Cassandra - SSTable Readpth & Write Path - cassandra

Hello Cassandra specialists!!!
How will go about analyzing Read path and Write path for Cassandra?
Basically, I would like to know what is read path and write path measurements and if i give some sample row keys , how will I know, how many SStables are there currently for that particular Row Key and where is that located about details? Based on this detail I would like know what is causing slowness and for read path and what can be improved.
I am particularly interested in knowing How many SSTables are there for particular RowKey and where they are located? This is one of the POC that I am working on for the client.
Thanks in advance...

Another possible mechanism could be to use
nodetool getsstables <keyspace><cf><key
which will give you the list of sstables which contain the key.
Another option is to write a script which sort of runs/repeats the sstable2json on all the files in the folder and greps for the specific key. Once the key is found, you can write that file into some sort of datastructure and then later obtain the details of the same from the datastructure.

The Docs tend to be a good starting point:
Write path to compaction
About the read path
how will I know, how many SStables are there currently for that particular Row Key
You can use sstable2json to view the raw information contained within sstables in a json format and hunt down particular keys to see how they are distributed across replicas. This will be fiddly especially if you have a lot of sstables, so you can use nodetool getendpoints <keyspace> <table> <key> to workout which node actually owns the key and then start converting sstables to json.


Is there a way to view data in 2 replicas in Cassandra?

I am a newbie to Cassandra.I have created a keyspace in Cassandra in NetworkTopology Strategy with 2 replicas in one datacenter. Is there a cql command or some other way to view my data in two replicas?
Like SELECT * FROM tablename in replica1 / replica2
Whether there is another way such that I can visually see the data in two replicas?
Thanks in advance.
So your question is not real clear "See the data in 2 replicas". If you ever want to validate your data, you can run some commands to visually see things.
The first thing you'd want to do is log onto the node you want to investigate. Go to the data directory of the interested table -> DataDir/keyspace/table. In there you'll see one or more files that look like *Data.db. Those are your sstables. Data in memory is flushed to sstables in certain scenarios. You want to be sure your data is flushed from memory to disk if you're validating (as you may not find what you're looking for otherwise). To do that, you issue a "nodetool flush" command (you can use the keyspace and table as parameters if you only want to flush the specific table).
Like I said, after that, everything in memory would be flushed to disk. So you'd be able to see your sstables (again, *Data.db) files. Once you have those sstables, you can run the "sstabledump" command on each sstable to see the data that resides in them, thus validating your data.
If you have only a few rows you want to validate and a lot of nodes, you can find which node the rows would reside by running "nodetool getendpoints" with the keyspace, table, and partition key. That will tell you every node that will have the data. That way you're not guessing which node the row(s) should be on. Unfortunately, there is no way to know which sstable the rows should exist in (and it could be more than one if updates/deletes, etc. occurred). You'll have to go through each sstable on the specific node(s).
Hope that helps answer your question?
Good luck.
You can for a specific partition. If you are sure host1 is a replica (nodetool getendpoints or from query trace), then if you make your query with CL.ONE and explicitly to that host, the coordinator will always pick local first. So
Statement q = new SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE key = X");
Where host1 owns X.
For SELECT * FROM tablename its a bit harder because you are looking over entire data set and coordinator will send out multiple queries for each part of ring. If you do some queries with CL.ONE it will still only go to one node for each part of that range so if you set q.enableTracing() you can see what node answered for each range. You have no control over which coordinator picks so may take few queries.
If you just want to see if theres differences you can use preview repair. nodetool repair --preview --full.

How Cassandra read works with single column datamodel partition in multiple SSTables?

We use a very simple key-value datamodel in Cassandra, and our partition key is in 17 SSTables. I would like to understand how read works in our concrete case.
If I undestand correctly, general Cassandra reads will need to search for the newest version of each column in the memtable and in different SSTables, until it retrieves all columns and merges them.
Since SSTables are sorted by time, and our data-model is single-column, Ideally our read operations should just hit the newest SSTable containing our partition key since this will contain the whole data.
Will our read operations hit the 17 SSTables? or just the newest one containing the searched partition key?
Cassandra will search all of them as it isn't sure which columns exist where (DML occurs at the cell level and because of that, variants can exist where reconciliation is performed). Reads are done at the partition level. However, Cassandra can filter out sstables if it knows the partition key doesn't exist in certain ones. That's why compaction is important for optimal reads - to remove the unnecessary cells.
Will our read operations hit the 17 SSTables? or just the newest one containing the searched partition key?
To add to Jim's answer, Cassandra has something called a bloom filter for this. Essentially, it's a probabilistic structure that can tell you one of two things:
The SSTable might contain the data requested.
The SSTable definitely does not contain the data requested.
This should prevent Cassandra from having to scan all 17 SSTables. My advice would be to run a query with TRACING ON in cqlsh, and it'll tell you just how many SSTables it needed to look through.

Is it possible to recover deleted column data in cassandra?

If we have deleted some(20 query) data in Cassandra using below delete query.
DELETE lastname FROM cycling.cyclist_name WHERE id = c7fceba0-c141-4207-9494-a29f9809de6f;
So how we can restore/find above deleted data in Cassandra? please help
If no compaction happened yet, then you may recover the data from SSTables via sstabledump and get them from generated JSON files.
But correct answer is to use some kind of backup solution - via OpsCenter, or using the manual backup via nodetool snapshot, etc. More information you can find in following article of DataStax support team.
Cassandra doesn't delete data immediately. As Alex hinted, it will still be in the sstables (data files) until compaction, and only marked with a deletion flag (tombstoned).
You can dump the contents of the sstables into text files and then search for your id.
Do something like this for each sstable:
sstabledump mc-3-big-Data.db > dump2019a
These text files will have your data, with a "deletion_info" flag. You can then search for your id and retrieve the data.
You should act quickly before compaction, though.

Forcing request from local node

Can I force a query to fetch from local itself. WE have two data centers with replication factor 3 and 3 and i want to see the replicaiton is done properly or not 1) across nodes and 2 ) across data centers. Can i force the query to check only from a particular node and see if data is present in that node? I know getendpoints will fetch if i give ids but if want to check table updates in general and see if the data is being replicated or not how can i do this? APart from local_quorum we have any other option? Thanks
I can understand why someone might want to do this (sanity check), and I'll put some instructions on how to do this below. However firstly, it's not really necessary; The reason is because Cassandra is a distributed system, under normal circumstances its not necessary to check data is on a given node, the replication will place a given row on a given node according to where the snitch determines placement. So for a given replication factor like DC1:3 and DC2:3 a row may be on any 3 nodes in each DC. As long as you can query the cluster as a whole or each DC and get the right results then you know that your replication is working ok.
Having said that, here is how you find a key, the caveat is it has to be flushed to disc (you might need to invoke a nodetool flush). It may seem convoluted but this is how you trace it to a sstable so you may find this useful to know:
Use nodetool getendpoints to locate the nodes the key is on
Use nodetool getsstables to find the sstables the key is present in
Locate the file on disc and then use sstable2json to view the contents of the table, or use sstablekeys to just view the keys
Note: the sstable2json tools are only listed under Cassandra 1.2 docs but they should still be present in 2.1, at least I verified they are and have used them in DSE4.7 and 4.8.

how to archive and purge Cassandra data

I have a cassandra cluster with multiple data centres. I want to archive data monthly and purge that data. There are numerous articles of backing up and restoring but not where its mentioned to archive data in cassandra cluster.
Can someone please let me know how can I archive my data in cassandra cluster monthly and purge the data.
I think there is no such tool that can be used for archive cassandra.You have to write either Spark Jobs or map reduce job that use CqlInputFormat to archive the data.You can follow below links that help you to understand how people are archiving data in cassandra:
[1] - []
[2] -
[3] -
There is also a way using which you can turn on incremental backup in cassandra which can be used like CDC.
It is the best practice to use timewindow compaction strategy and set the window of monthly on your tables along with TTL(month), so that data older than a month can be purged.
If you write a purge job that does this work of deletion (on tables which do not have correct compaction strategy applied) then this can impact the cluster performance because searching the data on date/month basic will overwhelm the cluster.
I have experienced this, where we ultimately have to go back changing the structure of tables and altered the compaction strategy. That is why having the table design right at the first place is very important. We need to think about (in the beginning itself) not only how the data will be inserted and read in tables but also how it will be deleted and then frame the keys, compaction, ttl, etc.
For archiving just write a few lines of code to read data from Cassandra and put it to you archival location.
Let me know if this help in getting the end result you want or if you have further question that I can help with.
