Organizing and plotting data from machine taking multiple readings - excel

I am trying to organize a workbook generated from data retrieved from an analog pressure meter. It takes a reading of different pressures at different times and spits out a row in an excel table. For instance a couple rows will look like
[series 1][time 1][data]
[series 2][time 1][data]
[series 1][time 2][data]
How do I plot this data on a line graph so that each series is plotted on a separate line?
I would like to know a general way to do this so I can record a macro that does it automatically. Thank you for your help


connecting data points of different series in scatter chart (EXCEL)

Below is a scatter chart that displays two data sets using excel. the blue data set are observed(actual) location coordinates of detected small cars on a world plane. The orange data set represent the same location coordinates, however reconstructed using inverse mapping process which consists of many processes like camera calibration, finding camera pose, etc.
So my question is
is there a way i can connect every blue point with its correspondent orange one in Excel ?
Thanks in Advance
Apologies for misunderstanding problem.
We will will start by creating two series, one for observed and another for reconstructed.
We then create a new series for each observed and reconstructed pair. Each of these series will have a line connecting them.
We then order the series such that the first two series we created, of the observed and reconstructed data sets, are brought to the front.

Excel data - cleaning data with multiple values for numerous instances

I have a data set which is related to force applied vs distance traveled.
When the data was created the measurement software has provided multiple values for distance traveled as the force increases, then in some cases the data has no values for distance at the force values.
I have several data sets which look like this.
The data looks like this
I want to 'clean the data so I can create a graph with all 3 samples in columns the same height so it is easy to edit and make scatter graphs from.
I tried to clean the data by using VLOOKUP to create a column of force values at each 0.5N, but when I do this I end up with a large table that has lots of missing data points, when I make the graph from this there are lots of blank areas which don't seem to plot correctly.
The VLOOKUP data looks like this
The graph looks like this
Is there a better way to do this which will give me a better looking data set which is better for creating a graph from?
I have about 30 sets of data, so any info that you have would be greatly appreciated.
Why make the columns equal length.
If you plot the three samples with the data as given, an XY graph should look OK:
If there's some other reason to make the columns equal length, I'd "fill in the blanks" using the FORECAST or GROWTH functions, or use a trendline.
You can use IFERROR to insert something in place of the #N/As. For example, you could use =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,D:D,1,FALSE),0) to add a zero in place of the #N/As

Excel 2010: Shading per series for Bar Charts

I have a table of data similar to this:
I want to create a bar chart like this:
But I get this:
or, when I add major gridlines, I get this:
However, I want a quick way to visually differentiate between the different quarters (Q1... Q4) by shading them with a different background color each or marking a border around them.
I don't want to export the chart as an image and edit it because:
1. This is a weekly report, it would be very repetitive and error prone.
2. It would be time consuming when I need to do it for 100s of records.
3. My manager prefers the data and the chart to be sent as part of the report. Hence, changing it to other formats is not possible.
Is it possible to create such a graph using Excel 2010? If so, how? I don't mind writing a macro for this, but am currently lost on the approach.
If you want to do something like this:
It's a bit tricky, but can be done. First you must add a fourth data series so you have the data like this:
Then you have to put the three "real" data series in the secondary axis. You must set the maximum values both in secondary and primary axes to the same value (30 in my example). Next, you delete the secondary axis. And finally, in the fourth series settings you let it overlap and put the separation to zero. Sorry, I don't know the exact english name of the settings, as my Excel is not in english.

How can I create a graph in excel that uses multiple columns and does stacked columns?

I need a graph that has multiple columns and also has stacked columns. Here is a photo to help illustrate what I am looking for: Graph Examples As you can see in the photo there are two graphs. I want them to become one I wanted the Stacked there to be a total of 2 columns for each data series. I want the front column to have Data C3:C14 with D3:D14 Stacked on top of it, Then a column in the back that has B3:B14.
Simple answer is you can not so you have to cheat.
Can you upload the spreadsheet?

plot two data sets on same chart

I have a two sets of data that I wish to plot on the same chart in Excel 2013.
The first data set is time series data and has about 100 daily observations. I would like to plot this as a line chart.
The second data set only has 6 data points & I wish to plot these as a column. Is this possible when the number of observation in each data set are different?
I know it can be done if you have the same number of observations in both data sets.
You will make things easier if you give them the same categories and use blanks to skip missing entries. Excel is not very smart about matching categories between different sets of data unless you are using scatter plots.
