Creating a surface from a path of 3D cubic bezier curves - graphics

I have a list of cubic bezier curves in 3D, such that the curves are connected to each other and closes a cycle.
I am looking for a way to create a surface from the bezier curves. Eventually i want to triangulate the surface and present it in a graphic application.
Is there an algorithm for surfacing a closed path of cubic bezier segments?

It looks like you only know part of the details of the surface (given by the Bezier curves) and you've to extrapolate the surface out of it. As a simple example I'm imagining a bunch of circles in 3D with the center and radius that will be reconstructed into a sphere.
If this is the case you can use level sets. With level sets, you define a bunch of input parameters that defines the force exerted by the external factors on your surface and the 'tension' of the surface.
Crudely put, level sets define the behaviour of surface as they expand(or contract ) over time. As it expands it tries to maintain it's smoothness while meeting other boundary conditions - like 'sticking' to the circles in this case. So if you want a sphere from bunch of circles, the circles will exert a great force, while the surface will also be very tense.
Physbam has an open source implementation of level sets.
CGAL and PCL also provide a host of methods that generate surfaces from things such as points sets and implicit surface. You may be able to adapt one of them for your use.
You can look into the algorithms they use if you want to implement one on your own. I think at least one of them use the Poisson Surface Reconstruction algorithm.


Best way to project an arbitrary 2D polygon onto a 3D triangle mesh?

What is the best way to project an arbitrary 2D polygon onto a 3D triangle mesh?
To make thing clearer, here is a visualization of the problem:
The triangle mesh is representing terrain and thus can be considered 2.5D. I want to be able to treat the projected polygon as a separate object.
This particular implementation is done in WebGL and three.js but any solution that fits an interactive 3D application is of interest.
If your question is not how to texture map the surface, then you really have to generate new 3D polygons.
You will be using some projection mechanism (such as a parallel one) that turns your 3D problem to 2D.
First backproject the surface onto the polygon plane. The polygon will be overlaid on a corresponding 2D mesh. Now for every facet, find the intersection (in the Boolean sense) of the facet and the polygon.
You will need a polygon intersection machinery for that purpose, such as the Weiler-Atherton or Sutherland-Hodgman clipping algorithms (the latter is much simpler, but works on convex windows only). (Also check
After clipping, you project to the original facet plane.

Interpolation of Polyhedron

Given a polyhedron defined by a matrix of 3-Dimensional vertices and its faces(delaunay triangles), I want to be able to create a smooth 3-D object.
Is there any software that has built a built in function that would allow me to do this?
If not, I have found a paper that seems to describe what I want, but I am unable to fully understand the math.
Here is an examples of what I am looking for.
One solution for "smoothing" geometry, if we state the problem a bit more formally, is to perform mean curvature flow on your mesh. Here are some search terms - "curve-shortening flow", "mean curvature flow", "willmore flow", "conformal curvature flow" ...
Image source: Keenan Crane. Context and permission
"Smoothness of a surface or curve is very hard to define. (For an empirical test on what people perceive as smooth see
If you only care about perceived smoothness, for example, smoother appearance while rendering in high resolution etc., an easier approach would be Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme.
The geometric intuition is quite simple. In the case of a 2D curve, in every instance, every point on a curve moves according to some function of the curvature at that point. If we let the curve or surface move like this for some time, it will start smoothing out areas with high curvature more and more, eventually becoming a circle (or a sphere in 3d) and then collapse to a point. So for smoothing usually we have to preserve areas or volumes.
One way to define it is in terms of some energy, and our goal is to minimise this energy on the mesh. For example willmore flow minimises the willmore energy. Sometimes this process is called fairing.
I am not aware of a prepackaged library or tool, that's freely available and open source for curvature flow.
2D only
K.Mikula, D.Sevcovic, "Tangentially stabilized Lagrangian algorithm for elastic curve evolution driven by intrinsic Laplacian of curvature",
2D and 3D
Keenan Crane's page has more information on this and more examples too.
2D and 3D (level set method)

What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere without using OpenGL-like libs?

I know that there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
Then, those models go through hidden surface removal algorithm.
Am I correct?
Be that way, What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
I am using a low-level library named WinBGIm from colorado university.
there are 4 techniques to draw 3D objects:
(1) Wireframe Modeling and rendering, (2) Additive Modeling, (3) Subtractive Modeling, (4) Splines and curves.
These are modelling techniques and not rendering techniques. They allow you to mathematically define your mesh's geometry. How you render this data on to a 2D canvas is another story.
There are two fundamental approaches to rendering 3D models on a 2D canvas.
Ray Tracing
The basic idea of ray tracing is to pass a ray from the camera's origin, through the point on the canvas whose colour needs to be determined. Determine which models get hit by it and pick the closest one, determine how it's lit to compute the colour there. This is done by further tracing rays from the hit point to all the light sources in the scene. If you notice, this approach eliminates the need to use hidden surface determination algorithms like the back face culling, z-buffer, etc. since the basic idea is rooted on a hidden surface algorithm (ray tracing).
There are packages, libraries, etc. that help you do this. However, it's common that ray tracers are written from scratch as a college-level project. However, this approach takes more time to render (not to code), but the results are generally more pleasing than the below one. This approach is more popular when you want to render non-interactive visuals like movies.
This approach takes primitives (triangles and quads) that define the models in the scene and sample them at regular intervals (screen pixels they cover) and write it on to a colour buffer. Here hidden surface is usually eliminated using the Z-buffer; a buffer that stores the z-order of the fragment and the closer one wins, when writing to the colour buffer.
Rasterization is the more popular approach with cheap hardware support for it available on most modern computers due to years of research and money that has gone in to it. Libraries like OpenGL and Direct3D are readily available to facilitate development. Although the results are less pleasing than ray tracing, it's faster to render and thus is widely used in interactive, real-time rendering like games.
If you want to not use those libraries, then you have to do what is commonly known as software rendering i.e. you will end up doing what these libraries do.
What formula or algorithm can I use to draw a 3D Sphere?
Depends on which one of the above you choose. If you simply rasterize a 3D sphere in 2D with orthographic projection, all you have to do is draw a circle on the canvas.
If you are looking for hidden lines removal (drawing the edges rather than the inside of the faces), the solution is easy: "back face culling".
Every edge of your model belongs to two faces. For every face you can compute the normal vector and check if it is facing to the observer (by the sign of the dot product of the normal and the direction of the projection line); in other words, if the observer is located in the outer half-space defined by the plane of the face. Then an edge is wholly visible if and only if it belongs to at least one front face.
Usual discretization of the sphere are made by drawing equidistant parallels and meridians. It may be advantageous to adjust the spacing of the parallels so that all tiles are about the same area.

Sphere and nonuniform object intersection

I have two objects: A sphere and an object. Its an object that I created using surface reconstruction - so we do not know the equation of the object. I want to know the intersecting points on the sphere when the object and the sphere intersect. If we had a sphere and a cylinder, we could solve for the equation and figure out the area and all that but the problem here is that the object is not uniform.
Is there a way to find out the intersecting points or area on the sphere?
I'd start by finding the intersection of triangles with the sphere. First find the intersection of each triangle's plane and the sphere, which gives a circle. Then find the circle's intersection/s with the triangle edges in 2D using line/circle tests. The result will be many arcs which I guess you could approximate with lines. I'm not really sure where to go from here without knowing the end goal.
If it's surface area you're after, maybe a numerical approach would be better. I'd cover the sphere in points and count the number inside the non-uniform object. To find if a point is inside, maybe trace outwards and count the intersections with the surface (if it's odd, the point is inside). You could use the stencil buffer for this if you wanted (similar to stencil shadows).
If you want the volume of intersection a quick google search gives "carve", a mesh based CSG library.
Starting with triangles versus the sphere will give you the points of intersection.
You can take the arcs of intersection with each surface and combine them to make fences around the sphere. Ideally your reconstructed object will be in winged-edge format so you could just step from one fence segment to the next, but with reconstructed surfaces I guess you might need to apply some slightly fuzzy logic.
You can determine which side of each fence is inside the reconstructed object and which side is out by factoring in the surface normals along the fence.
You can then cut the sphere along the fences and add the internal bits to the display.
For the other side of things you could remove any triangle completely inside the sphere and cut those that intersect.

Creating closed spatial polygons

I need to create a (large) set of spatial polygons for test purposes. Is there an algorithm that will create a randomly shaped polygon staying within a bounding envelope? I'm using OGC Simple stuff so a routine to create the well known text is the most useful, Language of choice is C# but it's not that important.
Here you can find two examples of how to generate random convex polygons. They both are in Java, but should be easy to rewrite them to C#:
Generate Polygon example from Sun
from JTS mailing list, post Minimum Area bounding box by Michael Bedward
Another possible approach based on generating set of random points and employ Delaunay tessellation.
Generally, problem of generating proper random polygons is not trivial.
Do they really need to be random, or would some real WKT do? Because if it will, just go to and download a few layers.
What shape is your bounding envelope ? If it's a rectangle, then generate your random polygon as a list of points within [0,1]x[0,1] and scale to the size of your rectangle.
If the envelope is not a rectangle things get a little more tricky. In this case you might get best performance simply by generating points inside the unit square and rejecting any which lie in the part of the unit square which does not scale to the bounding envelope of your choice.
If you wanted only convex polygons you'd use one of the convex hull algorithms. Since you don't seem to want only convex polygons your suggestion of a circular sweep would work.
But you might find it simpler to sweep along a line parallel to either the x- or y-axis. Assume the x-axis.
Sort the points into x-order.
Select the leftmost (ie first) point. At the y-coordinate of this point draw an imaginary horizontal line across the unit square. Prepare to create a list of points along the boundary of the polygon above the imaginary line, and another list along the boundary below it.
Select the next point. Add it to the upper or lower boundary list as determined by it's y-coordinate.
Continue until you're out of points.
This will generate convex and non-convex polygons, but the non-convexity will be of a fairly limited form. No inlets or twists and turns.
Another Thought
To avoid edge crossings and to avoid a circular sweep after generating your random points inside the unit square you could:
Generate random points inside the unit circle in polar coordinates, ie (r, theta).
Sort the points in theta order.
Transform to cartesian coordinates.
Scale the unit circle to a bounding ellipse of your choice.
Off the top of my head, that seems to work OK
