Lotus Notes - Find similar Fields (SELECTION) - lotus-notes

I'm trying to make a view that will display possible duplicate documents. So a selection formula that compares one field over all the documents and only diplays those that are similar.
I ahve been playing arond with #Like and #Matches, but can't seem to get it to work. Is this possible?

You can't reference from a view selection formula to other documents. The selection formula works only for the current document and decides if this document shall be visible in view.
You can write an agent which compares all documents with all the other documents and sets a flag (=item/field) to a document if it has similar fields with the other documents. You can then select all those flagged documents in your view.

You can create a view where the first (sorted) column contains the field you want to check against. Then use #SetViewInfo to filter the view to only show documents matching a specific value.


Filtering Notes View UI programmatically in Notes Client

Is there a way to programmatically filter IBM Notes (Lotus Notes) view UI using complex criteria?
For example, if I want to let users specify criteria and then show results in notes view UI all documents with particular status and the particular manager name?
I am aware of #SetViewInfo formula, but as far as I understand it works with only one view column, and I don't understand, how can I apply a criteria, that contains more than one conditions inside, for example: Status="Completed" AND Manager="John Doe" ?
Any ideas?
One solution to this problem is to have a shared private on first use folder for the result set. You would use a form to gather the selection query or fulltext-query and put the documents in the result folder.

How to create a view using a count of certain field

I am trying to create a categorized view of all Notes documents that have a field with exact same value, i.e. there is a field for Contractor Name and I want to create a view that lists each Contractor and the documents that relevant to each. How do I do this? I have tried view formulas like the following but no success as yet
SELECT #IsAvailable(Contractorid) & #Count(Contractorid) > 1
SELECT #Count(#IsAvailable(Contractorid)) >1
Nsf databases are no relational databases. The count of different documents with a unique value in a specific field cannot be used to build a view selection formula.
You could write an agent, that runs through all documents and counts them and puts all with count > 1 in a folder, but this is quite a lot of LotusScript code and needs some advanced knowledge.
The other possibilit would be to categorize the view by ContractorId and add one column before that categorized column: simply use 1 as column formula and select "display totals" in the column properties as well as "hide details".
Then at least you have the information, how much documents are in each category, but unfortunately you cannot filter by it and you cannot sort by this column.
A third possibility would be to use an xpage interface, but that is even more work to do and a completely different story developmentwise.
This is similar to view to identify duplicates. My approach is to use folder.
Make a new folder with design of your view. Instead of (not working) selection formula use short LS code as an action, or QueryOpen event (make sure only one user runs the script).
The code should cooperate with another (hidden) view sorted by Contractorid. Make a ViewNavigator for that view and traverse through it with simple logic - if previous entry has the same Contractorid as the current one, put both documents into folder**. That way you will get list of all documents with duplicate Contractorid. Make sure to wipe all the current content from the folder at the start.
** This can be optimized further by slightly more complicated algorithm to handle first duplicate diferently - for more than two duplicates this algorithm makes extra calls of PutInFolder method.

Lotus Notes: What will be the view selection formula to select a form which is in different database?

My view is one application and a required form along with few fields are in different application.
Point one: A View's selection formula does not "select a form". It selects documents. These documents are (usually) created with a Form, and they (usually) contain an item called "Form" which contains the name of the Form that they were created with. So a selection formula SELECT Form = "Foo" means that the view will show all documents with an item named Form that contains the value "Foo".
Point two: A View can only select documents that are in the same database that contains the View. It cannot select documents that exist in another database.
Ergo, there is no possible forumla that selects documents in another database that were created with a given Form.
I'm assuming you probably have some keyword documents in a different database, and you'd like to use a key in the main document to pull some matching information from the keyword database. In other words, you'd like to do a "join" in your Notes view.
You can't do this, never mind whether the documents are in the same database. This is not a relational database.
There are options, however.
You could create a "user definable" column and automatically update the column formula in a profile document so that the formula can calculate the keyword correspondences. You would have a periodic agent look at the keyword database and construct an updated formula such as, #Select("a"; "b"; "c";...; ChoiceNo) to convert the number field ChoiceNo to the value "a" (for 1), "b" (for 2), etc. If you can write a formula to display the correct values for the current keywords, this is workable provided the list never gets too long.
Domino servers are capable of accessing a DB2 relational database to construct a view index, using a feature called DB2NSF. So you can actually do a join -- but your NSF data has to be stored in DB2 as its back-end, rather than beinf stored in the NSF, for this to work. This is probably going to be more work than it's worth to you for this application.
If it is an XPages application, you can create your own data set however you like for feeding to a repeat control.

Change views of records based on Filter criteria in crm 2011

I want to shift a record automatically based on filter criteria from Active view to a custom view "Processed". The criteria is shift record from Active to Processed when field contains data. Although this is working, the record still shows in Active.
I simply cannot find the reason why? Maybe its very simple too. Help?
If the views are mutually exclusive, and one of them is using the criteria field contains data, then the other view must use field does not contain data in order for your data to appear in the correct place.

How to Compute a Field in a Form from another Form or View in a Lotus DB

I have form "A" which there is a field that I need be computed after composed from Form "B". The forms are in the same database. I am not sure if it would be better to have the Form "A" field compute after composed from a "View" that uses the Form "B" or what would be the best way to get the field populated.
I have tried to do a #DBlookup, with no success.
Thank you!
Forms do not contain information, only documents do. Forms just represent information stored in documents.
Assume you have a view with name: "viewName" and it displays a set of documents.
The first sorted column of this view contains key values.
We want to get value of field someField by key from this view.
Create a new form, create a "Computed when composed" field and set the following formula as value:
#DbLookup("":"NoCache"; #DbName; "viewName"; "keyValue"; "someField");
It will access view "viewName" in the current database, get a document by "keyValue" and return value of field with name "someField"
I have tried to do a #DBlookup, with no success.
Well, what went wrong? Why didn't this work? When do you a #DbLookup call, you need to provide a view, a "key" and the field or view column you want to pull back from the matching document. Assuming you have a key with which you can link document A and document B, the look-up should be pretty straightforward.
