How to add User Specific information in Exe File - azure

I have a code on the server-side(application) that links with the client-side(application).
The user signs-up to download the exe(client-side application).
There must be a unique way to identify the user(client app exe) with the info got from sign-up.
So, one of the information must be attached to exe file during the download.
One of the ways I found is using "Portable Executable".
Is it possible to add string data to exe and later retrieve it?
Is there any other possible way to make the exe user-specific? Or is it possible to add the user information along with the downloaded exe?

Yes, it is potentially possible to modify the exe at runtime to put your own stream. You might put the User Specific information in an existing Resource prepared for this "update". This would be the easiest way to avoid to take care about changing other parameter like size, etc.. Another option would be to put the User Specific information in the overlay of the Exe.


Check share point if file exists in a shared document folder with power automate

I am trying to get the attachments of some emails and check if that attachment already exists in SharePoint. However, since the flow may have already run over some attachments that have already been received, they may or may not already be in SharePoint, so I first have to check SharePoint if the attachment exists and if they don't, create the file using the email attachment content.
So what I have so far is replicating a process that was described here
The problem that quickly arises is that under "Get file content using path" action, the File Path input box(circled below) won't let me append a file path that isn't currently already in a document folder.
Not sure if this is still a valid way to accomplish it or if there's another way. I have checked all over the place and still haven't been able to find a solution. If there's anybody that can help it would be greatly appreciated!!
To tackle this what you can do is to create a variable using Initialize variable action and compose the path e.g. '/DocumentLibrary/file.ext' that you want to check if exists. then you can refer to that variable in your folder path box for Get file content using path action. Please see the screenshot:
Next you can configure run afterfor file creation action and create file if Get file content using path action has failed, otherwise do other stuff that is required. I have tested this for sending different emails based upon file found or not found and it works well.
Hope this solves your issue.

How can I add a comment to a LabVIEW file using Python 3

I am trying to create a unique id and attach it to a LabVIEW file so that later I can read back that id and know I am looking at exactly the same file. I must be able to generate the id and read it back programmatically. The information must be hidden from the user accessing the file and persist across operating systems and storage mediums.
I was thinking of just adding it into the file 'comment' section, but it appears the Windows no longer supports file comments.
Any ideas?
I would suggest using the Set Tag method on the VI (with persistence) and saving multiple copies of the VI using the Save Instrument method, where each copy would then have its own unique value of the tag. Note that the method is defined as a scripting method, so you would probably need to enable scripting in the LV options to access it.
I don't think there's any API for enumerating tags, so there would be no way to find the value unless you know what the tag is called. Obviously, it's encoded somewhere in the VI file itself, and presumably it would be possible to extract a list of tags if you know the structure of the file, but that's not knowledge I would expect most students to have.
I'm not sure if you can call the set tag method from Python using an external connection to VI server, but certainly the LV code for this should be pretty simple - basically a for loop with ID generation, a couple of method calls and saving a CSV file so you can keep track of which ID belongs to which student. If you use existing IDs, you don't even need to generate and save the IDs.

Updating the version info of a CHM file during compile with Inno [duplicate]

I need to add version info and retrieve it from the CHM file to make it possible to make an alert message to a user about a new CHM-file version available and downloaded.
It means, that I should compare versions of CHM on different machines (Server and clients).
The other way is date and time checking, but I should remember about time zones, so this is complicated, because also one should remember about different file systems, according to Windows SDK help about SetFileTime function and FILETIME structure.
If someone knows the trick - please share.
.chm files don't have version information. You will need to find some alternative way to mark the file version.
One way that occurs to me is to include a topic in the help file that contains the version. I imagine that this topic would be hidden, that is not linked by any other topic, not in the table of contents, etc.
All that remains is for your application to be able to read that topic from the help file. I'm sure that can be done with a .chm file parser, if you can obtain one. Perhaps more easily you can get the platform browser to read the topic for you. You can use IHTMLDocument2 to read a URI like this:

Lock rptdesign file

I am trying to find out if it is possible to lock an rptdesign file.
The idea is to run a report as a service, but without being able to change the default parameters. I know I could just hide the parameter window but still the user could edit the rptdesign file and hard code new values.
Does anyone has any previous experience with this?
Is it possible to make an rptdesign file non-editable?
If you want to prevent users by modifying rptdesign file, you should do it on OS level to enable it only for certain users.
If you want to ensure that the report is not modified, you can add hidden field storing md5 sum from report file. I mean that this field can store md5sum from your report file on the disk. Then you can compare it with your original sum.
Anyway your problem is slightly different - you are expecting certain data from your customers and you want to be cheated by them. You can use the method with md5sum but it is rather the matter of trust to them here or any other possibility to access to their database than through the report (e.g. they can give you the direct access to the database or you can agree to store this data in your company, not theirs).
Let me know if this answer helps you better.

Changing vista file permissions programmatically

I want to add some files to C:\windows\XXX (windows protected folder, in Vista), under the "TrustedInstaller" for my application. I do not want to replace any file so no issues on Windows Resource(formerly file) protection.
I have the code to change "ownership" to the current logged in admin, however, I'm don't have any clue how to set its file permissions programmatically. I'm using VC++/MFC for development.
I not 100% sure what you actually want (as do you want it to look like TrustedInstaller installed the files?) but look at this example of using SetNamedSecurityInfo. You generally need to constuct a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) for your file, however you can "borrow" one off another file with the permissions you want to clone using GetNamedSecurityInfo as building a DACL from scratch is considerably more annoying.
An easy way to do it is to just use the system function to run icacls with whichever parameters you need. Note that it's found in cstdlib (#include <cstdlib>)
system("icacls <params>");
