Gulp, livereload, jade - node.js

Need help.
I use gulp-conect and it livereload method. But if I build a few template in time, get a lot of page refresh. Is any solution, I want to build few templates with single page refresh?

So, I reproduce the problem you have and came accross this working solution.
First, lets check gulp plugins you need:
optional: gulp-load-plugins
In case you need some of them go to:
Search for them and install them.
Strategy: I created a gulp task called live that will check your *.jade files, and as you are working on a certain file & saving it, gulp will compile it into html and refresh the browser.
In order to accomplish that, we define a function called compileAndRefresh that will take the file returned by the watcher. It will compile that file into html and the refesh the browser (test with livereload plugin for chrome).
I always use gulp-load-plugin to load plugins, so thats whay I use plugins.jad and plugins.livereload.
This will only compile files that are saved and while you have the task live exucting on the command line. Will not compile other files that are not in use. In order to accomplish that, you need to define a task that compiles all files, not only the ones that have been changed.
Assume .jade files in /jade and html output to /html
So, here is the gulpfile.js:
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpLoadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins'),
plugins = gulpLoadPlugins();
gulp.task('webserver', function() {
livereload: true
}));'./jade/*.jade', function(event) {
function compileAndRefresh(file) {
Post edit notes:
Removed liveReload call from compileAndRefresh (webserver will do that).
Use gulp-server plugin insted of gulp-connect, as they suggest on their repository: "New plugin based on connect 3 using the gulp.src() API. Written in plain javascript."

Something you can do is to watch only files that changes, and then apply a function only to those files that have been changed, something like this:
gulp.task('live', function() {'templates/folder', function(event) {
function refresh_templates(file) {
PS: this is not a working example, and I dont know if you are using embedlr, but the point, is that you can watch, and use a callback to call another function with the files that are changing, and the manipulate only those files. Also, I supposed that your goal is to refresh the templates for your browser, but you manipulate as you like, save them on dest or do whatever you want.
Key point here is to show how to manipulate file that changes: callback of watch + custom function.

var jadeTask = function(path) {
path = path || loc.jade + '/*.jade';
if (/source/.test(path)) {
path = loc.jade + '/**/*.jade';
return gulp.src(path)
.pipe(changed(loc.markup, {extension: '.html'}))
locals : json_array,
pretty : true

First install required plugins
then write the code
var gulp = require('gulp');
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var connect = require("connect");
var jade = require('gulp-jade');
var app = express();
gulp.task('express', function() {
app.use(require('connect-livereload')({port: 8002}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/dist')));
var tinylr;
gulp.task('livereload', function() {
tinylr = require('tiny-lr')();
function notifyLiveReload(event) {
var fileName = require('path').relative(__dirname, event.path);
body: {
files: [fileName]
gulp.task('jade', function(){
gulp.task('watch', function() {'dist/*.html', notifyLiveReload);'src/*.jade', ['jade']);
gulp.task('default', ['livereload', 'express', 'watch', 'jade'], function() {
find the example here at GitHub


Gulp is not updating my static generated pages with Assemble

I have a working Modular Gulpfile which is building my static pages with assemble. So far so good. When i run a watch job and change my data in a Json file the watcher is running assemble again, building the pages without the new data. Handlebars partials and all other things are working exept for the data files. When i quit my watch task and run the whole assemble task again, the data is updated, so the assemble task works i think.
This is my assemble task.
module.exports = function(gulp, plugins, config, assemble, browserSync) {
var error = require("./error.js");
var clean = require("./clean-html.js");
//var production = require("./distribution.js");
var app = assemble();
gulp.task('load', function() {
gulp.task('assemble', ['load'], function() {
return app.src(config.source.assembleSrc.pages)
errorHandler: error
})) //Added proper error handling
.pipe(plugins.rename(function(path) {
path.extname = ".html" // Rename to HTML
.pipe(plugins.if(production, gulp.dest(config.dist.html), gulp.dest(config.temp.html)))
stream: true
})); // Browser reload
Thanx in advance!

pre-load / pre-require directories of .js route files

Using Express with Node.js, we might do something like this:
app.use('api/:controller/:action/:id', function(req,res,next){
var controller = req.params.controller;
var action = req.params.action;
var route = require('./routes/' + controller + '/' + action);
now this is all fine and well, except there is at least one problem: the route file is dynamically loaded at runtime if this file has not been 'require'd yet. Which means it's a little bit slower at least.
Does someone have a script that recurses through a directory and pre-loads/pre-requires all the .js files when a server first starts up?
I have a similar problem for the front-end as well, using RequireJS. The solution seems to be to write a bash script that writes out all the .js filepaths in a directory and its subdirectories to a text file. then when the server starts up, it reads that text file and requires all the files in the directory that are listed in the text file. Is that the best way to do it?
If you can use io.js, it can preload modules using command-line -r or --require:
iojs -r <module_name> server.js
I created an NPM module that does this for the front-end, doing it for Node.js / CommonJS is another story.
you can use it like so:
var grm = require('requirejs-metagen'); //you can use with Gulp
var controllersOpts = {
inputFolder: './public/static/app/js/controllers/all',
appendThisToDependencies: 'app/js/controllers/',
appendThisToReturnedItems: '',
eliminateSharedFolder: true,
output: './public/static/app/js/meta/allControllers.js'
//handle errors your own way
it generates a corresponding AMD/RequireJS module like so:
return {
"jobs": arguments[0],
"users": arguments[1]
you can also require subdirectories and all that stuff like so:
var allViewsOpts = {
inputFolder: './public/static/app/js/jsx',
appendThisToDependencies: 'app/js/',
appendThisToReturnedItems: '',
eliminateSharedFolder: true,
output: './public/static/app/js/meta/allViews.js'
grm(allViewsOpts );
which generates output like so:
return {
"BaseView": arguments[0],
"reactComponents/FluxCart": arguments[1],
"reactComponents/FluxCartApp": arguments[2],
"reactComponents/FluxProduct": arguments[3],
"reactComponents/Item": arguments[4],
"reactComponents/Job": arguments[5],
"reactComponents/JobsList": arguments[6],
"reactComponents/listView": arguments[7],
"reactComponents/Picture": arguments[9],
"reactComponents/PictureList": arguments[10],
"reactComponents/RealTimeSearchView": arguments[11],
"reactComponents/Service": arguments[12],
"reactComponents/ServiceChooser": arguments[13],
"relViews/getAll/getAll": arguments[14],
"relViews/jobs/jobsView": arguments[15],
"standardViews/dashboardView": arguments[16],
"standardViews/overviewView": arguments[17],
"standardViews/pictureView": arguments[18],
"standardViews/portalView": arguments[19],
"standardViews/registeredUsersView": arguments[20],
"standardViews/userProfileView": arguments[21]
I need to update the library so it returns the stream so you can handle when it completes, otherwise it works great.

Browserify + Remapify (Gulp workflow)

I've successfully got Browserify to compile my JavaScript entry files, but I want to utilise the Remapify plugin so as to not have to specify the full relative path upon requiring a module every time.
For example:
Rather than:
But I cannot get the shorter module references to map to the corresponding file... "Error: Cannot find module [specified_ref] from [file]".
Have I misconfigured Remapify, or is there something wrong with my wider Browserify setup? I am new to Broswerify and Gulp having previously used Require.js and Grunt. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any more information about my setup.
If alternatively you can recommend an alternative Gulp task file that will do all of this, thereby throwing my current task out the window, by all means. I wasn't able to find many Browserify + Remapify examples.
Directory Structure
I have my modules (components) in the following directory: './src/components', so for example: './src/components/tabs/tabs.js'.
I am requiring these modules in a JS file for a given page of the app, which are in: './src/pages', so for example, './src/pages/portfolio/portfolio.js'.
Gulp Browserify Task
var gulp = require('gulp');
var config = require('../config');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var remapify = require('remapify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var glob = require('glob');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
gulp.task('browserify', function(){
var entries = glob.sync(config.src.pages + '/**/*.js');
return browserify({
entries: entries,
debug: true
// (Remapify:)
.plugin(remapify, [{ src: config.src.components + '/**/*.js', expose: 'components', cwd: config.srcDir }])
.pipe(browserSync.reload({ stream: true }));
'use strict';
var tabs = require('components/tabs.js'); // (Doesn't work, but I want it to)
// var tabs = require('../../components/tabs/tabs.js'); // (Does work)
Remapify has all sorts of problems. I suggest giving my pathmodify plugin a shot.
For your situation usage would look something like:
var pathmod = require('pathmodify');
// ...
.plugin(pathmod(), {mods: [
pathmod.mod.dir('components', '/path/to/src/components'),

Using Gulp to build requireJS project - gulp-requirejs

I am trying to use gulp-requirejs to build a demo project. I expect result to be a single file with all js dependencies and template included. Here is my gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var rjs = require('gulp-requirejs');
var paths = {
scripts: ['app/**/*.js'],
images: 'app/img/**/*'
gulp.task('requirejsBuild', function() {
name: 'main',
baseUrl: './app',
out: 'result.js'
// The default task (called when you run `gulp` from cli)
gulp.task('default', ['requirejsBuild']);
The above build file works with no error, but the result.js only contains the content of main.js and config.js. All the view files, jquery, underscore, backbone is not included.
How can I configure gulp-requirejs to put every js template into one js file?
If it is not the right way to go, can you please suggest other method?
paths: {
"almond": "/bower_components/almond/almond",
"underscore": "/bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash.underscore",
"jquery": "/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery",
"backbone": "/bower_components/backbone/backbone",
"book": "./model-book"
// Break out the application running from the configuration definition to
// assist with testing.
require(["config"], function() {
// Kick off the application.
require(["app", "router"], function(app, Router) {
// Define your master router on the application namespace and trigger all
// navigation from this instance.
app.router = new Router();
// Trigger the initial route and enable HTML5 History API support, set the
// root folder to '/' by default. Change in app.js.
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: false, root: '/' });
The output is just a combination this two files, which is not what I expected.
gulp-requirejs has been blacklisted by the gulp folks. They see the RequireJS optimizer as its own build system, incompatible with gulp. I don't know much about that, but I did find an alternative in amd-optimize that worked for me.
npm install amd-optimize --save-dev
Then in your gulpfile:
var amdOptimize = require('amd-optimize');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('bundle', function ()
return gulp.src('**/*.js')
The output of amdOptimize is a stream which contains the dependencies of the primary module (main in the above example) in an order that resolves correctly when loaded. These files are then concatenated together via concat into a single file main-bundle.js before being written into the dist folder.
You could also minify this file and perform other transformations as needed.
As an aside, in my case I was compiling TypeScript into AMD modules for bundling. Thinking this through further I realized that when bundling everything I don't need the asynchronous loading provided by AMD/RequireJS. I am going to experiment with having TypeScript compile CommonJS modules instead, then bundling them using webpack or browserify, both of which seem to have good support within gulp.
My previous answer always reported taskReady even if requirejs reported an error. I reconsidered this approach and added error logging. Also I try to fail the build completely as described here gulp-jshint: How to fail the build? because a silent fail really eats your time.
See updated code below.
Drew's comment about blacklist was very helpfull and gulp folks suggest using requirejs directly. So I post my direct requirejs solution:
var DIST = './dist';
var requirejs = require('requirejs');
var requirejsConfig = require('./requireConfig.js').RJSConfig;
gulp.task('requirejs', function (taskReady) { = 'index';
requirejsConfig.out = DIST + 'app.js';
requirejsConfig.optimize = 'uglify';
requirejs.optimize(requirejsConfig, function () {
}, function (error) {
console.error('requirejs task failed', JSON.stringify(error))
The file at ./dist/app.js is built and uglified. And this way gulp will know when require has finished building. So the task can be used as a dependency.
My solution works like this:
paths: {
jquery: "../vendor/jquery/dist/jquery",
shim: {
define(["jquery"], function($) {
var gulp = require('gulp'),
amdOptimize = require("amd-optimize"),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
gulp.task('scripts', function(cb) {
var js = gulp.src(path.scripts + '.js')
name: "main",
configFile: "./client/js/main.js",
baseUrl: './client/js'
This part was important:
configFile: "./client/js/main.js",
baseUrl: './client/js'
This allowed me to keep my configuration in one place. Otherwise I was having to duplicate my paths and shims into gulpfile.js.
This works for me. I seems that one ought to add in uglification etc via gulp if desired. .pipe(uglify()) ...
Currently I have to duplicate the config in main.js to run asynchronously.
var amdOptimize = require("amd-optimize");
var js = gulp.src(path.scripts + '.js')
name: "main",
paths: {
jquery: "client/vendor/jquery/dist/jquery",
jqueryColor: "client/vendor/jquery-color/jquery.color",
bootstrap: "client/vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap",
underscore: "client/vendor/underscore-amd/underscore"
shim: {
jqueryColor : {
deps: ["jquery"]
bootstrap: {
deps: ["jquery"]
app: {
deps: ["bootstrap", "jqueryColor", "jquery"]
Try this code in your gulpfile:
// Node modules
fs = require('fs'),
vm = require('vm'),
merge = require('deeply');
// Gulp and plugins
gulp = require('gulp'),
gulprjs= require('gulp-requirejs-bundler');
// Config
requireJsRuntimeConfig = vm.runInNewContext(fs.readFileSync('app/config.js') + '; require;'),
requireJsOptimizerConfig = merge(requireJsRuntimeConfig, {
name: 'main',
baseUrl: './app',
out: 'result.js',
paths: {
requireLib: 'bower_modules/requirejs/require'
insertRequire: ['main'],
// aliases from config.js - libs will be included to result.js
include: [
gulp.task('requirejsBuild', ['component-scripts', 'external-scripts'], function (cb) {
return gulprjs(requireJsOptimizerConfig)
Sorry for my english. This solution works for me. (I used gulp-requirejs at my job)
I think you've forgotten to set mainConfigFile in your gulpfile.js. So, this code will be work
gulp.task('requirejsBuild', function() {
name: 'main',
mainConfigFile: 'path_to_config/config.js',
baseUrl: './app',
out: 'result.js'
In addition, I think when you run that task in gulp, require can not find its config file and
This is not gulp-requirejs fault.
The reason why only main.js and config.js is in the output is because you're not requiring/defining any other files. Without doing so, the require optimizer wont understand which files to add, the paths in your config-file isn't a way to require them!
For example you could load a main.js file from your config file and in main define all your files (not optimal but just a an example).
In the bottom of your config-file:
// Load the main app module to start the app
The main.js-file: (just adding jquery to show the technique.
define(["jquery"], function($) {});
I might also recommend gulp-requirejs-optimize instead, mainly because it adds the minification/obfuscation functions gulp-requirejs lacks:
How to implement it:
var requirejsOptimize = require('gulp-requirejs-optimize');
gulp.task('requirejsoptimize', function () {
return gulp.src('src/js/require.config.js')
.pipe(requirejsOptimize(function(file) {
return {
baseUrl: "src/js",
mainConfigFile: 'src/js/require.config.js',
paths: {
requireLib: "vendor/require/require"
include: "requireLib",
name: "require.config",
out: "dist/js/bundle2.js"

Send parameters to jshint reporter in Gulp

I have Gulpfile with jshint configured to use jshint-stylish reporter. I need to pass option verbose to reporter in order to display warning codes. Is it possible to do it using Gulp?
Current my gulpfile.js looks like below:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var compass = require('gulp-compass');
var path = require('path');
var jsFiles = ['www/js/**/*.js', '!www/js/libraries/**/*.js', 'www/spec/**/*.js', '!www/spec/lib/**/*.js'];
var sassFiles = 'www/sass/*.scss';
gulp.task('lint', function () {
return gulp
gulp.task('compass', function () {
project: path.join(__dirname, 'www'),
css: 'css',
sass: 'sass',
image: 'img',
font: 'fonts'
})).on('error', function() {});
var phonegapBuild = function (platform) {
if (!which('phonegap')) {
console.log('phonegap command not found')
return 1;
exec('phonegap local build ' + platform);
gulp.task('build:android', ['lint', 'compass'], function () {
gulp.task('build:ios', ['lint', 'compass'], function () {
gulp.task('watch', function() {, ['lint']);, ['compass']);
gulp.task('default', ['lint', 'compass']);
Well, this, plus the fact that the output of the stylish reporter is hardly readable on Windows due to the darkness of the blue text, so I have to keep going in an manually changing the colour after installing it, has made me do something about it. So you should hopefully have more luck with this reporter I've just written:
You basically use it like this;
var summary = require('jshint-summary');
// ...
verbose: true,
reasonCol: 'cyan,bold',
codeCol: 'green'
and the summary function will initialise the function passed to JSHint with those settings - see the page on Github for a bit more documentation.
It's got some very basic tests, and the library's gulpfile.js uses it to show its own JSHint output :)
How about using similar technique, as you already did with phonegap?
var jshint = function (parameter) {
// todo: define paths with js files, or pass them as parameter too
exec('jshint ' + paths + ' ' + parameter);
Based on it appears that gulp-jshint doesn't facilitate passing more than the name to the reporter if you load it with a string. It seems a simple thing to extend though. I'll race you to a pull request. :D
Alternatively, try something like this:
var stylish = require('jshint-stylish');
// ...
I'm pretty sure I have the syntax wrong, but this may get you unstuck.
It's annoying, and makes any decent reporter somewhat tricky to use within the existing framework. I've come up with this hack for the Stylish reporter, it's just currently in my gulpfile.js:
function wrapStylishReporter(reporterOptions) {
var reporter = require(stylish).reporter,
reporterOptions = reporterOptions || {};
var wrapped = function(results, data, config) {
var opts = [config, reporterOptions].reduce(function(dest, src) {
if (src) {
for (var k in src) {
dest[k] = src[k];
return dest;
}, {});
reporter(results, data, opts);
return jshint.reporter(wrapped);
And then for the task definition itself:
gulp.task('lint', function() {
return gulp.src('+(bin|lib)/**/*.js')
.pipe(wrapStylishReporter({ verbose: true }))
Ideally reporters would either be a function that takes an options parameter and returns the reporter function, or a fairly basic class so you could have options as well as state.
