Find column first, then value in column - excel

I am having trouble figuring out how to write a function to return a value from a column. Let's say I have a big master list of excluded numbers with columns 1,2,3,4,5,6. In each column is a bunch of values, anywhere from 1-500, and each column can have repeat values or be missing values.
I'll regularly be getting large lists of values and their corresponding columns that I will need to verify are in or not in the master list.
If I get two columns of data, one of values and one of their corresponding columns to cross check in the master list, is there a function or group of functions that will do this?
Sort of like a VLOOKUP, but instead of starting at the left most column, it looks at the column that my list tells it to and then looks for the value my list has. I'm having trouble figuring it out with an INDEX/MATCH because the values can show up on different rows in each column since some columns have omitted numbers.

For the sake of an answer, a Comment from #tigeravatar:
=COUNTIF(INDEX(A:F,0,X),Y) where X is the column number and Y is the number you're looking for.


Using Excel transpose data from column to row whilst also finding uniques

I have what seems to be an easy task but at the minute i'm stumped.
I have a list of text values, say A1:A19, with multiple entries some of which are repeated in the list.
I want to take the list in column A and copy to a row, say B2:B8, However i only want to move across each individual value once. Can this be done?
UNIQUE returns the unique values from a range.
TRANSPOSE rotates cells from rows to columns or vice-versa.

Finding Duplicates across a thousand lists

I have over 1,100 lists that each contain no more than 30 items in them. I am trying to see if there are any items within the lists that appear in all lists. I was initially thinking that I would need to compare the list in column A to the list in column B, store the duplicates, then compare the duplicates to the list in Column C, store the new duplicates, compare the new duplicates to the list in Column D, and so on until all the lists have been covered.
My questions are:
1.) Is this the correct way to approach this?
2.) If so, is there a simple VBA code that could be used to do this?
Deduplicate each list using Data > Remove Duplicates
Collate all the lists into one long list
Create a pivot table with the column of items as the Row dimension
Use the same column as the Value displayed in the pivot table, and aggregate using Count.
Sort the pivot table in descending order of that count.
The count shows the number of lists in which each item appears. If any have a count of 1100 then they must occur in every list.
Here's my non VBA solution to this fun problem. The plan is to search each item in any one list and compare to all the other lists in the table.
Start off by inserting a new "A" column to the left of your table. Copy any list and paste to A35.
if your goal is only to find items occuring in all lists, choose the smallest list.
if you would like to analyse, choose the largest list or even multiple lists.
you could include all items by copy/paste TRANSPOSE the entire table to new sheet. then you have less than 30 colums. copy paste each into one column and delete duplicates of this list with data--> remove duplicates.
Now you need to create a formula in cell B35 that searches for the string in A35 in the range B1:B30. You drag the formula all the way right and down.
The results will be the count of each item found in each list. In order to see if any item is in all lists, then all columns within the specific row should count at least 1 item. To the right of the results, see what the minimum value in the row is with:
(assuming your table ends in column API)
If any of your rows have a minimum of 1, then the item is included in all lists.
You could then also sum up the line to see which items occur the most and you could use the "max" instead of "min" to see if any list has duplicates.
Please try to use this
If it will not work I can help you with Macro VB code.
Logic will be as below:
1. Keep 1st column as base to check all the other column
2. Check each 30 cell of the 1st column in a loop with all the other column cell.
3. Stop the loop, if you don't the value in an entire column.

Return last date something was entered into one column with criteria from another column

I'm working with a set of data in excel. Data is entered into rows for items specified in columns. The first column contains a date. A cell in the same row of one of the columns contains the name of a person and in another cell in the same row but different column may contain a number larger than zero (or it may be empty).
I need to create a formula which returns the date when a number larger than zero was last entered into that column for a specific name. This is a "living list" which keeps on growing and the same names appear in different rows, sometimes with a number in the column a mentioned and sometimes not.
I found an old thread on this site on a similar subject which got me as far as knowing the date of the last entry containing the persons name but I'm still not able to configure it to show me when that specific person also had a number larger than zero in that column.
Here's the thread: How to get the newest value from a column with conditions
My current formula looks like this:
Column A contains the dates
Column G contains the names (and "Sheet7!C5" is a reference to a name)
The value column I need to add to the mix is column AY
I feel there must be a simple solution (a small add on to the formula) to solve this but I always end up with an error.
Thanks in advance :)
Edit: Here is a simplified example of the data entry and output list needed.
For this you need to sort the date DESCENDING and format the table as Excel Table
Edit: you can sort the date ascending. See explanation at the end.
Using your example, then the formula will be
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 0))
This works just like the usual VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH, fetching the first date on an activity matching the employee initials.
You can use VLOOKUP, but you'll need to dynamically name the range of each columns.
Edit: Just today I found an interesting behavior of MATCH when it found multiple matching values. If you use 1 instead of 0, then it will fetch the last matching value on the list.
So, you can use this formula instead in ASCENDING table.
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 1))

Excel: Four columns with different lengths and data values, need to find matching values

I have a sheet with 4 columns of data. The first two columns show the name of a stock, followed by a PipDigit. These two values are connected and must not be seperated. The other 2 columns are another set of stock names and accompanying PipDigits. I want to do several things:
First, compare the stock names in each column and arrange it in such a way that matching stock names are aligned. The columns have different lenghts.
Second, I want another column to display which matching stocks have different PipDigit values. For example if for an Ebay stock I have a PipDigit of 2 in the first set of columns, and a PipDigit of 4 in the second set of columns, I would like to see message saying "different" or something similar. I have included a screenshot of the file.
If anything is unclear please let me know
This is the file in question
I believe from your question you are looking for the corresponding record in columns E/F for the 'Symbol' in column A.
The easiest way to get this data would to perform a VLOOKUP on the first column, looking at the data in columns 3/4.
In cell C2 you want the following formula:
This will give you the corresponding pip-digit from column F.
Now in cell D2, enter the following formula:
This will give you a column telling you whether the pip digits match.
Drag these two formulas down to replicate for each row of the table on the left.

Excel Instance Parsing

I have a list of data "instances" within one column within an excel sheet.
Each instance can have numerous copies. Here is an example:
Unfortunately the numbering scheme was not preserved across all of this data. So in some cases copies will have randomized numbers. However, the root instance name is always the same.
QUESTION: What would be a good strategy for creating a function that will parse a list of these instances and, in a new column, list all duplicates past the second copy? In relation to the example above, the new column would list:
I need to have the two duplicates with the lowest integer values preserved out of each set of duplicates, which is why in the example above 3 and 4 would have to go. So in the case of randomized numbers, the two instances with the lowest integer values.
What I have thought of
I was thinking to first organize the column by alphabetical order, which should automatically put duplicates in ascending order. I could then basically strip the number value from all instances, and find where there are more than 2 exact duplicates from the core instance name, which would give me the instances with more than 2 duplicates so that I could perform a function on the original data set... but I don't know if there is a better way of doing this or where to go from here.
I'm looking for formula-based solutions.
Assuming your sorted list is in Column A and that you have a row of headers you could use the following formulas in the neighboring columns.
In B:
In C (although not really necessary):
In D starting with row 3:
This formula doesn't work in row 2, but you can hard code the first result.
Then filter the list on Column D for "Del" and delete all the rows.
How's that?
Sort your list in column A. You'll want column headings for later so put those in row 1 (or leave it blank. In B2, type =left(A2,len(A2)-4) and drag the formula down to strip the integers. In C3 type =vlookup(B3,$B$2:$B2,1,0). Populate the formula in C3 right one cell and then down the length of the data. Now in D3 you'll have a list that has errors for any entry that only 2 or fewer instances and will have the name for any that have 2 or more. Sorting this list with a filter on row D for #NA will allow you to delete all the rows with less than two entries.
Remove your filter. Then resort the list in column A in reverse order so the high numbers are first. Replace the contents of C2 and D2 with #N/A. Refilter the list on column D for everything but #N/A and delete all the entries that have an instance listed.
