why my name server can not point to the right ip address? - dns

I'm totally new about hosting website and I register a domain in network solution and hosted by hostgator. I tried to register my name server by going to Domain name server option in network solution and enter my name sever's name.However,by going to leafdns.com, I found out that the name servers don't pointing to the right ip addresses as provided by hostgator welcome email. Besides, network solution does not prompt you for a ip input for those name servers, and the domain still point to a construction page.
What would be the problem?

It's not enaught to set up Name Servers for domain, you need add records in it. If you setup hostgator hosting NameServers for your domain, just park your domain on hosting panel and NS records add apear automatically.


How to point external domain to VPS server

I have a Bluehost VPS account and I need to point my external domain which is purchased from porkbun to my VPS server. After some research, I have changed the A record in the domain registrar to my VPS server IP and changed name servers to Bluehost servers(which are ns1.bluehost.com and ns2.bluehost.com). Currently, when accessing the domain I'm seeing the default Bluehost page, but it does not seem to be connected with the server as it does not display any file I'm updating in the root folder. Is there any step I'm missing? I have tried changing nameservers of the VPS server itself by editing DNS settings in the domain, but any of them does not seem to be working. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
If you are trying to 'browse' to your VPS server then you would need to add an 'A' record type into the DNS for the domain name.
For example, if you are browsing to 'test.mydomain.com' and your VPS IP Address is '' then you should add an A Record into the domain zone file with the following detals:
Host Record - test
Points To -
These details are taken from the following page:

I need a help to set up Digital Ocean nameservers

I have a VPS server on Digital Ocean and I need to set up this server to host multiple domains with cPanel. I've been trying for 2 days and I can not understand the logic.
My domain is sbcw.com.br
I would like that at the end of this process my domain have function as the nameservers shown in the example below:
DOMAIN : mycustomer.com
NAMESERVERS : ns1.sbcw.com.br
I need help to successfully configure the records to use my domain as a nameserver for other domains and I have little experience in this segment.
The attachment corresponds to some attempts to find the settings.
Assign the IPs and configure the name servers in WHM as
Make sure you have A records added for the name servers on the server with their IPs.
Contact your domain registrar where the domain sbcw.com.br is hosted and register those name servers in order to make them active. Those name servers should ping.
Make sure you have DNS zone created in WHM for the domain sbcw.com.br with the name servers assigned.

Domain issues on WHM

OK so I'm trying add a clients account to my whm and for some reason it won't point to my nameservers. I've already just had them buy a hosting plan with hostgator but for future clients I would like to have this problem solved. shouldn't I be able to change their NS to my nameservers?
There is an option of adding child name servers in domain control panel.
First you need to add your server's primary name server as a child name servers to the client's domain control panel and provide the IP address of your primary name servers. Now try adding your name servers as a client's name servers. This will fix the issue.
You have a domain abc.com for which you have configured nameservers ns1.abc.com and ns2.abc.com.
Login to clients domain panel and add child name servers to ns1.abc.com and ns2.abc.com and point the IP Address of server where ns1.abc.com and ns2.abc.com are resolving and save it.
Now go to the name servers section and change value of client's name server as ns1.abc.com and ns2.abc.com. You will see this time you will be able to add the name-servers without any issue.

Point GoDaddy domain to a specific folder on my web server

Lets say I have ordered domain name abc.com from GoDaddy.
I want to point the domain to my web site that I am hosting locally on my computer via IIS. Lets say that to hit this website currently, you would go to ''.
I am trying to setup the DNS Zone File to do this, but I cannot figure out how to get it to point to the "/mysite/" directory.
How can I properly set my GoDaddy DNS Zone file to point to ''?'
You have got your concepts a little mixed up there. What you are looking for is a HTTP Redirect. DNS is simply a way to map an IP Address to a domain name, it doesn't care what the traffic does once it gets to your site.
Think of DNS as a Postcode (Zipcode). It puts a letter in your letterbox. There is no way for it to know that Betty is on the second floor, because that's not what the Postcode does.
DNS will point a domain name example.com to an IP Address You can have multiple domain names, www.example.com and mysite.example.com all pointing to the same IP Address, and the server can be configured to figure out what to do with each individual domain name.
So what you could potentially do is have the server detect that you are requesting mysite.example.com and have that redirected to www.example.com/mysite. This would be the standard way of achieving this.

how to point a domain name to free webhost server using dns

I am using free webhosting server. and i purchased a domain name. now how to point a domain name to free webhost?.
ex. my webserver address is abc.uco.im,
and my purchased domain name is xyz.com.
now how to point xyz.com to abc.uco.im using dns. please help, thank you.
The best place to resolve these questions is with your web host, and with the entity where you purchased the domain name. Specific instructions will vary according to those host services you choose.
You need to go in your File Zone DNS and add a A host that point to the ip of your web server.
It will be like :
Host : #
Point : abc.uco.im
use webforwarding option in your purchased domain console . Go webforwading just enter your free host domain url there. Hence any one trying your new domain will automatically forwaded to your free domain address.
