Sparkline not loading in Table component while paginating - pagination

I am using Pentaho cde 4.8
I need to show Sparkline and Arrow in my Table component, I am using pagination in my table component.
My sparkline and arrow chart is visible While dashboard is loaded at first. Table component will show 10 rows per page and it will show all the charts as per my column type.
The problem occurs here, if I try to navigate to second page using pagination in my table then the charts are not shown and it will only show the values in the column. the same happens during when I use search bar in my Table component.
This is code I use in preexecution:
function f(){
return {
includeValue: true,
good: function(state) { if(state.value<=100) return false; else return true;}
I can see sparkline and trend arrow during 1st load like below:
After page navigation, it becomes like this

Try using Draw function.
The same code of preexecution is to be copied in Draw function.
If you need to read API details:


Tabulator GroupBy problems

Good afternoon. Please tell me how to solve the following problems.
I added a menu to the column headers of the table, when clicked, grouping by the selected column should occur. But for some reason, grouping occurs only after re-selecting this menu item. This happens once after the table is created. Then the menu is triggered the first time. Next, the grouping is triggered by the first click of the menu item.
After adding grouping by columns, the table starts working very slowly. Scrolling in the horizontal direction is jerky and has a long delay, while scrolling vertically remains acceptable. If you select grouping by different columns several times, the browser starts to take up a lot of RAM. The code and video example are below. And even if we remove the grouping, the lags remain when scrolling. It is worth using the grouping once and the Tabulator becomes difficult to use.
UPD: This is actual for Chrome. An if table include 'Frozen' columns.
Code of header menus
var headerMenu = [
action:function(e, column){
let gField = column.getDefinition().field;
if(table.options.groupBy === gField){
else {
Adding menus example
title: 'Работник',
headerMenu: headerMenu,
width: 200
Creating Table
table = new Tabulator("#spreadsheet", {
columns: arrCol,
Video showcase

How to show and update current page number in an input box palceholder Using Tabulator

I am trying to show the current page number in an input box as a place holder the issue is I can't figure out how to update the value when users go to another page.
Here is what I tried:
<input id="currentPage"/>
document.getElementById("currentPage").placeholder = tabulator_table.getPage();
Here is the first part of the question
Here is sample
You want to use the pageLoaded callback on the table instance.
When creating the table, you need to add a property for pageLoaded as a function with a parameter for the page number. This callback is triggered each time the page is loaded.
Here is a working example,
So you would do something like this, where #table is the element id for the table and input is a reference to your input element where you keep the page number value.
new Tabulator('#table', {
pageLoaded: (pageNumber) => {
input.value = pageNumber

In pentaho dashboard how to display the table component columns using different sql datasources

I want to display a table with data coming from different sql tables, like for a single table component, some columns of the table come from one sql query and other column from next query. Using join queries or sub queries will display wrong data. In table component there is only one option for selecting the data-source.
Is there any way to do this?
With Javascript, in the pre-Execution function of the table component, you can change the datasource, but not for single columns.
You can hide some columns in the table component if you want.
How to change the datasource with Javascript
I created a Simple Parameter: refresh_table, and it contains the datasource of the table: sql_Empty, to show an empty table.
I created some Select components and when you choose a value and then you click on the Button component (a search button), the search button changes the value in the simple parameter 'refresh_table' with a new datasource based on the value in the select component: sql_A, sql_B.
function a() {
var a = this.dashboard.getParameterValue('selectA');
var b = this.dashboard.getParameterValue('selectB');
if (a === 'ciao' && b === 'ciao') {
this.dashboard.fireChange('refresh_table', 'sql_A');
} else {
this.dashboard.fireChange('refresh_table', 'sql_B');
In the preExecution function of the table component, I wrote this function to change the datasource based on the parameter value of refresh_table.
function b() {
this.chartDefinition.dataSource = this.dashboard.getParameterValue('refresh_table');
I think you can do it with Pentaho Data Integration/Kettle/Spoon and then you can pass the results to the table component, but I don't know how.

How to trigger editor programmatically

I have set up a producttable (kind of a shopping-cart) with one editable column (product amount) like this :
responsive: 3,
I am using a custom jquery amountEditor because this one looks somewhat nicer than the builtin editor. Rows are added to the shopping cart tabel (copied from another producttable) by a button click. Everything works fine but I would like that the user doesn't have to click on the editable columnfield himself. So the only one editable field should be triggered automatically / programmatically after the row is added to the table.
I think I have to combine these commands somehow in the table definition:
var cell = row.getCell("product_amount");
I tried everything but I cannot find the right combination to get this work. I can get var rowElement = row.getElement(), however var cells = row.getCells() or var cell = row.getCell(column) look empty. Any help is much appreciated.
You need to scroll to the row using the scrollTo function on the row component to ensure it is visible before you can trigger an edit on the cell, so your rowAdded callback wants to look like this:

How to call wxGrid's Render function - sequentially to achieve pagination?

Pagination can be accomplished by using sequential Render() calls from
I understand How - sequential pages can be got from top left and bottom right coordinates.
But I dont get what needs to be the wxDC in the Render() call . ?
I want to get the first three rows in the grid
BigGridFrame::BigGridFrame(long sizeGrid)
: wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("Plugin Virtual Table"),
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 450))
m_grid = new wxGrid(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
m_table = new BigGridTable(sizeGrid);
m_grid->SetTable(m_table, true);
//The above code gave me the table
//trying to get first three rows by render() function but it still gets the all of the grid values
**const wxGridCellCoords topLeft(0, 0);
const wxGridCellCoords bottomRight(3,4 );
wxClientDC clientDC(this); //this place I am not sure.. I couldnt find documentation
//m_grid->SelectBlock(topLeft, bottomRight, false);
m_grid->Render(clientDC, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, topLeft, bottomRight, wxEXPAND);**
The DC is whatever you want to render the grid on, typically a wxMemoryDC to save the grid as a bitmap. This can't be used to partially render the grid on screen, which you appear to want to do, because it's just a static snapshot of the control.
I also have really no idea how can the code using this->Render() above compile considering that this is a wxFrame* and not a wxGrid*.
I misunderstood Render() function .
For pagination, I used the same logic used in
Changing Size of Grid when grid data is changed
