.Net InstallShield - Creates broken shortcuts - installshield

I've got 2 projects in my solution.
The one is a small win forms project, and
the other, a InstallShield Limited Edition project.
Everything works fine & installs correctly for the most part. The desktop and start menu shortut's get created also with the correct icon... except that that the target & start in properties are blank... and thus the shortcuts are useless.
Normally target should have the reference to the executable, but it seems to be populated with my project name :/
I'm not too sure how I can go about debugging this? Or what would be causing the problem?

I started going going through the sub steps in the Installer project.
Under the 3rd node - Configure the Target System, there is a Shortcuts/Folders item.
Upon opening you'll see a tree view of where the shortcuts will be created. I selected the desktop shortcut, and noticed that the working directory was not set. I changed it to point to [INSTALLDIR]
This fixed the problem for me


Monkey X Export Setup

I'm using Monkey X Studio since yesterday and want to "export" the game I've made with it for Windows (glfw). So I built the Game in Release Configuration, took the .exe and the data Folder and created an InnoSetup setup for it. When someone else installed and started the game, the error message "OpenAL32.dll is missing" appeared.
"The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the Application".
Do you have any idea how I can fix this issue and export a setup for windows?
Simply "OpenAL32.dll is missing.
You need to copy this dll to target computer during installation.
This dll may be present in e.g. System folder on your computer but is missing on different computer.
Find the dll and add it to installer (copy to appropriate folder).

visual studio express 2012 version control

I have been sent a working project from a coworker to start learning Visual Studio. The project is under version control, however I don't want to have access to final customer product. So when I try to open the solution file I first get a message that the project is under source control:
"Team Foundation Server Version Control
The solution you are opening is bound to source control on the following Team foundation Serer:
http:// . Would you like to contact this server to try to enable source control integration?"
[yes] [no] [help]
I press no, then I get an error:
"The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to recover the missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control."
[ok] [help]
I proceed and press ok, and another message pops up:
"projectname\projectname.tsproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?prd=12395&pver=11&sbp=ProjectTypeDeprecated&plcid=0x409&clcid=0x409&ar=MSDN&sar=ProjectCompatibility&o1=B1E792BE-AA5F-4E3C-8C82-674BF9C0715B"
My coworker tells me he sent the whole project, so I can't figure out why I cant get visual studio to open it. I am new to visual studio, but I have some programming experience.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you
It is doubtful that version control has something to do with your problem. There are two possibilities I could think of:
Your coworker uses full version of VS2012 and you are now having problems due to the fact that Visual Studio Express comes in two main flavours - Web and Desktop. It is unable to load Web(or Desktop) project because it just does not have any tools to work with it. Ask your coworker whether they mix web and desktop in their solutions. If it is so you should either use full VS or be given a reduced set of projects.
Nearly the same - your coworker uses some very old or very new version of particular project type (something like ASP.NET MVC that(as I remember) has different project type for each version). Again ask your coworker if it is so. In this case you will just have to install the needed templates and SDKs.
P.S. I was unable to open your link - it opens microsoft.com/default(maybe due to some regional problems). Search by key words brought to me similar problem for VS2010 http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/728847/could-not-open-vs2010-solution-with-mvc-project - may be it could help you more specifically.

VS 2012 Intellisense broken for external DLLs

I have a Visual Studio 2012 project with a reference to a Sitecore DLL. (Sitecore is a vendor.)
For a few weeks, Intellisense has worked fine. Yesterday, after installing Patch Tuesday updates and rebooting, Intellisense no longer works for stuff in the Sitecore DLL. I don't know whether there is a correspondence.
Intellisense still works for .NET Framework stuff. E.g., if I type string. inside a method, I get Intellisense.
The project has a reference to the Sitecore namespace defined under References in Solution Explorer. Specifically, the reference is Sitecore.Kernel, and it comes from Sitecore.Kernel.dll.
If I right click on Sitecore.Kernel under References and select View in Object Browser, I can browse the DLL just fine. Also, my project builds fine; the project has a few using statements referencing parts of the Sitecore.* name space, and it uses objects in those namespaces.
If I type using Site and press Ctrl-space, I should see Intellisense suggesting {} Sitecore, but all it shows is this:
If I attempt to use Intellisense on any object in a Sitecore namespace, I get no Intellisense suggestions.
The suggestions in other areas don't work. For example:
Edit > IntelliSense > Refresh Local Cache: There is no Refresh Local Cache option. Yes, I did have a CS file open, and was editing it then.
Delete %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ReflectedSchemas: There is no ReflectedSchemas folder there.
TOOLS > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings: Did not bring back Intellisense for external stuff.
In Visual Studio Command Prompt, run devenv /resetuserdata: Seems to have done something similar to the prior technique. Had no effect on Intellisense.
Check TOOLS > Options > Text Editor > C#: Both Auto list members and Parameter information are checked. I think these would have been reset by the prior two steps anyway.
Through the VS 2012 installer (Control Panel > Uninstall a program), repair the entire VS installation. Had no effect.
Remove and add back Sitecore.Kernel under References. Had no effect.
Here's where it gets really weird: if I open this project remotely from a different workstation--which also has yesterday's Patch Tuesday stuff installed and rebooted--Intellisense works fine! I am referring to it using \computername\c$....
I'm not sure what else to try.
For reasons I don't understand, I was able to get Intellisense back by creating a new project and setting it up pretty much exactly like the old project.
Your web project will also need to have some Sitecore config files in the App_Config folder in the project's directory. (Not necessarily included in the project).
I've blogged about it here:-

The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugger

I have a Lightswitch 2012 application. It's been working fine for weeks. I made some changes and F5 stopped working. When I click on Start (toolbar) it gives this error message and does nothing.
"The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging"
Note: It does compile file, it just doesn't run.
If I rollback to an earlier version then it works fine - i.e. it is solution specific.
Here is a video of the current version of my solution with the problem:
and here is the previous version of the solution from earlier today (and no, I don't know what I changed). As you can see, at least it does something with F5 or Start:
Rebooting doesn't help... ;)
Maybe you should select start up project which can be started.
Solution Explorer -> On your startable project right mouse click -> Set as Start up Project.
I had this situation when i unloaded my main lightswitch project and other project which is dll has been selected automatically and when i reloaded my main project "The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging" exception was shown, because debuger was trying to load DLL.
Sometimes you need to start up a project which is compiled as a dll, for instance when testing WCF services.
To do so:
Projects -> 'Set Startup Projects...' -> Select 'Multiple Startup Projects' and set action to 'Start' for each one.
It's a pity you didn't recorded the whole screen, so I can't confirm, but I had the same error a few times...
When this happens, my "output panel" isn't visible and even I try to go on Menu -> View -> Output the panel don't appear.
I need to restart my Visual Studio 2013.
Then my output panel is visible again and everything works fine.
I discovered the cause was an extension which I installed on my Visual Studio.
I encountered this problem after removing some projects from the solution. I wasn't able to pinpoint the exact cause, but closing the solution, deleting the solution file, then opening the project and re-adding supporting projects solved the issue for me. Kind of a sledge hammer, but only takes a minute to do if you don't have a lot of projects.
Also, there are some people that uses a "One Click" Certification in your settings that you'll want to make sure its set up right, re-install or unchecked in-which this case was my problem. I finally got it working myself, but check that too just in case. Again this would be for most Visual Studio Versions only. Im 2013 Ult.

Subsonic 3 templates in VS 2010 Beta 2

I am trying to setup Subsonic ActiveRecord in a web application in Visual Studio 2010 beta 2. In any scenario I get the same error:
Warning 1 The path 'D:\Work\Project\tt\SQLServer.ttinclude' must be either local to this computer or part of your trusted zone.
Everything works just fine on the same machine with VS 2008.
Does anyone else have this problem? Is it supposed to work with VS 2010 and .net 4.0 or I should stick with vs 2008 for the time beeing?
Ok, figured out one solution. I'm sure there could be others out there. I got around this issue by opening VS.NET 2010 and selecting 'Tools | Extenstion Manager' and clicking on the "Online Gallery" option. I selected the Tangible T4 Template Editor and installed the plugin/extension. If you don't see the extension then try sorting by highest rated or perform a search for it.
I closed VS and re-opened the tt file after closing it and voila! No more compile errors ;)
I had this exact same error "must be either local to this computer or part of your trusted zone", I did get it to work without adding anything to the Trusted Zone, the only thing I did was remove the "language" setting in the SQLServer.ttinclude file, and then edit the files a little (add a space, remove it, save etc.) not sure if this was enough to convince it to build properly the next time I did "Run Custom Tool" on each of the T4 files, but it worked, phew!
I recently hit this on a new Windows 7 (64 bit) install. Once you download the archive, right click on the file and select Unblock before you extract it and all is well. Note that this applies to the VS 2010 release as well.
Add the network share to Trusted sites. First uncheck the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone checkbox.
