Custom UUID for bluetooth using bluez - bluetooth

I'm trying to pair my iPhone with my ubuntu computer over bluetooth. I'd like to use CoreBluetooth. I have bluez configured correctly, but I need a UUID for CoreBluetooth to connect to my computer. How do I go about setting a custom UUID in bluez?
Ultimately, I'd like to send commands with my iPhone to my pc and then use to access the transferred data. Is there a better way to do this? I'm new to bluetooth.

Does your computer supports bluetooth 4.0? You can search for
[centralManager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:nil options:nil];
and every reachable device will be found.
With your other problem i can't help you sry.

You need to use bluetooth classic not the low energy for serial port communication


Send a string from Arduino to Windows Store App via Bluetooth?

I am trying to get a Unity3d Windows Store App game to read a string of text that is sent from an Arduino Uno Rev3 over Bluetooth.
Unfortunately, the Windows Store App platform does not allow use of the System.IO.Ports namespace, so I am not sure how to get it to read the Bluetooth data.
Does anybody know how to read data from Bluetooth in a Windows Store App?
Any help is appreciated,
If your HC-06 has COM-port capabilities, then you can use: [
there is a sample on Github:
To find out if your device has COM-port capability on windows 10 go to settings/Bluetooth, pair device and go to more settings, tab com-ports and try to add port. If the list is empty unfortunately you can not use Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication APIs to communicate with an Arduino device.
Another way is to use the Bluetooth GATT protocol for communication.
It allows you to read and write data and subscribe to indicate and notify events.
For this there is also a sample on github:
It depends on your HC-06 what Gatt-services are available but there is most likely a service that can reed and write and get notifications.
Hope this can help you,
I ended up using a BLE solution based on this example:

Is there a way to connect to iBeacon while my Bluetooth device is invisible?

I'm researching iBeacons. Can I connect to iBeacons while my Bluetooth is invisible (to be protected from hacks)?
I don't have beacons to test myself and can't find any clear explanation online.
iBeacons connect to mobile phones using Bluetooth, so it is essential to have that turned on. You also need to have installed an app with iBeacon support in order to receive communication from them.
If you'd wish to use a solution that does not utilize Bluetooth, you could try out IndoorAtlas. It's an indoor navigation technology based on Earth's geomagnetic fields. It's also completely hardware-free solution, just requires you to collect fingerprints in the area you are going to use for your project.
Three points:
iBeacon technology does not rely on a bluetooth connection to your phone. Beacons are one way transmitters. They do not listen to or otherwise receive any info from your device. Beacon technology following this model is inherently privacy friendly.
Mobile devices cannot detect Bluetooth beacons with the Bluetooth radio turned off. Sorry, it is just not possible.
Properly built beacon apps will not expose your mobile device's Bluetooth info because they are receive only. Of course, other apps on your phone might use bluetooth for other purposes, so your best bet is to audit apps using bluetooth and remove any that are not doing what you want.
I just bought some beacons and tested that, The answer is YES. it is possible to read beacons mac addresses while using the phone's Bluetooth connection as invisible. Using this you will get access to your beacon in any open place without getting hacked through Bluetooth.
Thanks all for your answers.

Does the Universal Windows Application infrastructure support any Serial Port communications?

I have a WPF desktop application that would make a good candidate as a Universal Windows App. The application has a must-have dependence on USB or Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port.
In all my reading I've yet to discover whether there is any access to a SerialPort API in a UWA.
I suspect the answer is 'No support'. If so, does anyone know of a USB or Bluetooth GPS that supports whatever APIs the UWA has for that sort of thing. I have to be able to read things like ground speed, elevation, rate of climb, etc.
If the answer is 'Supported', could you point me to some documentation.
For the "Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port", I assume you mean the RFCOMM. They are both supported on Windows Runtime since Windows 8.1 and you can also use them in the Universal Windows Application.
namespace: Windows.Devices.Usb and Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm.
About the Bluetooth GPS, I'm not sure if it uses RFCOMM or not (it depends on the devices), and it is also possible to use the GATT.
Code Sample: Custom USB device access sample

Teensy 2.0 / Atmega32u4 as Keyboard: Send and Receive

I'm currently working on a device which is able to work as a keyboard and communicate via Serial with a self-written software.
Now I have to install serial drivers (from Arduino) on different computers if I want to communicate with my application which I actually want to avoid.
Is there any other solution to solve this problem? Is it possible that my microcontroller works as a keyboard AND is able to send and receive data as HID device?
Thanks and greetings!
I actually do something similar with a 32u4, but it receives its serial over the built-in UART. I do this because it's linking between two separate systems. If it were only one system I could implement a 2nd interface. (Don't forget, a USB HID device must have an IN endpoint even if you are not using it.) Or you could just throw a $2 USB/TTL converter on and do it the same as I did.

How to connect to Bluetooth OBD II with visual C++ and for PC

I'm trying to use a Bluetooth OBDII (on-board diagnosis) to connect with a Bluetooth dongle connected to my computer (My OS is windows 7). The dongle connects to the device and assigns it 2 virtual com ports (COM4 for incoming and COM5 for outgoing), But unfortunately I couldn't communicate with this device over the virtual com port. I also attempted to work with winsock library but I didn't find any example for working with Bluetooth OBD and send and receive the instruments. I just found one Bluetooth API for android but it's not useful for me because I want to implement it inside the visual C++ and for PC. and right now I have 2 questions about that :
1. which method is better, Virtual com port or winsock and how ?
2. Do you have any sample code for working with Bluetooth OBD ?
1: Has your device a ELM327 chip? If so, you can setup a serial port over bluetooth, and communicate with that port. I don't know winsock very much, but I think a serial port is better suited for this job.
To set it up, have a look here:
Maybe if you can pair with the device, windows 7 will automagically set it up?
You might want to have a look at:
It's open-source, so you can have a peek how it works. There's also a simulator in the package, which could help you developing/testing. Mostly is Linux based, but it should give you hints where to go. There are also windows installers available for the simulator.
