Is there a way to reinstall cultures for Windows 8?
I ran a windows update which took about 30 minutes.
When I was done I opened powershell and ran a check to see what cultures were installed and got no results.
[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::InstalledWin32Cultures).lcid | sort-object
Then I ran it with AllCultures
[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures).lcid | sort-object
and got
LCID Name DisplayName
---- ---- -----------
4 zh-CHS Chinese (Simplified) Legacy
31748 zh-CHT Chinese (Traditional) Legacy
This is part of a reoccurring larger issue I've been having. Documented here:
I don't have a repro, but I think what's happening is that a registry key is removed when the Taiwan language pack is removed (which can happen silently if you aren't using that language pack). This could be because the OEM provided the language as one of many in case the customer needed it, but when the user hasn't set it, Windows will remove it to free up space. The OEM may not notice because they're in Taiwan and wouldn't think to uninstall the language pack :)
If this happens, please try re-adding the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\ExtendedLocale registry key.
A) from an elevated command prompt:
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\ExtendedLocale
B) or in regedit, go to
Edit->New->Key from the menu
“ExtendedLocale” for the name
This needs to be done AFTER the language pack is removed, so probably after you start seeing symptoms. As I mentioned, I don't have a repro machine, so please let me know if this fixes it for you.
Shawn Steele [Microsoft]
During installation I get "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" and prompt to specify some path to vc_runtimeMinimum_x64.msi. After providing some path to required file I get error states that this file doesn't match required version Minimum Runtime 14.14.26405.
I finally found the solution reading this question: Install vcredist_x64 with VS2017 installer project
I realized that specific VC_Redist.x64.exe files could be downloaded by links like, where 26405.00 is exactly the version I was required to fix. Note, that you need version from error text after clicking OK, not from window title.
And the last point is that this exe must be executed from cmd with argument /repair to help me with this issue. Regular execution by double click made no effect.
I found the solution elsewhere. It said to
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
download troubleshooter button on the link.
Run it - choose option - have problem with installing - it lists programs - choose the missing / problematic visual c++ runtimes in the list
it will run and get fixed.
Repeat for each visual c++ you having problems with. I ran the program multiple times.
I have to thank this comment section for helping me with this problem, since I have not been able to work more efficently with my school, since I din't know what and if a single file somewhere deep down in the computer had to be deleted for this program to work.
In Windows 10 Internet Explorer 11 and Edge does not allow to change Language preference through the browser. The option which is available in Internet Explorer 11 directs to OS Language preference.
Any changes done in control panel for language preference will be applicable to other applications on the machine as well (Maybe after log off or restart).
Is there a way to select language preference only for the browser(Internet Explorer 11 and Edge) in Windows 10? Just like it works in Chrome and Firefox.
Note: Options are still present in Chrome and Firefox, but I need answer for IE11 and Edge.
After searching for the answer to this for quite some time I finally found a way to force the language in IE11.
My system is set to german and I need one website to be in english.
I found a the following registry key and just tried if it still makes an impact on the language:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International]
This key sets the order and preference of the accepted languages. There is a blog from MSDN that explains what the values mean. It's quite old but still valid. The important part for the purpose of the question is the first part here. In my case "en-US", it will probably be in the language of your system (mine was "de-DE" before, which I changed to have a lower "q" value, which I believe is the preference of a language, higher means more preferred, without "q" means "q=1").
After you change the value restart IE.
I tested it under Windows 10 with IE 11.
Please be advised that that changes the preferred language for all websites you visit with the IE 11.
EDIT: See #Daniel s Answer for a working String if mine doesn't. My guess is: you are looking at a website that has another "en" language than "en-US".
Since I can't comment to the post from #Surrogard, I want to extend it here since I had the same problem as #dlatikay so I did the following: I changed the language preferences in Google Chrome and looked at the Accept-Language header:
Setting this in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\AcceptLanguage] works as expected for our Remedy ticket system.
I am distributing my software by wrapping the application exe in NSIS installation wizard. I use HM NIS edit software for editing the NSIS scripts. I recently got my editor frozen when I hovered on the default functions of NSIS like 'SetCompressor', 'BrandingText' etc. This is happening only in one system regardless of user. I tried to recreate the error but failed to do so.
The error occurred on the system with windows 7 professional OS, NSIS version 2.45, HM NIS edit version 2.0.3.
I re-installed the NSIS and HM NIS edit software but still the editor gets frozen when hovered. I searched on the internet about it but found no such error. I also compared the installed files against the installed files without error but found no difference. I used beyond compare tool to compare the file. So by this I concluded that there is no file corruption.
Please help me to solve this error.
This sounds like a bug and should be reported on their bug tracker. HM NIS Edit has not been updated in over 10 years so I'm not sure if I would hold my breath waiting for a fix.
You are also using a old NSIS version! At least update to the latest v2.x. This is probably not going to fix your issue though.
The two most likely reasons for freezing are:
Bug while parsing the syntax file. Rather unlikely since it works on other systems but you could try to update the files.
Bug while displaying the tooltip. Maybe the problematic system is using a special Visual Style/Theme? Non-standard visual settings relating to shadow or animation?
I am working on an ASP.NET application in VS2010; the repository is still VSS-2005. I am going to abandon the changes made to one of the pages and revert back to the version that existed two checkins ago (which is the current production code). My problem is that I haven't worked with VSS much and I've never done this particular thing before. I can't find any "How to" literature on VSS that tells how to do it, and when I try to do it using the intuitive thing (do a "Get" on the version I want to revert to), it does nothing.
I can View that older version using Notepad, and so I could check out the page and replace the code with the Viewed Notepad version, but this doesn't seem proper somehow.
I've been wondering about the Rollback button, but when I click it, it gives me an ominous message that I am not sure I like: "Rollback cannot be undone; some versions will be lost irretrievably! Continue anyway?"
Well, apparently there are no SourceSafe gurus out there, so I'll answer my own question. I bought a book! And it told me how to do it.
Check out the current version manually
"Get" the version we want to revert to
Check in the older version as a newer version
Check out the current version, then use the View History command to show the History dialog and select the version that is desired to be reverted to.
After selecting/highlighting this version, click on the Get button. The Get dialog shows where the specific file version will be placed along with several options. By default the path in the To text box points to the file in our workspace, which is what we want. Don't select the "Make writable" option since the file in question is already under source control. Leave everything as defaulted, and click OK. In the next dialog, choose "Replace". SourceSafe gets the older verison and overwrites the one in the workspace.
Now that you have the older base version, all you have to do is check in the version and obtain a new version that is identical to the old one.
I got this information from the book "Visual Source Safe 2005 - Software Configuration Management in Practice" by Alexandru Serban, published by Packt Publishing Ltd. I bought the book used, but found you can still get it new from the publisher for a lot less than the list price -- $20 less! I don't know who might need a book about an obsolete source control system, but don't pay full price, get it from the publisher direct! Amazon charges the full list price on new copies (astonishing).
I installed Pharo 3.0 on my ASUS Windows 7 laptop and settled in to run through the ProfStef tutorial. But I could not get past the first panel - I could not 'doit'.
I installed Pharo 2.0 on the laptop. Same story. I turned on the touchpad. Nope. I installed Pharo 2.0 and 3.0 on a Windows 7 desktop. No, the mouse right button is not recognized there.
I installed Pharo 2.0 on a Gateway Windows XP and the right-mouse button did not work there either.
Finally, knowing that Pharo is a fork of Squeak, I installed Squeak 4.3 on the original laptop. The right-click is recognized by that package.
Does right-click means something in Pharo other than what I am expecting?
This appears to be a known issue.
Reference here on the Pharo Open Issues area.
I didn't create a user to dig deeper at the link provided there, but you can check it out.
My guess is that, since it's pretty darn important, it will be resolved soon.
This is very likely a VM problem. The latest update on this issue is from February 14 2013, work still in progress.
Pharo and Squeak use different VMs, which explains the different behaviours you're seeing.
To evaluate an expression (i.e. "doit") you don't need the right click. You can simply use ctrl + d (or alt + d, I'm on Mac, so I don't know which one's the command button). So simply select the code you want to evaluate and "doit" and you're good.
If you want feedback, you can also "print it" (ctrl + p), "inspect it" (ctrl + i) or "explore it" (ctrl + shift + i).
I have raised the priority of that issue (case 7545 on FogBugz) so we have a look at it before releasing Pharo3
No, it is not. That's not related: it has something to do with the following of implementors when pressing over a class or a selector. And btw, that issue tracker is not active anymore (that issue is old, more than a year). We should close it, but we let it there for documentation issues. For now, we are using
Anyway... about your problem: I couldn't reproduce it. How are you installing your pharo distributions?
I tried two ways:
(it works in windows if you have a decent shell installed)
and the pharo launcher:
Both are "the recommended" ways of installing, even if they are not properly publicised in the pharo web site (something that we should change during the course of the day :) )