Is there a current walkthrough on Web Deploy Installation and Configuration? - iis

I've tried on a couple of different servers to install Web Deploy and it works to the extent that I need it to, but I haven't identified what the missing steps are.
Where it falls down is after installing what appears to be the requisites here:
There is only occasionally the option for "Configure for Web Deploy Publishing" in the context menu on the site. Does anyone have a guide for this for proper deployment? How to enable the option?
Deployment in these cases is not through WebPI. I have to download packages separately and install manually. Can't find something that details this with current links, screen shots or advice.
Base Windows Server 2008 server with nothing special installed. Happy to clarify anything if anyone has any ideas.

The fix (provided by Kristina Olson of Microsoft) was to uninstall Web Deploy and then make sure all the pre-requisites are in place. There is mention of this in this article:
Key points:
Make sure Web Management Service handler component in IIS is installed and enabled
Make sure PowerShell v2 is installed
Database dependencies need to be installed
Make sure to select the complete install


Can't install Azure WebApp Application Insights without Visual Studio

I have wordpress installed and running in an Microsoft Azure WebApp. When I created the WebApp, the system automatically created Application Insights, which I tried to enable, but unlike on my other WebApps, the server side tracking wasn't working and I couldn't fix it, so I tried to delete it and added a new Application Insights resource...
Unfortunately I can't figure out, how to get it running, sice now I dont have a "deploy" button, to make it work, nor do I have Visual Studio - which every guide recommends to use and is a bit annoying.
What I need to do is install somehow the system monitor for App Insights in my App but can't find out how. (without VS)
Any help appreciated. Thanks
EDIT (SOLVED) :: Justins comment is the solution to this problem.
use the application insights plugin for WordPress. It will set up all of the necessary things to get the server side tracking.

AjaxControlToolkit.dll not working on windows azure

Following dlls are not working when I deploy my application in azure:
1. DropDownCheckBoxes.dll
2. AjaxControlToolkit.dll
They work perfectly in the non-cloud application deployed on the server as well as local.
Any thoughts?
Could you explain why you think these assemblies are not working in Windows Azure? Are you having issues in a web role or in a web site?
Most issues occur because the assembly is not included in the package. Could you try the following for both assemblies:
Right click the assembly
Select Properties
Change Copy Local to True
Redeploy the application.
Checked the "Remove additional files at destination" checkbox when publishing it to Azure and it will work. I had the same problem, none of the other solutions work. Here is the thread I found the solution in also, so simple but who would've known! Also I did not have to uninstall and re-install, all I did is check the checkbox during publishing:

Windows Azure deployment keeps a old version of the Silverlight application

I have a small solution that is composed out of 2 main projects a Mvc4 Web Api and a silverlight 5 Application. I've configured and deploy the application initially on the Azure platform and it all went great, but ever since when I deploy again the silverlight project does not get pushed and the online site has the old version.
I should mention all works great with the azure simulator on my local dev machine.
Anybody had a similar issue?
I would suspect first (as Simon suggests) that the browser likely still has the previous client cached and loads that instead of downloading your new client.
You can use the version number in the code on your page that hosts the silverlight app to help. While it's easy for you to clear the cache - you don't really want to have to tell users to do that whenever you update.
Set the version to whatever your latest assembly version is (silverlight client project assembly), this will force the browser to download the client if the cached version is a lower number.
<param name="source" value="AppPath/App.xap?version="/>
So after pulling my hair out, I finally figured out.
I have to change the build configuration to release in VS do a rebuild and then do publish because apparently the azure project does not do rebuild on the project when you publish it.
To solve this issue you'll need to identify the source of the problem (is it a client side problem where you have a caching issue or not). Even though you say caching isn't the problem we'll need to be sure about this first.
What I suggest is that you do the following first:
Activate Remote Desktop on your role
Connect through RDP and save this file to the role: (fciv.exe)
Find the *.xap file (usually in E:\sitesroot) and get its checksum (using fciv.exe)
Modify the Silverlight project locally (maybe change a label or move around an element) to make sure its hash has changed.
Redeploy the application
Connect through RDP and use fciv.exe to get the checksum of the *.xap file once again
Compare both checksums
If the checksums are different, then it means that the deployment worked correctly and the Silverlight xap has been updated. If the checksum is the same, the problem lies with the deployment.
Please let us know the result so we can help you find the solution.

How to publish MSHTHML.dll and SHDOCVW.dll to Azure

I have a 3rd party web page screen capture DLL from that lets me target a URL and save the page to a image file. I've moved this code into my Azure-based project and when I run it on my local sandboxed dev box and save to the Azure blob, everything is fine. But when I push the bits to my live server on Azure, it's failing.
I think this is because either MSHTML.dll and/or SHDOCVW.dll are missing from my Azure configuration.
How can I get these libraries (plus any dependent binaries) up to Azure?
I found the following advice on an MSFT forum but haven't tried it yet.
Hello, I haven't tried mshtml in the cloud. But generally speaking, to
use a native dll in a Web Role, you add the dll to the Web Role
project just like adding a picture (choose add existing items). Then
make sure the Build Action is set to Content. This tells Visual Studio
to copy the dll file to the output package.
Also check dependencies carefully. A lot of problems related to native
code are caused by missing dependencies, such as a particular VC++
runtime dll.
Thought I'd ask here first before I burn a day or two on an unproven solution.
EDIT #1:
it turns out that our problem was not related to MSHTML.dll or SHDOCVW.dll missing from the Azure server. They're there.
The issue is that by default new server instance have the IE security hardening feature enabled, and this was preventing our 3rd party dll from executing script. So we needed to turn off the enhanced IE security configuration settings. This is also a non-trivial exercise.
In the meantime, we just created a server-side version of the feature on our site we need to make screen captures from (e.g. we eliminated JSON-based rendering of UI on the client), and we were able to proceed.
I think the solution mentioned in the MSDN forum thread is correct. You should put them as part of your project files, so that the SDK will package and deploy them to the VM on the cloud.
But if they are COM and need to be registed you'd better call the register command via the Startup feature. Please check

The type or namespace name 'Script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web'

I just deployed a website into IIS 7 (about which I am woefully ignorant), and upon trying to build the site, I receive this error. I did a little googleing and I saw an article that said I should put system.web.extensions.dll into the /bin. But, I also saw an article saying not to do that. I tried it anyway, but I just received a different error ('Resource cannot be found').
I am totally clueless as to what else to try
Can you use the "Publish" command in Visual Studio to publish directly to the site? If not, then use that command to publish to a similar site on your machine, then copy it to the customer site.
You should also look into the IIS Web Deployment Tool. It can copy an entire site, including IIS settings and any databases. It will be built into VS2010.
Go to control panel, then programs, turn windows features on or off, scroll down to framework 3.5.1 expand, make sure both sub options are selected, this might help your issue.
