Changing vista file permissions programmatically - visual-c++

I want to add some files to C:\windows\XXX (windows protected folder, in Vista), under the "TrustedInstaller" for my application. I do not want to replace any file so no issues on Windows Resource(formerly file) protection.
I have the code to change "ownership" to the current logged in admin, however, I'm don't have any clue how to set its file permissions programmatically. I'm using VC++/MFC for development.

I not 100% sure what you actually want (as do you want it to look like TrustedInstaller installed the files?) but look at this example of using SetNamedSecurityInfo. You generally need to constuct a Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) for your file, however you can "borrow" one off another file with the permissions you want to clone using GetNamedSecurityInfo as building a DACL from scratch is considerably more annoying.

An easy way to do it is to just use the system function to run icacls with whichever parameters you need. Note that it's found in cstdlib (#include <cstdlib>)
system("icacls <params>");


Inno Setup define the {tmp} location

I need to define the {tmp} constant (i.e. the automatically generated TEMP location), so that it always remains the same and does not change each time it is run. Ideally setting it to the root of the users TEMP directory, rather than the automatically created subdirectory (e.g. is-70G7E.tmp):
Instead of:
Is this possible and, if so, how could it be done?
To expand on the reason for this, in response to comments below, when using InnoTools Tray, it creates multiple entries in the System Tray Notification Area Icons:
This is because each time it is run, it is run from a different {tmp} folder. If I can set this manually myself to be constant and handle the issues of checking for files in use etc it will resolve this issue.
If there is another way to resolve this, then I am open to suggestions.
It's not possible. The creation of random subdirectory in TEMP is hardcoded. There's no way to change it.
See the CreateTempDir function in Inno Setup source code.
You didn't state why you need it to be constant, but a problem may rise if you use a constant folder. What if the folder or files in it are in use? That's why {tmp} varies, and Inno Setup handles it for you.
However, you can use the {%TEMP} constant or the GetTempDir function instead, with whichever sub-folder you like as a constant. You may need to handle its creation and deletion though.

How to add User Specific information in Exe File

I have a code on the server-side(application) that links with the client-side(application).
The user signs-up to download the exe(client-side application).
There must be a unique way to identify the user(client app exe) with the info got from sign-up.
So, one of the information must be attached to exe file during the download.
One of the ways I found is using "Portable Executable".
Is it possible to add string data to exe and later retrieve it?
Is there any other possible way to make the exe user-specific? Or is it possible to add the user information along with the downloaded exe?
Yes, it is potentially possible to modify the exe at runtime to put your own stream. You might put the User Specific information in an existing Resource prepared for this "update". This would be the easiest way to avoid to take care about changing other parameter like size, etc.. Another option would be to put the User Specific information in the overlay of the Exe.

How to change root directory of J2ME sun emulator?

I need to change the default root directory of sun mobile emulator. I know that you can create and delete roots in the appdb/filesysytem directory, but I need the root to be outside that directory lets say at my hard drive C:/root , is it possible? Thanks, hope you can help me.
I think the root folder is a property of Device configuration.
If you are working with the toolkit that ships with Netbeans looks for an ini file in the same directory where you found the appdb directory.
My best guss is tmp_jwc_properties.ini is the file you need. I haven't yet tried it though.
I spent some time trying to do this. But with no success so far.
The property we need to change is probably system.storage_root .
But the ini file gets over written with original values every time the IDE is restarted.
Found the original source of this temporary file in
As far as I could figure out, the IDE loads settings from this file and adds default values for settings that are not specified in this file.
I'm also new to these tool kits. Please leave a response here if you succeed in doing this.

How Do I Let the User Save to a Directory?

Language: C++
Development Environment: Microsoft Visual C++
Libraries Used: MFC
Question: I am creating a large preference editing tool with pages of dialogs with different settings for the user to customize. Each "page" of settings will be written to its own XML file.
The user will have two options: 1) Save These, where they will be prompted to specify which pages they wish to save, and 2) Save All, which will save each page into their own XML files.
For the Save All function, I'd like it if the user only had to specify a directory into which he/she wishes to save all of the files. I'm fairly certain that I have to use the FolderBrowserDialog class, but I'm not sure how. I imagine it's very similar to an OpenFile dialog or a SaveFile dialog with one of the arguments specifying to save to a directory.
I found the FolderBrowserDialog class on the MSDN, but it wasn't very helpful. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
SOLUTION: I have found a working solution. It is essentially a combination of a few answers above, but for people seeking a similar solution in the future, I referenced THIS page. The author created a wrapper class for the messy code that is needed to create a directory-chooser dialog. Thank you for all the suggestions. You all helped me along in the right direction. Cheers.
~ Jon
Use ::SHBrowseForFolder(). It shows the standard "browse for folder dialog" (at least up to Windows XP; I've no idea if Vista/7 have a new one).
I personally use it wrapped in a class, as seen here.
I think asking the user to save "individual" pages is weird, me think you should save all of them in one file (hey, but that just me).
If you need to save individual page, you will have to prompt the user with a small dialog that lists the pages and let the user select which page; or you can decide to save only the pages that were modified.
To select a folder, the simplest way is to use ShBrowseForFolder (
Look into the OPENFILENAME structure and the GetSaveFileName function. The latter actually displays the save file dialog.

ms office file extensions

I made a discovery some time back. Just follow these steps:
Create a .doc/.xls/.ppt file in office 2003. Keep some test data in there and close the file. Now rename the file to change it's file extension to a random string, taking care that it is unassociated, like test.asdfghjkl etc.
Double click the file and it opens seamlessly in the parent application.
Now AFAIK, windows checks the file extension of the file and uses it to do an action, viz open an application and pass the file to it to open. Then how does the office suite manage to do this?
EDIT: How about the case when the extension is changed to one that is associated with another application. Is there a priority algorithm in place for handling that ?
Do you have the "View extensions for known types" option on?
EDIT: #Comments....
Yes, its a stupid/insulting question, but when troubleshooting a problem I have learned to assume nothing, and trust the users 0%.
BUT, I tried it, and you're right. Its stupid that MS has this kind of behavior, and it can only lead to security vulnerabilities, which led me on a search for your answer.
From the posts at
"You have stumbled on an age-old
quirky behavior of Windows. Office
document formats are based on a
standard Windows container format, OLE
structured storage files, also known
as "docfiles". A docfile's name and
extension are irrelevant - the file
is, conceptually, a serialization of
an OLE object, and like all
serialization formats it contains the
identifier of the application that
produced it, in the form of an OLE
class id (in GUID format) in this
case. You can easily verify that it
doesn't work with the newer Office XML
Indeed it doesnt work for the 2007 *X file types, but 2K3 is still a problem. To solve this problem... Upgrade! =)
And here at security focus under TOC point 2.
So, there you go.
I can't seem to make this happen now, but I know I saw Windows reading XML processing instructions a few years back. Maybe that is what's going on?
