Mongodb Association using koajs - node.js

I'm currently migrating my project form sails to koajs,
and i can't figure out how mongodb association is working in koajs.
I tried this code hoping that it will run, but it's hopeless.
properties.find({}).populate('user').sort('updatedAt DESC')
I'm currently using co-monk as a middleware. co-monk
Is there any middleware that can i use? So that i can use the mongodb association?
I tried searching at google but it gives me nothing.
Hopes that there is a solution.
Thanks guys.


Using Mongoose in Total.js

I tried a sample example of total.js for REST APIs and I noticed that its all using the NoSQL module. I need to convert this sample to work with MongoDB instead. Is it Possible to use mongoose for mongoDB to work in total.js
Yes and absolutely you can use Mongoose with Total.js. Only you need to rewrite processing of data in schemas, it's not hard. Try to look into the Mongoose documentation and start there.

The same code for client(Angular2) and server(nodejs)

Is there a way of using the same code for both Anglular2 models and mongoose models on express.js? The same question goes for Angular2 validation forms and express.js validation post requests(obviously one have to check the data twice on the client and on the server).
I moved from php to nodejs in hopes to avoid duplicate code. So how do I exactly do this?

Do you have to use mongoose to store an image in MongoDB with Node.js

I am struggling to find any documentation on how to store an Image in MongoDB with Node.js. The only documentation I am finding is storing it with mongoose. I am currently using monk and would like to just use that instead of mongoose. I know I will need to use GridFS and Mulder but struggling to understand how. If I am able to store an image into MongoDB with Node.js and monk can you give an example. Because I am also having trouble understanding how to properly store it. Would also be great if you could give an example on how to grab the image to display on the browser with Jaavscript. Thanks in advance!
Neither Mongoose nor Monk provides an API to work with GridFS.
You can use either the official node-mongodb-navtive or gridfs-stream.

Does any one know about simple CRUD operations example in ReactJS and Nodejs?

I am beginner in Reactjs and Nodejs.
I just want to build a simple application which performs CRUD operations.
ReactJS for displaying data and act as a front-end.
Nodejs have some API which returns static data.
If anyone know about some blog or have some example with you than please share. This will help me to start with this.
I also searched for many articles online but they all are consist database connection, ExpressJs which i don not need at this time.
You can see here:-
In this repository you can see crud operation in reactjs and nodejs and mysql database used here.

How to do authentication with Node.js, Express and Sequelize?

I've made simple nodejs application by using nodejs+express+angular. Now I want to make user authentification. I want to session handling by using sequelize. Can you advise Simple example which include login/logout and home page using sequelize?
A Google search produces: - this is a great tutorial that explains and demonstrates exactly what you are looking for!
