Custom Handlebars Helper with partial as hash argument - node.js

I'm trying to create a custom handlebars helper, and I want to be able to pass it a "base-template" and a "partial"..
So what it should do is render the base template and then render whatever partials is passed as the second parameter.
I have the following right now:
module.exports.register = function(Handlebars, options) {
var assembleOpts = options || {};
Handlebars.registerHelper("sgComponent", function (template, partial, options) {
// Default options
var opts = {
cwd: '',
src: '',
glob: {}
options = _.defaults(options.hash, assembleOpts.sgComponent, opts);
var partialContent, partialContext;
// Join path to 'cwd' if defined in the helper's options
var cwd = path.join.bind(null, options.cwd, '');
var src = path.join.bind(null, options.src, '');
glob.find(src(partial), options.glob).map(function(path) {
partialContext = yfm.extract(path).context;
partialContent = yfm.extract(path).content;
return glob.find(cwd(template), options.glob).map(function(path) {
var context = yfm.extract(path).context;
var content = yfm.extract(path).content;
return {
path: path,
context: processContext(grunt, partialContext),
content: content
}).map(function (obj) {
var template = Handlebars.compile(obj.content);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(template({content: obj.context}));
var processContext = function(grunt, context) { = _.defaults(context || {}, _.cloneDeep(;
return grunt.config.process(;
And right now I'm using my helper like this:
{{{sgComponent 'path/to/basetemplate/basetemplate.hbs' 'path/to/partial/partial.hbs'}}}
I'm a little stuck right now. At the moment I can only figure out how to render either the base template or the partial.. Or render the base template but with the context from the partial (it's yaml font matter) What I would like to achieve is the basetemplate being rendered and the partials content being render inside of it, with whatever context defined in the partial.
Like so (base template):
<div class="sg-component">
<!-- Markup -->
<div class="sg-component__markup">
<!-- Documentation -->
<div class="sg-component__documentation">
context: context stuff here
<h1 class="title--huge">This is a very large header</h1>
<h2 class="title--xlarge">This is a large header</h2>
<h3 class="title--large">This is a medium header</h3>
<h4 class="title--medium">This is a moderate header</h4>
<h5 class="title--small">This is a small header</h5>
<h6 class="title--xsmall">This is a tiny header</h6>
Thanks in advance!

So, I fixed it my self! Hurray..
I sat down it thought it through and came to the conclusion that I only needed to register the second hash argument as a partial.
So I added this after the Handlebars.compile(obj.content);
Handlebars.registerPartial("sgComponentContent", partial);
And then within my basetemplate I can now use {{> sgComponentContent}}


Show the item hit content only when the search box is not empty

I have this in my algolia file for my jekyll site.
const search = instantsearch({
appId: '{{ site.algolia.application_id }}',
apiKey: '{{ site.algolia.search_only_api_key }}',
indexName: '{{ site.algolia.index_name }}',
searchParameters: {
restrictSearchableAttributes: [
facetFilters: ['type:post']
const hitTemplate = function(hit) {
let date = '';
if ( {
date = moment.unix('L');
// date = moment.unix('MMM Do YY');
modifiedDate = moment.unix(hit.last_modified_at).format('MMM Do YY');
const url = hit.url;
const title = hit._highlightResult.title.value;
const content = hit._highlightResult.html.value;
return `
<div class="post-list">
<span class="post-date-list-wrap">
<span class="post-date-list">${date}
<span class="post-title"> ${title} </span>
const hitTemplateTrans = function(hit) {
let date = '';
if ( {
date = moment.unix('MMM DD YYYY');
const url = hit.url;
const title = hit._highlightResult.title.value;
const content = hit._highlightResult.html.value;
return `
<div class="post-list">
<span class="post-date-list-wrap">
<span class="post-date-list">${date}
<span class="post-title"> ${title}</span>
container: '#search-searchbar',
placeholder: 'search notes',
autofocus: true
container: '#search-hits',
templates: {
empty: 'No results',
item: hitTemplate
Without typing anything in the search box I have the list of articles
with the excerpt, the short introduction of the article.
That's because I have ${content} to show the highlights when someone
types the search term.
That's fine and everything is working but... I don't want to show the contents of each item when the search box is empty.
If the search box is empty I would like to keep only the title and the date
but if the search box is not empty just show the title/date and the excerpt as it's usual.
It seems like an easy task but I'm stuck right now, I tried removed the content tag and put in the hit transformation function, but it doesn't work.
The instantsearch.js library has a function hook, called searchFunction, you can define when instanciating the library. That is called right before any search is performed. You can use it to check if the current query is empty or not, and adapt your layout based on this knowledge.
Here is a slightly edited script (irrelevant parts removed) that should let you do what you're looking for:
let additionalClass = '';
const search = instantsearch({
searchFunction: function(helper) {
if (helper.getState().query === '') {
additionalClass = 'post-item__empty-query';
} else {
additionalClass = '';
const hitTemplate = function(hit) {
`<div class="post-item ${additionalClass}">
.post-item__empty-query .post-snippet {
display: none;
What it does is defining a global variable (additionalClass) that will be used in the hit template (added alongside item-post, at the root level).
Right before everysearch, we check if the query is empty. If so, we set additionalClass to item-post__empty_query. We also defined in CSS that when this class is applied, the content should be hidden.
All of that together makes the title + date displayed when no search is performed, and the content displayed only when an actual keyword is searched for.
Hope that helps,

Client side and Server side rendering of ejs template

I always wanted to learn NodeJS to be able to run the same code on server and client side.
I am using NodeJS with Express and EJS.
So. I have a .ejs page with lot's of HTML, JS, CSS and a small bit with template. For the sake of justice let it be like this:
<% for(i=0;i>the_list.length;i++) { %>
<% } %>
After some rendering on the server we have a perfect list.
Now I want to rerender it on the client. I made some ajax request and now I have new items in the_list. What is the right way?
As per ejs templates documentation
var template = new EJS({
text: `
<% for(i = 0; i < the_list.length; i++) { %>
<% } %>
var html = template.render({ the_list: data });
document.getElementById('list-wrapper').innerHTML = html;
<div id="output"></div>
<script src="/assets/js/ejs.js"></script>
let blogPosts = [
title: 'Perk is for real!',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-19'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-19')
title: 'Development continues...',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-18'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-18')
title: 'Welcome to Perk!',
body: '...',
author: 'Aaron Larner',
publishedAt: new Date('2016-03-17'),
createdAt: new Date('2016-03-17')
var html = ejs.render(`<% for(let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { %>
<h2><%= posts[i].title %></h1>
<p><%= posts[i].body %></p>
<% } %>`, {posts: blogPosts});
// Vanilla JS:
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = html;
download ejs.js or ejs.min.js from latest version
Sure, EJS works on the client. You can trivially keep the template in a string variable or apply EJS to user-provided input, but more likely, you'll want to store a template in a script (which can be in an external file) or use fetch to grab your template from another file on demand.
Using a template in a <script> is straightforward:
const people = ["geddy", "neil", "alex"];
const template = document
.innerHTML = ejs.render(template, {people});
<!-- could be an external file -->
<script id="template" type="text/template">
<%= people.join(", "); %>
<div id="output"></div>
<script src=""></script>
For fetch, I'll mock the response so it'll be runnable in a snippet:
// mock fetch for illustrative purposes;
// its response content would be another file
fetch = async url => ({text: async () => '<%= people.join(", "); %>'});
.then(res => res.text())
.then(template => {
const people = ["geddy", "neil", "alex"];
document.querySelector("#output").innerHTML =
ejs.render(template, {people});
<script src=""></script>
<div id="output"></div>
If this seems like too much heavy lifting, you can bury the fetch in a helper function, or go a step further and pick an attribute for each URL, then plug everything in with a call to a library function you can abstract away from the main code. A simple example:
// mock fetch for illustrative purposes;
// its response content would be in other files
const responses = {
"/template.ejs": "<%= 42 %>",
"/other-template.ejs": "<%= 43 %>",
fetch = async url => ({text: async () => responses[url]});
.forEach(e => {
.then(res => res.text())
.then(template => {
e.innerHTML = ejs.render(template);
<script src=""></script>
<div data-template="/template.ejs"></div>
<div data-template="/other-template.ejs"></div>
Either way, keep in mind that JS will run after the static HTML is parsed and the DOM loads. This means the data won't appear all in one fully-formed piece as when using EJS on the server. Network errors are possible.
See also using ejs partials from express client side. If you want to mock the include function, the problem is that the fetch call is asynchronous but the include function isn't. EJS offers an include callback that seems like it offers an opportunity to pull in an external file, but it's purely synchronous and won't await any promises you return. How to work around this best depends on your use case.
This should work, looks like your problem was the relational operator '>' because it will never output something.
<% for(var i=0; i<the_list.length; i++) { %>
<%= the_list[i]%>
<% } %>

Meteor - button click not updating value

I am trying to get a random document in the collection and display it on the page. It is successful every time I load the page, but I want a button to do the work as well.
<h1>Random Question</h1>
{{> question}}
<template name="question">
<button>Click Me</button>
{{#each object}}
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import './main.html';
Resolutions = new Mongo.Collection('quiz');
Template.question.created = function () {
var random = get_random();
this.question = new ReactiveDict();
this.question.set('object', random);
function get_random(){
var collection_size = Resolutions.find().count();
var random = Math.floor(Random.fraction() * collection_size);
// choose a random item by skipping N items
var item = Resolutions.findOne({},{
skip: random
var objArray = $.makeArray(item);
return objArray;
object: function () {
return get_random();
'click button': function (event, template) {
// increment the counter when button is clicked
var random = get_random();
template.question.set('object', random);
There is no error message when I load the page or click the button.
Any help is appreciated.
Btw, what is the object inside "this.question.set('object', random);". Maybe that's where my issue is.
You can considerably simplify your code and also solve your problem by not picking a random object in your helper - that will run many times, even when you don't expect it to. Also since you're only viewing a single object, use {{#with }} instead of {{#each }} - this will avoid the array conversion step.
<template name="question">
<button>Click Me</button>
{{#with object}}
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import './main.html';
Resolutions = new Mongo.Collection('quiz');
Template.question.created = function () {
setRandom(); // initialize the random selection
function setRandom(){
var collection_size = Resolutions.find().count();
var random = Math.floor(Random.fraction() * collection_size);
object: function () {
return Resolutions.findOne({},{ skip: Session.get('random') });
'click button': function (event, template) {

Where should I define JS function to call in EJS template

I am working on a template where I am trying to render template using express and ejs. As to the standard structure of node app, I have app.js file which which contains functions like following:
app.locals.getFlag = function(country) {
var flag_img_name = "";
if (country.toLowerCase() == "us") {
flag_img_name = "flag_us16x13.gif";
else if (country.toLowerCase() == "ca"){
flag_img_name = "flag_ca16x13.gif";
return flag_img_name;
I have some_template.ejs file which calls this function like follows:
<img src="http://some_url_path/<%=getFlag(data_point[0].country_name) %>" width="16" height="14" alt="country" >
and it works just fine. However, I have around 15-20 functions like this and I don't want to define all of them in app.js. Is there any other place where I can define these functions and call them in the template same way as I am doing now? If yes, what would be the way to define them so that they are accessible like they are right now.
I am new to node, express and ejs and not sure of different techniques. If someone could shed a light over it, it would be great. Thank you in advance.
Just posting this answer here for someone who would might end up on this question while resolving same issue.
All you have to do is create new file (say functions.ejs) and include it in the .ejs file where you want to call that function. So, I have function like this in file named functions.ejs:
getPriceChgArrow = function(value) {
arrow_img_name = "";
if (value < 0) {
arrow_img_name = "arrow_down12x13.gif";
else {
arrow_img_name = "arrow_up12x13.gif";
return arrow_img_name;
Then include functions.ejs into the file you want to call function from. Say, I want to call this function in quote.ejs file. So, I would include it as follows:
<% include *file_path*/functions %>
Just use this function at appropriate location in your ejs file from where you want to call it. For example:
<img src = "http:/some_url/<% getPriceChgArrow(data_point[0].value) %>" />
and you are all set. Hope this helps someone.
Create common functions in js file helper.js.
function common1() {
//function body
function common2(key) {
//function body
module.exports = {
common1: common1,
common2: common2
And then require this file in your node function
var helper = require('./helper');
and then pass this helper with ejs render
res.render('index', { helper:helper });
And use your function is ejs file
<%= helper.common1() %>
That's It
Well, for some reason the accepted answer didn't worked out for me. Also it doesn't makes sense to create a separate *.ejs file for each of my functions and then importing the file in view - specially when I have very simple logic to be implemented.
In fact it is very simple and easy to define function and use it in the view
I did this:
// ------ Define a function
get_tree = function(tree){
for(var i in tree){
<%= tree[i].title %>
// ----- Call the above declared function
And it works!
You can just require a separate file and set app.locals to this
app.locals = require('./path/helpers')
In helpers.js:
getFlag = function(country) {
var flag_img_name = "";
if (country.toLowerCase() == "us") {
flag_img_name = "flag_us16x13.gif";
else if (country.toLowerCase() == "ca"){
flag_img_name = "flag_ca16x13.gif";
return flag_img_name;
return 'hello '+x
module.exports={getFlag, anotherFunction}
It seems the easiest way to do this is to pass the function in attached to the object with all the data for the render:
in your js:
const data = {
...all other data,
getFlags: function(country) {
var flag_img_name = "";
if (country.toLowerCase() == "us") {
flag_img_name = "flag_us16x13.gif";
} else if (country.toLowerCase() == "ca"){
flag_img_name = "flag_ca16x13.gif";
return flag_img_name;
ejs.render(template, data);
in your template:
<img src="http://some_url_path/<%=getFlag(data_point[0].country_name) %>" width="16" height="14" alt="country" >
The order you setup your file has an importance on how the functions are defined. The execution is top to bottom not on document evaluation. Example below to setup your functions.
<section class="container">
<%- include('./helpers/common') %>
<%- include('./home') %>
MyFunction = function() {
// Write your code here
<% if(MyFunction() ) { %>
<!-- Write your HTML markup -->
<% }%>
In a js file, create a instance of the function like: if your function name is test (), Var ren = test (); will create a reference to this function.
Before rendering data to the ejs page add the reference variable ren to that object: = ren();
And now in ejs while when you call <% ren() %> it will call the fonction.

How to set a variable for the main handlebars layout without passing it to every route?

I'm using handlebars with nodejs and express. This is my main.handlebars file:
<!doctype html>
<div class ="container">
© {{copyrightYear}} Meadowlark Travel
So far I'm passing the copyright year to every route:
var date = new Date();
var copyrightYear = date.getFullYear();
function( req, res) {
copyrightYear: copyrightYear
Is it possible to set the copyrightYear variable globally, so I don't have to pass it on to every route/view?
ExpressJS provides some kind of "global variables". They are mentioned in the docs: app.locals. To include it in every response you could do something like this:
app.locals.copyright = '2014';
For this case, you can alternatively create a Handlebars helper. Like this:
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
Handlebars.registerHelper('copyrightYear', function() {
var year = new Date().getFullYear();
return new Handlebars.SafeString(year);
In the templates, just use it as before:
© {{copyrightYear}} Meadowlark Travel
Using express-handlebars is just a little bit different:
var handlebars = require('express-handlebars').create({
helpers: {
copyrightYear: function() {
return new Date().getFullYear();
