Include ActiveReports 6 DLL in WebSite Build - visual-studio-2012

I have inherited a web site from a co-worker who retired and I wasn't brought up to speed with it before they left. It uses ActiveReports 6, which I have installed on my computer, but others don't have it on theirs. It was asked that I make it so the solution includes the ActiveReports 6 DLLs when I build the web site so that it doesn't have to be installed on every computer. Is this even possible? Thanks.

Yes it is possible not to install AR6 on the other machines and still run the AR6 application on them. This can be done by performing offline licensing of AR6 on the other build machines.
You may refer to the following blogs wherein detailed steps are discussed that might help you in meeting your requirement :


Problems regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site

I have a problem regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site.
I will try to explain what I have tried until now.
I know it is not a triviel error to debug, but maybe some of you have tried something similar.
Here is the setup: One Windows Server 2019 v1809 with one IIS: 10.0.17763.1.
Multiple websites with associated application pools.
It's a MVC solution, and we are using .net 4.7.2.
What I have tried:
Recycled application pools every night
Restarted the server every night
Issued a IISReset every night
Deleted temporary files in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Looked at the IIS logs
Looked at the application log, our own log
Looked at the Windows log
Searched the Internet for similar problems
Made sure there always were some traffic at the website
Made sure no errors were shown when pressing F12 in the browser, the site always returs code 200
The WSOD comes at varies times, and not all the sites are affected at the same time.
A manuel recycle of the website always helps.
My question is, have any of you encounted similar problems?
And how did you solve it?
If you need more information please ask, and I will try to provide it.
/Regards Søren
This kind of problem is very unusual in IIS, because there is almost no record and useful information in the log file.
You can try to use this plan to repair IIS.
Unregister all the versions of ASP.NET with command "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ua". and the framework 64 also versions. 3.0 and 3.5... etc
Delete ASPNET account from "Local Users and Group – Users".
reregister ASP.NET with IIS using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –i". and framework64... net 3, 3.5 etc
Give permissions to the ASPNET account using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ga machinename\ASPNET". for framework 32 and 64 and versions.
Reset IIS .

System crashes while using clearcase 8.0.1.x /9.0.1.x (checking out files) on windows 10 (1803) platform

After upgrading system to Windows 10 - os 1803 we are getting below issues while working with ClearCase 8.0.1.x/9.0.1.x
Unable to checkin/checkout.
Not able to create views.
Not able to add any file to source control.
The system hangs & crashes while performing any ClearCase operation.
There is no error message, but I have attached screenshot for reference.
Please let us know if there is any issue with the Windows 10 ver(1803), any security system enabled?
Or has ClearCase provided any fix?
We have tried and issue still persists.
This is what we got from windows event log.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.
The bugcheck was:
0x000000c2 (0x0000000000000004, 0x00000000535be990, 0x000000000004efd3, 0xfffff803e01848b1)
for most of them whoever has upgraded to windows 1803 ver :( for people who are still using ver1709 it is working perfectly fine
Then I would recommand contacting IBM support: only them can update their ClearCase 9/Windows 10 compatibility matrix and confirm if MVFS is supported on a more recent (1803) Windows 10 edition.
We also facing same problem and I have raised the case with IBM. Still not yet resolved. As IBM said there are some limitations to work ClearCase with windows 10 and windows 2016.
We tried all the options except Secure boot disable. If possible please do disable secure boot option in Windows 10 and try to checkin/checkout code from CleraCase
Note : It works for Snapshot views. That means the issue related to MVFS
I'm seconding #VonC's recommendation to open a ticket with IBM. When you do that, save a step and collect a clearbug2 and a kernel memory dump to send in as soon as the case is opened. It will save the turn-around time of us asking you for it. If the installed programs list doesn't list installed security software (DLP, Privilege management sw like Avecto, other endpoint security tools), please list those separately as well.
I would also love to know who # IBM told you there are "limitations" with Win10-1803.
There are a few issues with Windows 10 "version upgrades" breaking things, but they generally don't cause system crashes. Windows 10 upgrades are actually full OS installs that then (imperfectly) migrate application settings. Anything that uses custom network providers (ClearCase is one example) will find that the network providers will be broken or partially broken. Reinstalling is usually required. Again, that has not yet been reported as a cause of a BSOD.
If the upgrade/reinstall didn't fix view creation, please post a separate question on the view creation issue. There may be things we can do to the SMB 2 caches to allow view creation to work in cases where the view storage is not on the client host.
I noticed that the screen shot you posted is a Terminal Services disconnect screenshot. Does the issue only occur over a Terminal Services client connection or does it also happen on a local connection?

Is there a current walkthrough on Web Deploy Installation and Configuration?

I've tried on a couple of different servers to install Web Deploy and it works to the extent that I need it to, but I haven't identified what the missing steps are.
Where it falls down is after installing what appears to be the requisites here:
There is only occasionally the option for "Configure for Web Deploy Publishing" in the context menu on the site. Does anyone have a guide for this for proper deployment? How to enable the option?
Deployment in these cases is not through WebPI. I have to download packages separately and install manually. Can't find something that details this with current links, screen shots or advice.
Base Windows Server 2008 server with nothing special installed. Happy to clarify anything if anyone has any ideas.
The fix (provided by Kristina Olson of Microsoft) was to uninstall Web Deploy and then make sure all the pre-requisites are in place. There is mention of this in this article:
Key points:
Make sure Web Management Service handler component in IIS is installed and enabled
Make sure PowerShell v2 is installed
Database dependencies need to be installed
Make sure to select the complete install

How to add Tridion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager?

I am working SDL TRIDION 2011 SP1 version. Suddenly I am unable to see the Trdion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager. Please tell me the procedure how to get it back again.
Remove Tridion Completely (uninstall), then run the installer again.
You won't loose any data (it's all in the database), and you're likely to get your server up and running way faster than trying to fix by hand.
As #bart suggested, your best option to get the web application back (assuming it really has gone), is to run the repair option with the installer. There are a lot of folder specific settings which would be very hard to recreate manually.

Test deployment for Sharepoint by multiple developers on a single server

We are starting with Sharepoint development with a team of three and are currently setting up our development environments. We would like to avoid installing a Server 2008 for each developer, thus a single terminal server has been setup, using Remote Windows to start a VS2008 instance on each developer's machine. Now we would like to separate developers' testing environments (i.e. a different site colletion per developer), but have realized that the assemblies would need to be installed into GAC to show properly on the site. But since there is AFAIK only one GAC, developers wouldn't be able to test their stuff independently.
Is there any way we could create separate testing environments without installing a bunch of 2008 Servers?
So you're all going to remote in an fire up Visual Studio and be compiling stuff and restarting IIS, etc?
You're going to be stamping on each other's toes.
A wiser choice nowadays is to use Hyper-V (or some other virtualisation).
We use Windows Server 2008 on our laptops, and use Hyper-V to run our dev environments. We then have a dev environment (sandbox) each, and these have VS2008, SVN, Nunit, etc.
Our code is tested against each other thanks to CruiseControl on the only shared Hyper-V.
This has been great for us... we distribute the load, we can work on the move, we don't step on each others toes and if we need to do a demo we can switch Hyper-Vs and demo from the demo Hyper-V (branched from the dev one early on so that the environments are known).
Go virtual and don't look back.
PS: I've just seen your comment about one server... just put Hyper-V on that and run 3 instances. That's also what we do ;)
I don't know about installing the server on everything, but this sounds like an ideal task for Virtual Machines rather than physical ones- where I work we using VMWare a whole lot for this kind of work and it does very well.
It's also useful to be able to roll back to a snapshot when it comes to testing installation processes and so on.
No. In addition to the GAC there are all the SharePoint files in the 12 hive, such as features and site templates. It's not worth what you save on server costs.
(Of course if you don't use the GAC, but deploy to the bin folder, and you don't touch anything in the 12 hive, you can give each developer their own web application on the same server. But this approach puts a lot of restrictions on what they can do. It's still not worth it.)
Virtual machines will work, but they can be slow to develop on. For instance, you'll need to restart the application pool for every GAC deploy - which means a pause of maybe 15-60 seconds to reload the application, (depending on the hardware). This will become annoying.
Virtual machines work better for test and production, where you don't restart the application so often.
I recommend a physical server for each developer. This will minimize the code-deploy-test cycle time, and make sure they don't have to worry about stepping on each others toes.
You are on the wrong track with Terminal Services - its just not going to give you any separation.
A lot of people do recommend developing on W003/2008 server directly, and it does simplify some things like remote debugging.
I prefer the more traditional method of using VMWare to run virtual machines. These can be running on a local or remote host. Remote debugging is a little more complex to setup but still possible.
Finally - if possible then deploy to the bin dir rather than the GAC. This will make it much easier to deploy automatically after compilation.
The contributors are right that there are lots of stumbling blocks to multi-developer single server environments.
Number one developers will be trying to attach to the same Web Application process w2ps.exe so creating separate Web Applications on different ports is a must unless you are prepared to share time debugging. How to setup a development environment for sharepoint 2013
The second problem is when you try to collaborate and use shared components/features. Having a desire to work separately is debatable, I believe that the team developers should be collaborating and sharing so combing work is desirable to ensure seamless integration into a single final solution and that no work is duplicated. The multi-developer single server environment works perfectly until you try to collaborate 'One common mistake is to have one “development server” used by all team developers. Unless team members are working on totally unrelated components and never need to do common things such as restart IIS or attach a debugger to an IIS process, this type of environment generally doesn’t work well.' We made this mistake through lack of experience and knowledge, but once you make it it's possible to work round it.
My first attempt to share features was to copy developer 1's project into developer 2's solution and add a reference to it in developer’s 2's project and add all the features to developer 2's package. Deploying this works fine for developer 2, until as I discovered if developer 1 detaches their solution from the debugger it retracts the solution based on the duplicated solution id from the farm and therefore from each developer's web application. Therefore developer 2 has the rug pulled out from underneath them. Although this is a part solution and seemed to work for a while, it took me a while to work out what was happening and what combinations of dev 1 and 2 deployments make each other’s work and not work.
So I found a better solution. Under the project properties in Visual Studio under SharePoint tab there is a combo box called 'Auto-retract after debugging'. This by default retracts the solution when the developer stops the attached debugger and pulls the features out from underneath the other developers. Unticking this box prevents the retract and leaves each developers individual solutions deployed at farm level and on reattaching to the debugger just replaces the solution with minimal fuss.
In my experience recycling the IIS application pool is so fast other developers don't even notice, but with a larger team than 2 this might become more prevalent, so perhaps someone else could add their experiences. I also guess unless the other develops try to attach at exactly the same time that the recycle is happening it'll be fine, so is a really small chance of having a cross over time, and simply detaching and reattaching will fix this if it is ever experienced.
