile

Check if your $param or $line variables have \n (newline), in my case, that was the reason of the error.

i had the same error when i used sed -i.bak 's/\r$//' command in my ansible task. i solved it by simply escaping the '\' in '\r'. i changed the command to sed -i.bak 's/\\r$//'

This will robustly only operate on lines containing the string (not regexp) toto.tata.titi:
awk -v param="$param" -v line="$line" 'index($0,param){$0 = line} 1' file
and will be unaffected by any chars in param or in line other than backslashes. If you need to be able to process backslashes as-is, the shell variables just need to be moved to the file name list and the awk variables populated from them in the BEGIN section instead of by -v assignment:
awk 'BEGIN{param=ARGV[1]; line=ARGV[2]; ARGV[1]=ARGV[2]=""} index($0,param){$0 = line} 1' "$param" "$line" file


sed command in make file with hard coded $

I have a sed command in my makefile like following ,purpose of the command is, it should replace string "listen $address" to "",but as a result it is replacing "listen $address" to "$address"
sed -i -e "s/listen $$address//" file.txt
Please suggest any solution.
I have checked many posts but there $ is used as regex variable ,in my case it needs to be treated as hardcoded string
Enclose your sed command in single quotes to avoid variable expansion within double quotes:
sed -e -i 's/listen $address//' file
You can use double quotes though by escaping the $:
sed -e -i "s/listen \$address//" file

Linux: Append variable to end of line using line number as variable

I am new to shell scripting. I am using ksh.
I have this particular line in my script which I use to append text in a variable q to the end of a particular line given by the variable a
containing the line number .
sed -i ''$a's#$#'"$q"'#' test.txt
Now the variable q can contain a large amount of text, with all sorts of special characters, such as !##$%^&*()_+:"<>.,/;'[]= etc etc, no exceptions. For now, I use a couple of sed commands in my script to remove any ' and " in this text (sed "s/'/ /g" | sed 's/"/ /g'), but still when I execute the above command I get the following error
sed: -e expression #1, char 168: unterminated `s' command
Any sed, awk, perl, suggestions are very much appreciated
The difficulty here is to quote (escape) the substitution separator characters # in the sed command:
sed -i ''$a's#$#'"$q"'#' test.txt
For example, if q contains # it will not work. The # will terminate the replacement pattern prematurely. Example: q='a#b', a=2, and the command expands to
sed -i 2s#$#a#b# test.txt
which will not append a#b to the end of line 2, but rather a#.
This can be solved by escaping the # characters in q:
sed -i 2s#$#a\#b# test.txt
However, this escaping could be cumbersome to do in shell.
Another approach is to use another level of indirection. Here is an example of using a Perl one-liner. First q is passed to the script in quoted form. Then, within the script the variable assigned to a new internal variable $q. Using this approach there is no need to escape the substitution separator characters:
perl -pi -E 'BEGIN {$q = shift; $a = shift} s/$/$q/ if $. == $a' "$q" "$a" test.txt
Do not bother trying to sanitize the string. Just put it in a file, and use sed's r command to read it in:
echo "$q" > tmpfile
sed -i -e ${a}rtmpfile test.txt
Ah, but that creates an extra newline that you don't want. You can remove it with:
sed -e ${a}rtmpfile test.txt | awk 'NR=='$a'{printf $0; next}1' > output
Another approach is to use the patch utility if present in your system.
patch test.txt <<-EOF
$(sed "${a}q;d" test.txt)$q
${a}c will be replaced with the line number followed by c which means the operation is a change in line ${a}.
The second line is the replacement of the change. This is the concatenated value of the original text and the added text.
The sole . means execute the commands.

Separate a text file with sed

I have the following sample file:
I want to separate the string and add a newline after matching "debug" like this:
So far I tried almost everything with sed, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.
sed 's/debug/{G}' latest_evtlogs.out
sed '/debug/i "SAD"' latest_evtlogs.out
sed 's/debug/\n/g' latest_evtlogs.out doesn't work when I add it as a pipe in the script , but it does when I run it manually.
Here's how I generate the file:
printf $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g') >> latest_evtlogs.out
Initially I wanted to just add newline with awk, but it doesn't work either.
Any ideas why I can't separate the string with a newline ?
I'm using :
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.10 (lenny)
Release: 5.0.10
Codename: lenny
Just add a new line after debug:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' file
Note & prints back the matched text, so it is a way to print "debug" back.
This returns:
The problem is, that you are using the output of sed in a command expansion. In this context your shell will replace all newlines with spaces. The spaces are then used to do the word splitting, so that printf sees each line as a separate argument, interpreting the first line as the format argument and ignoring the rest as there are printf-placeholders in the format.
It should work if you drop the outer printf $() from your command and just redirect the output from your pipeline to your file:
ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g' >> latest_evtlogs.out
Maybe Perl is "happier" than sed on your system:
perl -pe 's/debug/&\n/g' < YourLogFile
Get will append what is in the hold buffer unto the pattern space (Usually just the current line read from the input file) So this cannot be used.
insert will print the specified text to standard output. So this cannot be used.
What you you want to to replace all debug with debug^J, where ^J is a newline, dependent on the sed version, you can either do:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' input_file
But \n is - afaik - not strictly specified in POSIX sed. One can however use c strings:
sed 's/debug/&'$'\n''/g' input_file
Or a multi line string:
sed 's/debug/&\
/g' input_file
Thank you all for the answers.I finally did it like this :
echo $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/&\n/g') > temp.out
sed 's/ /\n/g' /share/sqa/dumps/5314577631/checks/temp.out > latest_evtlogs.out
It's not at all elegant, but it finally works.

Using a variable to replace lines in a file with backslashes

I want to add the string %%% to the beginning of some specific lines in a text file.
This is my script:
sed "s/$a/%%%$a/g" <File.txt
And this is my File.txt content:
But nothing changes when I execute it.
I think the 'sed' command is not finding the pattern, possibly due to the \ backslashes in the variable a.
I can find the c:\Temp line if I use grep with -F option (to not interpret strings):
cat File.txt | grep -F "$a"
But sed seems not to implement such '-F` option.
Not working neither:
sed 's/$a/%%%$a/g' <File.txt
sed 's/"$a"/%%%"$a"/g' <File.txt
I have found similar threads about replacing with sed, but they don't refer to variables.
How can I replace the desired lines by using a variable adding them the %%% char string?
EDIT: It would be fine that the $a variable could be entered via parameter when calling the script, so it will be assigned like:
Try it like this:
a='c:\\Temp' # single quotes
sed "s/$a/%%%$a/g" <File.txt # double quotes
Johns-MacBook-Pro:sed jcreasey$ sh
You need the double slash '\' to escape the '\'.
The single quotes won't expand the variables.
So you escape the slash in single quotes and pass it into the double quotes.
Of course you could also just do this:
sed 's/\(.*Temp\)/%%%&/' <File.txt
If you want to get input from the command line you have to allow for the fact that \ is an escape character there too. So the user needs to type 'c:\\' or the interpreter will just wait for another character. Then once you get it, you will need to escape it again. (printf %q).
b=`printf "%q" $1`
sed "s/\($b\)/%%% &/" < File.txt
The issue you are having has to do with substitution of your variable providing a regular expression looking for a literal c:Temp with the \ interpreted as an escape by the shell. There are a number of workarounds. Seeing the comments and having worked through the possibilities, the following will allow the unquoted entry of the search term:
## validate that needed input is given on the command line
[ -n "$1" -a "$2" ] || {
printf "Error: insufficient input. Usage: %s <term> <file>\n" "${0//*\//}" >&2
exit 1
## validate that the filename given is readable
[ -r "$2" ] || {
printf "Error: file not readable '%s'\n" "$2" >&2
exit 1
a="$1" # assign a
filenm="$2" # assign filename
## test and fix the search term entered
[[ "$a" =~ '/' ]] || a="${a/:/:\\}" # test if \ removed by shell, if so replace
a="${a/\\/\\\\}" # add second \
sed -e "s/$a/%%%$a/g" "$filenm" # call sed with output to stdout
$ bash c:\Temp dat/winpath.txt
Note: This allows both single-quoted or unquoted entry of the dos path search term. To edit in place use sed -i. Additionally, the [[ operator and =~ operator are limited to bash.
I could have sworn the original question said replace, but to append, just as you suggest in the comments. I have updated the code with:
sed -e "s/$a/%%%$a/g" "$filenm"
Which provides the new output:
$ bash c:\Temp dat/winpath.txt
Remember: If you want to edit the file in place use sed -i or sed -i.bak which will edit the actual file (and if -i.bak is given create a backup of the original in originalname.bak). Let me know if that is not what you intended and I'm happy to edit again.
Creating your script with a positional parameter of $1
cat <file path>|sed "s/"$1"/%%%"$1"/g" > "temporary file"
Now whenever you want sed to find "c:\Temp" you need to use your script command line as follows
bash <my executing script> c:\\\\Temp
The first backslash will make bash interpret any backslashes that follows therefore what will be save in variable "a" in your executing script is "c:\\Temp". Now substituting this variable in sed will cause sed to interpret 1 backlash since the first backslash in this variable will cause sed to start interpreting the other backlash.
when you Open your temporary file you will see:

How to use sed with a variable that needs to be escaped

I have a file, and I am trying to use bask to replace all the contents of a substring with a path.
I can use the command:
sed -i s/{WORKSPACE}/$MYVARIABLE/g /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/MY-JOB/workspace/config/params.ini
My config/params.ini looks like:
folder1 = {WORKSPACE}/subfolder1
folder2 = {WORKSPACE}/subfolder2
however, when $MYVARIABLE is a path, it fails (containing slashes), the sed command fails with:
sed: -e expression #1, char 16: unknown option to `s'
When I run through it manually, I see that the $MYVARIABLE needs to have it's path-slashes escaped. How can I modify my sed command to incorporate an escaped version of $MYVARIABLE?
There's nothing saying you have to use / as your delimiter. sed will use (almost) anything you stick in there. I have a tendency to use |, since that never (rarely?) appears in a path.
sridhar#century:~> export boong=FLEAK
sridhar#century:~> echo $PATH | sed "s|/bin|/$boong|g"
Using double-quotes will allow the shell to do the variable-substitution.
Just escape the $ sign, and use a different delimiter:
sed -i 's;{WORKSPACE};\$MYVARIABLE;g' your_file
