I am trying to replace commas using a code like this:
OrigQtyC := "70,000"
StringReplace, OrigQty, %OrigQtyC%, `, , All
MsgBox, %OrigQty%
Running a script containing the code above returns the following error:
Error: The following variable name contains an illegal character: "70,000"
I guess the illegal character is the comma, although I am not able to figure out why it should be illegal.
I would like to replace the comma with blank (empty).
Neither from this nor this questions I've figured out what's wrong with my use of that command.
Hi i am trying to replace a string with special character at the end with new string. For Example, I want to replace
I tried with this:
but I'm getting this error:
Pattern not found: padring_CRS_CAN\/padring_CRS_CAN\g
Basically, I just want to remove that backslash in whole file. It should be just
Certain characters such as /&!.^*$\? carry a special significance to the search process and must be escaped using the \ character when they are used in a search. Hence the \\ used to escape the backslash in your example.
I need to use a system command (grep) which has a variable concatenated with a string as the regex to search a file.
Is it possible to concatenate a regex for grep between a variable and string in Perl??
I have tried using the . operator but it doesn't work.
if(`grep -e "$fubname._early_exit_indicator = 1" $golden_path/early_exit_information.tsv`){
print "-D- The golden data indicates early exit should occur\n";
Expected to match the regex, "$fubname._early_exit_indicator = 1" but it doesn't match as required.
The expected result should be:
-D- The golden data indicates early exit should occur
But in the present code, it doesn't print this.
Output link: (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N0SaZ-r3bYPlljKUgTOH5AbxCAaHw7zD)
The problem is that the . operator is not recognized as an operator inside quotes. Dot operators are use between strings, not inside strings. Using the dot inside a string, inserts it literally. This literal dot in the pattern, causes the grep command in your code to fail.
Also note that inside quotes, Perl tries to interpolates variable using certain identifier parsing rules.
See perldoc perlop for the different types of quoting that are used in Perl, and see perldoc perldata for information about the identifier parsing rules.
In summary, in order to interpolate the variable $fubname in the backticks argument, use
"${fubname}_early_exit_indicator = 1"
Note that we need braces around the identifier, since the following underscore is a valid identifier character. (To the contrary a literal dot is not a valid identifier character, so if following character was a literal dot, you would not need the braces around the identifier.)
The . operator will not work inside the quotes. use something like this-
if(`grep -e "${fubname}_early_exit_indicator = 1" ...
I hope this works
trying to input the symbol ' - single quote inside a text will terminate the text. how to give the ' as input inside a text
Error: String is not terminated properly.
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.
In the first line i am trying to give single quote as input to a variable and in the next line i tried to give single quote in between. but both issues error. how can i solve this. kindly help me.
The answer can be found in many other questions by googling for two seconds... Just use double apostrophe.
Or alternatively:
msg=strcat('abcabc', char(39), 'abcabc');
I did use the manual but I am unable to get all the options together to understand what the above code is actually doing.
awk -v v='"' 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=v}{gsub(",","",$2);print }' \
When do we have to use the curly brackets in a code after the '$' and when not to. Please explain. Any help is really appreciated.
This command would remove all the commas in the second field. The field separator being the quote character " (as specified by FS).
For example, the following string:
something "string, with, commas" something "else, here, and more"
would be transformed to:
something "string with commas" something "else, here, and more"
The significance of {} in variable names has been well explained by #Joni.
The input is read from the file ${SOURCE_LOCATION}/TEMP1_$file_name and output is redirected to ${SOURCE_LOCATION}/TEMP2_$file_name.
You must use the curly brackets syntax when a variable name is followed by something that's not part of the variable name but could be confused with it. For example, compare
echo $hello_world
echo ${hello}_world
The first one outputs an empty line (or the value of the shell variable hello_world, if it exists), and the second one outputs Hello_world.
In your case they are not necessary because a slash can never be a part of the variable name. Some people prefer to use the brackets to make it clear where the variable begins and where it ends even when they are not required.
While running an R-plugin in SPSS, I receive a Windows path string as input e.g.
I would like to use that path in subsequent R code, but then the slashes need to be replaced with forward slashes, otherwise R interprets it as escapes (eg. "\U used without hex digits" errors).
I have however not been able to find a function that can replace the backslashes with foward slashes or double escape them. All those functions assume those characters are escaped.
So, is there something along the lines of:
>gsub('\\', '/', 'C:\Users\mhermans')
You can try to use the 'allowEscapes' argument in scan()
[1] "C:\\Users\\mhermans\\somefile.csv"
As of version 4.0, introduced in April 2020, R provides a syntax for specifying raw strings. The string in the example can be written as:
path <- r"(C:\Users\mhermans\somefile.csv)"
From ?Quotes:
Raw character constants are also available using a syntax similar to the one used in C++: r"(...)" with ... any character sequence, except that it must not contain the closing sequence )". The delimiter pairs [] and {} can also be used, and R can be used in place of r. For additional flexibility, a number of dashes can be placed between the opening quote and the opening delimiter, as long as the same number of dashes appear between the closing delimiter and the closing quote.
First you need to get it assigned to a name:
pathname <- 'C:\\Users\\mhermans\\somefile.csv'
Notice that in order to get it into a name vector you needed to double them all, which gives a hint about how you could use regex. Actually, if you read it in from a text file, then R will do all the doubling for you. Mind you it not really doubling the backslashes. It is being stored as a single backslash, but it's being displayed like that and needs to be input like that from the console. Otherwise the R interpreter tries (and often fails) to turn it into a special character. And to compound the problem, regex uses the backslash as an escape as well. So to detect an escape with grep or sub or gsub you need to quadruple the backslashes
gsub("\\\\", "/", pathname)
# [1] "C:/Users/mhermans/somefile.csv"
You needed to doubly "double" the backslashes. The first of each couple of \'s is to signal to the grep machine that what next comes is a literal.
# returns `[1] 2`
If file E:\Data\junk.txt contains the following text (without quotes): C:\Users\mhermans\somefile.csv
You may get a warning with the following statement, but it will work:
texinp <- readLines("E:\\Data\\junk.txt")
If file E:\Data\junk.txt contains the following text (with quotes): "C:\Users\mhermans\somefile.csv"
The above readlines statement might also give you a warning, but will now contain:
So, to get what you want, make sure there aren't quotes in the incoming file, and use:
texinp <- suppressWarnings(readLines("E:\\Data\\junk.txt"))