Drive spreadsheet, wrapping link - excel

I'm trying to find a way to make Google Spreadsheet wrap a link, and showing the content in many lines, just like microsoft excel works:
I've found nothing so far on how to implement this, which should be used very often I believe.
Here's how the same excel works imported to Google Spreadsheet:
In the google spreadsheet I selected "Wrap text" but it only wraps it, hiding the overflow of it, however I can't see the whole link.
Any help is greately appreciated.

If you don't mind modifying the contents of the cell in order to display wrapped text, you could use an additional column with a formula like this to insert spaces after certain characters so that the url can wrap:
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B1,"&","& "),"/","/ "),"?","? "),"#","# ")
You should keep the original URL around though, since the resulting value will no longer be a valid URL.

Google Spreadsheets only wraps text where there is white space or hyphens. It will not wrap in the middle of a word the way Excel does. There's no way around this I'm afraid.


When exporting Excel to PDF, transform multiple URLs in one cell into multiple hyperlinks

I have seen a lot of answers about creating URLs when exporting from Excel to PDF, but in my case I don't have ONE URL in each cell, I can have MULTIPLE URLs in one cell ! (But they are only text, since Excel can't support 2 clickable links in one cell).
I have a document with multiple cells which each contains multiple links inside.
For example, a cell could contain :
(The brackets are not in the cell, and there is a new line character (alt+enter) between the links.)
These links are not clickable in Excel, because it is not possible to have 2 clickable links in one cell in Excel.
I want to export the cells to PDF with a macro (using Range(...).ExportAsFixedFormat), and I would like those links to become clickable.
Is there a way to make those links clickable in the PDF created, since they are a text URL ?
(For example, is there an option when I export to say "if you see a string which look like a URL, make it clickable" ?)
I appreciate if you know how to solve this.
Let me know if I can give you more information.

Value of the cell moves to the left after editing in the userform

I have been facing a strange issue lately. So, the user has the ability to change value of the cell from the userform window, however, after apply changes somehow the values go from the right to the left (only ones with decimals) and that creates a problem when the data is read by another software (Matlab) it can not be read. I have tried to reformat it as number or general to see what happens but nothing. The only thing that changes it back to the right is (find & Replace "," with ","). Anyone knows why this happens? Any solutions ? (see picture for demonstration)
Maybe look in the code for the user form. As I understand it the edit box treats everything as a string. So when the number goes initially from the sheet to the form it is converted into a string. Hence when it is written back, the sheet thinks it’s a string. In the code underlying the form you need to intervene and turn the string back to a number (eg using CDbl() ). If you enter a value (or change) a number directly on the sheet, Excel will try and be ‘helpful’ and convert things that look like numbers into numbers (it does the same with dates). – Solution by #DS_London

How do I search within a selected block of code with vim

say, I want to search for a particular text withing a function block.
The present way, that i am implementing is selecting the block of code from within the function brackets with vi{ and then copying it and pasting it to a new file. After that I am searching for the text within the new file with /<search-text>
I want to know, if there is a short cut to this?
The '<,'> range is inserted automatically.
See :help range and :help :g.
I think this might be what you are looking for:
Limiting search scope for code in Vim
Using /\%Vsearch pattern should get you what you want after you have selected the block of code you wish to search in. You enter visual mode by hitting v and moving the cursor around to highlight the block you are searching in.
The almost exact same question has been asked last week on vi.SE.
While \%V can restrict the search to the current visually selected text (which is the precise answer to your question, but not to your indirectly expressed need), selecting the current function is much more tricky than a simple vi{. A perfect and simple way to select the current function requires scripting. That's where my answer on vi.SE kicks in.

What does EMBED function mean in Excel Controls?

I am adding a button in an existing Excel file. I noticed that the existing buttons has the EMBED formula specified to it. What does the function mean?
Honestly there really is not much documentation available on this "function". It is one of those things which are exposed unnecessarily when it really shouldn't have been. We are not supposed to enter this manually.
When you select a CommandButton and place it in Excel, you will see
in the Formula Bar. This text is necessary and should not be deleted. It is Excel's way of telling itself that an object has been inserted.

Exporting an Excel file to .html -- issues

Can anybody help me with this?
I am taking a table in Excel and exporting it as a web page. I noticed that the webpage rendered things differently -- such as spacing (it's putting in LOTS of white space where there should be none). Also, it's displaying columns that were hidden in my excel file.
Can anybody let me know how to export this so that the space rendering is not so different?
Also, does anybody know how to export this in a way where I can keep some Excel functions (i.e. sort, filtering, etc.)?
For hidden columns, Excel's html format simply doesn't respect them. I set my column width to 1 pixel to "hide" them. If you have a lot of them together, it looks terrible in Excel and creates even more white space in the html, but I couldn't come up with a better way.
I think you could use Appizy to do it. It's a render service from .ods to .html :
First transform your Excel file into an OpenDocument with Open or LibreOffice
Convert it using the html render tool of Appizy. The hidden cells will have the css attribute "display:none"
If you don't want your formulas to be working, the free version should be fine for you. I hope it can help.
BR, Nicolas
