Exporting an Excel file to .html -- issues - excel

Can anybody help me with this?
I am taking a table in Excel and exporting it as a web page. I noticed that the webpage rendered things differently -- such as spacing (it's putting in LOTS of white space where there should be none). Also, it's displaying columns that were hidden in my excel file.
Can anybody let me know how to export this so that the space rendering is not so different?
Also, does anybody know how to export this in a way where I can keep some Excel functions (i.e. sort, filtering, etc.)?

For hidden columns, Excel's html format simply doesn't respect them. I set my column width to 1 pixel to "hide" them. If you have a lot of them together, it looks terrible in Excel and creates even more white space in the html, but I couldn't come up with a better way.

I think you could use Appizy to do it. It's a render service from .ods to .html :
First transform your Excel file into an OpenDocument with Open or LibreOffice
Convert it using the html render tool of Appizy. The hidden cells will have the css attribute "display:none"
If you don't want your formulas to be working, the free version should be fine for you. I hope it can help.
BR, Nicolas


How to reduce the length of the databand in stimulsoft

I'm a very beginner of stimulsoft. I'm creating a report from my DB SQL but I've got problems with the lenght of the databand.
Basically, I would like to reduce the lenght of the databand because the data-source is different.
In the picture, I would like to trim the databand before the title "Descrizione". Can anyone help me?
Thank you so much
The bands have the heights only and it fills the whole width of its contained (here it is the page).
You need to use the Dock Style property that allows changing the position of the text components dynamically.
But you should check the order of the text components in the Report Tree.

TextBox data is cut off when exporting to Excel 2010 from SSRS 2008 [duplicate]

I have a Table in an SSRS report. one of the Table Cells contains the Descriptions of Parts in an order. these descriptions could vary in length and for that reson i have set the "CanGrow" Property to True. when i try to export the report to Excel im expecting that if the text length would exceed the width of the Cell then the height of the cell would grow and the whole text would be shown. Unfortunately the SSRS Excel Generator keeps the height as is and so only the part of the text which fits the width of the cell would be shown.
i would appreciate any help or input to solve this problem.
I've found that instead of removing any elements before the tablix, you can change their width to match that of the page.
I found the solution of the same problem! :)
Set the "CanGrow" Property to False for all cells from one row.
And also set the "Height" Property to your specific size.
This is how the Report Viewer's Excel renderer works. You cannot change the way it exports the excel file, however, there are other ways to resolve your issue.
Write your own Excel Renderer (not a good idea -- time consuming)
Fix the column widths before exporting
After exporting to Excel, edit the Excel file via COM calls
My suggestion is #2 -- You can load the RDLC file in memory, and do your modifications there, then call the ReportViewer export function for that altered report.
If you have elements before your tablix this can stop the growth. I've found that removing all elements before the tablix will restore the desired row-growth/auto-fit behaviour. I have not found a better solution yet.

Drive spreadsheet, wrapping link

I'm trying to find a way to make Google Spreadsheet wrap a link, and showing the content in many lines, just like microsoft excel works:
I've found nothing so far on how to implement this, which should be used very often I believe.
Here's how the same excel works imported to Google Spreadsheet:
In the google spreadsheet I selected "Wrap text" but it only wraps it, hiding the overflow of it, however I can't see the whole link.
Any help is greately appreciated.
If you don't mind modifying the contents of the cell in order to display wrapped text, you could use an additional column with a formula like this to insert spaces after certain characters so that the url can wrap:
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B1,"&","& "),"/","/ "),"?","? "),"#","# ")
You should keep the original URL around though, since the resulting value will no longer be a valid URL.
Google Spreadsheets only wraps text where there is white space or hyphens. It will not wrap in the middle of a word the way Excel does. There's no way around this I'm afraid.

View clipboard contents

Does anyone out there know how I can view what's actually being copied from Microsoft Excel when I select a set of cells an click "copy"?
I would like to see what, if any, styles, html, etc are actually being copied from the product. I am extending Dojo's Rich Text Editor and need to make sure that when the data is pasted, it is properly pasted into the editor.
I was able to do this with a quick java application.
If anyone is interested in this, please reply to this answer.

How to force a textbox to split, rather than move to a second page in SSRS 2005 (PDF Export)?

This question is a follow up to my original question, I've done a bit more reseach, i narrowed a problem down quite a bit.
I've also uploaded a sample .rdl to illustrate the problem
I've got the following report setup: a header (image in the body), two textboxes, and a footer.
First textbox has a little bit of text, and second textbox has lots of text. Second textbox can fit on one page by itself, but won't fit on the page with my header and the first textbox.
The problem is that for some reason, the second textbox in the report is unaware of other contents of that same report, and as long as that one textbox fits on one page - it will be moved to the second page. (once the textbox grows larger than 1 page - it will split, and will achieve the desired behavior)
Desired behavior is to split the second textbox, and keep as much text on the first page as possible, and move the rest to the second page.
I'm not sure about v.2005 but in v.2008 you can set a textbox property: KeepTogether to false.
This will fit as much text on the first page than the rest on the second page.
This is pretty standard behaviour in SSRS. Like many issues with the Reporting engine, you have to trick it.
In this case you could try to provide the 'lines' for the second text box as individual rows in a Detail, then use a repeater or table to display them. Alternatively you could break on 'paragraph'. Unfortunately you'll have to do this in your data source, probably in a stored procedure, depending on how you're getting the data to the report.
If appropriate you could look at client-side reporting (.rdlc files), which allows you to pre-process the data in a .NET application, although setting up for printing can be more complex.
